A shland D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. 7 he Tidings Has Been Ashland s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ■bW. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1924 Manchuria IS- SUPPO R I ER Zm * ™™I E OP DEFENSE NO. 6 TIR E BIXIWING OUT CAUSE O P ACCIDENT K ---------- « 8 H urt when a car in which tt U he was riding overturned XX jXi Saturday night, Roy P arr Jr., XX XX was taken to the Community XX BA B E HITS ANOTHER HOMER XX Hospital for treatm ent. A XX ; 1,h h b " n ,e ™ ” • « * * XX gash in his head was given XX XX attention, and he was able XX XX to be dismissed Sunday XX i BROOKLYN W INS FROM GIANTS . I ---------- XX morning. •$ «SETT- »«*'»» ! Vicar of Episcopal Church « P a rr said he was riding XX Attorneys for Former Secre- ! to 2 th is afternoon before a crowd of Heartily in Favor of De- » between Ashland and Med- XX tary Fall Win Legal 5 0 ,0 0 0 fans. 1XX ford witli several other XX j fense Program Grand Jury Tilt XX young people when a tire XX ( F IR E TAK ES H A L F TOWN WHITE EXPLAINS DAY » blew out, and the light car XX COURT ISSUES ORDER ^H ER II)A N t Orc., Septem ber ft- A ll th e business blocks on th<*1 --------- XX was overturned. XX i south sid e o f Main street at WUIamina, con sistin g of half th e town I O rganizations and C itizens t« E n . XX « XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX J u stice Siddon Orders G overn­ , was destroyed by fire yesterday. The lo ss totaled about 8 0 0 .0 0 « 7 roll on September 12; Is Test m ent to Show C ause W hy of N ation's Pow er SH IPS ________ COLLIDE __ IN FOG Trial Should Go On j PROSPECTS EXCELLENT IN SPORTS , ASTOI^IA - Septem ber S— The B ritish m otor shin .Loch V om ir Bloodiest Civil In History of is Expected fo Ensue DECISION OF CAVERLY IS TYPED- Early Reports Indicate That All Chinese Provinces Will Be Drawn Into Battle For Supreme Control of Nation hen asked for a statem ent on WASHINGTON. Sept. 8. — a!«“ »c schooner Johan P o u lsen collid ed in the f , J here Sum U v Form er Secretary of the In te rio r' * “* 1000 a of Manchuria has declared war on ing Wednesday in an effort to est m isunderstanding, religious started. Actual counts of regis nection with the Teapot Dome and break through the barriers into month and $25.000 attorney's the government of Peking fanaticism, bolshevist propaganda, tration have not been made yet California scandals, in which it when sentence is Clara Heimrich, 22-' All China Involved' the courtroom ian lack of common sense or else po­ but it is believed th a t the num ber I is claimed he illegally transferred Leopold and ^ ® r ' Old Wl5® ° f J ° hn G’ FIeimr,ch. j Ear,v ’ «Ports today indicated passed on Nathan litical bunk." attending all three schools will governm ent property to private owner of the Great Southern rail- that every province In the en- j Richard Loeb. The following wa3 received by be equal to last year, if not more, interests. road and tim ber land in Wasco tire nation will become involved Typing Decision Jen tOday fr° m A djutant- j P rosp ects Good It is alleged that Fall accepted county, today filed suit for divorce j Realizing that this war is a show- Judge Caverly’s decision was in leral George A. W hite, and is! At first survey, things are bribes and th at he leased the oil the hands of a typist today. The on the grounds of crufcl and in- down for the control of all Chi ina, s n explanation of the Defense Day looking good for a successful ath- land3 to the Sinclair interests for D eclares H igh Cost o f L iving and L ithians, Rand and K iw anians human treatm ent. | the opposing arm ies today en- decision wiL send the siayers of ™ ~ l6tiC SeaS° n at Ashland High much less than their actual worth Although Mr. Heimrich is r e - « D istribution of P ow er Are L eft at 6 O’clock T his , gaged in t,,e bitterest fighting Bobby F ranks to the gallows or „ * J z w itn firty-five Oregon cities re- school. Although several good The oil scandal, which was puted to be several times a mil-J thus far reported from the front Live Issu es M orning for F a lls to prison. It will be read in a porting Defense Test Day pro- j football men, among them Chap- brought to light in April created lionaire, his wife was forced to \ near Shanghai. courtroom free of spectators j gram m es for September 12 and man, Thornton and Caldwell, w'erc a ho rn et’s nest of excitement, and Thirty mounted policemen " ’ c “ ”< « a il-p id a .e d ! WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 — ' About 25 Lithians, over 20 In its thousands of years of «enrollment of one-day volunteers lost by graduation, men who were before it had been completed had A ddressing building, once used as a hospital, history. China has seen many representatives of! members of the Ashland Concept surround the block and heavily being made over the entire state, on the second team last year have involved many prom inent men w ithout adequate heating, and bloody fights, when blood flowed organized labor at a political | Band, and a num ber of Kiwanis arm ed guards will be stationed at the Governm ent’s plan of the t e s t1 the benefit of added weight and and led to the resignation of both meeting here this afternoon, Sen-! club members left Ashland at 6 otherwise subjected to treatm ent ' like water, and men fell like the doors of the building and at ■of defensive spirit of the conn-j experience, and may graduate to Fall and A ttorney General Daugh- ato r La Follette, in d ep en d en t! o’clock this morning for K lam ath which caused her to become III, it leaves from a tree, but with the all elevators to inspect the creden­ x J i ° f ‘J X ° Perations of the the first team - e r‘y- Senate investigations were presidential candidate, said t h a t 1 Falls, where they will attend the is set forth in the complaint. Mrs , horrors of modern w arfare at tials of those who enter. new National Defense Law passed This morning, there were sev­ ordered, several indictm ents were one of the fundam ental issues of , K lam ath Products Show and Ore- Heimrich asks the custody of the their disposal, the w arring Chin- Attorneys for the State and for by Congress is assured of success eral new men seen who will look returned, but actual trial has one child born to them since their , ese factions, if a ’l become involv- the campaign is the present high gon Irrigation and Drainage con- the defense, relatives of the ac­ in Oregon, according to announce­ good in a football suit. A few never been started. m arriage in Multnomah county ed, will undoubtedly w rite the cost of living. gress, now in session in the E ast­ cused boy3 and of the dead lad, m ent made today by Defense Test lads who did not attend school March 22, 1922. « present conflict on tile pages of A nother issue, he said, is whe­ ern Oregon city. and newspaper men wil! be the H eadqoarters here. last year, or were ineligible, will history in letters of blood accord- th er th e people are strong enough The Lithians raised a fund to ° nes allo w ed in th e c o u rt Program in Full be able to play this season, while MAN SHOOTS SELF FIRE DAMAGES ing to all indications. to take . back a governm ent orig- x , defray the expenses of the band, room when the sentence is pro­ The program m e for the day in there are a few more here from DURING DEER HUNT inally intended for them , b u t! and a program will be staged at nounced. PLANE HANGARS American Ready a nutshell, as explained by the other cities and states some of I ---- 1 ■ ( More than twenty American which has fallen into the h a n d s ; the K lam ath county fair grounds In Seclusion State Committee in charge, con­ them with good records, and PENDLETON, Sept. 8. — The of capitalistic class. 1 EUGENE, September 8 Fire warships are in the United States j The Lithians will march in uni- Judge Caverly was still in the sists of assembly of the m ilitary others who have never played, but | deer hunting casualty rep o rt­ Both questions spring from form, led by the hand. The Ki- seclusion of his home today, while ! today destroyed the two canvas Asia,ic fleet and within easy call, ed this year in the vicinity of the same root, the present con- j wanis club will also take part in policemeu guarded the doors t o [ hangars at the Eugene municipal and several have already steamed units in the state and their re- ■ are ready to try. Pendleton is th a t of Aria McLain, trol of this nation cruitm ent to full war strength by Schedule Not Complete by Wall the program see th a t he was not bothered by aviation field and one of the army 1° Shanghai and anchored in the one-day enlistm ents. It i3 in a The football schedule has not 23, who is in St. Anthony’s hos­ Sl r5 e t’ dec,ared the candidate, i The trip was made as an ex- the curious. Beside Judge Cever- airplanes stationed here on forest Whangpoo River to be ready for sense a one-day duplication of the yet been completed, but it is def- pital with a fractured leg v,- J ]igh ,C° 8t of living ls tra c e -' pression of friendliness, and to lv. the only person wlio knows the patrol duty was badly damaged. a ” y emergency. Several British state-w ide mobilization in 1 9 1 7 / inately known th a t two games The injury was inflicted when able to only one thing the con de The o th e replane stationed here warshlps are a.so in Shanghai , r „, X » dem onstrate Ashland pep to those fate of the two boys is the typist All citizens are allowed to enroll j will be played with the ancient McL».ia a e d d e n ta ,., ,„ „ ( vzas saved when members of the H arbor and more are at Weihai- who is busy copying the decision. the products show Mnnv hours hour» ° __________ _ . . , for the day regardless of age or ( enemy, Medford, two with G rantr I wrtii his h -s revolver. Many a powerful minority. This min­ Many engineers of national f The fate of the ,wo boys wil' patrol hitched a truck to it and wei a,ul Hongkong, where they physical condition, as an ex p res-' Pass, two with K lam ath Falls, and eap sed before he could received ority has control not only of fin- blaz ng |can be called upon in case of need, prominence are attending the ir . I be known on W ednesday morning pulled it out of the «Ion of their patriotism . ■ one with Roseburg. The game tre a tment, due to the fact that A grass fire, s ta rtin g 1 1,1 addition, the French and Por- ances, but of the governm ent It- rigation congress, while other men | the Cook county jail this after- hangar. In addition to the American with Roseburg will be played in he liart to be carried quite a dis ' .In terested in th e rapid develop-! noon. Loeb and Leopold acted as near the edge of the field at the tugese haye several w arcraft in Legion, Grand Army, Spanish W ar that city this year tance before being brought to i Gle v*c*nHy. and there are num- The present governm ent is * m ent of Klam ath Falls are p re -! though the last thought in their road spread to the hangars. V eterans and other veterans- o r - 1 Aa soon as registration diffj- P eadleton. He was hunting in erous Jap an .se war vessels that really ruled by a few instead of sent during their fair session. Yes- minds was the pending sentence, ganizations, patriotic fraternal cultles have been settled, coaches the Blue m ountains when the ac7 by the people who have the right ’ terday, W hitney L. Baise and Roy could be n-ed both in Chinese according to jail guards. bodies are joining as bodies, in- - Hughes and Henry will issue the tddent happened. w aters and in Japanese ports, one to rule. W hile owr Supreme T. Bishop, directors of the State A few days ago, the two boys SIG LAND TRACT AT eluding Elks Lodges, Odd Fellows, first call for football players, and PENDLETON IS SOLD or two days’ sailing time awsy. Court cannot do a thing In a Chamber of Commerce, Marshall declared th a t they would not K nights of Pythias and Woodmen the grind will start, continuing ( hi Will Win positive m anner, its negative pow-, N. Dana, of the Oregon Journal, speak to newspapermen represent­ of the World. A num ber of La­ until the whistle announcing the PENDLETON, Sept. 8. — An­ According to Roy Anderson, of er Is unlim ited. All the beneficial John M. Scott and Jam es A. Mul- ing papers out of Chicago, as they bor Unions have joined. Cities are end of the Thanksgiving game is other big land deal, the second Peking, generally considered the acts th a t the people’s congress chay, of the Southern Pacific com­ could not cheek up on their stor­ arranging parades and patriotic blown. within the past 10 days, was an- ; best-informed fore'gner in China could pass may be destroyed by pany stopped in Ashland enroute ies. The result was that all press program s, decoration of the At the High School this morn­ the Supreme Court. All th a t th is , to K lam ath Falls, and urged th at representatives were barred from nouneed today in the sale of land , on Chinese po itical questions. stre e ts with flags and exercises in ing, students were registered and body has to do is to say th at the a large num ber of Ashland resi- the tier in which the cells of the and leases on land by George La- there is little doubt but that th e schools. Portland reports filled out their schedules. They Fontaine to Polydere Moens. The Marshal Chi, of Kiangsu, will acts a re unconstitutional. j dents be present today, which is two boys are located. plans for a parade with between were then dismissed until tom or­ consideration involved was not ! emerge the victor in the war be- Much Im portance A ttached to As long as this condition ex-i unofficially “Ashland Day” at the 10,000 and 20,000 in line. row morning, when they will be­ made public, but between 1300 tween Chekiang and Kiangsu. ists, as long as a .small body o f , big event, O utcom e; K ian Issu e W as On Historic Date gin their studies. The same and 1400 acres of land 10 miles J “ General Chi Hsieh-yuan is one men can dictate the legislation) ----------------- ---------- R itter One Defense Test Day September 12 schedule was followed at Haw­ least of Pendleton were involved ¡of the most bri’llant of the young- of the United States, present con- • falls on the anniversary of St. thorne and Junior High. in addition to the LaFontaine er Chinese leaders,’’ Mr. Ander- ACCIDENTAL SHOT AUGUSTA, Maine, Sept. 8. — ditions will exist ” MIhiel in which several thousand farm ing outfit. j son said, “and has an army that HAS FATAL RESULT Maine went to the polls today O regonians fought, and is the an­ SOLDIERS A FT E R Mr. Moens is a native of Bel- is bettdr drilled, larger, better after one of th e most heated po­ JUSTICE M’COURT niversary of the w rtiing on the . . , j gium, and now lias a tanch near equipped and more loyal than INSURANCE AGAIN t o TVTTTPTT R T P T T P P ' FREEW ATER, Ore., Sept. 8.— litical campaigns in its entire his­ Aimed, Masked Men Held Up and Sax station whk>h hp has operated , General Lu s command. He is S ta r Spangled Banner In cities lb MUCH BETTER Joe Keeler. 64, a resident of this tory. Robbed Portland B aseball of sm aller size enrollm ents are SPANISH FORK, Utah, Sept. for several years. He will also extremely progreisive, extremely As usual, the whole nation j SALEM, Sept. 8. — John Me­ city, died early this morning fol­ Club; Got $ 5 ,0 0 0 .being made regardless of other 7- — The D epartm ent of Utah farm the land which he acquired weB liked by all the ; ■ ople of his lt has been said “A s ! Court, justice of the Oregon 3U- lowing the am putation of his left exercises. The Mayor of every Ameiican Legion, at the State watched in the deal. own province, as well as others leg, as a resu lt of having been •city In Oregon has been furnished convention here recently passed Maine goes, so goes the nation, preme court, who has been s e ri-1 PORTLAND, Sept. 8.— P o l i c e -------------- ----------- who have come in contact with ously .» a, h i. home here .(or th e ! h" '“ 8 .S<>n' w ith rolls and full inform ation a resolution to the effect th at the and politicians are w atching with today renewed their hunt for the ; OXFORD TO MEET him, and will make even more n.naf twn mooVo ................... Keeler. yesterday morning. :and in most places have put their U. S. Government should again interest the outcome of the elec­ past two weeks, was reported by armed masked bandit who Sunday! OREGON IN DEBATE friends among fo-eigners by his Earl Keeler, who is about 18, tion. physicians to be holding his own Inform ation in circulation. night robbed, gagged and tied ______ engage in the insurance business ------- — I attem pt to keep the actual fight- The Ku Klux Kian reared its today. It was said th a t his fever was cleaning his shotgun prepara- Fred Rivers, secretary of the UNIVERSITY of OREGON, E u -1’fg . which was bound to occu’- for W orld W ar veterans on a *° hunting whe” “ w«” t off, head throughout the campaign, had subsided and th a t he had a ! Portland baseball team, George j gene, September 8— The Univer-' sooner or later, from going on scale com m ensurate with th a t in HOME IS RO BBED - j th ® Shot entering fa th e r’s leg and W illiam Pattangill, the Demo­ chance of recovery. a t the knee cap, shattering t h e j VraniZan’ hiS a88i8tant’ and w «- sity cf Oregon debate team will! near any of the cities where for- effect during the W ar, the adm in­ cratic candidate for Governor Although Justice McCourt’s leg. The men did not know the K'^pp®r ’ Pr«»ident of the i c e n p a te with Oxford u n iv ersity ' eign lives or property might be istration for the insurance to be OLYMPIA, Wash , Sept. 8. often charged that tTie opponents, condition showed slight improve gun was loaded. 4club, in the baseball headquarters, on December 3 in Eugene ac-! endangered. I think that it is conducted along commercial lines. In a daylight^ house robbery some were supported by the order. ment yesterday, he was not yet | m a k in g aw ay w ith $5.004. T h e ' cord ng to w ord received by t b e ! h ig h ly im p ro b a b le th a t G enera. The Legionnaires want campaigns tim e between 1:30 and 3 o’clock R esults of the election will out of danger the physicians money was the receipts of the pres dent’s office here today. Lu win «’«‘ceive any outside as- immediately inaugurated in each Thursday afternoon jew elry to OREGON'S COACH 3tart coming in late tonight and said 1 Portland - Vernon double header M. J. MacDonald, son of the j sista n ce. while General Chi, if the value of approximately $1000 of the forty-eight states for the will probably continue for sever- ARRIVES ON JOB , held Sunday. was stolen from a small safe in reinstatem ent British prim e m inister, represent-' nec«8sary could expert assistance . . . . or conversion oF days. Supporters of P a tta n ti 11 W EA TH ER OUTLOOK I No c’ewR. other than the de3- ing Queen’s college, Oxford, is a froni General Chou Yin-jen, the S Z Z X , , 'h ” ",ran ' \ ‘hat the K1“ the home of J. M. H itt, state li­ EUGENE, Sept. 8.— W ith the Prediction for Pacific coast ' criptions of th e men who were member of the team, which c o n - 'Tuchun ,V , J b p . X n , ” O(e ’ de' eat S,m,Ur 10 ,h e *" T“ “ of Fukien province brarian. The knob had been X arrival here today of Joe Mad-, states for the period of Sept. 8 « robbed, have been given Des­ sists of three men. The other two ,w tlich adjo.ns C hekiang), who knocked from the combination dock, Oregon’s new football °ne when “ Ma” Ferguson was nomin- to Sept. 13: Continued fair criptions were meagre, as all that lock and two axes were found m onths back premium and one ated for the governorship, while weathM 'i„ ta u rio r “and V oslder-i ' O‘ C! \ ln‘" e3t w,*" t0 the . . . ... are J. D. W oodruff of New col-i was a clafiniate «I General Chi In was observed was the m an’s near the strong box. The miss­ m onths advance premium to rein­ other candidates are equally sure able cloudy and foggy w e a lh e r: , ” e com' ng varsi(y g rid -. height and (he clothing he wore. lege and M. C. Hollis of BaJiiol. ! tlle M i.itary College, a3 well as ing jew elry, while quite .valuable state th a t portion of his insur­ in their predictions of the results. along th e Immediate coast. The! 1°° The debates with Oregon and ,roni other Chihli leaders.” “ a / ” ° ' m° r‘ His face was covered by a mask was prized chiefly by Mr. and ance for which he is not drawing than 50 candidates is expected with the University of W ashing-! 1 inanced By Dope The campaign has been declar­ tem perature will be norm al. The and he wore a cap. disability compensation. Mrs. H itt as keepsakes. The rohhnry „ccnreU while the I ™ , to answer first call on September ed the bitterest in many years, fire hazard will continue high in 15. Maddock is well-satisfied first with candidates taking an active Prineville — City of Prineville part in ‘mud slinging” tactics. the interior of California, relative­ with prospects and points out men were counting the receipts ! *“ 81 a PPe a ra nce of an Oxf ird is said to have found the Im porta­ of the game. The burglar s te p -) team on the Pac,f»c coast, Gresham — 150 tons of pears railroad may be extended to Och- Charges and countercharges have ly high in the interior of Oregon th ere is no dearth of m aterial to tion of opium into the Shanghai shipped out by Berry Growers’ oco forest and connected, with and W ashington, and norm al on ped into the room and covered district extremely lucrative, and rocked the state during the en­ the coast. Prediction by U. S. fill places left by the graduation the men with his gun. Resistance Association. Salem — $225,000 Parish Ju n ­ Union Pacific new line to Burns tire pre-election period. General Lu is believed to have of Sax, Latham , Chapman and ior high school building ready - W eather bureau of San Francisco. others. ~ — — ■ ■ • (Continued on page 4) for fall term of school. (Continued on Page 4) U FOREITE SAYS ■ 1 IS 10 BLAME LEAVE FÖR KLAMATH U. S. M S RESULTS Ï FOR B. B.