FAQS M B H ASHLAKB »Aili? TttttNGS Classified Column i Cla-Miried Colum n R ates One cent the word PROFESSIONAL *"»~*‘» * * * * * * PH Y SIC IA N S each tim e. To run every Issue for one m onth or more, H e the word each time. DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings .................. « W > «««♦ vice will be evangelistic with an World Peace Movement and the ¡S O C IE T Y : MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor epfthltig söhg service and a mes­ sage by the pastor. Miss Wattes- barger is the leader for the Ep­ worth League meeting a t 6:45 Sund&Jy evening. Ail art» cor- . dially invited to alt tha meetings at the Methodist church. DR. C. W. HANSON Phone items to her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P M. D entist *-*.............. • • Special attention given to pyor­ CALENDAR OF EVENTS party Thursday in honor of Mr. FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver m n . r, i T rinity Episcopal Church Monday, Sept. 8. Parent-Teach- and Mrs. P eter Spencer who win > Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond - Block. Phone 178-J. _____ 233-tf. er Council meets at Library at FOR RENT— Furnished room .eave soon tor Eugene where Mr Mr. vr„,.. „ __ ona Holy Communion at 8 a. m. w ith or w ithout housekeeping DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Pyac- ^-30. Plans will be made for fair Spencer has a position on the Church School a t 9:45. Morning privilege; also good garage. Mrs. tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano and lecePtion to teachers. Every faculty at the University of Ore- Service and Sermon on ‘‘P repara­ Daugherty, 55 Pine St. 287-12* th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. ° ne asked to atten d - go. The table was beautifully tion for life and destiny” at 11. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te l Tuesday, Sept. 9. W. C. T. U. decorated with dahlias, for which I OR KENT— Furnished sleep­ Strangers and visitors most 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, i £ ° U,ntji Council meeta in L ithia Mrs. E lh art is so famous. A three- ing rooms, 1165 East Main St., cordially welcomed. □re la r k . 1:30 to 4:30. Everyone in- course dinner was served. The 1 1-2 block from high school. _____ ____________ __________ ' vited. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Peter 299— 12* t Church of C hrist Scientist • * • DR. M ATTIE B. SHAW — Resi-! Spencer and son, Bert, Mr. and Pioneer Ave., South FOR RENT: — Eighty acre ■ dence and office, 108 Pioneer " • C* T< C onvention— Mrs. Eric W eren, J. O. Rigg, and Sunday morning service at 11 avenue. Telephone 28. Offict fuesday, September 9th the < the host and hostess, Mr. and farm , seven miles east of Ashland o clock. Subject of lesson, “ Man” . W. C. T. U. will hold th eir a n - J Mrs. E lh art and son, Billy on Pacific highway. For inform a­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 Sunday School at 10 o’clock. nual county convention in the * * « tion appy to Mollie Songer, 4 5 p. m. only. W ednesday evening m eeting at Lithia P ark near the round-table. I B irthday P arty __ Helman St. Ashland. 303-10* 8 o’clock. A very delightful birthday Dll. E. B. ANGELL—— Chiropractic It will be held from o n e-th irty j Reading Room open daily from M>R R ENT: — 2 furnished Mrs. S. L. ] party was given W ednesday even- and Electro-Therapy. Office until four-thirty. 2 until 5 p. m., excepting Sundays apartm ents near high school. 575 phone 48; residence 142. First Leonard of Medford has ch arg e! ing in honor of Mrs. M argaret and holidays. Liberty. Phone 335L. 2-6 National Bank building. of the program. Hall who was eighty years old At this time officers for th e ! on th a t day. The evening was FOR RENT: — Modern well The Baptist Church M onuments ensuing year will be elected. A I spent in talking and doing fancy located furnace heated apart-1 “ The Christ We Never See,” short program is being arranged. I work. At the close of the even- MONUMENTS ments and sleeping rooms, f u r - ! will be the them e for Sunday R efreshm ents will be served by ing different kinds of cake and ASHLAND GRANITE nished and unfurnished. 316 H a r - ; morning. “ The Price of Sin,” sub­ the Ashland W. C. T. U. which ¡s lic e cream were served, MONUMENTS gadine. l-t( ject for Sunday evening. Sunday hostess for the day. Those present were Mesdames B lair G ranite Co. School 9:45 a. m. Young people’s The convention was to be held Mary Lwis, Ed Kilgore, Eleanore PENNISTON, Manager for SALE Monday and Tuesday but it w as! Powell, C. H. Shutts, John Fin- meeting, Senior and Interm ed- Office 175 E. Main necessary to change th e plans and J neran, Tatresa Lowe, Lizzie Lowe, iates, 6:45, Juniors will mee a t Res. Phone 444-Y Now is the time to buy a home it has been arranged for this date. Roy Hosley, Tony Franco, F. F. 6 p. m. Special Bible study and while property is low. You will ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May • A great many members from I W hittle, Greenleaf W alker prayer meeting Tuesday evening; pay more money next year, a s ' communicate with Ensign Lee i Medford are expected to attend Moore, George Shelton Philip regular prayer m eeting Wednes­ Ashland is going to boom. New of the Salvation Army at t h e ; and all of the Ashland m embers Sargeant, Humphrey, Will Loo- day evening; tarry meeting F ri­ people coming in every day to W hiteShield Home, 565 May- are urged to be present to greet j mis, Purvis, Misses Nell Purvis, day evening. A special request for all members of the church locate here. Yesterday I had a fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. the out-of-town guests. Virginia W hittle, Nance Hall and who really believe hat prayer family from California; also man • » * the guest of honor, Mrs. M argaret pla ’ n ïn g " m ïll “makes a difference” are urged and wife from Chicago. Both i Celebrate Admissio^i » a y - Hall. to attend the Tuesday evening families are going to locate here. • • Residents of Southern Oregon JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET meeting. O ther announcem ents FOR SALE WORKS, Cor. Helman and who a t some form er tim e had M issionary M eets— from the pulpit. The Full Gospel A F ew Bargains The Missionary Society of the Church. Visitors Van Ness. 194tf their homes in C alifornia are are especially 6 room house, all modern, 1 ________planning a big celebration for I Christion Church met Friday with welcomed. block from Junior High School, TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Admission Day, September 9, a\id Mrs. Floyd Putm an as leader C. B. Miller, P astor garage, fru it of all kinds, large W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. from the responses already re- The Bible revelation was read by lot. Price 83,000. for SERVICE. ! ceived by the committee it is evi- Mrs. K atherine Morrison and ap- The F irst P resbyterian Church 7 room house, 2 blocks from Experienced movers and pack- dent th a t this will be one of the propriate comments made. A list Ashland, Oregon H aw thorne School, all modern; ers of household goods. Deal- bi£ events of the early fall season, of questions on missionary topics Rev. J. C. Mergler, Pastor good garage; some fru it; large ers in coal and wood. Phone The com m ittee in charge have were answered and several phases . Our Sabbath School meeting at ^ lot; everything in fine shape. 117. form ulated definite plans which of the work was brought out. 9:45 a. in. offers adiquate facil­ Price 83500. Office 89 Oak St. near include a swim at Jackson Hot Mrs. R. L. Burdic read an article Springs Swimming tank followed I from th e “ W orld Call” and Mrs. ities of persons of all ages for the 7 room house, all modern; Hotel Ashland study of the Bible. You will find close to H awthorne school on by a basket picnic and dancing at F rank Shaffer told a story of an a hearty welcome aw aiting you. 7*- POWELL— General T rans­ Boulevard. Well furnished gar­ the Hot Springs Pavilion. The India widow woman, Mrs. P ut Because of the urgent requests fer— Good team and motor age; corner lot. Price 84500. Pavilion has been secured for the man read a very interesting ar- trucks. G iod service at a rea- entire evening and the committee I tid e on the beginning of Bible which have been received the See W. W. Robison, 63 N. Main sonab.’e price. Phone 83. s <- 3— tf has arranged for the exclusive use societies. Those present felt th a t pastor will prech Sunday morning of the swimming tank from five] it had been a very interesting and Ut 11 o’clock— the Sunday pre- FOR SALE CHEAP — Bose ceeding National Defense Test FEHIGE-ROACH to seven o’clock. They have also instructive meeting. pears, culls, fine for canning. Day— on the subject, “ W aging T ransfer Express Storage ' arranged with the management Newby & Sons, Talent Peace.” In discussing this sub- Phone ; Hauling — Dray work of all j to serve coffee and ice cream at 372J2. ject the pastor will endeavor to 1-tf! kinds. Quick motor service. Dry the pavilion. Dance music will dem onstrate the relationship be- - FO R SA LE: - - Peaches and wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R be dispensed by Herb A lford’s Im- 375 B. St. H 2 -tf _ perial ___ Orchestra. _________ tween the Christian Religion, the grapes. Phone 9 F I 3. W. B. F irst Congregational Church A cordial invitation is extend-1 Beebe. 4-2 W. Judson Oldfield, Minister j ed to all residents of Southern For a smooth shave j Oregon who at any time have | Boulevard and Main Street. FOR SALK or TRADE— (160 and quick service go , made th eir homes in California. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with acre ranch. Missouri River bot­ tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, to the Shell Barber * * » classes for all grades and ages. North Dakota. If interested call Shop. Ladies and F rate rn a l B rotherhood— Bring your Bible. Morning ser or w rite G. 8. Butler. 300— lm o children get your hair The F ratern al Brotherhood held vices at 11; subject, “ C hrist’s bobbed and m arcel­ a m eeting at the Moose Hall last Joy” . C hristian Endeavor a t‘6:30. FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers led. night. The regular business meet- I Evening service at 7:30; subject milk fed. crate fattened, Maxe- ing was held a t which time Mr. ‘Making C haracter.” Prayer meet- dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* W. a \ ) S »V iP r°-P‘ ! F ‘ L‘ N u tter was elected presi- inS every W ednesday evening at ‘ re 1 dent; Eilene N utter, vice-presi- J 7:30. The subject for next week MISCELLANEOUS dent; Lucile Kellogg, tre a su rer; is “ The Commandments of God Cora True, secretary; Kenneth | and Life E verlasting.” The pub- GET YOU STOVE repaired at POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Madden, sergeant; Oliver Rosen- He is cordially invited to all these Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito crans, inner door keeper. Mr. services in the Congregational G. W. Milam R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 Mark True was the form er presi­ church. Independent O berlin St. 306-1 mo.* dent. Candidate for County School M ethodist Episcopal Church At this time four candidates WANTED: — Used flat top Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ S. J. Chaney, Minister were initiated into the lodge. Mr. office desk and swivel chair. See ty, Oregon. The Sunday School will meet McGee, state m anager of the G reer at the Tidings office. 1-4 at 9:45. Classes are provided lodge was in Ashland for the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION m eeting and gave a short talk tell- for a11 a &es and an are welcome, 013051 I NEGOTIATE SALES ing of the purposes of the organi- Miss Mary Young, who went out D epartm ent of the In terio r zation. to the mission field from the Ash D on ’t get excited nbout it, but U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, ju st bear in m ind that now Is a Oregon, August 25, 1924. Following th? m eeting a dance land Methodist church, will be the good tim e to buy real e sta te in NOTICE is hereby given that was held with music furnished ! speaker a the morning service, Ashland. Jacob P. Timmerman, of Ashland, by the P etit orchestra. A large j She lias been working in Korea I have a good little restaurant Oregon, who, on June 14, 1921, crowd attended and experienced and has an interesting story about i for sale, $ 5 0 0 w ill take it. made Homestead Entry, Serial a very pleasant evening. The next her work and missions in gen­ The evening church ser- Good country store business on No. 013951 for the NW »4 of Sec­ meeting will be held two w’eeks eral. paved highw ay, $ 3 0 0 0 w ill handle tion 3, Township 40 S, Range 3 from last night. F uture meetings it. E. W illamette Meridian, has filed will be strictly invitational. I have another big surprise for • • * HOHEUKE j you very soon. But don’t get ex­ notice of intention to make Final A shcraft-K allnian W edding— cited . Ju st buy som e o f th e good Three-year Proof, to establish Friends of Mrs. E sther A shcraft offerin g s. claim to the land above described, be pleased to knowT th a t she Our expert doctors and surgeons, I have an oth er good net, 15 before Chauncey Florey», Clerk of will was m arried September 1st at excellent food, and quiet surroundings County Court of Jackson County, p er cent incom e property. 9 bring you real health. G Oregon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, Vancouver, B. C. to C. A. Kali- ■S M N I STR U T, SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. man, construction engineer of the on the 30th day of September, Pacific Engineers, Ltd. They STAPLES’ AGENCY 1924. O ffice, H otel A shland Bldg. Claimant names as witnesses: were m arried at the Em press Ho- j Phone 2 6 John Moore, of Ashland, Oregon. tel in Vancouver and will spend I W alter Banta, of Ashland, Oregon. th eir honeymoon a t B ant a n d ' Lake Louise. They will make PIANO instruction, by exper­ Ernest Inm an, of Ashland, Ore­ their home in Vancouver. Mrs. ' gon. ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. 3— lm oi George CraPsey> of Ashland, Ore­ Silsby of Ashland who made the i trip north with Mrs. Kallman will gon. retu rn to this city in about a ■ C ar W ashing HAMILL A. CANADY, month. Have opened wash rack at Rob­ Register. • • • inson's Garage. Day or night ' 308-5 Sat. Dinner P arty — service. J. H. PERRY. 4-2* ! Mr. and Mrs. H. H. E lh art en- ' TO TRADE— 1922 Buick Six, in | ASTORIA, Sept. 6. — O. H. tertained with a charm ing d in n er' -o— o good condition for vacant lots. , Byland, county superintendent of Phone 199. 4-2 , schools today received a letter The New Improved Ever- from Stanley W allulis, a rancher sbarp Pencil living on the north fork of the Ne­ $1.00 to $5.00 halem river, explaining that when­ ever his two boys, 10 and 11 years i Waterman Tdeal Fountain old, started to or from school, Pen they met two or three bears, and $2.50 up were too badly frightened to con- / | tinue the trip. Mr. Byland had Largest and most com­ Electric clothes washer, demanded the reason why the boys ! were not attending school. plete stocks in the city AT THE CHURCHES Notice! Bent Brotiiers. In­ corporated build­ ers of the Talent irrigation dam, six miles Southeast of Ashland, are r e- ceiving b i d s on their entire camp. About 25,000 feet of new lumber in temporary build­ ings. Bids are be­ MORTON HOSPITAL ing received on or before September 20. TEXT BOOKS for School Q iÄ c CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY UNIVERSAL 7.14% kany ask mem ber a o c ur Qiganization Hallos C a ta rrh Medicisae;‘"!at± : - r i d your system of C atarrh or Deaf­ ness caused by Catarrh. Sold by drugsiilt /m o^ rr 40 yca^ 7. C H E N E Y & C d .. s embodying the Klamath — W ater turned Into TO U T PERSONS pipe line for new Copco power Incline to fu ll feelin g after eat­ plant to develop 4500 h. p. ing, gassy pains, constipation XelwveJ and digestion improved by . ...... « r ”W | Hillsboro — State highway C H A M B E R L A IN ’S commission to build new bridge TABLETS over T ualatin river. 1 Cleansing and comforting - only 25c T H E Ashland Electric Supply 240 E ast Main St. There is wisdom in reading ads. To do so »nay moan heavy carpenter bills, in addi­ tion to larger painting ex­ pense. J. 0. RIGG . Dill Pickles 8 P . M. RELISH s o il- n lp ‘ J to n # „ , Select lom at oes Table ust and Canning H. S. Glein W agner Creek Road TALENT, OREGON entrees 1« ricasee of Chicken en Resota ROASTS0^ ’ Chickon Marango Roast Young Chicken, Giblet Sauce Prim e Ribs of Beef Au Jos Mashed P o ta to « Caad.ed S w .et P „ ,at0M Creamed C arrots and Peas T „ DESSERT Ice Cream and Cake „ Peach Jello Tidings Subscriptions Must Be Paid In Advance | = | | | I | I While The Daily Tidings has discontinued its plan ol sending a collector each month lo collect from its city subscribers in Ashland, the rule that all sub­ scriptions must be paid in advance is still in force. The discontinuance of the personal collection sys- tern was merely to reduce expenses which will eventually benefit the subscriber—not to in any way alter our rule that all subscriptions must be paid in advance. As heretofore, unless our sub­ scribers pay in advance, their subscriptions will be discontinued. PAY AT THE TIDINGS OFFICE Many have already gladly adopted the new plan and have called at The Tidings office to pav their subscription. Drop in at The Tidings office the next time you are down town or mail in your sub­ scription—65 cents a month or «7.50 a year. The Daily Tidings Ashland, Oregon It’s the Big Event of the Year JACKSON COUNTY and PEAR SHOW -Near THE DIXIE SYNCOPATERS Dancers—Singer s—J azz W I I IN PURSES FOR HORSE RACES 100 Harness Horses, 40 Gallopers Entered Sale of Popular Fiction Books—over 100 titles 59c While they last- -Values to $1.50 01i" 8 Cream of Chicken A la Rane „ SALAD H earts of Lettuce, Thousand Island Dressing McNair Brothers The ov«. Don’t Delay Y our Mouse Paintinir ALLEGED SLAVER FINALLY CAUGHT Special Sunday Dinner, $1.00 NELDA CAFE Sensational Wire Walkers sal’s superior qualities. We will be glad to demonstrate witness. The girl, whose cam e io being w ithheld, ie also held. Police, when informed Rhyne was calling at a residence here to get the girl, went to the location. Both men were In an automobile and when they saw the police, endeavored to make a getaway. However, in their hurry to get away they cramped their car. and police captured them. o'clock in the church dining room. ; PORTT 4 N n o . „ At 7:30 on W ednesday evening 1 ^AND, Sept. 6. — An ex- o. ~ i » i _____ . .. citing automobile chase here re ­ the pastor .will present the seven-1 sulted in the apprehension of A1 th study in St. Jo h n ’s Gospel. You Rhyne, 35, charged with tra n s­ are invited to engage in this porting a 17-year old girl from study with us. The D istrict conference of the Salem to Seattle and back to P o rt­ Council of Religious Education land. Earl Saxon, 25, arrested will be held in this church on with Rhyne, is held as a m aterial Friday,» Sept. 12 with afternoon and evening sessions. Delegates are expected from a l l ! * parts of Southern Oregon. Dr. j ♦ W alter L. Van Nuys and Dr. Fred * Gray representing the state and : I Dr. ‘Locker representing 7 h e Na" tional Organization will be the 11 A. M. to principal speaker. THE AERIAL THOMPSONS p ro d u c t, Univer­ The Salvation A mhv F ourth St. N ear Depot Services Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday night 8:15, also Sunday l l a. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. All are in­ vited o these services. Sunday night Sept. 7th will be the farewell meeting for Lieut. ( has. Bennett. Come and say good-bye. Lieut. Chas. Bennett. Lieut. Carl Duiell. Officers in Charge. Medford, Sepf. 10, 11, 12, 13 W IIIR L W A V E Preferred Stodkyields loyal perform ance of the duties of Citiienahip at this time. The Christiau Endeavor socie­ ty wHl meet at 7 p. m. A fter participation in Union Sunday night services for the past three months the churches co­ operating will resume their in­ dividual Sunday night services. Our service will be held at 8 p. n , The sermon Subject will be __ ‘Spiritual T ransform ation” . The service will last one hour and you are cordially invited to worship with us. The Guild Circle will enjoy their quarterly dinner with their friends on Monday evening a t C Saturday, September 6. 1024 SHAM BATTLE On Night of Sept. 12, by National Guard inspiring music By Ashland. Grants Pass and Medfnrd Bands Thursday, Sept. 11, is Ashland Day