P*nd cia«» Mail M atter * r ‘ an<^ j ^ rs- C. L. Lane, who have already taken posses­ sion oi the store formerly owned and operated by the On* Month Subscription Price, Delivered In City late Mayor C. L. Loomis. £ FUSESI TO BI RECENT 0 fi D ERS in W ashington has ju st been clos ed to the use of firearm s un­ Three Months ............................................................... 1.95 der the term s of an order issued Six M onths................... ”'2.............. ~................................................. 3.75 by the U. S. D istrict Forester The fliers who are completing the circle of the globe 7.5« O n. Month "Z " “ ral Ro” " ”; have not made the trip in as quick time as it will event­ Portland, Oregon. This action $ .65 ually be made in, hut their pioneering trip should and was taken under trespass regula­ --“ = ~ 1.95 tions of the U. S. D epartm ent of 3.50 will arouse the most enthusiastic praise of which Ameri­ A griculture, which provide for One Year ....... ....... ”........................................... 6.50 cans are capable. the closing of the forests to v ar­ in .^ ,o » » P L A Y ADVERTISING RATES: ious forms of hazardous use d u r­ outfUe insertion, per i n c h ................... $ .30 ____ _____ a wctjK Yearly Contracta: The stflte government seems to have fallen prey to ing periods of fire emergency. One Insertion a week The presence of large num bers of Two lnaierUons^a^week........ .............................................. 2 7 % . a very successful automobile salesman, for the records hunters constitutes a serious haz­ Dally Insertion ............................................................“ ........................... 25 -1----- --- a 1----- ¡show large * increase of machines driven by state offi­ ard in some regions, according to in,., ** Le«al and MiscellaneousAdvertising” 2° cers. Possibly, a few would make better officers if they forest officers. F irst Insertion, per 8 point line .... S . Insertion, 8 point line...” ” ” ” ......................... ’ In* Sisklyous had to walk instead of having so many automobiles bandy. Card ef Thanks . In addition to the W enatchee, Obitniurles. per line___ * " ............. the use of firearm s has recently ■»' .n '- l r — - ...................... .02 % The soldiers and sailors whoiiave pitched their tents been prohibited on the Salt Creek WHAT a CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ A ll fw tlir n V V» in Litliia park for the Southern Oregon reunion are Ash- w atershed on th e Cascade N ation­ collection ta£en in AdvertisirfL &Q adnri88ioa charge is made or a land’s welcome and honored guests'^ al Forest and the Oregon Caves - No discount W illie allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. region of the Siskiyou National Forest, bot^i in Oregon. DONATIONS ------ “ The Prince of Wales is proving that he could easily This is said to be the first time tag or • b »rfPftag— ^ i n t ^ 2 ° l hariMe8 ? r otherw lse will me made in advertls- he Americanized. our contributions will be tn cash. th a t National Forests of the North Pacific D istrict have been closed pu r e r elig io n mH EPTE?!I\ER 3 • Klamath Falls is all astir since it has been charged i to hunO ne under the fire tees- L ee; ,he « J « * » '« « » a * w'dowV’? th^r BmirooiT“^ / £ ! tbat? h? Democrat« plotted to have the Democratic can- Pai”‘ keep himsen unspotted (rom lhe world_ Janies “nd '» didate for state treasurer perform the formal openiiiK of Violation of these closing or­ ders is punishable by by Federal ---------------------------- : the Klamath Products Show law, which provides a fine of $500, or im prisonm ent for one PLAYGROUNDS AND VICE Probably no judicial decision is awaited as anxious- year, or both, a t the discretion Investigation in cities has revealed that of arrests y and as generally as the decision which will be made of the Federal Courts. i ............................................................................................................... ................................................ on charges of delinquency more than three-fourths of ! September 10th, by Judge Caverly of Chicago, fixing the P l^ o m d s " Wl'° HVe a‘ 0 diS‘anCe fr°m a public icj tate of the two boy murders of the Franks’ bov This is Ashlands Place To Find What It Wants To Eat Sundav M arket Basket Ear; F ish er' started 0,1 ! up the m achinery this morning he i missed the 136118. Oscar Johnson motored to Hillsboro and notified Sheriff Alexander of W ashington county. The robbers started towarda- Portland with their haul. There Is wisdom In reading ads. 1 bronught a track load of bar- Kain counter goods from P o rt­ land last week, all of which will be sold accordingly. Auto Robes, Wade Drugsaw, Hail* ’ »■s, and io(g of arm v g(MXjs< Come in early while they last. Select 1’onia toes Fable ust mid Canning TOR SALE— Old papers at Tid­ ings; 25c per bundle. db II. S. Glein PEIL’S CORNER W agner Creek Road TALENT, OREGON We Know you will appreciate the tender, juicy meats which we always have ready for our customers. Your Sunday Dinner will be more enjoyable if you serve our meat. Eagle Market N. Main Phone 107 TRY AMERICANS SW EEP EUROPE OF ART, AVERS COLLECTOR WE HAVE PURCHASED The Lifhia Bakery ONE of Our Cakes th»t'hiIS|tn rni n1e W‘th tlle «eneral|y accepted conclusions t at healthful play and recreation provide an outlet for » SPARKS AND FLASHES « youthful energies without leading to vice and crime. n ttn ttn u u u n ttu n tt - recognition of tins conclusion is found in the con- B etter a dead campfire than a gested city of New York, where, during the past year, dead forest. J03 streets have been closed to traffic in order to provide informal playgrounds for the children. New York knows A forest fire is easier started than stopped. that, even though her streets are tile busiest in the world. A special m eeting of the bar T h ls T Î n Z o f the Cl:iil‘lr7 a°r ' “ reation n,ust e0>ne first. « * » » of Jackson and j„ 7 e. He deserves no pleasure who inis is one ot the atural advantages of life in a small city. phine Counties has been called leaves a dirty campground. NEW YORK, Sept. 4. — The search for American a rt collectors for your Sunday dinner has swept Europe clean of art objects, according to Charles H. and yen will realize that Henschel, of New York, president of a well-known gallery, on his they are delicious and recent retu rn from a search for m asterpieces in Europe. that it is a waste of time He was able however, to show and energy for you to invoices for articles valued at $1,000,000, including a painting, bake when you can get “ The Fagot G athers” by Gains­ for 6:30 P. M. September 6th, borough. It was purchased from such good cakes from us. 1924, a t the Hotel Medford. The surest solution of the cig­ the estate of the late Lord Carn­ Wilson to Speak a rette fire hazard would be to arvon discoverer of the tomb of RENTS NOT DECREASING As speakers for the occasion, quit smoking them ,— a t least in Tutankh-Amen. It was not very heartening information to the aver­ there will be present Judge Fred the woods. age rentpayer m the United States which was recently W. Wilson, president of th e Ore­ take all tony e\ ed to the public as a result of a survey made by the gon State Bar Association, A lbert L et’s all sing: "Everybody’s thieves BELTS OFF CRUSHER National Industrial Conference Board covering the hous­ B. Ridgeway, secretary of the Doing I t”. P u t out th a t fire! BEAVERTON, Sept. 4. — The ing situation in 178 American cities. The survey showed Oregon State B ar Association, Wm. G. Hale, Dean of the D epart­ The g reater th e fire the great­ county rock crusher, one mile at'- " 111 6 ^ o ? ^ StftteS Were higheF in Jnne than m ent of Law of the University er the danger. Build a small east of towrn, was stripped last at anj time since 1914, and this despite the fact that re­ of Oregon, and ex-Supreme Court campfire. night of all its belts, valued at ports have been constantly heard for quite a while con­ Justice K avanaugh— all four visi­ about $400, by thieves. Johnson Some more of that tors being ciassed as among the How about an intelligence test & Spies have been operating this cerning lower rents, which are always shortly to be in foremost members of the bar in for careless campers and smok­ crusher all sum m er and when the a h l v T ’’ i h n,C7 aSe in rCntS’ if appears’ is consider­ the states. In addition ers? » ably greater than the increase in the cost of any other to the western out of town visitors, Hon­ major item in the family budget. In the seven months orable C. M. Thomas, C irc u it' "A sm ouldering spark in the ashes 20c a Lb. gray, previous to june 15, 1924, it was 3 per cent, and from Judge of Jackson and Josephine Counties, will be asked to tell A roaring h---- a t noon next March, 1923, to June, 1924, 9 per cent. razier on day.” something of his impressions gain­ ed at the meeting of the American Bar Association in Philadelphia, "Experience keeps a dear BROTHERHOOD Cherro Flour ......................$2.15 Pure Maple Sap Syrup which he attended during the school, but scrme folks will learn th p A I r f “" fpe.1. s-'"‘l1,atihy - ‘eel it within and w ithout- month of July. in no other," said the judge as he 45c can, 3 for $1.25 —o— o This meeting, it is said, will be passed sentence on the careless en the dew tails and the desert begins to blossom Egg Mash .... By sympathy I do not mean merely a fellowship i in sorrow. one of the best attended and most logger. Fruit jars, jelly gh ,-n. but also, and no less truly, a fellowship in joy—a feel­ beneficial in its results, of any and trimmings m eeting which has ever been held ITALIAN STABS MAN Scratch Feed ing for which we ought to have an English word. To be in Southern Oregon. DALLAS. Ore., Sept. 4.— Wil­ glad when your brother men are prosperous and happy o---0- —0--- 0 Members Only lard E. Gilbert, a local sawmill to rejoice in their success, to cheer for their victories’-1 to’ C ontrary to the usual custom, operator, was stabbed several Corn Meal ..... he compassionate and pitiful when your brother men ’are members of the bar only, will be times about the head, neck and present as the m eeting is of a face Sunday by John Mortino, an istressed and miserable, to grieve over their failures purely H. A. Stearns fli Majn business n atu re and only Italian. Mortino, form erly em­ Good Broom ...................... 8 .50 wh hPl I ' “! thelr1troubles- th is is the fraternal spirit m atters vitally touching the prac­ ployed by Gilbert, called at the Whom > 7 ho ®xerci8es if> and Diose toward tice of law itself, will be discuss­ la tte r’s home and during an al­ ed. tercation over wages drew a large whom it is exercised—Henrv Van Dyke. It is stated th a t the out of knife and attacked Gilbert. town visitors have a real message Mortino then fled and sheriffs • razier on to bring to the members of the deputies have been unable to lo-1 HOW THE GOVERNMENT WORKS PHONE 214 county bar and th at never before cate him. G ilbert’s injuries are ' »53 E. MAIN The way of the government is illustrated graphically- in the history of the local bar not serious. in the announcement from Portland that the Veterans’ associations has ever such a gal­ ureau has ordered the transfer of two medical officials axy of distinguished speakers ap­ a t any one meeting. dntvGfPn rt -lnd ?ifflCe fr°m that City tG Other P°sts of peared Realize Responsibility duty, following the insistent charges of the American The county bar associations, Legion of Portland that the officials were inefficient particularly in Southern Oregon, 201 E. Main Street VV hy should the government merely shift an employe are waking up to the fact th at a Rhone 155 large responsibility rests upon other1/ w arr , ?nefficiency. '«>»> one post to an-’ them to see th at freak legislation, other» Would it not be better to thoroughly investigate defective laws and laws which the charges and, if they are found correct, 'to discharge i crush out business progress, are the employe entirely from the service? This is the wav a prevented. I. SEPT. 6 Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Loaf Cheese F A Feature Page For Telling .the Cooks About the Good Eatables and will continue to give the same careful service and high quality bak­ ery goods as the former owners did. We will make every possible effort to please the bakery’s regular customers and ask that those who have not been patrons of the bakery give our pro­ ducts a trial. OUR EXPERIENCE enables us to guarantee you the best products of which a bakery is (‘apable. & S M. O. Ebert, Prop. Plaza Market F & S 31 Stores SCHUERMAN’S GROCERY private business would operate, yet the government 're­ peatedly switches inefficient employes from one post to another. 1 The Tiding's Ads Bring Results THE ANCIENT BOTTLER American bottlers of carbonated beverages are to i W Tim* »• have convention gt Louisville, November 10 to 14. Tliev want people to kn >w of the improved methods of bottlinô- and will have n t dern bottling machinery in operation during the convention. Back in 1772, Joseph Priestley, an English chemist, produced ‘sodat water, ” hut it was a sort of profitless fizzle. In 1807, Townsend Speakman, a Philadelphia drug­ gist, added fruit -juices to the Priestley formula, and thus originated the carbonated beverage known to our times. Although Sjieakman is no more, his works go flowing- on—last year the American people drank 8,000,000,000 6- oimce hotties of carbonated beverages. If placed upright side hy side, those hotties would make approximately forty-two rows extending from New York to San Fran- dscofi or five rows circling the globe, and their contents would till a 500,000,000 gallon reservoir. And soft words are not needed to get soft drinks—“ speak man, easy” is not 111 the bright lexicon of the bottlers of fruit juices In the old days the bottler mixed the ingredients bv hand, washed the hotties in a tub and made his own car­ The House of Good Tires bonic gas—usually from marble dust—eût his own corks Fisk and Silvertown and wired them to the hotties. Nowadays, niacliinery Cords does all the work. The modern bottlers have come a long way from that early scene, where Fruit and Vegetables, always fresh Fleishman’s Yeast, daily shipments New canned.goods— Clean lunch goods 20,hCen