MM « M * titiiltä Mit« «bisas < **** T uí m L«)-, î • ». I «•* lì > p p « > n ib e r », 1»24 Visit the Merchants Exhibits at the Fairgrounds Sherman Clay and Co’s. Mordorff &W00M P IA N O S and The Latest Brunswick Radiola How many times have you lost Complete House Furnishers Mann’s MEDFORD, OREGON DEPARTMENT STORE 217-221 W. Main Street of Medford will be displayed at our Booth in The M erchant’s Building during The Jackson County Fair. your companions at I he fair? PLAN TO MEET your friends at OUR BOOTH in the M erchants’ Building, Sep­ will have an exhibit at The Jack- Every child who is accompanied Invite you to call at their booth in by its parents will be given a souve­ nir Wednesday and Friday when MESSAGE FOR THEM booth, as well as at our store in at The Jackson County Fair thev call at our booth. son County Fair You will always be welcome at this The M erchants’ Building tem ber 10 to 13 inclusive, or leave a ill our appointm ent booth, which we have for your convenience. Medford when you visit Medford; You will always be welcome. Mann’s Department Store WEEKS AND ORR F u rn itu re and Crockery If you visit Medford during the Fair, we will MEDFORD, OREGON be glad to have you call at our store Always first for vour convenience We Have Something to Radio S e e The- Crow About SEE W IL L A R D See S e ts Minkler D is p la y and Supplies for Us at At the Fair The M erchants’ Building at If it’s electrical, RADIO money, we have it. The Jackson County Fair and Pear 12 years experience means some­ Show thing. Also a full line of Typewrit­ 9 we have it, can get it or it isn’t ers and suplies. 1 made. Jordan Electric Shop Ashland People’s Electric Store Phone 12 . If it’s worth the 12 South Central Avenue MEDFORD, OREGON The Brown Electric Shop Virgin’s Medford 214 N. Main Street MEDFORD, OREGON » Phone 1053 LEARN C O N C E R N IN G THE FACTS O N E O F T H E L E A D IN G IN D U S T R IE S OF SO U TH ERN OREGON Medford CO PC O ' IN KW M K T R N E E S ftS P R R O G S t 3 THE AT THE JACKSON COUNTY FAIR C A L IF O R N IA HOME OFFICE OREGON PHONE 244 , E X H IB IT PO W ER CO M PA N Y MEDFORD, OREGON MEDFORD, ORE. Oregon 23 NORTH FIRST See The R A D IO SERVICE Our service embodies the following: Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Hat Renovat- ^teciting, Altering, Repair Work, and Moth Proofing wool garments We pay the postage on out of town orders by sPec,alists in eaeh of the various departments, which assures vou FIRST CLASS WORK, A MINIMUM PRICE, and QUICK SERVICE. T H E H IG H Q U A L IT Y O F O U R WO R K I S SURE T 0 P L E A S E V O U