AMttUM ittitf f t ö i O PAGE R»cm » ♦ ♦ ♦ u t» H ere W e d n e s d a y - Visiting in Falls “ Mrs. C. tio u t and son and Mrs. Amos W illits of this city daughter of Corvallis were in is in Klam ath Falls visiting with Ashland W ednesday attending the friends and relatives. A Dally C hronicle of th ose w ho com e and go, .and ev en ts of I funeral of Mrs. Emily Stevens. local Interest. Miss Helen Pygall returned to In F alls— Corvallis with them for a short Mrs. A. L. Harvey of this city stay. R eturns Home— Stated Session is spending the week with friends Miss Dorothy Dunham re tu rn ­ H illah Tem ple Don’t forget lucky spot dance and relatives in K lam ath Falls. ed Tuesday to her home in Kla­ a t Lithia platform Saturday night. M asonic H all Friday evening, Sept. 5— Rou- math Falls after a visit w ith Miss 4-2t time busineHS. Light refresh­ Mildred Beeson of this city. Miss Let us fill your pail with Swifta Beeson returned with her and Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than ments. P. B. HERMAN-, Potentate. will visit for a short time. shortening. Goes farth er and is W. II. DAY, Recorder. Prizes given at Lithia platform more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf 3— 2t Saturday night. 4-2t Planes Patrol Counties— B SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ Due to the dense smoke in the Ashland Lodge MOBILE insurance; b etter term s valley which m akes -observation K nights of Py­ and low er rates. Yeo, of course. by lookout almost impossible, a 212— tf fire patrol plane flew over the thias, No. H 7„ Phone. 21 & 274-J. Wil1 meet F ri* Let Paulserud make you a suit county today seeking fires. The •4 ^x5 ^ day night Sep­ or fit you out in one of our fall lightning of the other night may tem ber 5, at Moose Hall. Election 1-tf have set some fires not yet dis­ of officers and Representatives to Ready-to-wear. covered, according to C. A. Hoxie, Grand Lodge. All members are Here from Eugene— urged to be present. DR. G. C. i district fire warden. P a rt of Prescription Druggist Miss Hazel Rodobaugh will a r­ PHETTEPLACE, C. C. 4 -ltj Jackson county is also being pa­ rive in Ashland tomorrow and In A shland— trolled. Very few fires were set Miss Anastasia Lee is demon­ will visit at the home of L. S. on state lands by the storm. The strating the Belcano products at Brown of Holly street. Miss Ro­ i plane left Medford this morning dobaugh and Miss Ruth Brown with C. O. Hoxie as observer. — the East Side Pharm acy. School books and supplies. El- will leave for San Jose in a short G rants Pass Courier. h a rt’s. l-5t time where they will teach in the Complete line of Ashland Can­ city schools. Classified Ads Bring Results ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. nite. Metropole Orchestra. L et’s go. 4»2 25s Peroxide ...........15c From Hilt— Mrs. Norman Mack of H ilt is in 25c Rochelle salts. 15c Ashland visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. 25c Milk Magnesia 15c W alker of this city. Is Up Again Today But Don’t miss the showing of coats, 25c Aspirin tablets 15c suits and dresses at Sugg’s Mil­ linery one day only, Saturday, September 6th. 2-3t • LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES :: In Ashland— Miss Helen French of Corvallis is visiting at the J. H. Fuller home on North Main Street this week. Miss French is a gradu­ ate of O. A. C. and is acquainted with many people in this city. She will teach at Forest Grove this winter. East Side Pharmacy Phone 51 H ere F o r School— Mrs. Lizzie K. M erritt and son, Jack, arrived in Ashland recent- 1y to spend the w inter. Mrs. M erritt will tea^h the third grad i in the Junior High School. H ealth giving whole wheat Don’t be a drifter. Save your bread a t The Lithia Bakery. money and come to th e big dance, ■ Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. nite. 1 Operated On — Metropole Orchestra. 4-2 Little ’ C harlotte May Mitchell was operated on a t the Coramun- I TOG LATE TO CLASSIFY ity Hospital yesterday. Her ton­ P aulserud’s for cleaning and sils were removed. pressing. Phone 119. Will call C ar W ashing and deliver. 1-tf Have opened wash rack at Rob­ Dance Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. nite, Metropole Orchestra, inson’s Garage. Day or night In F a lls— Oregon’s best. 4-2 service. J. H. PERRY. 4-2* H erbert McCarthy of this city is I TO TRADE— 1922 Buick Six, in visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Fost­ good condition for vacant lots. Bids W anted for Excavation er of K lam ath Falls for a few Phone 199. 4-2 Bids for excavating area 60x! weeks. 100 feet on the lot on East Main FOR SALE: — PCaches and street between th e B utler and Phone 9 F I 3. W. B. Don’t miss the showing of i Smith properties. The excavation i grapes. 4-2 coats, suits and dresses at Sugg’s i is to go down one foot below the: Beebe. millinery one day only, Saturday ! lowest sidewalk level and to be September 6th. 2-3t level at bottom with grade of POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Drugs SU G A R Toilet Articles 60c Coco butter cold c r e a m ___39c | . 60c Garden Court Vanishing cream 39c 50c Bay Rum . . . . 33c HARDY BROTHERS W atch for division. Staples new Sub­ 3 0 8 -tf Everybody will have big time at L lthia spot dance Saturday night. 4-2t L eave for School— Mr. and Mrs| P ;r Spencer and son, Bert will le e tomorrow for Eugene where Mr. Speotcer has a position on the University of Oregon faculty. Superlite auto finish; guaran­ teed— Hughes, Peil’s Coi ner. 298— tf HONBSTY is my POLICY. Yeo, of course. 212— tf On Trip— F. D. W agner, local postm aster, is spending several days in the Azalea country hunting. Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- a r’s home-made salad dressing. 296— lmo* B urton Dancing School, Mem­ orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. 307-tf E lh a rt’s for school books. l-5 t R eturns Home— Miss E sther Fell of Eugene, who has been visiting at the Rev. P. K. Hammond home will return this evening to her home. Showing of beautiful coats, suits and dresses one day only, Saturday September 6th, at Suggs’ millinery. 2-3t See Paulserud’s new fall Ready- to wear. 1-tf The newest coats, suits and dresses will be shown at Sugg’s Millinery one day only, Saturday September 6th. 2-3t In A shland— C C. Chapman, editor of the Oregon Voter was in Ashland to­ day on business. Mr. Chapman is working on the repeal of the in­ come tax law. PAINTERS: — Beagle and Beagle; day work or contract; ofltimates free. Box 171. 305-tf The newest coats, suits and dresses will be shown at Sugg’s Millinery one day only, Saturday, September 6th. 2-3t Ladies and children’s hair cut­ ting. Powder Puff Beauty P a r­ lor. 29-3-tf T eaching in M edford— Miss M arguerite Hammond will teach this w inter in the Medford city schools. She is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond of this city. Each one gets b etter w hat? Those Sat. nite dances at Jack- son Hot Springs. Metropole Or­ chestra. 4-2 MARCEL AND CURL LAST LONGER after a Golden Glint Shampoo. Two-pants suits at ’aulserud’s. 1-tf H eadquarters for School Books — McNair Bros. To M ed fo r d - Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge and Mrs. R. C. McMillan made a trip to Med­ ford yesterday afternoon on busi­ ness. Showing of beautiful coats, suits and dresses one day only, Saturday, September 6th, at Sugg’s millinery. 2-St Kotex, 65c— McNair Bros. We deliver the goods— Detricks 94-tf Lucky spot dance at Lithia platform Saturday night. 4-2t Return from L a k e - Mr. and Mrs. W ilmer Poley and daughter, Mary, returned W ednesday evening from the Lake of the Woods where they spent the past month at their sum m er cottage. A real party! At the Fair Grounds Pavilion Sat! Finest •■’Open-Air” Floor in the State. Modern Syncopated melody, by th e fam ous Jew ell Orchestra! Jew el O rchestra! F a ir Grounds! Saturday night! School suits a t Paulserud’s. 1-tf W ILL STILL SELL AT $8.60 per Sack 6 Bars Crystal White Soap ... 25c ALL DAY TOMORROW I 50c Liver Salt .. .33c 1] Pounds for $1.00 I 2 cans Eagle Brand Also That 50c Mag-lac tooth paste ................... 33c milk ....................45c 35c tooth brush . . . 21c I 50c Castor Oil ___33c 35c shaving cream 21c OPENING Special Blend Coffee 35c per pound Newest Millinery 3 lbs. for $1.00 $1.00 Household Rubber Aprons 69c We cannot buy this coffee wholesale today at this price—We made a fine contract and are giving you the benefit. AT Wineland’s Hair Dressing’ Parlor A g Now Is the Time to Buy Flour Headquarters for School Text Books Saturday, September 6, 1924 WE W ILL SELL THAT A complete line Stationery White Mountain and School Supplies A wonderful display of the newest creations EAST SIDE PHARMACY W E SELL FOR LESS Brand AGAIN SATURDAY at $2.09 Per Sack The Crowds Will Be Here Meet Them at HARDY BROS. Lucky spot dance at park, Saturday night. Lithia 4-2t NOTICE TO PUBLIC Supplement No. 2 to Public Service Commission Order No. 7, providing for a service charge on each m eter of Sixty ($.60) per ! month, becomes effective th irty days from date. Southern Oregon Gas Company September 1, 1924. 4 Fri. Sat. 6 .-»-»-♦■■♦♦■i 1 A Wonderful 1 > 1 1 1 » Coat Opening Sale of and Coats and Dresses Dress Display Beautiful new silk dresses direct from fashion's centers made of Crepe Satin, Canton Crepe and Flat Crepe, trimmed with laces, buttons, cre­ tonne and silk embroidery. Priced Special Showing the Result of Market Week Buying $19.75 o— o— o— o See Them on Saturday See the New Coats Made of Block Velour and Polo, Waffel Camel Hair, Cut Chinchilla. Some with large fur col­ lars and cuffs. Priced Special $29.75 E. R. ISAAC & CO “The Q uality Store” SCHOOL STOCKINGS F in e ribbed stock in gs in black and brown 35c pair, 3 pair for $1.00 ■ -< walk. Do your own figuring on G. W. Milam Why pay more for milk when yardage and make bid for the Independent you can get the best milk for job complete. Bids will be open­ Candidate for County School 10 cents. Lininger Dairy. Phone ed Sept. 15 at 5 o’clock. Bert R. Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ 396R and 369J. 4-tf Greer, Tidings office. 3— 4 ty, Oregon. New Sweaters New Skirts New Silks New Dress Goods goods