— MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. PROTECTION 0 F FOREIGN LIVES SURE Chinese Foreign Office Promises Safety to All Aliens REPORT HEAVY SLEEPIN G SICKNESS DEATH LIST 8 8 R » 8 8 8 8 8 18 GROWS Both W arring P rovinces Lose M any Men in T oday’s F igh tin g PUT ACTORS IN JAIL FOR WILD PARTY R. R. FARES DOWN IN LAST 4 YEARS NO. 3 MADRAS SW E PT BY FIR E MADRAS, Ore., Septem ber 4— The m ain business section of .■ adras, coan ty seat of Jefferson county, w as sw ept by a $200,004) r u e early tin s m orning. Thirteen business firm s w ere w iped out. ih e fire w as of undeterm ined origin and started in a restaurant. A m a l e ' p i i ’T t / 5* h l"dered thp f,Pe H a t e r s , com posed of the total SCHOOLS TO OPEN DOORS ON MONDAY Teaching Three ADVANCES TOWARD TITLE SEVEN . Staffs for All Schools Are Complete K 1A TT, R. I., Septem ber 4— Mary B row ne, form er national c’ia,nP,o ,,’J o advanced to th e sem i-fin al round o f the w om ­ en s national g o lf tournam ent, d efea tin g B ernice W all, W isconsin GIVE COMPLETE LIST E ight A ctresses B ein g H eld U ntil (h am p ion, R and 4. M iss B row ne w ill m eet G lenna C ollett, form er ‘on,° " ° w ‘n ,h e uPPer brackets of th e sem i-fin als. Mrs Work on R enovating B uildings E scorts Furnish Their JJ2L? i am pbeR m eets Mrs. C larence Vanderbeck in th e other sem i F inished; Many Teachers j final m atch Ronds in Cash Com ing Rack TH REATEN L IF E O F PRINCE LOS ANGELES, Sept. 4. __ HELD W ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Ih is is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEM BER 4, 1924 ______ 8 TOKIO, Sept. 4. - An 8 epidemic of sleeping sickness 8 which started some time ago 8 continues to sweep through- 8 out Japan. To date, 1,000 8 deaths have been caused by 8 the m ysterious malady. No 8 cases have so far been re- 8 ported among foreigners, and 8 « every preventitive m easure 8 ! Twenty Members of HollV- « is being « e d to prevent the 8 i wood Colony Arrested 8 spread of the disease. R _ — By _ Police 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOSS ASHLAND CLIMATE HOURS , BEAST SENTENCED TO 2 1 4 YEARS IN JAIL M BORAH SA YS OF DAVIS POOR --------- 8 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 4. 8 8 — H arry Dunlap, found 8 I 8 guilty of crim inal assault t: 8 on several women and rob- 8 i bery of their men escorts, 8 8 today was sentenced to 214 8 8 years and two life sentences 8 j 8 in prison, the term s to run 8 8 consecutively. Judge Crail, 8 ______ 8 in passing sentence, branded 8 La toilette Follettp and and A aa T J Coolid « Dunlap as one of the w orld’s 8 A rp s£!!?ild*e Are Leading in Middle 8 worst crim inals. »j West Says Leader • « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 MADE CLOSE SURVEY D eclares D a v i 7 7 ^ ing Tour May PLEASES VISITORS B in Him Votes ¡„ W heat PEKIN, September 4— F u 1 1 and Corn B elts protection of foreign lives and F igu res Show That W ages Have Held in jail for more than seven School bells will peal out again | .?*' GSETT, N. Y., Septem ber 4— F o llo w in g th e receipt o f a let- property in Shanghai was today CHI( AGO. Septem ber 4__ The Gone Up and Fares Down V o T '/ i i ? “ ’it IlfK ° f th ® Prill<‘e ° f W ales’ Luis «f '»>e next Monday, when the Ashland ! Address by J ^ d Z — hours while waiting for the open­ promised the French, British, s nj Judge C. M. Thomas ,)residential contest in the middle In 1‘ast Few Years ing of the county bail clerk ’s of-i New l o r k police bomb squad, hurried th is afternoon to th e Burden schools open after a « «*•________ three months Is L iked; L ithians to H ave west now lies between President American and Japanese legations fice, tw enty members of Holly­ nTTh ’ » 5 ^ ‘S® P rin ce is stayin g. A letter received at, th e o ffic e vacation. The teaching staffs were Program T his E ven in g by personal representatives of the Coolidge and La Follette, accord­ in N ew York declared th a t th e write»- some time ago completed for all SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4. __ wood's movie colony were today Chinese foreign office. The ac­ In the four years th a t have elaps­ released on bail after a sensation­ intended to k ill W ales. T he letter w as signed ‘M arcus E. G ilroy.’ three institutions, and crews of ing to statem ents made this a ft­ P o lice b elieve the nam e fictitio u s. Tomorrow morning at 10:30 tion followed protests of the for­ ed since September 1, 1920, when al raid on what the police called ernoon by Senator Borah, noted men have been putting the build­ eign powers and the landing of the “ g u arantee” of net retu rn to a ‘ wild house p arty ” in a Laurel ASK STOCK SALE STOPPED ings in order. All ig practically the Rev. Mr. Edwards, former independent leader of Idaho. fore;gn marines on Chinese soil. the railroads as a result of Feder- Canyon residence. In an exclusive interview with in readiness for the opening date. Methodist m inister of Ashland Pi«...1 <)I‘TLAND, Septem ber 4— In a letter addressed to G overnor will open the session of the Old Both quarelling provinces suf-{al war tim e operation were with- the International News Service, H igli School Teachers F i g i ‘ C h an y s Pierre, th e com m ittee to inquire into th e sa le o f q u estionab le stock Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion As- im p o s e d o f Oswald W est and G eorge B lack, ask f o 7 a / e l t ’ feiod heavy losses today when the drawn and th e roads were left to Borah declared that John W. Teachers in the High school for Headed by Jules Lebaron, head sociation with an address. The Davis was definitely "out of the Kiang Su army of North China make both ends meet as best they of the Lebaron production com­ n in foreign oil stocks. The request follow s an announcem ent that this year, as announced Parks wiI1 cooPerate w ith th e com m ittee. The com m ittee finds are: B. C. Forsyth e prinrinaU ' f ° UP fr° In Grants Pa8S wiH co«- race.” defeated the Chekiang army, ac­ could, the railroads through low­ pany, the actors today pledged cording to reports. W. R. Hughes, civics and U S in aftern oon ’s Program Based on Survey er rates have reduced the cost themselves to a b itter fight H istory; A nnette W eatherford I f Ashland unit of the Borah based his statem ents oh of transportation to the public by against the charges of liquor vio­ home economics; M argaret Casad^ artlllery wil> have charge of a first hand survey of the poli­ NEW iO R K , September 2— ■ $5,109,000 a day and have re- lations and disturbing the peace GIRL H URT BY BO ULDER biology; Minnie Poley, Latin and ° 6Ven,ng entertainm ent. Lhanghai, China’s greatest city, duced th eir costs to operation $4,- preferred against them by the tical conditions throughout the 1-argc Crowd as weli as control of two of the 852,000 a day. The net return Hollywood police. teacher’s training; Eva Poley, agricultural west. The leader de­ Today, a large crowd of old clined to predict the outcome of richest provinces in China, are I of the roads in September 1920 Grace Hawk- Eight women, alL actresses ac­ posure d u e to a night spent near th e sum m it, M is /fi/r i^ ia ^ D r u m home economics. war veterans, as well as many the election iu November, but de­ the stakes in the internecine war! averaged $2,656,000 a day and in cording to the police, will be h> ld i au gh ter o f H enry Drum , form er w arden o f th e W alla W alla s t « f ’ yard, science; Frances F rater penitentiary, is b eing brought down th e m ountain b tw e,v? m ± threatened in China now between June 1924, the last month for in jail until their escorts furnish English; Aileen Shephard, music; younger persons, gathered in clared that the middle west would X 1 ' 7 “ T “ k M arshal Chi Hsieh-yuan, Tuchun which figures are available aver- bail. Zipora Blumenfeld, physical tra in ­ Lithia Park to hear Judge C. M not support Davis. of Kiangsu province, and General aged $2,135,000. ing; W. R. Henry, m athem atics; Thomas speak at the morning ses­ Sen sation al Clim ax Borah indicated that the Dem­ Judge Thomas made an Lu Yung-hsiang, the governor of Reduction in railroad expenses Ethel Tempiin, Spanish; Alice sion. The raid came as a sensational ocratic nominee was running a Kidder, commerce; Ethel Wheel- 1 forceful speech, pay poor third, but voiced the opin­ Chekiang province. j of $4,852.000 a day has been climax to a feud th a t has been er. English; Cleo V. Howe]1 ! *“ g trib ate to tbose who had de Although Shanghai is t h e ! PrInclPaBy due to reduction in growing between the police and - j fended the country’s honor In the ion that Davis’ pending speech- science. chief prize the fighting is not ex- wages and efficiency of manage- members of the movie colony for m ak’ng tour through the wheat earlier days. pected to take place in the im- ment. Reduction of wage rates almost a year. Some tim e ago The Junior high school instruc­ and corn belts might materially For this evening, a program m ediate vicinity of the city for saved the railroads $1,710,000 a the police discovered an old Los tors will be: Ila M. Myers, prin­ increase hjs strength. cipal; Mell Carter, gram m ar; given by the Lithians is the fea fear of foreign intervention, day in June, 1924 as compared Angeles ordinance which made La Follett«» Strong which would spoil the plans of with the wage biil in September parties after 10 p. in. unlawful Nora W ard, geography; Ruth Mit­ ture. Wm. Briggs, city attorney “ Front jn y survey,” said Borah, of both warlords chell, draw ing and arithm etic; will represent Mayor C. H Shanghai, a 11920, Through efficiency of man- To retaliate, an attorney discover 1 would say that La Follette will Pierce in an address of welcome city of nearly 2,000,000 inhabi-i a6ement the num ber of employes ed a series of ordinances, making Drop M atter o f C losing Jenny H ospitality O rganization W ill E sther Henry, history, civics and Mrs, L. N. Woodside 1 b scheduled win in the agricultural districts. Creek D istrict on P le a of music; Edna Goheen, English; tants, contains two foreign con-1 bas been greatly reduced, there even the holding of church on \ isit Copco on Septem ber to sing a solo, while Instrum ental The farm ers are groaning for re­ K lam ath Men Sunday a violation. Many ridi­ Alice Robertson, sixth grade; cessions— French and interna- beinR 365,000 less employes in lief. The present inflated prices 14; G oing to K lam ath Edna Kennedy, fifth grade; Mar­ selections by Mrs. E. A. Woods Ol farm produce swing votes to tional— with populations of a b o u t1 service iu June 1924 than in Sep- culous laws, such as the one for­ and sons will be another feature bidding street car conductors to So great was the opposition 20,000 — Americans, British, tember 1920. The Lithians held, th eir regu­ garet Thomas, fourth grade; Lysle Dr. Mattie Shaw will give a read­ ( oolidge. But I can see no hope Increases in wages under the shoot at rabbits from th e 'r e a r of m anifested by Klam ath ‘Falls lar monthly m eeting at the Rag Gregory, second grade; Isabella French, Portuguese, Germans and ing, Dr. G. I’hetteplace will sing at present for the candidate of other nationalities, not including. Transportation Act of 1920 were a car platform , were discovered. sportsm en last night to m aking gedy Ann Sweet Shop last night W attenbarger, first grade; Lizzie a solo, and the Rev. W. Judson the Democratic party getting 15,000 Japanese. 1 greater than the decreases and the Jenny creek aiea a game re­ with an attendance of about M erritt, third grade. Sweeping Raid Oldfield will tell civil war anee many votes. The outcome of this was th at fuge th at the m atter was drop­ thirty. A delicious supper was Hawi hoi ne Instructors Fear Intervention wages have been higher dur- The lace is between conserva- dotes. Teachers at Hawthorne will he. In 1913, the last tim e fighting ing the four years than before or the actors were not arrested for ped. A m eeting of the Jackson served. Three new members were tfern and the progressive move­ The old soldiers and sailors occurred near Shanghai, the arse- during Federal Control of the holding parties at late hours, al County Game Protective Associa­ voted in, Dave W hittle, Morton Grace Sinema, principal; Edythe ment. I regard Coolidge as the though raids on alleged unlawful tion was held at the city hall fox Hansen and Elwood Hedburg. It Stevenson, fifth and sixth grades; seem to be enjoying the hospital­ nal at Kiangnan, a suburb of roads’ outstanding reactionary candi­ ity of Ashland and the experience affairs were frequent. Today’s the purpose of discussing the pro­ Carrie Englund, fifth grade; Wil Shanghai, was bombarded by date. wh le La Follette is the was decided to postpone the in­ of once again sleeping in army raid is regarded as by far the position. forces attem pting to capture the LOGGING TRAIN itiation of L. N. W oodside and ma McKenzie, fourth grade; Dor­ tents and eating arm y rations. only liberal in the field. Unless most sensational and sweeping of A few Ashland sportsm en, sev­ Dan Kay until the next meeting, othy Abbott, fourth grade; Laura city, and after numerous shots! COMES TO GRIEF them Davis makes many friends on his all. eral from Medford, and four when the five candidates will be Oison. third grade; Mabel Eby iiad landed in the foreign conces­ forthcoming tour, he will get but Los Angeles is expecting a long K lam ath Falls men attended the initiated. Third grade; Mary Anne Adams, CAR BEATS CYCLE sions, there were threats of in- few votes in the middle west. MILL CITY, Ore., Sept. 4. — IN CLOSE RACE and sensational legal fight to re­ meeting. It was called by Hugh second grade; Esther Joynson. tervention if it occurred again. The regular business meeting The logging train of the Southern No Prediction Forces num bering between 8,- , Pacific company running from sult from today's developments, R aukin, president of the associa­ was held, a t which time it was first grade; Ruth Sims, first VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 4. ‘I am not prediet'ng the out­ 000 and 10,000. under the com- D etroit to Mill City, came to as both the Hollywood residents tion, to consider m aking the dis­ voted th a t the Lithians attend in grade. — The real th riller at the auto come of the election, mind, but Substitutes are: Rosa Dodge mand of Geq. Ho Feng-Iin, chief grief Saturday night about a mile and the police are determ ined to trict a game refuge. a body the Klam ath Falls Product mobile races on the Bagley track am only saying what I believe Although most of the district show which will be held there Galey, Edith L. Good and Callie lieutenant of General Lu, now west of Gates, when a block in fight the affair to a fiuish. today was the two-mile match be­ will he tlie result in this one dis­ Is in Jackson county, it is neai Monday, September 8. They will B. Briscoe. occupy the Chinese city of Shang­ one of the log bunks gave way tween Sprout Brown, Pacific trict. Who the far west will vote LOS ANGELES, Sept. 4. — K lam ath Falls, and is used as a According to an announcement I hai, the arsenal at Kiangnan, allowing the logs to drop on the be accompanied there by the Ash­ northw est champion motorcycle to r rem ains a question in my City prosecutor Friedländer today made to The Tidings this a fte r­ hunting ground by K lam ath men General Mo’s headquarters at right of way, derailing several land Concert Band. They wil’ racer, and Jack Ross, Pacific mind. I have made no survey of to issue com plaints mostly. They m anifested a strong also attend th e Jackson County noon, school in the Beliview dis­ Loongwha, a short m otor-car ride cars and scattering logs in every refused northw est champion automobile the eastern or New England against the 20 actors who were opposition to closing it, so the F a ir in a body on Ashland Day. trict will not start until Septem­ from Shanghai, and the Woosung direction. racer, which was won by Ross by states, although I expect that New ber 15, owing to the fact that the forts at the mouth of the Yang- Passengers and mail were held in jail here for seven hours m atter was carried no fu rth er. The Lithians will participate in , two feet. ' Ross could not shakp England will rally around its today, holding th a t , the arrests IW ra- W. McNeally, appointee on the parade on National children are busy working in the ».• lzse, thirteen miles from Shang- transferred from the coach to a Defense orchards. ' j S °PP°nent at any time, as native son, Coolidge.” b a i- boxcar and brought to Mill City were made w ithout sufficient evi­ the Oregon legislative co m m ittee, Day. September 12 ___________ Brown would always gain on Borah said th at both the old dence. All charges were dismiss­ was In Ashland and attended the The Lithians were invited by Pncrono WM ' the st ra «ghtaway what he lost on parties have a conservative pres­ -Marshall Chi’s troops num ber and the w recker was called from ed except those against Jack m eeting to lparn the attitu d e of Paul McKee to visit Copco and Eugene— W idening and paving the turnjJ 60,000 of the best soldiers in Albany. This was completed idential candidate and a liberal Sherill, form er motion picture dir­ the Jackson County Association inspect the plant there so it wa? of Pearl street nearly finished China, being excelled only by nbout 5 o’clock Sunday morning, The match race between Ross candidate for the vice-presiden­ Roseburg— New $23,000 Lone ector, and W. Sheriff, Jr., accus­ on m aking the Jenny Creek dis­ decided to make a trip there and McIntosh w’as never finished. cy, but declared that he d-id not those commanded by General after which the regular train went trict a closed area. Rock bridge on North Umpqua ed of having liquor in th eir pos­ Sunday, September 14. They will Feng Yuhsiang, of N anyuan, as to Detroit, being about 14 hours think th a t such a combination session. A general discussion of the be entertained and fed there. At highway completed. effective fighting forces, and he ^ate- No one was injured, COMMISSIONERS ON would catch the votes of those de­ game laws was entered into, but Copco, the hospitality organiza­ --------------------------- could easily make war on Shang- INSPECTION TRIP manding a more liberal and pro­ no definite action was taken at tion will inspect the big power hai and drive General Ho Feng-lin P A R M E R A T T E M P T S gressive policy of government. the meeting. The crowd atten d ­ plants of the California-Oregon out of the city if it were not for A 1IE M P T S REEDSPORT, Ore., Sept. 4.— ing the m eeting was small, indi­ Power company. All the mem SELF DESTRUCTION Members of the state highway the fear of foreign intervention. cating th a t local hunters take bers who can get away will visi< commission were here today look­ NEW RECORD IS Chi Avoids City little interest in the Jenny Creek the new industrial city. T . HEPPN ER, Ore., Sept. 4. — SET IN TRAFFIC ing over roads in this vicinity. " i 2 t0 esca,,e th a t P0S81' Eal-> W igglesworth, „ -M o ro area. The next meeting date was not W ith R L. H ubbard, president o l VANCOUVER. Waeh.. Septum- bility he ha» massed hla troops a t county sheep man. shot himself 8} ectucular B icycle B alancing R Pad citnef chamber k«». of com __ decided, but will be announced P lan es B ein g O verhauled at Pic- flip the Reedsport po n s a ong the Kiangsu-Chek- wjth suicidal intent this morning her 4— Toll receipts on the in­ tou; W ade to F ly Home in ROBIN RFED IS F eats Each E ven in g at B ig later. meice, and Joseph Lyons, head g rder, away from Shanghai, at th e Fay Pettyjohn ranch, near terstate bridge yesterday and New M achine County A ttraction BACK IN OREGON of the roads committee of the ant at t le same time effectively Morgan, according to report reach- Sunday totaled $5322.20, th e same organization, they went over blocked the Yangtzse River and lng here today> It wag bolieved PORTLAND, Sept. 4. — Robin MAN’S BODY FOUND ABOARD THE CRUISER the road to W inchester bay, which highest record for two days since At ten o’clock each evening at the Grand Canal, so th a t General he would not survive. NEAR TRAGEDY SITE RICHMOND, OFF PICTOU, Sept. ’ will be part of the Roosevelt the bridge was opened in 1917. the Jackson County F air Mr. and Reed, w orld’s champion light­ Lu cannot launch an offensive. Mr. W iggesworth held large A total of 53.6SS persons and — The American round-the- ! highway. ' weight w restler, is back home. Mrs. Thompson will do a thrilling against him th a t would force him sheep interests in this county, THE DALLES, Sept.. 4.— The world flyers on the last lap of Tonight they Went to Gardiner 16,89 4 automobiles crossed d u r­ and spectacular bicycle riding and The Olympic title-holder, who won to fight in the vicinity of Shang- For many years he was associated body of a man believed th at of their epochal ja u n t around the and will go from there to Flor- ing the two days. balancing act during which the every match at Paris by a fall, h ai’ : with his fath er W. E. Wiggles- 1 esterday was the second h fgh- male member does difficult hand- will retu rn to O. A. C. th is fall Victor B. Buntzel, who, with his globe, rested at Pictou today while enee. The commissioners came General Chi, for the attack, worth. The firm was caught by est day in the history of the wife was drowned in the Colum- th eir planes were being overhaul to continue his collegiate work. h«. i PO8t' War ---------------- **“ ’ ~J h h stands headstands and etc., to Reedsport by automobile. M t v, « ! a ’ ««« • . p deflation and — forced e bicycle is propelled to while and bia river near here Wednesday, bi idge, with cash toll receipts of Reed .is the holder of three na­ ed prior to their departure to­ tween Nanking, his capital, where into bankruptcy. was recovered late today. $2879.10. The biggest day was morrow for Boston, 520 miles VETERAN IS GIVEN fro on the silver strand of steel tional championships and is con­ some will serve as a-reserve force ! -----------—— — Decoration Day, this year, when Mr. and Mrs. Buntzel were away. while suspending from the bicy­ sidered one of the greatest wrest- MILITARY BURIAL more and at Soochow, Quinsan (w h e re 1 . « t , ™ lers at his weight ever developed. I drowned while attem pting to res- than $3000 was collected in Lieutenants Smith and Nelson cle is a swinging, swaying tra ­ they are face to face with Genei- AGENT GETS BOOZE FOREST GROVE, Sept.— Vet- I »oils. He pays great tribute to Chester ' cue Mrs. E rtel B. Greiner, believ- made the 420 mile flight to Pic- u peze bar upon which the female al Lu’s troops along the Shang- ^T EMPIRE RANCH member ---------—---------- of the act perform s many Newton, the game, crafty Oregon 1 ed to have died of heart disease tou yesterday in six hours and 26 erans ot tbe army, navy and mar- hai-Nanking Railway, and report­ minutes. Lieutenant Leigh Wade, i ine corps’ under the auspices of YOUNG LEOPOLD TO MARSHFIELD, Sept. 4.— State difficult tricks in unison with her City boy, who wrestled second t o ! when she stepped into a hole in ed to have already met in a W R ITE L IFE STORY balancing p artner overhead. Both him In th e national cham pion-! tb e river which was beyond her who fell into the sea between th e . American Legion, paid full m inor clash), and at I-shing, in Agent McMills today raided the members appear in tights during ships and Olympic finals. the Orkney Islands and Iceland i railitary honors at the funeral depth. Mrs. G reiner’s body has Kiangsu, in the greatest numbers, Fred Anderson place at Empire this num ber and work at great will accompany his comrades to - ; bere this aftern °on of A rthur Reed believes the Pacific Coast not been recovered. CHICAGO, Sept. 4. — A story although he also has troops at and emerged with a wash boiler height. morrow on the flight to Boston, j " eston’ kiiled e a r^y Sunday when of his life, to include the philos­ in a few years will surpass the Chinkiang, Changchow and Wu­ and tea kettle still and five gal­ A plane, of different model than i he was mistaken for a cougar by ophy which m ad- possible the This is a most hazardous per­ E ast in developing am ateu r grap- lons of moonshine. Paul Mum- sih. He will attem pt to force the the round-the-world cruisers, is Clifford Smith, a youth living in commission of the m urder of SALEM OPPOSED TO plers. Coast m atmen won four power, another state agent, a r­ formance requiring the greatest fighting away from the railroad w aiting at Pictou for him, and is ,be Hales creek district. Weston m urder of Bobby Franks, and LOSING TROLLIES rested John Lundberg at a point degree of nerve and coolheaded- first places and one second out and Shanghai tow ard and in the being conditioned with the two was an over8eas veteran. Burial which perm itted him to remain a i-i. - . opposite Millington, where he ness and an exceptionally keen of five en tran ts in the nationa1 SALEM, Sept. 4. — A large other machines. was at Forest View ceretery. casual spectator at the trial for vicinity of I-shing, in Kiangsu, found two 8tillfl and & 8inan sense of equilibrium . To the on­ bouts, Reed stated. group of citizens interested in Yesterday at 4:40 p. m., East-; ,Tlie funeral followed a coron- his life, ig to be written by Nathan and Huchow, fn Chegiang, both tlty of moOnshine. Lundberg looker th e perform ance appears the development of North Salem ern time, the two big planes c&me 1 1 *n(iuest. The Jury made no Leopold immediately after Judge cities along the provincial b o rd -!posted , 1500 ba„ fQr hjs apppar ultra-dangerous but the skill of WANT BEACH ROAD will appear before the city coun­ roaring down from the northwest, recommendations. Caverly sentences him on Septem­ ance in court and Anderson was the a rtits enable them to go cil here Tuesday night and pro­ circled gracefully over the har­ ber 10. through th eir various stunts with Some Troops Doubtful | held in the North Bend jail until MARSHFIELD, Sept. 4.— Ban­ test against the application of BOY OF THREE bor and alighted at the landing « TT fcm ju , The book- wh,ch WH1 contain a confidence and assurance only To defend Chekaing, General his trial late today. don finds a need for street im­ the Southern Pacific company for buoys that had been prepared for CLIMBS RIDGE an outline of the young collegian’s comparable with “a fly on a ceil­ provem ent in the western end Lu, in addition to General Ho’s permission to abandon its trolly them. There was a trem endous! beliefs and disbeliefs will be sold BEND, O re ~ S e p t. 4 __ ing” . 8,000 troops at Shanghai, has of the city and has started pro­ service on Seventeenth street. Pe­ 1 5 .000 w ell-drilled troops he FO R FE IT RAIL the highest bidder. cheer from the great crowds th at youngest person to climb Broken e i to "« 7“? »'««er. Leopold This is but one of the many ceedings for laying macadam su r­ titions signed by m ote than 500 gathered along the docks. Naval Top, a rugged peak ot the Ca»“ “ W lO,iay " ‘a , h,a T od a rneeMi .u., i said today tb a ‘ his determ i free attractions to be seen at the brought into the province w ith ; MEDFORD, Sept. 4. — Three Jackson County F a ir on Septem­ face on nine blocks. The move persona o p p o sin g the move a la o .e ra tta turned their sirens loose cade, n e a 7 h ^ . 7 , '7 h . “ dUt'incHon i 7 ' lC “ W‘" l,e re- him when he became Tuchun, and is made prim arily to furnish an will be presented to the council, and Yankee sailors boomed men, G. W. Sears, J. K. Ray and ber 10, 11, 12 and 13. out held by R obert.’ the 3-yar-old son **rdle“ of ^ hptber Judge Caver- 12,000 native Chekiang tro o p s,1 all-year road to the Bandon In lieu of its present streetcar the navy yell. a man named Pierce, arrested of Mr. and Mrs. Owen H u d s o /o f ’ l5¡ 8Pntel¡ce8 him t0 the sallow s or who are said to be of doubtful „727.77* 7 *"*?'” 1 beach. In the eastern p art of the service the Southern Pacific com­ loyalty. The native troops a r e ; p / / / J » S? . / J 0031 P° lice’ Bave T he w eather was and Bend Th»» little nwim boy k „.. climbed , thei .. Placos him in jail for life. Cushman — New and larger city it is proposed to lay a simi­ rainy and Bend. The pany has agreed to establish pas­ P” are cash bail of $15, which was for- school house to be built. h i e __ j ... ■ . ade ith ' h io . ' la r surface a q u arter of a mile senger busses, but this transpor­ o v e re a t when the birdmen left peak with ‘ i felted yesterday c’ u when Portland — General Petroled 1H.aY /eS\ Bay' bu.t .c,eared up ’a ter the entire distance (Co&Unued on P « . P „ — „ -------- „ , o appe„ r t « thpv the>' fnflou '»"«> State onion crop will be good to furnish a rig h t of way for the tation is not satisfactory to pa­ in the day, m aking ideal flying few "h u n d red "to * when' I T ■eompany contracts for office huiid In spite of season’s dry w eather, j Roosevelt highway. few hundred feet, trons of the line. conditions. I . e w asl ing to cost $9,000 on St. Helens carried up the steep grade. road. MEETING DECIDES NOT O D I AREA VOTED DV U1HIANS ÍVIÁIOfiS REST F3IÎ I