PM« T wô A sù L ânô DAILY ïfBiÿôâ M ASH LAND D A IL Y T ID I N 6 S ’iumPGd from (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) P u b lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. B ert R. Greer George Madden K n ^ AattChJLStand,oi^¿¿;Postorr^ Saturday, September 6, lfcjf insignificance of hav ing their mail sacks i dosed today when threa local i CALIFORNIA RIVERS a R xj ¿¿ looming low thrown off the afternoon liver, to the dignified position!t68idents — made far I , ----- ~ a search Ivi of receiving a one-minute'stop, as a result of the increase a colt which was reported crazed from th irst within a few miles of m population due to automobile touriSt traffic. Bankers this city, found th at it had been ot one Southern Oregon town on the Pacific highwav re- torn to pieces during the night tllat ab°ut three-fourths of their bank clearings Ö by coyotes. (luring the summer months represent the new weal tli County Clerk J. W. Devey and the traveling public that pauses in its motor REDDING, Cal., Sept. 6,-^-Of- fieial m easurem ents of the water iu Fall River show th at this stream is less than 10 per cent below its normal flow at this late date in th e driest season Californ­ ia has ever known. The same is true of Hat Creek and Rising River, which come into Pit River from the south. Fall River cm-1 Pties into Pit River from the north, or rath er it did empty into I the Pit until the Pacific Gas and Electric Company diverted the whole stream through a tunnel ! to Pit No. 1. Confidence Rules Credits his son, Gordon who were travel- i And, determ ines your standing Beats Electric or Gas ing in an auto the previous day, I in the community. The size trips along the Oregon-California boulevard. The village, of your bank account isn’t nec Subscription Price, Delivered in City reported^ the animal staggered to A new oil lamp th a t gives an One M o n th ..... essarlly the guage by which $ .*55 hamlet or town will benefit most from the automobile th e machine. They gave it all Three Months amazingly brilliant, soft, white SixTonth°anth.8 ..................................................................- ” - i'»5 tourist crop, that provides the best camping ........ ............................ o facilities the w ater in their canteen, which You Are Judged even better than gas or One Year ....................................................................... 75^ i aiK‘ the touring public know that Ins presence is perceptibly revived it. The driv­ light, electricity, lias been tested by the More often it is the beginning ~ By Mail and R ural Routes ........................... recognized as the asset that it is. “ Where do we eat?” er of a truck traveling behind U. S. Government and 35 leading On® M onth............ of proper bank connections, 3 - .65 isks the sunburned pilot of the family flivver as he pulls them also gave the suffering ani­ universities and found to be su­ Three Months ............... ............................................. and the m anner in which you mal all the w ater he had and on Six M onths v.................... ' ’ ’ ’ ...................................................................... handle your money, the way One Year .............. ..................................................................... 3.60 Up near the edge of town in search of tile auto park. If arrival here made plans for its perior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. you make It and how you 6.50 the park is conveniently located, kept clean and lias the ' It burns w ithout odor, smoke or spend it. Sometimes advice on rescue. noise— no pumping up, is simple, ftinvl. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: business policy has been the advantages which keen competition in the matter of The m other was nowhere to be clean, safe. Burns 94 per cent air single insertion, per i n c h ___ factor in making a business a $ .30 Yearly Contracts: automobile parks has made necessary, the word spreads seen and it is suposed she met and 6 per cent common kerosene It is the constant flow of these success. One insertion a week • 27% with the rapidity of a prairie fire. “ Blinkville is not th e same fate as the colt, after (coal oil). Twc Insertions a week ................................................................... stream s w inter and summer, that .25 the two anim als had wandered ! The Inventor, V. M. Johnson, Daily insertion ....................... ............................................... makes them so valuable for pow­ much of a town, but it lias a good park, and the wood is ap art while crazed with thirst. .20 cm , < n Bates for Ijegal and Miscellaneous Advertising ! is offering to send a lamp on 10 er development purposes as at the already chopped.” That is the magic talisman that F ir s t in se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e . 8 . I day’s FR EE trial, or even to give two power houses on H at Creek •1,0 ta c h subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................ * decides Ma and Pa and the four little tourists that Blink­ ANTELOPE RACE .05 Card of T h a n k s ............... ..................................... one FREE to the first user In a t Pot No. 1 on Pit River and __ I 1.00 ville, rather than Sleeptown, shall be the stopping place WITH MACHINES I each locality who will help him j in th e future at four more power Obituaries, per line.... ’ * ------------- 02% !<>n their miniature world flight. Treat them right, give PORTLAND, Sept. 6. — Fleet- 1 introduce it. W rite him to-day I bouses farth er down the river, • All , ♦ WHAT constitutes advertising them a good place to eat, and the city’s fame will spread footed antelope in the stretches i for full particulars. Also ask him = conecuon £ » » I n 7 3 ^ r t 7 » i « e “ ,