FASE ro CB M B W IB BAM.Y H BWQg atuhiay, September A, HkM Stop« Over— AFTER PLANE TO Social London never thought1 Mr. and Mrs. L, S. Huisbeger TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NOVELTY ACT FOR WATCH NEW PIRES j Of wearing anything but a sober» of Denver, Colorado, are visiting BIO COMING FAIR looking tie tied in the sailor in Ashland for a few days this One of th e governm ent planes! knot fashion until the prtnce a p -| "FOR SALE CHEAP — Bose Sam Bennett one of America’s week at the Berrang ranch en stationed at Eugene has been peared one morning in morning pears, culls, fine for canning. foremost clownB form erly with the highway. j sent for by the forest service,;clothes and a brightcolored batwig Newbery & Sons, Talent. Phone Ringling B rothers— Barnum and says the Mail Tribune, and is ex- i — or bow— tie. As in the case Plan Rapped By French Leader 373J2 1-tf Bailey Circus and R. Thompson W atch for Staples new Sub- pected here this aftenoon. It is j of the F air Isle sweater, batwing In Ashland— M ove to Oak— At League Of Nations; 308-tf so smoky that the look out s ta - ' ties were immediately the rage, FOR SALE:— 1923 Ford Run- ot the Aer,al Thompson troupe of Miss R uth Sims has returned H. B. Plum m er and family have division. Scores Macdonald about, also 1924 Four-door Se- wire wa,kprs opposed to the suggestion ment with kitchenette and bath j From I«ake— These men appear as two farm - Beagle; day work or contract; over the entire C rater N atio n al, holiday. His first m orning there ; of Prem ier Macdonaldi of E „ g - ' Phone 340J. Lloyd Mullt, Jr., and Robert 5-2 ers and their act takes place on From Dunsmuir— forest lands for the purpose of he appeared on the fashionable j iand for 305-tf estim ates free. Box 171. a world disarm am ent ; Vining were in Ashland today a hyrick while about the fair R obert Berry of Dunsmuir is ’ finding, if possible, any fires Le Touquet links in nobby plus conference, H IR SALE: — Late Alberta j from theLake of the Woods. They which have not been discovered. fours slightly baggier at the grounds. No end of am usem ent visiting at the Coder home in this Here F o r W inte peaches, 1 1-2 cents lb. bring Addressing the League of Na­ | will retu rn to the lake tomorrow 5.6» and laughter is created by these city for a few days. There is a ra th e r large fire knees than the ordinary plus tions today, H arriot declared that lugs. 700 Terrace. Miss Ethel Templin of Ameri­ i morning. — ------------------------------------- ---- men in their attem pt to keep their fours. Very soon ultra-baggy in th^ C rater National forest, can Falls, Idaho, arrived in Ash­ the proper place for a disarm a- FOR SALE: — Have two cars, equilibrium. There will be some- nea ¿ ra te r Peak. The national plus fours were all the rage there, School suits at Paulserud’s. 1-tf land recently. She will te a c h 1 Complete line ot Ashland Can­ • ment conference is within the Ford and Hupmobile. Will give thing about this hayrick that will forest road crew has been sent to and tight-fitting plus fours were Spanish In the local high school. League. He declined to work for somebody a bargain in one. Phone beep them constantly on the move ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf In A shland— put it under control. The fire, severely out of fashion. another conference, such as the 471R, Bell Rooming House 160 This free attraction is pre- Hi's latest fillip to the London Mrs. T. T. Ashlstrom and Nor­ which started W ednesday was See Paul8erud's new fall Ready- ! one recently held in W ashington. 4th St. School books and supplies. El- caused by lightning. 5_1 sented especially for the children tailors’ business was his appear­ man Ashlstrom are visiting with ■ to- wear, 1-tf The Bpeech is believed to sound h a rt’s. l-5 t —— — --------- - j but every adult will get a good ance before the. A dvertising Con­ the Ahistrom family of this city. FOR TRADE Buick Six, good j Vick out of R the death knell for such a con­ gress at Wembley in a tig h t-fit­ E lh a rt’s for school books. l-5 t condition, for lots ference. Apply at CRANE STARTS HIS In Town— ting double-breasted suit with a McNair Bros sell School Books. F ranklin Bakery. 5-1 OLD FIELD IS IN FAVOR Befor an applauding asssmhly, SENTENCE IN JAIL turned soft felt hat a t 10:39 in J. B. Gaining of B utte Falls , In Town— Macdonald voiced a demand for OF DEFENSE DAY the morning. Fashionable London HOUSE FOR SALE — Close in, A real party! At the F air ' Miss Aileen Shepard arrived was in Ashland yesterday atten d ­ KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 6.— a world conference on land dis­ ing to business interests. gaped, but the assembled adver­ near Park, modern, six room. Grounds Pavilion tonight. Finest last night from W ashington to His business affairs settled, H. arm am ent and called upon the (Continued from page I) tising delegates were delighted, Phone owner, 4 30R. 6-2* **Open-Air” Floor in the State. take up her position as^m usic Every student who completed E. ( “ Blondy” ) Crane appeared at and rum or has it th a t there were League to prepare the ground for Modern Syncopated melody, by supervisor in th e high school. FOR RENT: — One and two ! dent Coolidge is sound and can a course a t the Medford Business the sheriff’s office this morning to many double-breasted suits car­ such a conclave, th a t it might not the famous Jewel Orchestra! start serving a six m onths’ sen­ fall. Let us uphold his room apartm ents— cozy and in­ i be trusted. Burton Dancing School, Mem­ College last year was placed on tence in the county jail. He was ried back to the United States by ! hands.” “ America has taken the first expensive— right for one or two In Dunsm uir— orial Hall. Open dally. A fter­ a pay roll. Bus fare allowance. taken to the jail immediately and the advertisers. step tow ard reduction of naval persons. No children. Phone 153. W inter term begins September 15. Mrs. Fred Hitchcock and chil­ noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. arm s,” declared the Prem ier. 5-1 THIRD PARTY HIT BY 308-tf as soon as the iron door had CARRIGAN MAKES dren of this city and Mrs. E. L. 3071-tf clanked behind him the “ K ang­ “ The subject of land arm am ents ROTH CANDIDATES Smith of Dunsmuir were in Ger­ USE OF NEW LAW is more complicated. If such a FOR SALE: — 2nd hand type­ aroo C ourt” went into executive From Medford— ber for a visit. Arrives Here— conference were summoned now, w riter, latest model Remington, i (Continued from page 1.) Miss Lucile Crow returned last session. REDDING, Cal., Sept. 6. — Miss Frances F ra te r of Glan- nearly new. Icenliowers Second A fter hearing his case, the ex­ it would fail. night from Medford where she Lewis Carrigan, secretary of the Lucky spot dance at Lithia dale, Oregon, arrived in Ashland alted prisoner judge of the court “ The role of the League is to Hand Store, 389 East Main St. to heai Davis talk, and arrange­ has been spending the week with N orthern California Counties As­ platform Saturday night. 4-2t yesterday from her home to spend 5-3 ments are being made to handle assessed C rane’s fine at $5, which prepare the ground. All nations R eturn from Lake— sociation was th e only citizen in the w inter teaching in the schools relatives and friends. even a greater throng this even­ “ Blondy” cheerfully paid. present here m ust aid in the pre­ FOR RENT: — Garage, 42 3rd Shasta County to make use of the here. ing. when his first talk, telling Crane was arrested on the night paration. Dance Jackson Hot Springs, St. 5.4 absent voter’s law at the prim ary. Free facial will be given at the of his plans to protect the farm ­ of July 9 on three charges— pos- “ Two points are essential. All Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- Sat. nite, Metropole Orchestra, ession of liquor, m aintaining a He was in Sacram ento on elec­ Vanity Beauty Shoppe next Mon­ ers will be made. countries m ust be represented. SOME PH IPPS BARGAINS 4-2 tion day m aking preparation of day and Tuesday to dem onstrate a r ’s home-made salad dressing. Oregon’s best. nuisance and conducting a gam- The conference m ust be held in 296— lmo* Belcano toilet preparations. — bling game. W hen he plead guilty countJ''8 exhlb“ a t th e s,a,e Europe, where the heads of gov­ SIX room bungalow, full base­ From Phoenix— VANITY SHOPPE. 5-1 ment, concrete foundation, ernm ents here can participate.” Mrs. W. C. Gannaway and to the possession charges, the The supervisors, as they were HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo. large lot, one block off Main gam bling and nuisance charges From Iowa— of course. 212— tf daughter, Thelma Gannaway were winding up the canvass of the street. Range and heater. He was fined , .. In Ashland yesterday visiting were dismissed. NEGRO W ED TO Miss Grace Hawkyard arrived $500 and sentenced to 60 days in eleCt*°n returnS yesterday’ °Pen Price $2100, $500 cash, bal. with Mrs. Clara Minard of the W HITE WOMAN in Ashland yesterday from her From K lam ath— like rent. jail by Justice of the Peace R. A. ed C arrigan's envelope and credi­ Plaza. home in Colorado and will re­ ted his vote in the proper col- ♦ * * * ♦ J. N. Dennis and family re tu rn ­ Em mitt. VANCOUVER, W ash., Sept. 6. ! umns. sume her duties as science in­ ed last night from K lam ath — The difficulty experienced by FOUR acres berries and fruit in H ealth giving whole wheat structor in the hig school. County w here they have been city limits, best irrigation sys­ couples of mixed races in finding bread at The Lithia Bakery. SAYS ELECTRIC SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL spending the last week on a va­ tem in city. Fine large bun­ a m inister or official to m arry SHOCK NOT FATAL Don’t be a drift Save your cation. HOLD CONFERENCE HERE galow, garage; a fine home and them in Clarke county was ob­ P aulserud’s for cleaning and The above sketch w as made money atfd come to -a big dance, I easy living. Price $4000. from an actual photograph viated today by Charles R. Banis­ BERLIN, Sept. 6. — ‘Electric pressing. Phone 119. Will call Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. nite. H unting— There will be an all day Sunday Terms on half. ter, negro, 31, and Mrs. M argaret and deliver. 1-tf shocks do not kill men. Metropole Orchestra. 4-2 » » » » » R. E. Detrick is among the peo­ “ Numerous persons ‘executed’ School Conference at the Presby- E. Rogers, a white woman, 32, ple who are out hunting this Ix'ftve for E verett— terion Church Friday, September who brought with them Rev. E. | SEVEN room house, fine condi­ in the electric chair have not ex­ From C o lo r a d o - week. He will be back Sunday. 12. This will be composed of tion, on paved street, large lot J. M agruder of Portland, who m ar­ Mrj. E. E. H ewett and Mr. and actly been killed, but only brought Miss Edyth Stevenson arrived Sunday School w orkers from plenty fruit and garden. Price Mrs. Travis left yesterday by auto into a state of death-like stiff­ ried them at the court house. yesterday in Ashland and will re­ SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ for E verett, W ashington, where ness, with all th e symptoms of Jackson, Josephine and Klam ath B anister said lie was a bus boy for quick sale, $2500. Terms Don’t gamble with death and don’t take chances that may sume her duties as teacher in the MOBILE insurance; b etter term s death. Thus it has been assumed ®°“ “ tles and is the only one to be and Mrs. Rogers gave her occu­ On half. Mrs. H ewett will meet h er hus­ mean the loss of hundreds of Hawthorne school. and lower rates. Yeo, of course. band and make their home there. th a t several hundreds of crim in­ held in southern Oregon. The pation as waitress. t * * * » dollars as well as the loss of Both gave Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf principal speaker of the evening you- car. th eir address as 509 Tillamook DAIRY ranch to exchange for als and others accidentally ‘kill­ Let Paulserud make you a suit will be A. M. Locker, field secre­ city home. street, Portland. Ixiaves for School— ed’ by an electric shock have been Carry enough automobile in­ Superllte auto finish; guaran­ or fit you out in one of our fall tary for th e International Council ♦ ♦ * * * surance to give you proper buried alive.” Bernice Myer left W ednesday Ready-to-W’ear. 1-tf teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. of Religious education and suc­ protection and m ake sure that BUYS GOLF SITE QUARTER section Black Oak This is the declaration of Pro­ evening for John Day where she 298— tf you have the right policies in cessor of the late Marion Law­ timber, with homestead by side OREGON CITY, Sept. 6.— The will have charge of the commer­ fessor Jellinik, director of the R eturns from South— the right amounts. rence. Mr. Locker will speak on purchase of a five acre tract just of it. Will trade for city or cial departm ent In the high Vienna Electric-Pathological In ­ Mrs. Frank Bess and daughter, A rrives H ere— “A New Day in Religious Educa­ Call on th is agency ranch property. stitu te, who asserts he proved it outside the Oregon City limits school. Irm a Bess, returned last night Miss Alice Kidder, commerce of th e Hartford Fire tion.” Dr. W alter L. VanNuys * * » ♦ * on the north and on the north by restoring the life of several Insurance Co., for all from San Francisco where they teacher In the high school, arriv ­ persons decreed death by other will address the m eeting with the side of A bernathy river from Don’t miss the showing of form of A utom obile have been spending the past few ed Thursday and is making her See topic “ Week Day Church School” Anna Englebrechit for a munici­ doctors. Insurance. coats, suits and dresses at Sugg’s days. home at the Practice house. P H I I’ P S Vienna experts, professors of and Dr. Fred Grey will talk on pal playground was comp’.eted m illinery one day only, Saturday 2IO East Main St. if you w ant September 6th. 2-3t Vienna University, are a t present the “ Value of Interdenom inational here W ednesday by the city com­ Zonite antiseptic, 50c— McNair Everybody will have big time a trad«* O rganization.” Mr. W. S. Burt investigating the sensational the­ mission, the price being $3500. Bros. a t L ithia spot dance Saturday of Benton County and Rev. Chas. Real E state & Real Insurance Why pay more for milk when ory. night. 4-2t Estab. 1883 FOR SA LE— Old papers at Tid- C. H ulet of K lam ath County wilt you can get the best milk for SOUND DEATH KNELL In Ashland— 41 E. Main St. Pboue 211 also speak. Mrs.. Jean M. Jo h n ­ db FOR PRESENT TALKi : 25c per bundle' 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone FIRE FIGHTER DIES Miss Nora W ard of Albany a r­ Prizes given at Lithia platform son, state secretary will attend 396R and 369J. 4-tf FROM ______ H IS IN JU R IES the rived yesterday ajid will teach Saturday night. 4-2t meeting. MILWAUKIE, Wis., Sept. 6. In the city schools this winter. EUGENE, Sept. 6.— John H. j The knell of low-brow conversa- i 0 WOMAN BURNED TO Return From Bandon— tlon in the corner barber shop lias DEATH IN HOUSE Richey, world war veteran who ¡ CROWDS WATCH The Acklin Taxi will make a Mrs. Fred Neil and daughter, was injured at 5 o’clock M onday; PRELIM INARIES struck. Henceforth your barber trip to Shale City at 1:30 tom or­ Jean and Joe Neil and Orville may discuss Einstein’s theory as OREGON CITY, Sept. 6.— Mrs. morning while fighting the Sal- row. Phone 213 and make reser­ Hall returned last night from PENDLETON, Sept. 6.— W ith mon creek tim ber fire above Oak­ he shaves your face and may vations. 5-1* Bandon where they have been Laura W ilcrit, 28, was burned to THEATER BEAUTIfU» three special attractions to excite ridge, died at a local hospital speak of the fourth dimension as death late today in a fire which spending a weeks vacation. They early today as a resu lt of his in­ their interest, spectators w’ere be cuts your hair. We deliver the goods— Detricks reported th a t they experienced destroyed the home of E. W. LAST TIMES TODAY juries. A burned snag struck plentiful this afternoon in the College education for all bar­ Meeks at Milwaukie. Neighbors 94-tf very cold w eather while there. Certainly, and not only who rushed in to save furniture, by a large rock rolling down a prelim inary tryouts of bucking bers? Agnes Ayres m ountain side fell upon Richey, horses held at the Round-up this, but a chair of cjiirotonsory did not know Mrs. W ilcrit was in IN * Let us fill your pail with Swifts From M innesota— in all State universities, and th e house. Her body was found breaking a shoulder and arm and grounds. Silver Leai lard. Costs less than Misses Carrie Englund, Mabel “ BLUFF” F irst there were the horses No State laws requiring apprentices in the ruins by O. A. Pace, cor­ fracturing his skull. Thomas and L aura Olsen arrived shortening, «joes fa rth e r and is oner of Clackamas county. L ittle was known of Richey Name, the leading outlaw of the to complete a t least two years of 94-tf AND In Ashland yesterday from Minne­ more nutritions. Detricks. here and an effort was made by lot; Bill McAdoo and some other college before becoming eligible Mrs. W ilcrit, who «vas a widow, sota. They will be employed in had been staying with the Meeds Coroner B ran stetter to find his lesser lights th a t were led into for a license. ueeds repla; jraents after L eaves For M issouri— “ THE TELEPHONE th e schools during the winter. relatives. It was known th a t he the arena and invited to do their H erbett Doran will leave today family. W hen the house took fire enlisted in the arm y at Billings, being used all :* « lumer GIRL” stuff ju st to prove to the directors presum ably from the explosion of PLANES TO ROUND-UP for the Missouri Valley College Two-pants suits at Paulserud’s. an oil stove, young F ran k Meeks Mont., and in his pocket was of the show th a t they are still VANCOUVER, W ash., Sept. 6. 1-tf in M arshall, Missouri. He attend­ hurried to inform his father, who found a letter mailed at Morton, able to defy cowboys. We car. give you I ----------------- ----- — A squadron of seven airplanes ed the Occidental College near Wash. He was about 25 years Hoot Gibson, the movie star, will leave Vancouver barracks Los Angeles last year but owing was working in a nearby field. of age. R eturn Home— and his company were also in the aviation field at 1 o’clock, Sep­ onday Before Mr. Meeks reached the Mildred Thom and Florence to th e fact th a t his parents are house it was In flames. Neigh­ E ight tim ber fires, started by arena shooting some scenes for tem ber 19, for a cross-country For Every Car M erritt of this city returned from graduates of the Missouri Col­ bors had removed considerable lightning last night, were rep o rt­ the special film “ Let ’E r Buck” , practice flight to Pendleton, Ore., • • » ed to the office of the Cascade th a t will be taken during the to attend the round-up and re­ Dunsm uir Thursday a fte r visiting lege and he has relatives in th a' furniture. national forest today. for a short tim e with Miss state he will atten d there. show* and throngs stood around turn September 21. Lieutenant Mr. Meeks was unable to find MHUTtO »» u n w tutat. Thelma H eer and Mrs. C. H. to get some first-hand inform a­ Oakley G. Kelly, air commander any trace of Mrs. W ilcrit and It Don’t forget lucky spot dance Smith. tion about how ‘movies” are here, made a flight to Pendleton a t Lithia platform Saturday night. was only after considerable dif­ taken. ficulty th a t the body was located. yesterday and made all arran g e­ 4-2t Each one gets b etter w hat? m ents for accommodations for For Every Car Those Sat. nite dances a t Jack- On Sick L ist— the squadron. COOS BAY TO GET YOUNG BOY SHOT A C hronicle o f E ven ts O ccuring I 2 . ■ ...................................................... son Hot Springs. Metropole Or­ in W orld Centers of ♦ ♦ # AIRPLANE SERVICE BY HIS PLAYMATE L. R. Coombe of Scenic Drive, P opu lation chestra. 4-2 who has been on th e sick list for MARSHFIELD, Sept. 4.— Coos I SALEM, Sept. 6. — Edward the past few days is reported to bay is to have a commercial h y -‘ A rrives H ere— Snyder, 15, son of Simon N. Sny­ be improving. LONDON, Sept. 6. — Edward droplane and the stock company der, was in a hospital here to­ Miss Ethel Jarm on of Echo, headed by E. F. Smith, which is Prince of Wales, continues to be night suffering from the effects Oregon, arrived in Vshland re- NOTICE TO PUBLIC the arb iter of-male fashions. of a bullet wound inflicted by For Every Car cently from her ho» ;. She will Supplement No. 2 to Public prom oting the enterprise,, sees a Englishmen, Americans, and, Andrew Jairl. Jairl also is about good business for it Jn this sec­ be home economics if tructor in j Service Commission Order No. 7, * « to some extent, Frenchm en, Ita l­ the Junior High this year. i providing for a service charge on tion. Prices have been set te n ­ ians and Germans, all religiously 16 years of age. Snyder was said ---------- each m eter of Sixty ($.60) per tatively as $50 to Portland, $150 follow the Prince in the m atter to be in a serious condition. to San Francisco and $20 to Reports reaching the police in­ Ladles and children’s hair cut- m onth, becomes effective th irty points like Bandon on thq coast. of new styles. dicated th a t the boys were play­ ting. Powder Puff L’ja u ty Par- day® from date- He has but to appear a t some Smith was two years on the ing w ith rifles and had taken lor. 293-tfi Southern O regon Gas Company front in the world war and spent social function or on a golf links tu rn s shooting at m arks. W hether ---------- September 1, 1924. 4 Fri. Sat. 6 For Every Car four years after the war in com­ in a new style of tie or a new- Jairl deliberately shot young From S cotts B lu ff— mercial flying. The company is colored sw eater and thè whole Snyder or the accident resulted * ♦ * Misses Ethel Johnson and Mary In M edford— being stock for $1500, but ex­ of the younger male sm art set im­ from defective aim had not been Miss Mildred Erickson is spend­ Anne Adams of Scotts Bluff, Ne­ pects to enlarge soon after open­ mediately follows, while haber­ ascertained tonight. The bullet ing the w’eek in Medford visiting braska, arrived in Ashland last dashers display the new style with ing for business. entered Snyder’s abdomen and night and will spend the w inter with friends and relatives. the certain knowledge th a t the emerged through his back. here teaching in the public description “as now being worn CRUELTY REPORTED Lucky spot dance at Lithia schools. by th e Prince of W ales” will prove CHEHALIS, W ash., Sept. 6.— park, Saturday night. 4-2t a certain and ready sale. Some brute in human form pep­ The F air Isle sw eater and the i B ids W anted for Excavation For Every Car pered with buckshot a fine team You know about mother $10.00 Rew ard batwing tie are two illu stratio n s' Bids for excavating area 60x of horses owned by Michael Mc­ A rew ard of ten dollars will bo 100 feet on the lot on E ast Main! Donald and Michael O’Brien, who of the slavish following the ' i love, brotherly love, puppy j paid by the Ashland Ku Klux Prince has. The Prince played and hundreds of other street between the B utler and live near Morton. Both eyes of ' Kian for the arrest and conviction himself in as captain of St. An- love; but Tiger I.ove is dif- Smith properties. The excavation parts of the person who w rote a letter one anim al were blinded and its Is to go down one foot below the mate badly injured. The anim als j drews this year attired in a re- to the Ashland cannery th reaten ­ were especially prized by th eir ' mark&bly j ferent — Love in Spain—• patterned sw eater 1 lowest sidewalk level and to be ing and w arning them th a t if they owners, who can conceive of no I made 1° the F a ir Isles. H ardly a j level a t bottom with grade of did not raise the wages of the where love IS love and walk. Do your own figuring on possible reason for such wanton ' week was out before dozens of i That will please you women workers th a t dire results cruelty. ! sm art young golfers were attired • yardage and m ake bid for the they say it with danees and would follow, which le tte r was __________________ ! in sim ilar sweaters, and a r e a l ■ job complete. Bids will be open­ falsely signed K. K. K. Klamath Falls — Building per­ industry has been created in th e . “ In the H eart of Town” I swords. ed Sept. 15 a t 5 o’clock. B ert R. Ashland Kian No. 10. mits issued for 3 days recently Fair Isles, the demand for t h e • Greer, Tidings office. 3— 4 5-6 total $150,000. sweaters being enormous. 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES 10 A CONFERENCE When the Driver “T ook a Chance” Billings Agency w E v e ry Car SUDDEN SERVICE i'r<,MOliKOW - M George Melford Strömberg Carbure­ tors—Parts NEWS LETTER IT’S Far ran-Oid Fan Belts WARM American Hammer­ ed Rings but Colder W eather will be here before long, then Steering Gear a n d you will need WOOD or COAL CAKES and COOKIES Lithia Bakery tie rod bolts and bushings Let us supply your needs now Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. Leedonfs Tire House