Moatnom ASHLAND DALLY TlDtVCS ties it in the m elting ¡anu,unt would rem ain until la t e ; tient sank rapidly Saturday summer and gradually Mrs. P arry had been in her would supply a large usual health up to the tim e of this of the purest ice w ater, attack. Only a week b X she Monday, Scpteniix«»- S, 1 óú4 are Dr. Boyle and Professor H unt­ hfter tw enty-four days, also to er, of Sydney University. The la t­ balance on the defective limb. ter, a t 25, probably is th e young­ O ther cases have shown the A rticles of timely interest) now Of Z ? est professor cf anaiom v in th e same astonishing resuits. J t0 hold UP the had returned £rom a ‘- e to Na- ar« welcomed under this head, low of Ash.and creek long after tional Yellowstone park, on which world. They will explain the ttom m unciations m ust bear the would be aprehensive of shortage, she was accompanied by her niece, scientific details of their tre a t­ Recently we hea:d it ìli aignature of the author. Now my suggestion is that with Miss Ruby Purple. LONDON, Sept. S.—A. Canad­ m ent during th eir forthcoming halitosis. Ir used to be known as sufficient and spraying noz-! The body was brought tn Oaies- ian colonel has taken the lead in visit to the United States, a t the whiskey breath. — Canton o , noVch Ulg !h West Salem dian M anufactur era’ Association, muscles are well known, the fu n c -' « — — -, w .-v. thing , ; e(t so much of - our --- w ..ww* place and. concrete floor ready was so simple people could see cost a mere bagatelle as For many years Mrs. P arry was clearly does not approve of the tions of the other sym pathetic set to~be laid no good in it. Yet I will take the comPared with the age long talk active in Alpha Chapter No. 1, policy of allowing agitators to give are undefined. t about canyon dams and reser- Order of the Eastern Star a t Ash- expression to their revolutionary responsibility of repeating it Professor H unter obtained the j Brookings — New Catholic F irst let me note certain things voirs. if the experiment should I land, Oregon, and was •Past views in a public park. muscles of a python, in which the “ I know,’’ he says, “ That Brit-1 church, costing $3,000, built and not be satisfactory the pipe could W orthy Grand Matron of th a t most of us have observed in the sym pathetic muscles are d eafly ain has set aside a space in H y d e, dedicated to replace one burned be used elsewhere and there the past. Those of us who for Grand Chapter of Oregon. Her defined. They co-operated in many years have lived here in would be no los3 except for the interest in the work continued Park for free speech in regard to ' experiments with animals suffer­ last spring. Ashland will rem em ber th a t dur­ little labor expended Even if the through her residence in Gales­ re.igion, politics and the harm less ing from complaints resembling, expressions of theorists, but I do ing certain cold spells in the win dams and reservoirs would still ville. paralysis, and they observed i n 1 te r when the fountain spray in have to be installed your ice Mrs. Parry is survived by a sis­ not believe it was ever intended each case th at the removal of the ' the little lake ju3t off the plaza would tide over at least a part of ter, Mrs. Thalia Purple; a niece, as a meeting place for red revolu­ sym pathetic nerve caused a defin­ was allowed to run, the lake froze the next dry spell and the quality Miss Ruby Purple, and two nieces tionaries to organize gangs to te r­ ite change in the action of the j I bronught a truck load o f bar­ rorize the people and to arrange gain counter goods from P ort­ over and a mound of ice piled up of our Ashland w ater v;ould be residing in LaCrosse. muscie3, did not interfere with and encourage treason against the land last w eek, all o f w hich many feet high in the center of preserved. Ice constitutes the Mrs. P arry possessed a charm ­ the limbs and did not affect the w ill be sold accordingly. Auto the lake. All will call to mind best conservation device and this ing personality. Well read and Empire. power of the muscles deprived of “ If this vicious propaganda is v.ould prevent, a t least a part of R obes, W ade Ilragsaw , H alt- th a t there is not a w inter that extensively traveled, she was an the sym pathetic nerve supply. allowed to go on, serious trouble the runoff during the season of era, and lo ts o f arm y goods. iscicles, do not form sometimes entertaining conversationalist. Operations on human beings several feet in length in shelter- p!enty Gome in early w h ile th ey last. She loved her home and society is bound to occur, and we in Can­ followed One patient, unable to ed places, and rem ain for days at A sbland> Sept. 6, 1924. of friends All her life she was ada want it stopped. "Thi3 propaganda is already walk vertically or backward, was C. B. \\ ATSON. | ever the same, and not given to a time. spreading throughout the ’United made to w alir m aturally fifteen ------------ moods. She went through life with There are those who will re­ days after being operated upon j a smile, although her heart many States, and npich of it em anates and to descend and ascend stairs, member the ice-house construction times beat heavily and her sorrows from this echool conducted in on the east branch of Ashland Hyde P a rk .” ! were g r e a t— Galesvi'.le Times. creek four or five miles above the plaza and th at for several years B urris and Taylor procured ap<* GIVEN 00 DAYS saved considerable quantities of ice which they used or disposed Galesville, Illinois— Galesville of during the following summer. was shocked Saturday night to WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept. We all know that at th at distance , ,earn of the death of Mrs. Bay 8.— Mrs. C M. W oodworth, ar- up the creek, every w inter pre- Ladd Parry, who passed away at rested recentl yon a charge of ts- sents many days of real ice mak- a La Crosse hospital, after a brief suing worthless checks agreed to SYDNEY, A ustralia, Sept. 8— ing tem perature, and snow banks illness. Mrs. Parry was taken ill plead guilty to a charge of netit i m j , — - -----pvm i Astonishing results have been ob- rest places late in th e .n in r tn sheltered m , "osday. Her condition did not larceny if the grand lnrceny I tained by two young Sydney sur he spring Many may not know, appear serious, and the following charge was dropped, and was sen-j geons in the relief of rigid para y" hut it is true nevertheless th a t morning her indisposition appeal«- teheed to 90 days in jail. S h e ! sis by means of the ret toval of the THE FORUM W Q O — 1 1 . . T i V I» 4 1 1 -X . * HYDE PARK TALKS /» lo o w lt » - i PEIL’S CORNER Î225 Í ! Pc“ ? , «»o Salem V. M. — C. Plans A. b a made u d to s for campaign 7 n n October. îtrcct. Vernonia — Bernonis district, i ichest in Nahelein county, vote3 special road tax of 7 mills am ounting to $33.947.88 for this’ In s is t on tanlac year's improvements Eugene — Repairs and rebuild­ ing. ordered for three Lane coun­ ty highway bridges. P‘" '!° e 1’eSl" S °" VEGETABLE PILLS F o r C o n s tip a tio n Fibre Rockers Upholstered with Silk Tapestry. They must be seen to he appreciated. Su- perior in style and conifoi’L Swenson & Peebles' B ig g est H om e F urnishers in Ashland TAKEN BY DEATH Id AID PARALYSIS It’s the Big Event of the Year JACKSON COUNTY 7’ ' “ e « " , » “'*” « « ' -*> "> >’» »«• Friday her lun, p.eaded B„n ,v ; X X ' “ " Mount Ashland the tim ber re s t, sym ptom , w e ria la rm in g , and th at serious charge. : The discovers ot the remedv on covered glacial ice, which, to­ evening she was taken to the _____________ ’ gether with the great snow-banks hospital. An obstruction teles­ of these heights supplies Ashland coping the bowels had poisoned creek with the w ater of such ex­ ' iter system to an extent th a t the cellence that we justifiably boast heart was affected. A staff of of it. physicians in consultation did not ! The few who are fam iliar with dare risk an operation. The pa-, will lie interested to know that we now have an the rugged canyons on both branches of tlte creek have observ-i —* experienced and competent man in charge of our ed th a t before they have formed i typewriter department. junction they have a course, one alm ost toward the east and the u 'p i 't iH iCa11 yon shortly and any work «'«trusted to us other almost toward the west. If will bo done at reasonable prices and guaranteed satisfactory they are close observers they will NEW and USED have noticed th a t the south shore Typewriters sold, serviced and rebuilt It w ould be ad visable to get of each rises precipitously with your heater at once. many cavernous breaks in the wall sheltered with dense growths of ASHLAND FU R N IT U R E Corona, Retn’ng- tim ber and brush where the sun Victor tou and Wood- COMPANY scarcely ever gets into it. If these Adding stoclc typew rit­ 94 N. Main densely protected spots were fill­ Machines ers. ed with ice in sufficient q u a n ti-' OWNERS OF TYPEWRITERS and PEAR SHOW—-Near M e d fo rd , S e p t. 10, 11, 12, 13 THE AERIAL THOMPSONS Sensational Wire Walkers THE DIXIE SYNCOPATERS Dancers—Singers—Jazz S°T °T IN P URSES F 0 R HORSE RACES 100 Harness Horses, 40 Gallopers Entered HEATERS SHAM BATTLE On Night of Sept. 12, by National Guard ELHART'S inspiring music Ey Ashland. Grants Pass and Medford Eands Thursday, Sept. 1], is Ashland Day Daily Tidings Filth A nniversary Bargai F r id a y , S e p te m b e r 19 - - S a tu r d a y , S e p te m b e r 20 CUT IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $6.00 For These Two Days Only The Golden Saving. September marks the Fifth Anniversary of The Daily Ashland idings and to celebrate this anniversary, we have arranged this wonderful reduction in our subscription rates. Two golden days—Friday, September 19th, and Saturday September 20th—have been selected when we will give our piesent readers and new readers the opportunity to save $1.80 <>n a year’s subscription. Applies to Subscriptions Paid in Advance Only This offer is open only to subscriptions paid in advance If yc'ur subscription is in arrears, pay 65 cents a month for the period in arrearage, up to September i, 1924, and *6.00 for a year in advance. YEA Delivered Any.Place By Mail or Carrier in the U. S. A. W h y L o s e T h is 20% Von could not in any way make a bigger saving or a better investment than to take advantage of this offer. - --------- ------- --- ♦ The Tidings has discontinued sending a collector to call on its city subscribers. Paving a Year in Advance Now will therefore give yon this 20 per cent saving and also save J on paying your subscription each month at The Tidings office or mailing it in monthly. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE This is a Saving of More THAN 20 PER CENT DON’T PASS THIS UP ’ ♦♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦■» « » THE ASHLAND TIDINGS ASHLAND, OREGON These Two Days Only This price will absolutely apply only the two days of Septem­ ber 19-20, unless you mail your remittance ami the envelope bears one of these dates. Otherwise, before or after these two days, the subscription price will remain (¡5 cents a month or f?.H) a year when paid in advance each month. CHECKS RECEIVED NOW lor your subscription payments in advance from September 1, 1924, w ill he accepted and held for cashing September 1 i ’0 No subscriptions will he started at this rate prior to Septem­ ber 19-20. Pay Now and You Will Not Fail to Make This Profit In order to avoid forgetting these Daily Tidings Bargain Davs the safest plan is to give us your check for $6 00 NOW iiid wc will hold it. DON’T PASS THIS UP