PAOK R »OR A8Ë1AW) ttA íif flöL W Âlonday, September », ioa4 *, W ent Htinting— Visitili# Auht-¡— Ju liu s lioeh and Oscar Tuttlo i -e a tin g w as only sta v e d off by th é ! “ M e th in k s h is a rm Is ottt of Mito Sue Cori of L03 Aftgre’és in te rv e n tio n o f in flu e n tia l tn er- jo in t.” left Ashland last Saturday on a is in A3hland visiting with Mrs. chants and gentry from Hang- hunting trip They declined . to A. G. McCarthy. chow, Shanghai, Nanking and say where they were going, but i ------- — Mark you yon shine-ball ! other cities and town3 in both pitches; ay, th e re ’s the ru b !” declared th a t they would return To Fails — , provinces, who brought pressure Tuesday with all the deer and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McWil- to bear in getting General Lu and bear that the law allows. T h e y , liams left last night for Klamath " ’Twould be a pity, should the L eaves F or San Jose— R eturns Home— , _ . _____ Marshal Chi to sign a treaty of blow be foul.” Miss Velta Ackley returned la«t tO° k al° ng & liberal 8UPP!y of F alls to spend several days. They Miss Beth Johnson left yester­ peace by which each agree not day for San Jose where she will night from a several weeks trip meat as a precaution against bad will attend the Klam ath Product luck with their rifles. to move troops in their territory Show held there today. “ The lad doth well, yet seem s attend the norm al there thÎ3 win­ to McCloud. She was acom pan-| in a m anner th a t might seem bel­ to lack experience ” ter. ied by the Ackley family who All the magazines a t T refren’s V isiting Relatives__ ligerent or dangerous to the will stay here this winter. 4th St. News Stand. 6— 3 i Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Mason of We deliver the goods -Detricks Take your positions with care, other. Both, however, have vio­ ---------- i Iowa Palls, Iowa, are visiting with good sirs; an error now would be 94-tf H ealth giving whole wheat lated the agreement. leaves For Camp— Mr. and Mrs. W H. Day of this fa ta l.” bread at The Lithia Bakery. Clyde G. Young left last night city, R eturn Home— for Fortress Monroe, Virginia. —■ ~ “ He swings an ugly mace; per­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Raymond and E verett McGee Sick— where he will attend the m ilitary , Chairs Stolen— chance ’tw ere better to take the Mrs John M. Hughes is very returned yesterday from Moon’s FO R SALE —F urniture, 153 E. next one.” school which will be held there j The camp chairs in the yard Lum ber Company to attend school sick at her home on Beach Street Main. Phone 59. 6— i soon. Mr. Young is the only per. at the home of J. p. Dodge on here. Vernon McGee will return son in Oregon selected to attend the Boulevard were stolen some W hy pay more for milk when to Ashland next week. MANTEO— Four $100 per the school. time Saturday night. These you can get the best milk for week men to sell BEST Ford O il: chairs were ju st new. Ladies and children’s hair cut­ 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone To Lake Gauge made. Automobile fur­ I 4-tf ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par 396R and 369J. nished. Standard Products Co., Misses G ertrude Ha an and ; STUDENT SAYS JAPS lor. 2 9 3 -tf 1886 Broadway, Granville, Ohio.! INCLINED TO PEACE School text books, McNair Edna Golieen made a trip to the Lake of the Woods yesterday and 6 —1* Bros. To A ttend School— spent the day. SALEM. September 8— Peace is! K ill SALE: — Fresh prunes! Claus Kleinham mer of the prized by the people of Jap a n ,' R eturn From I^ike— lor canning, delivered any place j Applegate district has come to One gal. Stone jugs 10c each. according to Dwight Findley of! Mr. and Mr3. A. E. Kinney re­ in Ashland, Phone 297-Y. G— G* Ashland to attend school here this FINISHING TODAY glass jugs 20c each, at T refren ’s. Salem, who with 15 other college! turned home yesterday from the winter. He arrived this morn- G— 3 'm en returned from a trip to th e ! MANTEO— Furnished house, Lake of the Woods where they in f. orient today. 5 or G rooms by Sept. 15, address have been spending a two weeks TIGER LOVE” and R eturn From I dine— P. O. Box G7, A.V.B. G— 3* He s a d Japanese students vacation. Lawrence and W ilfred Mrs Emma Oeder and Linda were giving the subject of peace _____ < « PA IN TE R S: — Beagle and W agner returned with them. RUPERT OF HFE HAW” FOR RENT— Cabin with bath Oeder returned yesterday from Beagle; day work or contract; much thought, and are opposed tc and tailet, suitable for two. Phone ; estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf School books and supplies, Mc- the Lake of the Woods where war both for economic and m ili­ 240-J G— 2! they have been spending the sum- tary reasons. Na’j* Bros. Mr. Findley said m er at th eir cottage. Miss Oeder the students were welcomed by V isitin g Parents— FOR RENT— Furnished house, will attend school this winter. i ! the — Japanese and vivijuxtu everything'* was Lester Rudd from Minnesota ar A t Ii!< iD in i? i F n i l s —"" j . - « w.«. 47S Boulevard. G— 4 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Rev. S. J. Chaney and family • t t0 7 ^ ^ | done to "take th eir sojourn in rived in Ashland Friday and is and THURSDAY so,aet nie ,luring th e) Japan a pleasant one. BOY WANTED— Lithia Bak- visiting with his parents, Mr. and of Ashland spent several days last ' ery. week with the D. M Smith family ' ° f Septem ber’ ' 6— 1 Mr3. Jam es Rudd of Liberty street. Adolnh Zukor — L Usky at K lam ath Falls. W hile there fittfe n i DIES AFTER K>R SALE-»-Reed baby car­ See the bargain counters at they made a trip to C rater Lake. T refren’s, half price or less. 6— 3, TWO STORY FALL CRUZE V o tg j/p y xoN aEynr. r r w s E g t e 'U i ; | riage in good condition. 6 Beach JAMES FXODUOT - Burton Dancing School, Mem avenue, Phone 20G-L. 6__2* Madame Tracy-Young Studio, orial Hall. Open daily. A fter PORTLAND, September 8— A SHANGHAI. Sept. 5. _ The I of leisure in China em ulated their 122 Laurel St,, Ashland, Oregon. noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. fractured skull proved fatal to longest finger nail in the wor.d 8HAPESPEARE ON BASEBALL ! In Last N ight— 307,-tf Advance .pupils only. Leschet- little Moriko, daughter of Mr. has ju s t been discovered by an example by growing finger nails Cleon Caldwell, who is guard­ to such a length th a t work with izky method. 6— 4» ‘A hit, a hit, a palpable h it!” ing a trestle near Siskiyou sta­ and Mrs. K. Yamamoto, who was American missionary at Chowkia- From Weed— th eir hands was simply impos­ injured Saturday when her m oth­ kow, in H unan province. tion, was in Ashland last night Leslie Heer was in Ashland From Medford— e r leaped from the second story An old Chinese gentlem an of sible. for a 3hort time. “ That great babe you see there Mrs. Jessie W’agner and Miss Saturday night from Weed where of the M erchants hotel. The baby leisure in th a t inland city, now Down through the endless ages is not through with his clouts.” Dorothy Palm er of Medford were Rack From Trip— he is working. died yesterday m orning at St. ravaged by floods, has petted to finger nails cultivation in the Ashland visitors Friday afternoon Mrs. E. Caldwell returned last V incent’s hospital. The mother, m aturity a finger nail that is now Middle Flowery Kingdom became “ The play, as I remember it, Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- at the home of Mrs. Marsh W ag­ though s h e suffered several 3 feet 6 inches long— and still a- night from a two-day trip to the one of the fine a rts of the Chinese ; Pleased not the m illion.” a r ’s home-made salad dressing. ner on Oak street. broken bones, will recover. The growing. bay cities in California. until the foreigner with his me- ! — - ____________ 296— lmo* body of the baby was taken to Along about the time th a t it be­ chanical devices, his progressive ! Paulesrud’s Suits give satisfac­ the morgue. came the general custom in China W estern ways and his desire to M ove To G ranite— tion. 6— tf To R oseburg— for girl babies to have th eir feet get out and “do nothing,” g ra d u -! Mr. and Mrs. Logan Julian have Miss Lucile Gilmore was in bound until they were merely • ally caused it to become m ore or taken one of the B arber cottages COMBINE FALLS ON For cleaning and pressing Roseburg yesterday for a short FARMER, HURTS HIM 1 little living stilts on which they ■ less passe. on Granite street for the winter. visit with friends and relatives. Phone 119. We call and deliver. ambled along as though they were Toi Ernest Torrence In most places, and especially 6— tf M ary A s to r 2 qu art fru it jars, glass cov­ PENDLETON, September 8— walking on eggs, as evidence to in the cities where foreigners now Noah I Beery» HONESTY is m j POLICY. Yeo, ers 10c each a t T refren ’s. 6— 3 Hugh Bell, prom inent farm er the world th a t they were truly congregate along the China Coast of course. 212— tf At F alls— See The Fight- whose land is near A thena, is “ treasures of the inner cham ber” long finger nails have gone out Mrs. W allace Reider of this R eturn to R ed B luff— slowly recovering from severe and never, never turned a hand of style, but in Hunan province ing C o w a rd ” V city is visiting a t the home of To Spokane— Mr. and Mrs. E arl J Fraley and injuries he suffered several days! *n m anua^ labor, the gentlemen -they still grow them long. I changed t o a Miss Edith Moody left last week Mr. and Mrs. A. R Campbell near children returned today to Red ago when his b'g combine to y le d l ' K lam ath Falls. for Spokane where she will teach Bluff after spending th eir sum­ over on him as the machine was ' POLICE RENEW’ HUNT ' treat- ’em- rough MANCHURIA AND PE K IN in the public srhoois this w inter m er vacation w ith th eir parents being placed in the shed for the FOR B B. RO BBER JOIN IN CIVIL M AR ! eat - ’em - alive You can’t go wrong when you in Ashland. w inter. W hat saved his life was 6— tf SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ trade at Paulserud’s. , wild man. th e fact th a t he fell into a slight MOBILE insurance; better terms (Continued from Page 1) M ake H om e Here— hole th a t had been dug to put a (Continued from page l ) and lower rates. Yeo, of course. Fined F or Speeding— Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Johnson jackscrew under the machine. built up his arm y by using funds '; Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf H. Stoneson was fined $25 in arrived in Ashland last week from This eased the 'pressure on his was futile, and the robber w arn­ derived from th a t source Judge Gowdy’s court Saturday for K ingm an, Arizona, and will make He suffered a fractured ed th at lie would shoot down any For the last year or more it exceeding the speed limit. Mr. th eir home in the valley. Mr. body. R eturns To Tacoma— man th a t moved. He /p u t the ALSO shoulder and was otherwise in­ has become increasingly evident l Mi3s Minnie Kneedsen returned Stonesonf is from California and Johnson is a son of the late Chas. jured. money into a satchel, then had th a t actual w arfare was not far yesterday morning for her home was fined by J. J. Machon. Rivers and Vranizan hind Klep- S. Johnson, form er resident of off, and in March of this year BRONCHO EXPRESS' In Tacoma after visiting for a Ashland who has been living in n n n n n n n n n n n n n per, th reaten in g them with liis Best and biggest milk shake at Arizona. short time with friends here » HAROLD LLOYD « pistol. He then ordered Vrani- Our Phone 82 T refren’s 4th St. Confectionery. zan to bind Rivers, and himself Hain P la za Ashland 6— 3 Gone H unting— tied Vranizan to a chair. He gag­ Superlite auto finish; guaran­ ged all the men and made his teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. Ed Coovling and A E. Jordan S uccessful H unt — ! escape. It was some time before left Saturday for a week’s hunt­ 29S— tf Clayton Smith of Keno was in ing expedition. j Klepper freed himself and sum- ! moned help. It is believed that Ashland last night with a large To T e a c h - ■ the burglar had an assistant who H ike to S p r i n g s - Guy Gould left yesterday for four-point deer. Mother w-’ll be happier after 1 acted as a “ lookout” while the Misses Edith Dodge, Isabelle Jacksonville where he will teach you have modern laundry L eaves F o r School— j robbery was in progress. Silver and Irm a Bess took a short the seventh and eighth grades tubs installed. For her it John Galey left yesterday a fte r­ hike to the Pom padour Lithia there this w inter. He has been mean3 a release from much of the drudgery of wash days. spending the summer with Mr. noon for t he Dewey school about Springs yesterday afternoon and TO HOLD CLINIC Modern tuba, with hot five miles north of Medford where O. R. Anderson of this city. reported a very enjoyable time. ON ASHLAND DAY and cold laundry w ater piped to them, he will teach this next year. should he in every modern The county nurse will conduct New Coupe— Let us fill your pail with Swifts home. M other’s health and 5 and 10 gal. Coco Cola kegs, a clinic on Ashland Day at the strength is protected by them. Silver Lea; lard. Costs less than O. S. Easterling is driving a at T refren’s, 4th St. 6— 3 new Ford coupe, purchased last County Fair, W om an’s Building shortening. Goes farther and Is i from 11 a. m. to 12 m. Let us install laundry tubs week from the H arrison B rothers more nutritions. Detricks. 94-tf To Products Show— Un your house as a gift to Ford Agency. This clinic is for children trom mother. Miss Florence Hollmeyer, sten­ two to six years of age. M ind B lew — ographer at Chamber of Commerce To M ontague— There will be time for only te n Although he was unable to Yd. $2.48 and Miss Helen French accom­ H. J. Murphy made a trip to • children to be examined. learn w hether or not the political 4b” wide. The Their appointm ents will he campaigns prior to the November panied J. H. Fuller to Klam ath Montague yesterday and returned wanted wool dress made in order of their re g istra ­ elections had anything to do with Fall3 to attend the Klam ath Pro­ with his son, Charles Frances, ducts Show held there today. who has been spending about a tions. goods f o r early it, a Tidings reporter found a very Plumbing Heating month there. strong wind blowing around P arents please register or phone fall a li d winter Phone 138 2 0 7 E. Main Jacksonville, when he visited the To Portland— names to Ashland Library not wear; comes in all Professor I. E Vining, state In M edford— - county seat yesterday. The wind later than Tuesday, Septem ber 9. the new and want­ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Paul of seemed to arize in Jacksonville, president of the Chamber of ed shades. Guar­ and blew out along the new paved Commerce will leave this evening Ford street and Mr. Jess Smith road to Medford. The cause of for Portland to attend a meeting and brother will leave Monday anteed all wool at the breeze remained a mystery, as of the State C. of C. He wili be for Medford where they will con­ this low p r i c e, duct an eating concession at the no orators were seen spouting gone for about a week. $2.48. county fair. From their th e j will th eir stuff on the street corners. Cheapest and best Ice cream go to Albany and Eugene and both W atch for Staples new Sub- sodas at T refren’s, 4th St. 6— 3 will hold concessions a t Here is Harold Lloyd, screen places during fairs. division. comedian, minus his big tortoise Yd. $1.98 30 8 -tf shell spectacles. Instead of his V isiting H ere — 42” wide, so pop­ Seriou sly Hl— j weU known movie glasses, he has Mr. and Mrs Smith M erritt are R eturn From B uck Lake— ular for skirts and H erbert McCarthy, who ha3 visiting in Ashland at the home Mr. and Mrs. George G arrett cne of tbe new synchrophase ra- dresses; comes in been visiting at K lam ath Falls of Mrs. M erritt’s m other, Mrs. O. and P. O. Shirley returned from dio receiving sets. The way he ten new shades for for the past few weeks is reported M. Cherry and her sister, Mrs. Buck Lake yesterday. They have is toying with the six stage volume to be very seriously 111 with ty­ Eric W eren, from Baker, Oregon. been in th a t region since Sunday control indicates th a t he likes his fall a n d winter phoid fever at that place. music with all graduations. Mrs. M erritt was form erly Miss hunting but reported no luck. wear. Ruby Cherry, who is very well Complete line of Ashland Can­ known in Ashland. They are Leg Set— ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf touring Oregon. The Mohair yarn takes Mrs. Percy S tratton, who has j been suffering with a broken leg, | 54” wide. Priced, Yd. $2.98 to $3.98 razier on the dye more beautiful­ To Crater la k e — Stop Over— is reported to be b etter and h e r ' New woolen in oblong cheeks and stripes; come in Mr and Mrs. W ilmer H ilt of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Van Leer, leg was put in a cast yesterday. ly, gives a fine, long Hilt. California, Mr. and Mrs. form erly of Ashland, now living shades o f tan, brown, green and blue. W alter W alrad and daughters, at Satsop, W ashington, stopped fiber and silky finish Her eon B u sin ess— Carm ion and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. over in Ashland and are visiting Scratch Feed ...........$2.75 W. F. H errin, general solicitor W. A. Rockfellow and Mr. and at the H. J. C arter home. They and will give longer Yd. $1.25 Mrs. C. E. Lane made a trip to have been touring the United for the Southern Pacific Company was in Ashland today on busi­ Flour ....................... $2.15 C rater Lake yesterday They ex­ States and visiting Mr. Van L eer’s service than just brush­ AYe are showing wonderful new patterns in this ness. pect to retu rn this evening. home in Philadelphia. all wool French challies; comes 27” wide, see them. Finger Nail 3 Feet 6 Inches Long w A Wonderful BUY! '0 Rebuilt Electric Range Murphy Elec. Co. Make Mother Happy Wool Dress Goods Poriet Twill Jerry O’Neal Wool Crepe BRUSHED MOHAIR SWEATERS New Novelty Flannel Checks F & S French Wool Challies B ids W anted for Excavation Bids for excavating area 60s 100 feet on the lot on E ast Main street between th e B utler and Smith properties. J h e excavation is to go down one foot below the lowest sidew alk level and to be level at bottom w ith grade of walk. Do your own figuring ou yardage and m ake bid for the job complete. Bids will be open­ ed Sept. 15 a t 5 o’clock. B ert R. Greer, Tidings office. 3— 4 G ets D eer— Stock Salt, 50 lb. $ 1 0 .0 0 R ew ard , As a resu lt of a hunting expe- i bag ....................... $ .65 A reward of ten dollars will be dition made last week Phil Wol- j 100 lb. b a g ......... $1.15 paid by the Ashland Ku Klux cott returned Friday evening with i Kian for the arrest and conviction a large four-point buck. Dairy Salt, 50 lb bag $ .90 of the person who wrote a letter to the Ashland cannery th reaten ­ Senator H ere Sunday— ing and w arning them th a t if they ... . _ . | Senator McNary, who was e n - ' a no raise e wages of the ro u te to K lam ath Falls with E d i-' women w o rk er, th a t dire reanlts ,„ r L uther Rood 0( th , K would follow, which le tte r was Evening H erald and other mem­ razier on falsely signed K. K. K. bers of the celebration committee, PHONE 214 Ashland Kian No. 10. of th a t city was in . Ashland for 853 E. MAIN 6-6 a few m inutes Sunday morning F & S ed wool yarn. A most beautiful line of new ones at The New Dress Trimmings are here_ New Braids of all kinds—Fur and Os­ trich feather trimming; new flower and beaded ornaments. Use The Butterick Pattern with the “ Deltor” E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Q uality Store’’ :