1 FAGimn X l U in u » PR O FESSIO N A L Classified Colum n C la r ifie d Colum n R ates One cent the word each tim e. To run every Issue for one m onth or more, ftc the word each time. ’’OF PH YSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— /.bove office. Phone 91. Tidings ‘\at you never find a ‘skinfiy’ 1 water unusually arduous girl winning a beauty conteat, not ‘ Ilanlt. on a beach anyway. The ra n , -T h e C o m m o n e r has ,u !t S i BEAUTY Kill PASS, SAYS FACE EXPERT jp e is far from beautiful, al- thougb certain famous Jteautfes I often reduce themsefves to th a t f state. "B n . .... . ---- ———— ——- ^ ‘¡ttmubor —■ S, 1 thi4 ,'° , ' h9, ^'Sanitation w ill. The AUilllary &g well a9 nat'ann h ^ , h ^ * H « - * X « 2 S Marshfield — Albin Paper Co. completed a tour of a m a jo rftr of Minnesota re n -rtm *’ ent, of the e” of The Legion, will be pres- stirts to assemble m aterial for $400,000 plant on Coquille river, the districts and has re p o rte d ', h o ! A ^ l i o r Z p ,, '« • above sea tide water. faithful, p a ,leu ,, ,u d courteous ■ Bishop, n.tioua,' p X c “ " w’n Memorial services will be con­ m anner In which the field person- respond. ’ ducted by Mrs. Dora P latncr, of DR. C. W. HANSON D entist Special attention given to pyor­ n e like w v augRX o Rr z 3X r , 5e „ ~ M e n d “ o | i X H : ‘dered s x j x x s «» t close i x 1, £ : ) e fe a ,“ ra * the i Kr- ™ ' 8“ national “ 0 »'-> ’ — « chairman « « • Of- FO R RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver - :ee. Of- 233-tf. Extra ,h ,„ girls please note. | X - then - I t to .s with satisfaction th a t the S ecre-, evening at the Masonic TemnU I WiH be e!ected Friday bOR RENT— Furnished room Block. Phone 178-J. t o tary Joins with the Commissioner ■ National officers d e D a r t m e n t m o r n i n S- with or w ithout housekeeping OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ ppunted“ ' £ " - a “ ) ? “ 1 8; ' 1‘" ‘n >’ - y ’ ha, « you in bearing testim ony to the high delegates. ,,»tlWn ,h e ° f the Iate ! «kin “w dnkZs" will be attended by more than Stomach Trouble, Lillian Russell down to the tyran- ' t „ i . K )R RENT: — Modern well | MONUMENTS py of the "lead-pencil" ideal. k h e X “s “ * y° U‘h' 500 delegates, it has been an­ Rheumatism, located furnace heated a p art­ nounced. The convention will W here are the rolls of fat of I X / St’ rve “ nd Mal-Nutrition, MONUMENTS m ents and sleeping rooms, fu r­ yesteryear? W hat has happened I X T ? ? cannot look meet at the Central Presbyterian Sleeplessness, ASHLAND GRANITE nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- to the flesh th a t used to be th e ) L a * ,. th ® ’J*" ° d' 1 church. Nervousness, MONUMENTS gadine. 4 -tf Judge Kenesaw M. Landis will fashion. 3-0 the "fine-looking- i X was aiity -fo ar Loss of Appetite, fashion. To the “ fine-looking B lair G ranite Co. Forma! and of slim figure, but her face address the Auxiliary. FOR RENT — 3-room furnish­ Loss of Weight, S. PENNISTON. Manager women,-obnoxiously term ed? To showed her age. ed apartm ent close in. Phone 40 Torpid Liver or those gallants of other days who Office 175 E. Main “ Think of the difference be­ or 432Y. i_tf Constipation. congratulated a friend on ‘‘pu t­ Res. Phone 444-Y tween the Lillian Russell silhouet­ ting on flesh ?” “Aalt Anyone Who Has te and the lead pencil of today. 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Taken TANLAC” FOR SALE W here are the curves th a t are I don’t care for the over-plump communicate with Ensign Lee now considered a curse? OVBR MILLION BOTTLES figure of form er days, yet I can­ SOLD of the Salvation Army at the They may retu rn , says Dr. Le Now' is the time to buy a home not adm ire the famine victim type W hlteShleld Home, 565 May- Roy Stoddard, famous facial su r­ V«r Sab By AU Good Draggbts while property is low. You will of now. B iggest H om e F urnishers in A shland fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. geon, who has come to be an au ­ pay more money next year, as M oderation V indicated thority on beauty in general. Ashland is going to boom. New planing mill “ We never used to see feminine Curves or something worse may be people coming in every day to anatom y except In the old leg locate here. Yesterday I had a JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET our next fad in forms, because shows which were not considered WORKS, Cor. Helman and America changes her standards of nice to attend. Now they wear family from California; also man Van Ness. 194tf beauty where many other coun­ bathing suits with tights so short and wife from Chicago. Both tries are sewed up for eternity on you can’t see them. Twenty-five families are going to locate h e re .! I ’RANSFE r T anh EX P RES S ~ their pulchritude platform planks, years ago only men patrons of W hittle Transfer & Storage Co. for instance, on flat— in p arts of A Few Bargains burlesque were allow e dto see for SERVICE. the F a r E ast— or on red hair, 6 room house, all modern, 1 such horrible sights as legs! Now Experienced movers and pack­ which we regard as beautiful, and block from Junior High School,! anyone chn look.” ers of household goods. Deal­ which many races consider a dis­ garage, fru it of all kinds, large' So m oderation still holds good ers Jn coal and wood. Phone grace, of even on double chins, lot. Price $3,000. as a rule in all things, even fash­ 117. which are not chic, locally. 7 room house, 2 blocks from ions and figures. Office 89 Oak St. near “Anything may happen to wo- H aw thorne School, all modern; Hotel Ashland j m en’s looks in fu tu re ,” Dr. Stod­ good garage; some fru it; large dard began. “ Look w hat hap­ lot; everything in fine shape. • POWELL— General Trans­ pened to the old-fashioned bath­ Price $3500. fer— Good team and motor ing suit. Then think of what hap­ 7 room house, all modern; trucks. G )od service at a rea- pened to the old-fashioned figure close to Hawthorne school on eouab.’e price. Phone 83. inside of it. I don’t mean th a t 1 Boulevard. Well furnished gar-, I like the exaggerated ‘hourglass age; corner lot. Price $4500. j FEHIGE-ROACH Secretary W ork of the In te r­ I type of tw enty years ago, but I do See W. W. Robison, 63 N. Main T ransfer — Express — Storage think— ior D epartm ent and Commission­ s t- * 3— t f i Hau,ing — Dray work of all The modern thinness is sim- er of Reclamation Mead have FOR w xi X’— p , ----- ;-------- ! klDds- Quick m otor service. Dry commended the personnel of the ply terrib le,” he explained. FOR SALE— Ford touring car wood of all k ,nds phone 4 Reclamation Field Service for Skeletons and Elephants car in good condition, only $70. 375 B s t faithful perform ance of duty in The family skeleton of today is Must sell at once. John H. Doran, ' connection with the operation of 562 Fairview St, 3__2* " the debutante daughter. . 1 0 we,Kh 100 pounds is her am- Reclamation projects under ad­ For a smooth shave ..... FOR SALE— Laying hens, 5( , . , , nition. She has little sympathy verse conditions. The joint let­ and 4b. quick service go .<4h k „„ „ „ „ j cents each. Mrs. W. D. Booth. Ob„n Hnrhg M,th her predecessor, the girl of ? te r of appreciation follows: to the Shell Phone 257-Y. 3__j ‘ This season has in many ways . „ 1 tWenty years ag0’ who was th e Never have materials the most popular furs, Shop. Ladies and fam ily’s white elephant. offered more obstacles to the suc­ FOR SALE CHEAP — Bose been so he witching— says fashion, are Jap children get your hair She would rath er be called fast cessful adm inistration of recla­ pears, culls, fine for canning. bobbed and marcel- thail faL Kashara, Vellona, Ve- mink, Beaver, Russian m ation projects than any since the Newby & Sons, Talent. Phone led. Reclamation Act was passed. To loria, and other close Fox and Squirrel, and Don’t blame her when she re­ 372J2. i_tf th e financial distress of settlers napped fabrics of rich it appears on these W. A. SHELL, Prop. fuses white bread and sweets. She and the critical attitu d e which FOR SALE or TRADE—(160 colorings. is merely the willing victim of the »32 A. St. Ashland. Ore this has engendered there has ,coats most generouslv. acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ nation s changed beauty standard. been added the difficulties and tom land, within 8 miles Minot, Dr. Stoddard continues: losses which have come from North Dakota. If interested call “ If such a great change in ou t­ drouth, hail, and insect pests. or w rite G. S. Butler. 300— lm o lines and in customs as th at could All of these have combined to take p'ace in a few years, think make the position of those charg H )R SALE— R. I. Red fryers w hat can happen to women in the ed with the adm inistration milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- of 2 ÎO future! dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* these works and the delivery MEDFORD s £ II E A T E R S urns B VICKS V A PO R U Q Fibre Rockers U pholstered w ith Silk Tapestry. They m ust be seen to he appreciated. p erio r in style a n ,l com fort. 4* Notice! FIELD SERVICE B en t B rothers, I n ­ corporated b u ild ­ ers of th e T alent irrig atio n dam , six m iles S outheast of A shland, are r e- ceiving b i d s on th e ir e n tire camp. A bout 25,000 feet of new lu m b er in tem p o rary b u ild ­ ings. Bids are be­ ing received on or before S eptem ber 20. Frank & King’s Comedians MISCELLANEOUS THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY GET YOU STOVE repaired at Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* WANTED: — Used flat top office desk and swivel chair. See G reer at the Tidings office. 1-4 t w o - horse brand - WEA r I have a good little restaurant fo r sale, $ 5 0 « w ill take it. L A S T LONGER per Whatever kind of brush you need, we have it. Milk bottle cleaning, street cleaning, clothes, scrubbing, dust, floor oiling and every other kind of brush. T H A N O THER Good country store business on paved highw ay, $ 3 0 0 0 w ill han d le I It. I have another big surprise for you very soon. B ut don’t get ex­ cited . Ju st buy som e o f the goo select your new wraps • Styles are authentic, collections are new, furs and fabrics are exquisite­ ly lovely. See this display while our stock is complete. T he Fabrics T he Dress Mode for Fall The F urs • P rintzess T ail­ ored Suits F a ll’s insistent demand for serviceable, smart Narrow English c u t 1 will Frocks b r i n g s shoulders, perfect tail­ forth this collection of Printzess afternoon and oring a n d beautiful street dresses of nicely smooth lines are theirs. tailored lines. Lornella cloth and the finest Vouthtul, jaunty modes twills are the fabrics for street and business used to make them g ar­ ments of true distinc­ wear. tion. See L ittle George Maddox Golden Rule Coming Next Week NOTICE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY “ OLE, THE SH IE K ’ The Big Swede Play ASHLAND, OREGON ; Simpson’s Hardware ALSO MAKt.RS C h a v e an oth er good net; 15 cen t incom e property. The Play Never to he Forgotten F o r E very P urpose ■■ .. . I NEGOTIATE SALES D on ’t get excited about it, but Just bear in mind that now is a good tim e to buy real e sta te in A shland. BRUSHES Sept. 4-5-6 Swenson & Peebles •HORSE Braid fo r M e n an d Bo ¿LIABLE M E R C H A N D IS E S STA PLES’ AGENCY Marshfield — City takes option on 40 acres ground for auto park and playground. PIANO instruction, by exper­ ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. 3— lm o the theater beautiful TODAY and TOMORROW ANTEIF——Man to do general w ork at the W inbum Lodge, up th e Ashland Creek canyon. Ad­ d ress Bert Moses, Ashland, Ore. 3— 1 ¡ s s æ g ,. W r ite to d a y fo r m y FREE book on Piles and othef Rectal and Colon diseases. 5™ DEAN, M.D. Inc COURT HOUSE WcFORTtANO, OREGON MENT V c W j ' ' ' t h i s p a p c p WHEN w RI T I n a • JACKSON COUNTY FAIR and PEAR SHOW—Near SAM WOOD Medford, S e p t 10, 11, 12, 12 T H E A ER IA L You May Be A fflicted iti p iF E S may exist for years before they ri v ^anifest any appreciable symptoms. Yet, if present, they dissipate the nerve I force and undermine the health. I The old theory that Piles necessitate a surgical operation has been so com­ I k pletely disproved by my non-surgical treatment that I GUARANTEE to cure any case of Piles or refund the patient’s fee. 1 It s the Big Event of the Year uko « am « « kmcula T m y pmmmv PILES A ll I a sk Is 24 fcoura. I have co m p letely reliev ed th o u sa n d s o f H a y F ever and Sum m er Cold su ffer­ ers w ho had been vlirtim s for yearn an d h ad tried n ea rly ev ery th in g w ith ou t la s tin g su ccess. ..J * y R in ex P rescrip tion Js en tirely d ifferen t from th e ord in ary rem edies. R in ex cap su les g o d irect to tho p o l­ len p oison in g in th e blooxl and neu ­ tr a liz e It com p letely . So a ll tho sn eezin g , runny ey es and nose, h ea d ­ a ch e. fever, etc., v a n ish In 24 hours, or you r m on ey back. I f you w an t to be satisfied th a t R in ex w ill help you r ca se o f H a y F ever, you can g e t a 24-hour trea tm en t, F R E E , from your d ru g g ist: or you can buy a fu ll w eek 's trea tm en t for |1 on m y p o sitiv e m o n ey -b a ck g u aran tee. AU d ru ggists. T 9 ' O ffice, H otel A shland Bldg. P hon e 2 6 TH OM PSONS Sensational Wire Walkers She believed that if “ a little bluff goes a long ways” —more bluff would go farther. Well, i t ’s surpris­ ing what bluff will do in New York. / Ä T H E D IX IE SŸ N CO PA TERS Dancers—Singers—Jazz R aces 40 G allopers E n tered IN PURSES F0R H0RSE tu o H arness Horses, ALSO uT he T elephone G irl” 1 his coupon is good for 10c on one adult ticket for “ B L U F F ” SHAM B A TTLE On Night of Sept. 12, by National Guard IN S P IR IN G M USIC By Ashland, Grants Pass and Medford Bands T hursday, Sept. 11, is A shland Day Su­