— ? miss n o r a l . amp Dell of E u-t bwimming F ajty — thought his head had been set • FORMER LOCAN MAN to Korea. gen« was the bride’s only attend-1 Among the pre-school affairs afire and was endeavoring to ex- » * • WRITES OF DEFENSE _ . ant and Clayton B ernhart of i vras the swimming party given by i tinguish w hat he though: w ei- ave Church Picnic— Marshfield was best man. Pre- th e Rosebud class of girls from flames in his hair, when he ob- In the September 1 issue of the ast Sunday the members ori ceding the ceremony Mr. B e rn -¡th e Ju n io r departm ent of the served that the gasoline m a n ia c MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor • Haul Minnesota, Dispatch, t i e C hristian'C hurch had a pic- h art sang "Oh Promise Me." The! M ethodic Sunday School a t Ilei-j from the spigots of he tank wa nic and basnet dinner at. the Lohengrin W edding March was ¡m a n ’s. A fter indulging in w a te r! gon was aflame. The truck Zas appears an article by Colonel Phone items to her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Thomas W. Hammond, m ajor of church parlors. During the ¡p a y e d by Prof Rex Underwood sports to th e satisfaction of al! { valued at about $8000 infantry, U. S. Army. According morning service Dr Hawley’s of the University of O regon! a picnic supper was enjoyed in -_____________ 2__ CALENDAR OF EVENTS • were Dr. and Mrs. W ,E Blake Sunday School class of young peo­ to the Dispatch. Colonel Ham­ School of Music. : the adjoining grove. Those pres­ JUNIOR STOCK RAISERS Saturday, September 13. Col-i and sons, David and Edg*ar~ Dr" ple won the prize of ten dollars mond has been attached for near­ The house was beautifully de­ ent were Elaine Chaney, Mary ilk» mnoin _ j * lege {'M Club meets nt at Phoenix PAID PREMIUM PRICES ly a year to the Congressional and Mrs. A. G. Hodges. The which was awarded as p a rt of the Saturday, Sept. 13. Daughters Hodges made the trip to Ashland program. This was aw arded the corated in warm autum n color?. Powell. May Clary, Beulah and committee of m ilitary affair.;. He The bride was lovely in black Agner Harvey, Ada and George C HICAGO, Sept. 11. of the Nile meet in G rants Paas to attend the county fair which class th at received A new is one of the few m ilitary men in th e most satin trim m ed in ashes of -roses Derrick end their teacher, Mrs. at 2:00 o’clock. method of m arketing the rapidly r the country who can speak wit,, is being held at the Jackson points for attendance, behaviour and a black velvet hat with satin Letta Eantburn and daughter Monday, Sept. 15 W. R. c. County F air grounds ra ^ e d ’ bv m Calve3| so rauch ^ th o r ity on the problem and so forth. The dinner follow­ embroidery. Miss Campbell wore Frances Lee. social in Lithia Park at 2:30. ♦ * * ‘" I , - ? . „ C; ‘ ‘' y of n at*onal defense. ing the church service. A very a beaded crown crepe de chine * * * Monday, Sept. 15. Ladies Art Ladies A rt Club__ X n " / ' V ’y Bef>f Ch’b3 3 ' The art,c:e dea,s with D, ferae delightful dinner was served, fol­ Mrs. Anderson is a Pi Beta Ph Missionary Meets— ( lub have picnic in park. Bring The Ladies Art Club will hold lowed by a business session in sections of the country has been Day plans. and also a member of several The September meeting of the lunch and dishes. Everyone urged their first meeting in the park the afternoon. It was decided journalism and campus orgajjiza Foreign Missionary Society of the successfully inaugurated at th< Colonel Hammond was horn Chicago Union Stock Yards. to be present* next Monday evening at :ix to build an annex to the present and raised in Ashland, and has tions. Mr. Anderson is a P h : Tuesday, Sept. 16. Civic Clufc o’clock. A program has been ar- church and repair it instead of i Sigma Pi and a member of var- Methodist Church was he'd la u , Two carloads of pet calves, f;Y many relatives living in this city. Thursday at the home of Mrs. 1 and exhibited at local fairs by Meeting Everyone invited. ranged. The members are asked building a new one. Among the ions other journalism and musi- Tilton on Almond street. The | youthful farm ers in Iowa, were His father was at one time the Friday, Sept. 19. D. A. R. m eet­ to bring a lunch and dishes. All out-of-town people present vzere cal organizations having gradua­ nominasting committee composed shipped to the great central mar- ' Ashland postmaster. ing, at Mrs. Van Sant’s home on of the members are urged to be Mr. an.l Mrs. C. G. McCollister, ted in ’23 of Mesdames Homer Billings, E ket and sold individually at auc­ Oak street. present. The regular business Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoover and B H unt, and Mrs. A. A. Marskf tion to the head packer buyers Schools Open— The young couple will be at * # * meeting will be held. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Davis of Green F orth-three Klamath county home in M arshfield, where Mr reported th e fol’.owing officer? it substantia! premiums over the • * • Spring. Civic Club M eeting— for the coming year: President ’•ural elem entary schools and six Anderson is on the staff of the actual m arket value. * * * The Civic Club will hold the R eception For M issionary— Mrs. Carrol P ra tt; vice-president of the seven rural high schools Coos Bay Times. Sim ilar auctions, under aus­ The members of the Methodist W. C. T. U. Meet— second meeting of the social sea­ * * * Mrs. Homer Billings; Secretary, pices of the International Live The W C. T. U. of Jackson son at the clubhouse Tuesday Church, under the auspices of the Mrs. Jam es Lennox; Treasurer Stock Exposition, are being con­ Women’s Foreign Missionary so­ County held their county conven­ D. A. R, Meet— afternoon at 2:30. A musical Mrs. Fred Engle, leader for the ducted every Tuesday . afternoon NEVER BE WITHOUT IT for h The D. A. R. will hold the firs Standard Bearers, Mrs. H unt: immediately eases sudden, severe, has been arranged’ to follow the ciety gave a charm ing reception tion in the Lithia P ark Monday Tuesday evening in honor of Miss afternoon from one-thirty to four- meeting of the year at the home King’s H eralds, Mrs. Coder- at the Chicago Union Stock colicky pains and cramps in stomacl business meeting Mrs. Stanley Yards during the County Fair sea and bowels, deadly nausea and weak­ Among those present of Mrs. Elizabeth Van Sant oi. Robinette, representing the Jack- Mary Young, missionary to Korea. thirty. L ittle Light Bearers, Mrs. G F son to furnish a more profitable ening diarrhoea. For children and Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Len . outlet ....... . son County Health Association A large num ber of people atten d ­ from Medford were Mesdames Oak street Friday, Sept. 19 a t . Billings for .............. club calves and encour- grown-up use wiil speak on the subject “ Tuber­ ed and enjoyed themselves very Godlove, S. L. Leonard, E dith 2:30 in the afternoon Owing to- nox and Mrs. P ra tt were appoint- . age the juniors in th e ir^ v o rk ’ Prescott and Lozier. A large a small m istake in the program t ed delegates to th e district » o n .! ' culosis Program s in Relation to much. C O L IC a n d D I A R R H O E A A very interesting program was delegation from Ashland was it was stated th at the m eeting I ventlon which meets in" G rants ! * _ REM EDY O ther Program s.” Mrs. Robin­ present. A very necessary home remedy. would be September 17. which is: p ass, Sept. 27. The tre a su re ’s ette attended a series of courses given, the first num ber of which The regular business meeting incorrect in Portland recently and is very was a piano duet by the Misses report showed all pledges fully Francis and Rosina Gallatin. Rev I __ . was held at which time the fol- “ Constitution Day” will be ob- met for the year. well equipped to talk on th at sub­ ____________ „„„ and Rev. by the ____ chapter ject. The principal address of the Mr. Chaney gave a very good ad-i lowing officers were elected: Mrs. e-erved The program was given by afternoon will be given by Mrs. dress, which wa3 followed by a , Alice Jills Jielson, Ashland, v ic e -1 J. C. M ergler will be the speak Miss Mary Young,- a Methodist the house, inside or out? Della Blodgett of Chicago, who vocal solo by Mrs. J. E. Angwin, i president, Mrs. Edith P rescott o f ' er of the afternoon, with “ Con missionary on furlough from We can assist whether will speak on ‘ Clubs of the Mid­ Miss Bernice Yeo delighted the; Medford, corresponding secretary i stitution Day” a3 his topic. Mrs. Seoul, Korea. She told in an audience with her excellnt piano j and Mrs. C. W. Fraley of Ash- i L. N. Woodside will delight the dle W est.” Mrs. Blodgett is a inform al way of her work among you are j»altering or paint­ playing and the Methodist quar- I land, treasu rer ------- ... organization with several vocal the Koreans, showing some of guest of Miss Blanche Hicks, lo­ ing'. Phone ns. The Rev. V. K. Allison gave selections. The social chairm an th eir skillful needlework. cal librarian, and a prom inent tet, consisting of Mrs. E. O club woman of Chicago. She ha? Smith, Miss Jean Anderson, Mr. a special address on “ Law En^ for the afternoon is Mrs. II O. At the close of the program re- : kindly consented to give this ad­ A.* Cruz and Mr. G. H. Yeo sang forcem ent” and the ladies gave Amderson with Mrs. Grace An­ freshmen ts were served by the ! | him a vote of thanks for it. drews, Mrs, Marcia Mitchell and hoste;?, Mrs. Tilton. dress and the club is indeed for­ several selections. Instead of giving a regular ad­ There were talks and discus­ Miss Ruth Mitchell assisting her. tu n ate to have such a gifted wo­ I dress Miss Young gave an infor­ sions among the delegates of dif­ A short social hour will follow O IL T R U C K B U R N E D man address it. Mrs Blodgett Slips of paper -were ferent phases of th e work. the program and business m eet­ has had experience in the civic mal talk W H E N B O L T S T R IK E S passed through the audience and clubs and in a great deal of P ar­ Following the business rneet- ing. This is one of the most im­ ent-Teacher work, and everyone questions about Korea were writ-1 ing the Ashland W. C. T. U. p o rtan t meetings of the year, due COTTAGE GROVE, Sept. 11.__ connected with this work is in­ ten on them and then read to entertained the out-of-town ladies to the topic assigned for the day The Standard Oil company’s large Thousands who had doctored for years and tried every- ' Ih.n? without lasuuc results have found complete relief ) Punch an 6 and every member is particulary vited. There will be a socia’ *Miss Young by Mrs. Geo. G. Eu- with a 8OCial hour delivery truck was destroyed by vitii Cleveland specialist’s new internal prescription. urged to be present. banks. Practically all phases of wafers were served «■:nex cip*u!c« go direct toinferm»/c<»i«eof Asthmaand T hour following the program. f ’.re at Anlauf today, when a bolt tetnove • * * * it. So all wheeaiac, yaspny. and couyhin« ¿1 O O m » t i l l lO V A il Cllif" • « « Those in charge of the social Miss Young’s work were served vanish as if by mafic. Bietsed relief guarjatteJ in 2-1 41 ‘-« .H U I C U BUI L of lightning set fire to the gaso- bouts— or money Lack. Send 10c for 24 hour sample _ 1 « events during the year are Mes­ by these questions, which were , , n„ e n ,on.W atso„ W eddlng_ C alifornians M eet— line that was being transferred i 're,:n!nrt “> ratorie» •rearment to ciinkai Clinical Laiw Laboratories Co.. Cleveland. R e f ., V O U m a v D C S U F C t h a t . « . , . ’ tlar Jar s sure iz e sold eold bv by all aU food d ru ff I«». 7 u/v- 0 U 1 V L lld L dames P. S. Provost, F. G. Swe- greatly enjoyed, by all. A wedding of unusual interest J The Californians had a very to the tank at the service station 1 At the close of the evening ice to friends in Ashland was th a t j enjoyable super at Jackson’s Hot at the An'.auf camp grounds. denburg, Johnny Gruelle. Max GeBauer and Frank Dillard. cream and wafers were served by i cf Miss K atherine W atson of Chi- Springs Tuesday evening. The The lightning passed over the * * * the missionary ladies, assisted by I cago to John w Anderson, now Affair started with a swimming head of Clyde Ii»re''s wisdom in reading ads I n s is t o n T A N IL A C VEGETABLE PILLS For Constipation CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY rr^èrrsd Stodkyidds CHAMBERLAIN’S B E A U T IFY IN G J. 0 . R IG G ASTH MA a % ask any member ofour organization A CHEAP suit may be d e a r a t any p rice. G ood clo th es are not cheap—and cheap , clothes are not good; they look cheap and give so little service that there is no econ­ omy in buying them W hen you step into _ for every dollar in­ vested you get a full m easure o f v a lu e — everything you have a right to expect in style, fit and work­ manship. Vail*« Catarrh Paulsem d’s Dally Tidings Fifth A n n iv ersary B arga F r id a y , S e p t e m b e r 19 - - S a tu r d a y , S e p te m b e r 20 BIG CUT IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $6.00 YEAR For These Two Days Only The Golden S avin g September marks the Fifth Anniversary of The Daily Ashland Tidings and to celebrate this anniversary, we have arranged this wonderful reduction in our subscription rates. Two golden days—Friday, September 19Th, and Saturday, September 20th—have been selected when we will give our present readers and new readers the opportunity to save $1.80 on a year’s subscription. Applies to Subscriptions Paid in Advance Only Ibis.offer is open only to subscriptions paid in advance. If v