- M Classified Column C la r ifie d Column Rates One cent the word each time. AÔ ïîlânü DAìtt T tdtngs —*~ l ♦ >» « ♦ r « • » ea r e PROFESSIONAL M » rt m i i m m :S O C IE T Y : PHYSICIANS DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Thursday, —! Tidings i i i »« several of these parties and are planning to give others during tha winter. • « * To Have Rest Rocm—- The Parent - Teacher Associa­ To run every issue for one tions of Ashland and Medford a:e m onth or more, H e the word DR. C. W. HANSON Phone items to hter at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. planning to have a rest room at each time. Dentist the Jackson County Fair. People Special attention given to pyor­ ments. CALENDAR OF EVENTS can come here to rest and th eir ' FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in B eaver, The next meeting will be held will b^ attendants to discuss Par- Thursday, September 4. Frater- Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. ! nal Brotherhood meeting. Busi- September 16, and an out-of-town i it-Teacher problems and litera- I FOR RENT— Furnished room speaker is expected to be present, tu re for any who wish to a v a il: with or w ithout housekeeping OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- i ness m*etin« followed by dance. as principal speaker for the a fte r­ themselves of it. This literature ' tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano ' Eigllt ° clock- privilege; also good garage. Mrs. Friday, September 5. Mission­ noon. In addition to this a short will include Child W elfare prob- ! D augherty, 55 Pine St. 287-12* th ro at— X-ray including teeth. ary Society of Christian Church program has been arranged. '.eras, lunches for school children Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc . . . FOR RENT— Furnished sleep­ a t church parlors, 2:30 o’clock. and many phases of child work. ing rooms, 1165 E ast Main St., j 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Monday and Tuesday, Septem­ Epw orth League P arty — Mrs. Arnspiger of Medford will Ore. 1 1-2 block from high school. ber 8 and 9. W. C. T. U. County i The Epworth League, of the have charge of the attendants, j 299— 12* DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ Convention in Lithia P ark. M ethodist Church is planning a I Mrs. Robert Hammond of Med- I Tuesday, September 9. Parent- swimming party at H elm an’s for ford will furnished the flowers, j dence and office, 108 Pioneer FOR RENT; — Eighty acre Teacher Council 2:30 at Library. next Friday. A very enjoyable Mrs. Peters of Medfopd will dec- t avenue. Telephone 28. Office farm , seven miles east of Ashland Special program . Everyone ask­ tim e is anticipated. orate the booth and the Medford hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 on Pacific highway. For inform a­ « * « ed to attend. F u rn itu re company has kindly p. m. only. tion appy to Mollie Songer, 4 5 * * * donated porch fu rn itu re for their Helman St. Ashland. 303-10* Charming Party— DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractie Fam ily Reunion— use. Mrs. Jam es Boyd of North Electro-Therapy. Office A very delightful family reun- FOR RENT: — 2 furnished j and W ednesday and Friday Medford Main street gave a very lovely apartm ents near high school. 575 ’ phone 48; residence 142. First ) ion was held in the Lithia P ark will have charge of the booth, i Monday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. party Tuesday afternoon from two Ashland day, the Ashland Parent. Liberty. Phone 335L. 2-6 I National Bank building. o’clock until five. This was ------------------------------------------------ j Charles F ru it and son and daugh­ Teachers will have the booth and given to the ju n io r class of the FOR RENT: — Modern well j MONUMENTS ter of McMinnville, who are visit- on Saturday the Bellview and Val­ located furnace heated a p a r t- 1 i ing at the home of Mrs. F ru it’s Presbyterian church. The group ley View district will be in charge. MONUMENTS the afternoon playing m ents and sleeping rooms, fu r-j m other, Mrs. W. R. Kincaid. spent ASHLAND GRANITE games, stu n ts and story telling. nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- ■ Thirty-two people were present MONUMENTS gadine. 1-tf at the reunion. The party ate They m arched into the spacious WARN FRATERNITIES B lair G ranite Co. ABOUT STREET USE their dinner in th e park and then dining room of th e Bayd home FOR RENT — 3-room furnish­ PENNISTON. Manager for the dainty refreshm ents which spent a plea-sant afteroon there ed apartm ent close in. Phone 4 0 Office 175 E. Main were served by the charm ing EUGENE, Sept. 4. — Univer­ talking over old times. or 432Y. 1-tf Res. Phone 444-Y hostess. sity of Oregon fratern ities are This was the first tim e Mrs. Those present were Bernice being warned by the Eugene po­ od service a t a rea- were served by the hostess. Bauer, Jan e t and Jean Balis, w hite with black spots, weighs eouab.’e price. Phone 83. * * * Evelyn Miller, M argaret C hurch­ 130 lbs. Reward. Phone 256L. Civic Club Meets—• man, Dorothy Chapel, Constance 2-1 FEHIGE-ROACH The Civic Club met at the McWilliams, Dorothy Nininger T ransfer — Express — Storage clubhouse Tuesday afternoon for GET YOU STOVE repaired at and Virginia Rose. Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito Hauling Dray work of a l l ' t jle fjVSt meeting of the year. The A very delightful time was ex­ R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 kinds. Quick motor service. Dry j reguia r business m eeting was perienced by all present. This Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R; held, Mrs. P. K. Hammond, presi- organization of men has given 375 B- s t - 112' t f )d en t. presiding. The afternoon WANTED: — Used flat top was spent in playing cards and do­ office desk and swivel chair. See ing fancy work. A very fair G reer at the Tidings office. 1-4 F o r a smooth shave crowd attended. At the close of and quick service go the afternoon Mrs. Peil and Mrs. to the Shell Barber Tomlinson served dainty refresh- I NEGOTIATE SALES Shop. Ladies and Don’t get excited about it, but children get your hair ju s t bear in mind th a t now is a ’ bobbed and marcel­ good tim e to buy real estate in led. The Rest Values at Ashland. MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor ~ impervious to tain,snow.heat.coid Asbestos shingles made the ’’Carey” way!! / V J asbestos shingle — this m eans protection against fire, protection against ZAtEie elements. I t also means a roof not affected by the chemicals of the atm os­ phere. Asbestos means a quality roof, a roof th a t will live with your building. ShTnaiAh ACSre5r — i ere is the imP°rta n t feature of the Carey Asbestos Slate A? beVOS doej n t vary; Processes do vary. The process by which the asbestos shingle is made m ust determine the satisfaction you get from it. S!?te Shtngle is more desirable th an other asbestos shingles because, ( i ) I t is the first asbestos shingle to be made in full 245 pound weight- H A he-a uy asbe3.tO3 felt Lase is thoroughly saturated with asphalt and then M? Ttd’^ lLh^ a -Urí ! slate; <3> 13 stiffer» thicker and gives a deeper shadow line; (4) I t is made in three splendid colors, Indian Red, Sage Green and Blue-Black. c L p ?’11? y o u ?vant a s besfo s. You also w ant the advantages offered only by b e rtc V -i aTl ? 3bestos shingle made in the Carey way is different and better a b etter roof for your home and a more economical roof. TANLAC K Í ™ A í y ’í 5 Slat! Shin?les are on sale a t lumber and building supply dealers. If your aeaier cannot supply you, write or phone us. vegetable piles Fish Y o u n g M en’s Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles are approved by Underwriters’ Laboratories and building^odts.3 Underwnters’ labe1’ thus meeting the requirements of strict A s h la n d Good country store business on paved highway, $3000 will handle It. I have another big surprise for you very soon. B ut don’t get ex­ cited. J u st buy some of the good offerings. I have another good net 15 per cent income property. STAPLES’ AGENCY Office, Hotel Ashland Bldg. Phone 20 K0 TIME TO HUNT for a doctor ¡>r drug store when suddenly leized with agunizing intestinal cramps, leadly nausea and prostrating diarrhoea. C H A M B E R L A IN ’S C O L IC a n d D I A R R H O E A REM EDY gives instant warmth, comfort and ease from pain. Never fails. Why Not Have UNIVERSAL W. A. SHELL, Prop. 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore Ready for you tomorrow • ELECTRIC N . Main Ti n ï SLATE SHINGIXS E a g le M ark et OVERLAND L um ber C om pany 72-34 S c h o o l S h o es I have a good little restauran t fo r sale, $500 will take it. sleptember Phone 10’/ Shoe Shop 1 idings classified do the business RANGE? CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Preferred Stodkyidds 7.14% ask any member of our Is there any good, su ffeien t, plausible reason why you have to put up with the old house heating range style of cook­ ing? Electricity <’ool Cheap, Economical ? n d I niversal is a range steadfast and sure: lasts a life­ tim e; fool-proof; hakes accur­ ately with a much less cost than gas. coal, wood or any ether fuel burning stove. organization qpHE Ashland Electric Supply Dallas — Road work starts on Grande Ronde highway loop. JACKSON COUNTY 240 E ast Main St. FA OREGON PEA R SHOW Unequaled by Any District or tounty Fair on Pacific Coasl $20,000 IN PREMIUMS For the exhibits of livestock, poultry, products of farm, orchard and garden, fancy work, school anad boys’ and girls’ clubs. Marvelous exhibits from ten communities, including Jackson, Klamath and Siskiyou counties. $5,000 PURSES, HORSE RACES 100 trotters and pacers and 40 runners entered making the BIGGEST HORSE RACE MEET EVER HELD HERE Grants Pass Ashland Medford BANDS The Aerial Thompsons Sensational Wire Walkers Night Sept. 12 The Dixie Syncopators Dancers, Singers, Jazz Two Three- Reel Films of Motion Pictures SHAM BATTLE on Nat’l Defence Day A Battle As in Actual Warfare - MEDFORD N IG H T SEPT. 12 * Because of its sustained quality you can depend upon Associated Gasoline for a quick start, complete combustion and more mileage. , and stick to it. --------- ' *. Longer life from your motor fol- lows the regular use of Cycol Motor Oil. It maintains an “oil tight” piston seal. Better compression and better engine performance re- suit. Associated Gasoline and Cycol are equally dependable. Ask your garageman for the MOTORMATES —Associated Qasoline and Cycol M otor O il ASSOCIATED O IL COM PANY 4, i!>24