Pttfe two ÁSÍÍL a N d DAILY TlDfNGS Tilttrsday, September 4, lWîU ASHLAND D A ILY T ID IN G S to do so, in other sections of the vastly and variously in-1 ye3T ,n particular, with many provsm eats which this company Clatsop and N orth beaches, w e rs, Philomath Grading is nom< teresting world. But he whose heart is old-homeward bent °f CalifornIa an of complaints of the Portland Six M o n th s.................. ................................................................. 3.60 him a special greeting/jovous it may be, but one that im- canvassed for a sim ilar purpose. citizens of this county now have j housewives’ council relative to the Its Ne stfek ALPINE One Year ................................... «•50 presses upon him the fact that he is ‘‘company” rather The actual count, authorized by in a greater development of the rates and service of the Portland the State Highway Commission, a lum ber industry, should be seen „streetcar system. The council DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: than an everyday member of the old intimate group. week ago showed twenty-six hun­ by everyone living in Jackson Single Insertion, per inch .............__ ....................................... _ $ .30 th at the 8 cent fare is excessive As the sojourner walks along the once familiar dred cars passed along the Paci­ County and in fact it would be Yearly Contracts: and claims th at the company One insertion a w e e k ......................... ..................................................... 27% ' streets, he has the feeling that here and there other things, fic Highway in front of the fair worth while to come to the fair Confidence should return to a 5 cent fare. Two Insertions a week .25 entrance gate between the hours to see it if for no other purpose. too, are missing. If the town be a thrifty one, new enter­ Dally insertion ................................................................... .20 An Asset six a. m. and six p. m. At least Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising prises may have crowded out the remembered corner of sixty percent of them were to u r­ Coquille — Sheer wall in Co­ F irst insertion, per 8 point line ............„ .................................. 8 4 0 stores; or, possibly, the once favorite landmarks may ists so th a t the estim ate of get­ FINGER PRINT EXPERT Confidence, in you, by the Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .05 LEAVES SCOTLAND YARD quille river, 517 feet long and community is a tangible asset Card of Thanks ________ - . ... __ have assumed a strange air of dilapidation. Wherever he ting three thousand cars, out of 1.00 ¡costing 88,000, being built to raise known to business men as the Pgr line.................. _.................................................. •°2^ goes, the visitor becomes increasingly sensible of the dif- the six thousand th a t will pass, LONDON, Sept. 4. — Inventor. level and open river for passage profitable factor. WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING 1 ferent strands that are being woven into the social web. to stop and see the fair is conser­ and perfector of the system of °* 20,000,000 feet of logs in Mid- ,, AV future events, where an admission charge is made or a telegraphic codes for finger dle Fork. Good Will Strains both joyous and wistful sweep across his thought vative. collection tajfian in Advertisidk. At an average of three people p rint transm ission over thousands rsO discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. during his stay. He feels himself or the place somewhat to the car some nine thousand of miles. Superintendent Charles If you purchase a business you should know w hether you are out of harmony; he has passed the point where he can fit tourists will enter the grounds S. Collins, has ju st retired from DONATIONS buying “ good will,” or w hether No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertls- this year and carry with them a the finger print departm ent at into the scene as he formerly did. Memory, however, you will have to make It. If Don’t Delay Your you P la tin g — our contributions will be in cash. start with good banking ¡serves him again; and as his holiday nears its termination, vivid impression of a splendid Scotland Yard. England’s police connections you a t least have agricultural and horticultural ex­ headquarters. House Painting S eptember 4 j he begins with some relief to visualize the fresher associa* hibit and a cordial feeling of hos­ Collins is internationally known a working basis, th a t clean dealing will make successful. God win and dutics awaitin8 1,im in llis more recent abode pitality th at was extended to for his system and his books upon I To do so may mean heavy carpenter bills, in addi­ peoeple shall he take away from off all the earth : for the Lord If the wayfarer be wise, as lie measures himself them. the subject and during his term Ashland Day a spo en it.— Isaiah 25:8. ¡against his former status, he will acknowledge with new of office at Scotland- Yard he has tion to larger painting ex­ Ashland Day at the Jackson built up an index of 470,000 fin­ pense. humility that he has outgrown, not what was good, but County F a ir will be on the second First National ger prints of world criminals. THE COVERED WAGON LAND what was his own lesser concept of good. He knows that day, Thursday, September 11, and Bank ¡it has been well for him to come back home, to refresh It Is expected th a t there will be ASTORIA MAYOR J. O. RIGG Large looms he Columbia River in the history pleasant memories, and to revive happy comradeships. an exidos of at least seventy-five DIRECTS TRAFFIC N orthZ T and1*,.! ’’ï110«!?«1 tha Great I But h e 'reaÏÏzïs per cent of the citizens immediate­ a little more clearly for the experience, orai west and added three states to the Union—the only ly a fte r the noon hour. ASTORIA, Sept. 4. — When portion of the United States acquired by rigid of diseöv-' 1 PCrhapS’ thi“ h°me * condition of thou«ht which is n0‘ The fair this year will be an Mayor Setters left his office to dependent upon one single locality or certain associations exceptionally good one and two go home last night he noticed th at ery, possession and settlement. for its manifestation, but rather upon the reciprocal love adjacent localities will be repre­ automobile traffic was in difficul­ It was in the mouth of the Columbia that Captain A Shower sented by community displays. ties at Fourteenth and Commer­ Gray, of Boston, sailed his ship Columbia in 1792 and and tenderness which is expressed within the radius of These are Belleview and Valley cial IN S T A N T streets, where hundreds of each one’s daily experience, wherever that may lead him. rawing the Stars and Stripes, took possession of the ,, ,, ? laa‘ ™a .eao mm. View districts. tourists autos, headed for the Saves Time Northwest in the th e name ef n„. United q ,..,-.. Perhaps the returning pilgrim is now more willing to ex- There are a num ber of Ashland Northwest in of the States Raybestos change old lamps for new, knowing that he has lost noth­ citizens connected with the con­ Show er bathing is quick bath­ Here, v here the mighty Columbia tumbles its waters duct of the fair and two citizens, ing. No w aiting; and. you into the Paeilic, Lewis and Clark, first to carry our flag ing that is permanent, but that he has gained a clearer A. C. Nininger and D. Perozzi are vision of the truth that bathe in clean running w ater? Brake Lining across the continent, reached their western destination in members of th e board of directors. “ All of good the past hath had It s ideal for a liatii-a-day for the winter of 1805-06. Stores To Close BOYCE-ITE th e busy man or wom an. Remains to make our own time glad.” Ashland has always shown her Another six years saw the Astor-Hunt expedition, Service H ave us install a modern loyalty to the County F air and The traveling by land and sea, establish, at the mouth of the CITATION — all in Twp. 38 S. of R. 1 E. the F air Board has always refus­ show er in your bathroom — Columbia, the first permanent American settlement on IN THE COUNTY COURT OF of W. M. iu Jackson County, ed the use of the fair grounds on you'll eu joj bathing better. MATERIAL THAT at the Pacific coast. THE STATE OF OREGON, Oregon. the F ourth of July as they be­ See us for particulars NOW, TH EREFO RE, in pursu­ lieved th a t Ashland was rig h tfu l­ Adds More Then followed the outriders of empire—the mission* COUNTY OF JACKSON. In the M atter of the E state of ance of the Order of said Court ly entitled to celebrate on th at ary, the trapper, the adventurer. Mileage JOHN W. HERRIN, Deceased. duly made and entered upon the day w ithout any counter a ttra c ­ Came 1843! Thrilled by the story of the paradise be­ To W illiam F. H errin, David filing of said Petition, you and tion in Medford. Jerry O'Neal Automotive Shop yond the mountains and fired by the militant cry of “ 54- C. H errin, Fred W. H errin, Ed­ each of you are hereby notified The store keepers have been 40 or fight! of Senator Thomas Hart Benton, the ox- ward W. H errin, Caroline B. Dix­ th a t you are required to appear asked to close at twelve o’clock Phone 13H 2 0 7 E. Main Chevrolet and Dodge b N. Service drawn covered wagon trains started moving westward on on, Mary Kilgore and unknown before the said Court on Satur- noon on Ashland day in order to j Plumbing Heating Sales, Repairs the greatest migration of all history, bringing within a heirs, if any th ere be, of said ’ day the 4th day of October, 1924, give th eir employees an oppor­ Station estate, and to all other persons at ten o’clock in the forenoon of tunity to attend. little more than a decade £00,000 settlers who established claiming any interest in the es­ said BOULEVARD and SHERMAN day, a t th e Court room of Lutnber Exhibits homes, schools and churches, founded an empire, and sav­ tate of said deceased: said Court in Jacksonville, Jack- The development of th e lum ber ed the great Northwest for the Union—The Nation’s Bus­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE son County, Oregon, to show industry in Jackson county is of OF OREGON. iness. cause, if any exist, why an Order vital im portance to fu tu re pros­ Army 0 . D. W ool Serge T V n in g f ir t ln r .a a w n n lr « - 0 7 W. You and each of you are hereby of Sale of th e whole of said real notified th a t on the 25th day of property should not be made as A ugust, 1924, E. D. Briggs, the prayed for in said petition. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING duly appointed, qualified and act­ Service of this Citation by pub­ A writer recently gave some of the salient reasons ing adm inistrator of said estate lication is made on th e non-resi­ in said Court a petition, duly dent heirs and the unknown heirs why newspaper advertising was the best method by which filed verified, praying said Court for of said deceased by Order of the to reach the prospective buyers, as follows: an Order of Sale of the whole o£, ^County Court, which said Order First, the newspaper has circulation. A single news­ the real property of said estate is dated A ugust 25th. 1924 paper will often cover from 60 to 80 per cent of the homes on the grounds and for the p u r­ W itness the“-H onorable G. A. m its territory. Advertising space in that paper will give poses therein set forth, which G ardner, Judge o : said Court, said real property is described as w ith the seal of said Court affix­ a much greater return per dollar spent than will any other follows: ed this 25th day of August, A. D. form of advertising on which postage is spent. Beginning at the southeast 1924. Second, people are accustomed to reading the news­ corner of the N ortheast q u ar­ CHAUNCEY FLOREY, County Clerk. paper. It is not difficult to get their attention, as in the te r of Section 33, Twp. 38 S. R. 1 E. of W. M. in Jackson By DELILIA STEVENS, case of the circular letter, the booklet and other forms of County, Oregon; Thence North Deputy. direct by mail advertising. on the section line between E. D. Briggs, Adminis­ Third, the best of all, it is timely . The advertiser Sections 33 and 34 60 rods; tra to r, Ashland, Oregon. is able to appeal to his audience by frequent advertise­ T h e n c e W est 40 rods; Thurs. 5t ments. Thence South 60 rods; Thence E ast 40 rods, to the place of beginning, containing 15 acres, there being a small house on TWO IMPORTANT MATTERS the land, 11 acres improved and 4 acres untillable, of which he The city council considered two vitally important is owner in entirety in his questions at its session Tuesday. These were interlocking own the right. questions, both looking toward the city’s water supply. The E state of his fath er has An appropriation was made for the making of trails never been divided and d istrib u t­ !.n y atershed of Ashland creek, so that in case of a ed among the heirs, and the real One of the first constructive forest fire in that -egion, the fighting of the fire would be property belonging to th e said efforts made to interest and show made easier and i ore effective. The question of protect­ estate, of which he was the own­ the tourist the resources of South of a one-eighth interest th ere­ ing the watershed has for several years been considered er ern Oregon and N orthern Califor­ in, is described, as follows: very essential by this city and it is well that the safe­ The W % of SE % , the S% of nia, will be undertaken by the guarding of the source of the city’s water should he N W % , and the SW*4 of Sectioif Jackson County F a ir Association. They propose to adm it free into 2; watched careful lv. the fair grounds every to u rist pas­ The S % of NE %, the SE % of The council also brought the question of further dam sing this way on anyone of the N W % , the SW % , the N% of construction in the watershed closer to real action when SE % , and the SE% of SE% of four days. It is estim ated th a t no less than nine thousand to u r­ they decided to hold a special session soon for the hearing Section 3 ; of the report of Engineer MeKissick, who states he has The E % of SE % of NW % , and ists will take advantage of this see the fair and go to found several points where the construction of a dam to the diagonal N% of NE% of SE% courtesy, th eir respective homes filled with Section 4; give the city a larger and more certain water supply is of Tlie praise of the w onderful products diagonal NE 14 of NE Vi ieasible. J which they saw here, and this of Section 9; The Tidings has repeatedly stated that to increase The N % , the N% of SE % , the the city s water supply is the most important question be­ E% of SWV4, and th e diagonal fore the people of Ashland and it would be well if another NE% of NW 1/4 of SW% of Sec­ and summer, such as the one we have just experienced, tion The 10; N% of N W U , the SW% could be avoided. of NW14, the NW% of SW% of Section 11; The N% of SEV4. and the E% ON GOING BACK HOME of SWK of Section 21; NW14, the W % of N E% , Just why going hack to one’s old home has so strong the The SEV4 of NE% and the S% of a hold on the imagination may need little explanation. of Section 22; There is perhaps an unconscious determination not to let The NW % of NE V4, and th e the old ties be broken; and when one finds himself foot­ N% of N H of NW% of Section loose for a few days or weeks, this latent desire springs 27; perity and at present the leading j topic of conversations is about j the new box factory at Ashland and the mill of the Owens-Oregon ; Lum ber Co. togther with other branches of lum ber m anufactur­ ing which this company will en­ gage In. In w ith the exhibit of the U. S. Forest Service at the Jackson County F a ir will be a display of the Ow’ens-Oregon Lum ber Co. which will present to the public for the first tim e authentic in­ form ation of the proposed im- School TRY 10 INTEREST TO BE HELD SOON Books A Wonderful V IC THEATER StAíiTiFU» FINISHING TODAY a SVtnuMiit Qictare HORNS FOR SMALL CARS William de Mille PRODUCTION W IT H Table u st and Canning H. S. Glein W agner Creek Road TALENT, OREGON Murphy Elec. Co. Our Phone 82 Main Plaza A Ashland Across from the new 9-storv Tourist Hotel FRIDAY and SATURDAY SUPPLIES Eversharp Pencils Beleano Facial Treatments 50c to $5.00 Waterman Fountain Pens $2.50 up BY McNair Brothers Drag Stare f H a ll’s C atarrh Medicine we claim for ir —rid your system of Catarrh or Deaf­ ness caused by Catan h. Sold Ay druggists /o r over 40 yean !• CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio Select Tomatoes Leedom’s Tire House RICHARD DIX, LOIS WILSON * SAM W OO D PftOOUCTlOM $170 Rebuilt into activity, and one resolves to go back and take up the threads of former associations where,'upon his departure he laid them down. If one is able to follow his inclination’! and to spend his holiday in the old home town, one eager­ ly recalls, as he prepares for the journey, the scenes and the customs of the place as he knew them. One may admit that there are undoubtedly other! places quite as interesting to see; one mav even*secretly acknowledge that perhaps it would be well for him to en­ large the place of his tent by traveling, when he is free Biggest Little Store in Asliland AND BUY! Electric Range SHIRTS $4.00 Army Goods Store MORTONE j HOSPITAL HOMELIKE Our expert doctors and surgeons, xcdlent food, and quiet surroundings • bring you real health, ,SAM FRANCISCO, CAUP. Agnes Ayres, Antonio Moreno Webster didn’t put BLUFF in the dictionary for noth­ ing and Agnes Ayres uses it with all its synonyms to make the grade. BELCANO BEAUTY SPECIALIST Friday and Saturday Women of sensitive preferences will particularly ap­ preciate the clean daintiness of Beleano, ami the comfort and ease with which it is used. Beleano is really a delightful skin tonic, imparting health, life and vigor to every skin cell. It thor­ oughly cleanses all pores, stimulates circulation, re­ builds tissues, revitalizes all weak, sagging muscles and the flesh. Phone or call for appointments ALSO “The Telephone Girl” EAST SIDE PHARMACY > -♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦