PAGE FOC» AfcütAMî DAILY TlütSöS Tuesday, Septem ber 0, 162 4 DeMolay Meeting s o c îE T r lUnchMn « h . r horn, sn Granite lne v»ry well the social S e j.! Tea G iv e n - Regular mooting of L ith ia ! < X - ye®J®rday a t noon in honor son. O ther club dates will , cf Education and Secretary and Chapter W ednesday evening, Sept 1 CALENDAR OF .EVENTS b©i -The home c f Mrs. Josephine of Miss Susie Nell of Portland, announced later. Mrs. Puller were also honor I 10, at Masonic -liall. Routine! Monday, ^ e p t. 15. Latfies A rt K„ „ ^ on „ „ J ' Poley of B street was the scene guests.. Games were played be­ 4 Daily C hronicle of th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts o f business.............................. .»• Club- meeting; i of a charm ing tea given recently fore the dinner, which was served where she will teach this w inter. Herr-Shipp M arriage__ local in terest. RALPH ROBISON,' M. C. Friday. Sept. 19..D. A. R . m eet­ in honor of Miss Florence Allen, A tliree-course luncheon was serv- RUSSELL OVEROCKER, Scrib ing n’t Civic C lub' Coming as a complete surprise | i who will leave Thursday for Vf- at six o’c’ock A delicious dinner < d and th e afternoon was spent at to their friends here is the an * * * ’- Correction— j At. Fall , . x. i sa,)a> Calif., where she will teach was served which had been cook­ the Kinney home. ed at the bakery. About fiftv- Surprise P arty — nouncement of th e m arriage o f ! this w inter Through some m isu n d erstan d -' Among those who are attending n n n t t n n n n u n n n n W iTnf56 A Pr,T ent Were Mesdames Miss Thelma G ertrude H err and 1 | live peop’e were there. The ob- » M I S S I N G L E T T E R S » A very delightful surprise party C h ^ e h L Ing it was stated in yesterday’s j the K lam ath Products Show is BP™ ' JeCt ° ' ,he *‘ n ’ ™ “ > PeU’ E,SiG > ” es A‘ Sh* P iQ Yreka Wed- K ancy X r„ ° „ ° d n « » « » « » » » » » » 8 8 was given at the home of W. W. paper th a t H erbert McCarthy was I Miss Louise Ridley of this city, " ° rk and talking over old * quainted. A delightful evening . . ' 1SS Lydia McCall, cesday morning. Robinson Saturday night in honor .. ill with typhoid fever in Klam ath ■ —-------- Russ Susie Neil and the hostess ' Mrs Shipp came to Dunsmuir times. At the close of the a fte r­ ! To Light Heavyweights, One and was enjoyed by all présent. of Miss Edith Robinson, who is Mrs. A. E. Ktuney. Fall. It is H erbert McCarthy J r . , ; Every student who completed * All: noon delicious refreshm ent« were from Ashland a few m onths ago. leaving soon for Los Angeles to Who is 1,1 and he is reported to j a course at the Medford B usiness! In answ er to insinuations that * * i served by th e hostess. She is employed in the Tiger be doing as well as could be ex- College last year was placed on ' nfy boxing gloves are gradually attend school. Those pre ent were Mesdames Sweet shop and has many friends The«evening was spent in play-i Clubs To Start— pected. a pay roll. Bus fare allowance. J becoming enmeshed by a row of i Grace Andrews, Wilmer Poley, Thq social seatefa in Ashland is here. She is a sister of Mrs. i ing games, singing and talking. W inter term begins September 15. ! cobwebs, I hereby serve notice At Geneva Alien. Josephine Polev the close of the evening v e ry ® ta rtin * and sev^ a l of the clubs Zelda Smith. Wa deliver the goods— Detricks 30S-tf th a t I will take on the six leading delightful refreshm ents were serv-l 1&Ve a,ready P a rte d but the ma­ Misses Nina Emery, ian Reed The groom has charge of the 94-« challengers for the title in a gi­ Minnie and Eva Poley and the jority of them have yet to hold Standard Oil service station here. « W atch for Staples new Sub- gantic box’ng rodeo, to be held at th© guests. guest of honor, Florence Allen. Those present were M isses, ! their . , first meeting. The Ladies , i He came here about --------- four months R eturn to Los Angeles—• division. 308-tf Shelby, Montana. I will dispose Pauline Plum m er, M argaret Me- . Ciub W!l1 raeet next M onday, ago from Sacramento. Send rf Mr. and Rirs. Lee McWilliams ---------- ! of these pretenders as fast as Coy, Mabel Trott, K atherine Par-1 “ *ght f°* th eir first meeting. Mr. and Rirs, Shipp will reside Party For Teachers— and Mrs Jack Pinsen returned R eturns From San Francisco— ! their seconds can throw towels sons, Messrs Donald W right, Rob- ' U .lte 3 program has been plan­ here. — D unsm uir News. this morning from Los Angeles The new teachers were very Mrs. Pearl Kearney and daugh- into the ring. MIKE M’TIGUE. ned. Mrs. Ruger is president of e rt W right, Steven Mergler. W il­ Miss H err is a.g ra d u ate of th e ‘‘harm lngly entertained at the after vi?iting with friends and ter, Betty, returned Saturday I ---------- the club. liam Brigg3, Mr. Robison, Ralph Ashland high school of the class j Picnic grounds in the park Sat- relatives here for some time. Mrs. evening from a months trip visit-1 To All Baseball Fans: The D. A. IL, Mrs Emil Peil, of 22 and lias many friends here ur,tay night by the teachers w’ho Pinsen was formerly Miss Irene ing friends and relatives in Weed I I realize th a t many fans who Robison and the guest of honor, regent, will hold the first meet- who will be pleased to know of w ere here last year. The Board Cur Wet Wash and Rough McLean and has been visiting h e r , and Sau Francisco • , threw their straw hats on the Miss Edith Robison. t ing of the social year Friday. her m arriage. * * * ' — ______ ____ ______ m other for about a month. field in a burst of enthusiasm I September 19. it is understood Dry service offers One gal. Stone jugs 10c each, probably regretted it when they Honors W ith Tea— I th a t stunts will be given and an A charm ing tea was given Fri- Ladies and children’s hair cut­ glass jugs 20c each, at Trefron’s. got home and faced th e wife’s in­ day afternoon at the home o f ' Interesting program has been a r­ E ntertain At D innet— ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par- 6— 3 quiries. . These cadys have been Mr and Mrs. M. E. R andal’s Mrs. V. V. Mills on Straw berry j ranged. lor- • 293-tf ! charm ingly entertained at dinner collected by the groundkeepers, The College Club will meet I in honor of Mrs. McCallister of , Let us fill your pail with Swifts and will be restored to the own- Lane in honor of Rliss Rlinnie Knudsen, who returned to her Sept. 13, and the meeting place ¡ G rants Pass and her two child To Portland— Silver Lea; lard. Costs less than ! era upon identification ren. Pressure Home W ater Mrs. J. R. Wick of this city left shorten In r. ooes farth er and Is! JUDGE KENESAW M ' LANDIS, home in Tacoma Sunday. The will be announced later. i A delightful chicken dinner was System afternoon was spent in doing Monday, October 6th the Ash-j served. recently for Portland where she more nutritious. Detricks. 9 4 -tf! ---------- fancy work and exchanging ex­ land Study Club will meet. The will visit with her son, Earnest j To H arry W ilis: Following the dinner the group periences The rooms were beau­ m eeting will be in the n a tu re of Wick. Paulesrud’s Suits give satisfac Apropos of our coming bout, I journeyed to H elm an’s and en­ a party. tion. g tf would like to make It purely a tifully decorated w ith zenias. \\ hy spend hours over joyed a swimming party there. Offer the cheapest and Those present were Mesdames PAINTERS: — Beagle and The P. E. O meets the second sporting proposition. How about Those present to enjoy the af­ most satisfactory solu­ the tub when we will do Beagle; day work or contract; Leaves For School— letting the w inner take all, and John Shortridge, John Finneran, I Tuesday in October, the 14th A fair were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ran­ Rose Robinette, Victoria Tavener, j clever program has been arrang- tion of the home water estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf Rirs. Inez Bryant, who has been ! make th e loser go penniless? dalls aud children, Mr. and Mrs this part* of the weekly system need. w orking on The Tidings force LUIS ANGEL FIRPO. O. A. Paulserud, Henry Enders, ed. The program s will be out in Norman Mack of Hilt, Calif., Mrs. From Reckling— John Enders, Chas Bourn, An- a short time for this organization. during the summer, left Sunday ! ---------- McCallister and children of G rants washing for such a small drew McCallun, Domino Provost, We will be glad to Millard Hubbard and sister for Dead Indian where she will T° All Cash Customers: The Ladies Elks Club will meet Pass and RIr. and Mrs M. E. from Redding returned to Ash­ teach the following school year. cost*. U the Giants play in the R. L. Burdic, Johnny G rue’.le, Miss the second Thursday in October Randalls. Demonstrate land this morning after spending Th W orld’s Series we cannot afford W atson, the guest of honor. Miss which will be th e ninth the past few’ days with friends See the bargain counters a t' to have them disturbed by hostile Knudsen and the hostess, Mrs. club held meetings until August and relatives in this city. during the summer. T refren’s, half price or less. 6— 3, fans. All those who do not wish V. V. Mills The Civic Club and the Parent- rp H E Ashland ---------- i to root for the home team will NEW FALL ASHLAND LAUNDRY You can’t go wrong when you Teachers Association have already Complete line of Ashland Can- ; n°t be adm itted to thé Polo Spend Day— 31 W ater St, Phone JOÄ Electric Supply trade a t Paulserud.’s. 6— t f | ned Goodg at Detricka 94-tf Grounds. JOHN J. RI’GRAW. W. L. DOUGLAS Mrs. McCallister and children, held meetings and are progress • 240 E ast Rlain St. M argaret and Alice May, spent the T o School Here— Bunker H ere— SHOES Leave For Eugene— day Sunday with Mr. and Rirs Eddie Freem an arrived in Ash­ Mr. Andrew Miller, field sec­ McCoy. A delightful dinner was W. A. Cooper and Oscar Cooper land Saturday from Hilt where I niversally approved and wife left last Friday for Eu­ retary of the State B anker’3 As­ served, followed by a pleasant he has been working. He is a t­ gene where they will visit for sociation stopped in Ashland last afternoon. At the close of the tending the local high school. some time. They expect to spend night and today in connection day the McCoy family drove Mrs. with the work o fxthe agricultural McCallister and children, to their Best and biggest milk shake at several days at Myrtle Creek to and educational committees and is home in G rants Pass. They have T refren's 4th St. Confectionery. visit relatives on their way up. visiting with the bankers of Ash­ been visiting the Randall family RIr. Cooper has been quite ill for 6— 3 He jvas accompanied by for the past week. some time and hoped that the land. • * * Keith Powell, vice-president of trip will benefit his health. We have made it our business to get this clothing R esident Dies— the brnk of W oodburn and chair­ and'hunting equipment for youf comfort and com H unt-R einhart W edding— W ord was received yesterday Burton Dancing School, Mem­ man of the ag ricultural commit­ v» meiice. of the death of Rirs Ed Reames, Mr. F ran k E. H unt and Miss orial Hall. Opon daily. A fter­ tee, and Mrs. Powell. They are form erly of Ashland, who died AMMUNITION and GUNS m aking the trip in order to in­ E stella H einhart, both of Long noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. a t her present home at Stockton Beach, were m arried Thursday 307,-tf terview the bankers of southern noon Sunday. The body will be shipped at the Congregational Oregon. here for burial. Her death was church, Rev. W. Judson Oldfield Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- sudden although she had not been officiating. The couple will go a r ’s , home-made salad dross ng. MORE EFFORTS MADE well for some time. TO DEPORT FIGHTER to C rater Lake for th eir honey­ V our garage needs insurance 296— Imo* moon and will -make their home just as much as your Jiouse or 5 and 10 gal. Coco Cola kegs, in Long Beach (Continued from page 1) factory. Adequate protection I Arrived This Morning— — • » * a t T refren’s, 4th St. 6— 3 for all your property is abso­ Leith F. Abbott, W estern ad­ improving of morals are determ ­ lutely essential if you plan to vertising representative of the ined th at the boxer shall not be E n tertain s At Luncheon— make a perm anent investm ent R etu rn Home— Mrs. A. E. Kinney entertained in establishing your home and Mrs. F. H. Crowson, Max Crow- Long-Bell lumber company, a r­ perm itted to fight and get his its surroundings. with a delightful, impromptu rived in Ashland this m orning on share of th e large purse before son, Rirs. J. E. Callahan and son Talk with us and get the ben­ the United Jerry returned recently from San train 13 to spend two weeks with being sent from efit of our experience in pro­ Francisco, where they have been his m other and fathèr, Mr. and States as an undesirable alien. tecting other home owners It is charged th a t the fighter visiting friends and relatives. Rirs A. F. Abbott. RIr. A bbott’s from loss. Carefully-w ritten headquarters! are in Longview, They stopped a t Red Bluff for a attem pted to bring Señorita and adequate insurance means W ashington. short visit on the way home Miss Lourdes into the country for Im­ your freedom from all worry. The home of thousands of moral purposes. Pearl and Ima Crowson accom­ replacements The advice of tl^is For cleaning and pressing panied them home from San agency h a s saved Francisco. The trip was made Phone 119. We call and deliver. m any a property own- • For Every Car TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 6— tf cr from loss. W hy by car. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES Fa irban ks-Morse Automatic-Electric The greatest relief to the housewives All Sizes is the garage worth? OVERLAND YOUR HUNTING TRIP Shoe Shop will be more enjoyable, if you have the pioper clothing and hunting equipment. When your auto needs Army Goods Store ' SUDDEN SERVICE remember LEEDOM’S TIRE Hi USE CAKES and FOR SALE: — Through bred Why pay more for milk when Cheapest and best ice cream registered Boston bull terrio r sodas at T refren’s, 4 th St. 6— 3 you can get the best milk for pups. 1310 Ashland St. 7— 3 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone 396R and 369J. FOR R EN T:— 4 well furnish­ HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, ed rooms close in — Adults, 96 o f course. 212— tf Attend Show— Laurel St. 7__3 Among those who attended the W ill Show P ictu res— FOR SALE: — Have two cars, Klamath Product Show at Klam­ Dr. W aggoner, social hygiene ath Falls yesterday were Mrs. F Ford and Hupmobile. Will give secretary for Oregon, will show F. W hittle and daughter. V irgin-1 soniebody a l)arsain in one Phone a series of films on health topics ia, Rirs. Fred Homes and Rirs. 471R, Bell Rooming House, 1.60 a t the Jackson County F air W ed­ 7__j* Charles Robertson. They atten d ­ 4th St. nesday evening. ed the show with the delegation FOR R EN T:— 5-room furnish­ from Ashland. All the magazines a t T refren’s ed house on Second street. Inquire 4th St. News Stand. 6— 3 7__2* H ealth giving whole wheat at 713 Oak St. ---- —W------------- -------------- — ___ _ bread a t The Lithia Bakery. FOR SALE:— Bose Pear Culls, SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ fine for canning, large sizes. 19 MOBILE insurance; better term s Madame Tracy-Young— Studio Granite St., Geo. Ross. 7— 3 and lower rates. Yeo, of course. 122 Laurel St., Ashland Oregon. Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf Advance pupils only. Leschetizky I OR SALE: — Late A lberta method. Phone 354Y. 6— 4* peaches,1-2 cent lb. bring lugs R eturn From Coast— 700 Terrace. 5— 6* George Klamer, agent for the In Ashland— Southern Pacific and family re ­ Major C W. W aller of Salem tu rn ed Sunday night from a trip was in Ashland today. Rlajor along the coast, visiting Marsh­ W aller is an instructor in the field, Newport. Seaside and other Oregon National Guard. coast cities. They also visited a t Portland for a short time. They Table u st and Canning Complete Stock of School reported fine w eather and a very Books— McNair Bros. enjoyable trip during the ten