m «* vom A M tU » KÀftÿ MfífXi» lit in-Klar, ’ LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES Passed T h rou gh » Mrs. G ertrude Dunn passed through Ashland last night and visited friends here on her way from New York to San Francisco. O W E # ANOTHER Federal power com m ission; Kept ember 4, ALBANY CARAVAN - " and- through Portland. The ho»-i IS BIG SUCCESS pitr.Iiiy cf the Eend chafciber of" Hfcil Card o? Thanks We sincerely thank our friends • to construct two hydro-electric commerce and the citizens w a s ' and fellow-citizens for the kind­ plants on Deschutes river. P o rt­ A D aily C hronicle o f th o se w ho com e and go, and even ts of ness during the illness and death land alone estim ated to need 40,- 1 ALBANY, Sept. 4. — Seventy- highly praised. local in terest. The Albany party saw many of our beloved husband, father 000 additional horsepower w ithin I five Albany and Linn county citi­ Called Away— zens and public officials returned deer and had some narrow escapes and brother. NEW YORK, Sept. 4. — An- i five years. J L Greenwood of this c ity iothe7 to Albany Friday night and Sat­ in crossing the lava bed. The Stated Session On B u sin es Mrs. Nellie Loomis G’en Hill of Talent was in Ash- f ? d,8, 6 5 , (38 erdy Spring’ rule has been discovered working urday m orning from Bend, where i Lebanon delegation had one Hiiiah Temple Klamath Falls— Plans for Ore­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank McEwen land today on business. * ° r e ’ td. the bedside of iu the United States. He is Prince gon Irrigation Congress and the booster caravan had gone to minor accident in which a tour-! M asonic Hall Mr. and Mrs. Will Loomis brother who ,s seriously 111. , D im itry. a nephew Qf Friday evening, Sept. 5— Rou­ Klam ath Products Show to be i arouse interest in the Santiam 1st car collided with one of the Mr. and Mrs. C. M. W aite. ' Lebanon cars Johnson’s Baby Powder, 25c, In G rants P a ss— tine business. a COUsin to th(3 P ^ c e held here Sept. 6-9 completed, i pass over the Cascade mountains. ,, , _ I of Wales. He is working as as- W ith completion of K lam ath-Eu- I The members report a great trip, P . B . HERM AN, P oten tate McNair Bros. Albany College to start con­ Geo. Yeo and son, E verett Yeo „lotom . .. many m aking the loop down the W . H. DAY, Recorder. Salem — Excavation complet­ struction of one of series of new were in G rants Pass yesterday for { _h G m anager ° e gene railroad line by Southern , 3— 2t To H ilt— Pacific company, the rich territo ry Deschutes valley to The Dalles ed for $125.000 Elks’ temple. on business. m d e p a r t m e n t o f buildings in September. ______ j the N ational American Bank, in opened up offers unlim ited op­ J. K. McWilliams made a busi­ T. Yreka— ness trip to H ilt yesterday. From Trip— ! New York. He came here, accord- portunities for settlers. p Ing to friends, a t their urging Leonard F. Lund was in Yreka Jam es Doran and family re-i a f“ r 1 f , u ,g ,n g ’ In Medford— „ after having been found working PROTECTION OF on business yesterday. turned yesterday from a two B i for a farm er in Denmark. Elm er Morrison was a Medford FOREIGN LIVES SU RE weeks vacation spent camping in School books and supplies. El- visitor Tuesday ou business Prince Dimitry declared he the Siskiyou m ountains. h a rt’s. l-5 t (Continued from page 1.) hoped some day to retu rn to Rus­ sia “ and give my countrymen the Burton Dancing School, Mem­ Let us fill your pail with Swifts under the command of General Complete line of Ashland Can­ orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than benefit of w hat I have learned Pan Kuo-kan, a Chekiang man, here.” ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. shortening. Goes farth er and is and Civil Governor Chou, and Bank o:icials said he was m ak­ 307-tf more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf would be very apt to refuse to ing good. In A shland— I ! The Prince said his m other was fight or to join General Chi E arl Snider of this city who E lh a rt’s for school books. l-5t To Give Super— against the Chekiang leader. has been wording in Dunsmuir The W estm inister Guild of the the Grand Duchess Xenia, sister They are chiefly at Hangchow, was in Ashland last night visiting 'r ° Medford— Presbyterian Church will give . of the late Czar, and his father th e Chekiang capital; a t Hu- friends. H. H. E lh art made a trip to th eir quarterly supper a t the i the Grand Duke Alexander. His Medford this morning on busi­ church Monday evening a t s ix 1 i grandm other is Dagmar, the Dow­ chow, where they expect to meet Chi’s invaders, and a t other ■ Don’t miss the showing of coats, ness. o’clock. There will be a silver ager Empress of Russia. points along the railw ay and the suits and dresses at Sugg’s Mil­ The Prince said he and a group offering. Everyone is invited to border. Showing of beautiful coats, attend. linery one day only, Saturday, of fifty others, who had been con­ 'September 6th. 2-3t suits and dresses one day only, demned to death in the Crimea TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Saturday September 6th, at Suggs’ The newest coats, suits and by the Soviet Government, escap­ V isitin g Here— 1 millinery. 2-3t dresses will be shown at Sugg’s ed by bluffing guards into be­ Now is the time to buy a home Mrs. Fred E. Woolley of Oak­ Millinery one day only, Saturday, lieving they were five hundred, while property is low. You will land is visiting with Mrs. Lloyd To L a k e - September 6th. 2-3t and escaped on hoard a British pay more money next year, as Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings and Cole on G ranite Street for sever­ ship to W estern Europe. S ' Ashland is going to boom. New al weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Chaney made V isitin g M addens— =3» people coming in every day to 3 the trip to C rater Lake yesterday, & Mrs. Bessie Miller of Jackson­ locate here. Yesterday I had a Get your baby’s milk from a returning late in the evening by ville is visiting at the A. A. Mad­ Smart new styles that meet every deman l of appearance ami service. family from C alifornia; also man certified herd, 10c per quart. th e Klam ath Falla road. den home on Pine street. Mrs. and_w ife from Chicago. Both Linlnger Dairy. Phone 396R. Miller is attending the G. A. R. w n-denh 1001 " “ J w w k- mo' l,ers »"> btiKily looking over small hovs’ families are going to locate here. See Paulserud’s new fall Ready- convention here. 306-tt FO R SALE waHhohes, replenishing them after the summer’s wear ami tear. Before von to wear. 1-tf A Few Bargains From M e d f o r d - „ et " S; s1" ’"' you the Clothes, now In readi- Ladies and children’s hair cu t­ LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3. — 6 room house, all modern, 1 Pauline Johnson and Ben Trow­ To B a n d o n - n f , le. S<' 10e . deT i',nds- They >'rove 11 "-omlerful economy, because of ting. Powder Puff B eauty P a r­ “ K id’’ McCoy sat erect as a boy bridge were in Ashland last night Mrs. Fred Neil and daughter, lor. 293-tf of 20 in the cell of th e city jail block from Ju n io r High School, tie excellentquality of the fabrics, the beauty of the tailoring, the certain visiting the O. H. J.-hnson fam­ Jean and Joe Neil and Orville here before he was form ally in­ garage, fru it of all kinds, large service wlueh they give. Woolwear ( ’lollies are famous among mothers for ■ lla ll. left Monday for Bandon for Have Returned—- ily. dicted for m urder and removed lot. Price $3,000. 7 room house, 2 blocks from a short vacation. They will re­ r Y a' r 11 yo” 1,0,1 ’* kno'v them, now is (lie time to learn their splen- fa -5 John Galey, H erbert Doran and to the county jail. There, perched Madden sens Ball □ tires. tu rn Saturday. did qualities. 1 David Doran returned last night atop a backless chair, he chatted Hawthorne School, all modern; 246-tf good garage; some fru it; large from the Lake of the Woods of old ring days. The newest coats, suits and where they spent several days on * 5 “ N orm an” — he likes to be lot; everything in fine shape. F or Home— dresses will be shown at Sugg’s a vacation. H erbert Doran will called Norman — “ will you tell Price $3500. J. A. Yeo and family returned Millinery one day only, Saturday leave soon for California to a t­ 7 room house, all m odern; i|f how you invented the famous this morning to their home in September 6th. 2-3t tend school and Mr. Galey will corkscrew punch?” close to H aw thorne school on S Newport after visiting with Boulevard. Well furnished gar- jf teach school several miles out of The “ K id” threw back his head George Yeo of this city. Leave F or H om e— age; corner lot. Price $4500. H Medford. ¡' and seemed to jum p backward Norman A shcraft and family ! twenty years in his mind. Then See W. W. Robison, 63 N. Main iff W atch for Staples new Sub­ left recently for th eir home in 3— t f ' l MARCEL AND CURL LAST he filled his broad chest with St. division. 3 0 8 -tf Newport after a two weeks visit LONGER a fte r a Golden Glint prison ozone and told this: Made to stand the racket PIANO instruction, by exper­ with the A shcraft and Bruner Shampoo. “ One day I w e n t'in to a shoot« From Bly— ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ families of this city. ing gallery. I plugged away a Cowan Sutherland of Bly Is in red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. 3— lm o F or San Francisco— few rounds and finally got to Ashland visiting with his rela­ PAINTERS: — Beagle and Miss M arjorie Payne will leave talking guns with the guy in FO R SALE— Ford touring car tives and will remain here for Beagle; day work or contract: tonight for San Francisco where charge. car in good condition, only $70. several days. estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf she will spend a two weeks’ va­ He told me about the various Must sell at once. Jo h n H. Doran, cation. bores of guns, and we talked 562 Fairview St. Quite a problem itsn’t it? 3— 2* Superlite auto finish; guaran­ In G rants P ass— about how speed was given a rifle teed— Hughes, Peil’s Corner. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Butler FOR SALE— Laying hens, 50 Two-pants suits at Paulserud’s. bullet by having the barrel of the 298— tf and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Phipps 1-tf gun bored— th at is, ‘spiraled’ out, cents each. Mrs. W. D. Booth. were in G rants Pass and Hugo 3— 2 or sort of grooved. He said this Phone 257-Y. From Newport— is the answer to the question. Noli ting but yesterday on a short business trip. From Lake— grooving gave the bullet increased John Rigg, J. A. Yeo and son WANTED— Man to do general young follows (‘lollies made for fellows step­ Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards speed and force. Robert of Newport returned Mon­ work at th e W inburn Lodge, up School suits at Paulserud’s. 1-tf returned last night from the ping into his iirst long pants. Lome in—try The next day in the gym I got the Ashland Creek canyon. Ad­ day from C rater Lake where they Lake of the Woods where they j thinking about this, I told my­ them on. spent several days. E njoy O uting— have been spending th e ir vaca­ self th a t if grooving helps a bul­ dress Bert Moses, Ashland, Ore. i Mr. and Mrs. Guy R andalls and tion. 3— 1 let it would help a punch. HONESTY Is m i POLICY. Yeo, family are on a short outing. They “ I practiced for weeks, and one of course. 212— tf are visiting at C rater Lake and 1 hitchess Corduroys Showing of beautiful coats, night in a bout I hooked in a left ; 3 Shoes—Stockings K lam ath Falls. Mr. Randalls suits and dresses one day only, ■ Kay nee Blouses and tw isted my hand ju st as To. Trail— works in the Automotive Shop. Saturday, September 6th, at the blow landed. The effect was Misses Mary Young and Ada Blouses— Shirts Billikin Shoes Sugg’s millinery. 2-3t very good. L ater I perfected the H artley returned Monday from You may take every pre­ P aulserud’s for cleaning and Boy Scout Shoes corkscrew punch, and it was a Caps—Hats—Ties several days visit with the H. C. pressing. Phone 119. Will call caution against fire. But On W ay South— dandy— if I do say so m yself.” •Where Your D ollarH a«H !loreC ents’ Beal Bovs Shoes Mechem family near Trail. and deliver. 1-tf Underwear Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lathrop z McCoy illustrated how he deliv­ what about the other fel­ stopped in Ashland today on their ered the blow. low—your n e x t d o o r Everything for school at Mc­ R eceives A ppointm ent— way to th eir home in Berkeley, Standing up, he th ru st his arm Nairs. neighbor at home or at Friends of Mrs. A. N. Hum ph­ California, a fte r a trip to Port- through the bars of the cell and rey will be pleased to know that land and Seattle. They visited business. His careless­ adm inistered a stinging blow on R eturns From T r i p - 53234801022353485348234800000202000000050102010000000202 she has recently received an ap­ with Mrs. L athrop’s sister, Mrs. ness may mean vour loss. the w riter’s chin. Miss Helen Detrick returned pointm ent as Parent-Teacher A. N. Humphrey. McCoy was questioned as to ex­ Let ns protect you from last) Saturday from Vancouver. state chairm an of the Child W el­ actly how he delivered this punch, his short-comings. W ashington, where she spent a fare D epartm ent. This makes Jack son ville Girl Leads— but he appeared to be holding m onth visiting with form er two state board members of this On the first retu rn s from the back something, and it is likely friends. association in Ashland. Jackson County F a ir qneen con­ the secret of the blow will die Real E state & Real Insurance test show Miss Clara Coleman of with the ‘ K id.” Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- Estab. 1883 Don’t miss the showing of Jacksonville in the lead with “ I tried to teach a lot of boxers ar’s home-made salad dressing. coats, suits and dresses at -Sugg’s 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 Bertille Mische and Dorothy R epresenting the how to deliver the corkscrew 296— lm o* m illinery one day only, Saturday INSURANCE COMPANY OF Rogers tied for second place. punch, but they could not learn ,” September 6th. 2-3t NORTH AMERICA There will be queen boooths sup­ he concluded. “ Some tw ist th eir To Caves— “ The Oldest American Fire plied for the girls aspiring to be hands too much or not enough, or Mrs. W. E. Pierson and daugh­ Buys Truck— and Marine Insurance Com­ the queen of the fair at the F air too soon or too late. The hand pany” Founded 1792 te r, L olita and Miss Marjorie K arl A utenrieth of Yreka has Consult your insurance agent Grounds, which may be used for has to be tw isted ju st as the blow Payne took a trip to the Oregon purchased the L arrabee truck be as you would your doctor Caves Monday and Tuesday. They longing to Johnny Gruelle for the girls from which to sell queen is delivered. The impact is in­ votes during the fair until the creased and the blow given te r­ reported a delightful time. school purposes. He will carry children from H ilt and H orn­ night of the coronation. The rific force by the effect of the Dr. J. J. Emmens, specialist of brook to Y reka to attend the city date for this celebration will be tw isted arm , with its turning The standing muscles.” Medford, Oregon, who has been school there. This was the truck announced later. away for some time on a vaca­ in which Mr. Gruelle and family follows: Clara Coleman, 2.400; Salem — Building perm its for tion trip is expected home On F ri­ made the trip across the country. Bertille Mische, 1550; Dorothy day, Sept. 5th. 4— i Rogers, 1550; Mae Higdon, 1500; first three weeks of August aggre­ gated $98,000. H ealth giving whole wheat M arjorie Terry, 1400; C hristina Richardson, 1175.— Mail Tribune. P urchases Home— bread at The Lithia Bakery. M. J. W olcott has i ?cently pur­ We deliver the goods— DetMqks chased th e Kee house and lot on A r r i v i H ere—- Sherman street through the Bil­ 94-tf Miss Georgia Richardson of lings agency. M r.W olcott expects Gold Beach, arrived in Ashland his family to arrive soon from last night and will spend the win­ Delivers T r u c k - Dan Kay today delivered a one Canada and they will immediately ter in Ashland a t the home of and a half ton Dodge-Graham move Into th e new property. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shortridge. B rothers truck to The W hittle She will attend high school here. T ransfer Company. The car was Every student who completed MEDFORD a course at the Medford Business SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ thoroughly serviced under the College last year was placed on MOBILE insurance; b etter term s supervision of Mr. Kay before de­ a pay roll. Bus fare allowance. and lower rates. Yeo, of course. livering. THURSDAY, FRIDAY W inter term begins September 15. Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf and SATURDAY From New port— 308-tf Mrs. W. A. Shell and grandson, Let Paulserud make you a suit Sept. 4-5 6 Wilson Torrence, returned Sat­ To San F r a n c i s c o - or fit you out in one of our fall Mrs. F rank Bess and daughter, Ready-to-wear. 1-tf urday from Newport where they enjoyed a three weeks vacation. Irm a Bess, left yesterday for San The P lay N ever to be F orgotten Mr. Shell made the trip last week Francisco where they will spend R eturn Home— retu rn in g w ith Mrs. Shell and several days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fuller re­ turned yesterday from a week’s ! Wilson. Bids anted for E xcavation vacation spent at Eugene, New-' Bids for excavating area 60x port, Corvallis and Salem. They' T hanks Judge— 100 feet on the lot on East Main were in Newport during Labor] J. W. 'Sheahan of this city was street between th e B utler and Day and reported th a t the resort fined $20.00 at Judge Gowdy’s Smith properties. The excavation was very crowded. They had a court W ednesday for exceeding See L ittle G eorge Maddox the speed limit. J. J. McMahon is to go dow,n one foot below the very enjoyable tim er was the arrestin g officer. lowest sidewalk level and to be level a t bottom with grade of Ijeave on Vacation— W aldport — Percentage of de­ walk. Do your own figuring on Coming Next Week Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hed- yardage and m ake bid for the burg left Sunday for a two weeks posits being paid by defunct lo- “ OLE, THE SHIEK’ job complete. Bids will be open­ vacation at Portland, Eugene, i cal bank. 150 cars of green prunes shlp- ed Sept. 15 at 5 o’clock. Bert R. Marshfield and The Big Swede Play other points' : Ped from Douglas county this sea Greer, Tidings office. 3— 4j soutjj ■on. 9 grants Oregdn Company license t SPECIAL School Time Selling of Woolwear Suits Many With Two Pairs of Knickers ALL WOOL First Long Pants Classmate Clothes Whose fault? Billings Agency Notice! Frank & King’s Comedians “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Bent Brothers, In­ corporated build­ ers of the Talent irrigation dam, six miles Southeast of Ashland, are r e- ceiving b i d s on their entire eamp. About 25,000 feet of new lumber in temporary build­ ings. Bids are be­ ing received on or before September 20. Tidings Subscriptions Must Be Paid In Advance While The Daily Tidings lias discontinued its plan of sending a collector each month to collect from its city subscribers in Ashland, the rule that all sub­ scriptions must be paid in advance is still in force. The discontinuance of the personal collection sys­ tem was merely to reduce expenses which will eventually benefit the subscriber—not to in any way alter our rule that all subscriptions must be paid in advance. As heretofore, unless our sub­ scribers pay in advance, their subscriptions will be discontinued. PAY AT THE TIDINGS OFFICE Many have already gladly adopted the new plan and have called at The Tidings office to pay their subscription. Drop in at The Tidings office the next time you are down town or mail in your sub­ scription—65 cents a month or $7.50 a year. The Daily Tidings Ashland, Oregon