PAGE K( »m AÄÄLAith ííA iL í T i OM gs Wednesday, September R eturns From C o lo r a d o - R eturn From Trip— I CHIC AGO HAS POTENTIAL Mr. Plum m er returned Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penniston, sym pathy; th a t it is horeby di­ Mrs. Will Weedon of Klamath Mr. and Mrs. A. M. C lark of ! day from Steamboat Springs, Co!- I accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Crof- GIRL ATHLETIC CHAMPION rected th at a copy of this resolu­ Falls spent the week-end in Ash­ j orado, where he spent several flin returned recently from a trip land visiting with friends and rel­ Palm Avenue returned Thursday tion be spread upon the m inutes from a four months trip to Ne­ A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of weeks on business. CHICAGO, Sept. 3.— In little as a perm anent record of the es­ . to the coast. On their way back atives here. braska, M innesota and other Helen Wilkey Chicago claims to i local in terest. ! they stopped at Eugene and visit­ states. They reported a very en­ have a potential woman champion ' teem which was held toward our Complete line of Ashland Can­ ed with the Buchanan family, A dollar bill given away every 94-tf form erly of this city. They re­ 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot joyable trip. Mr. Clark is fore­ for future am ateur athletic con-j deceased leader and friend; th a t At F ru it A ssocloth — ! Don’t miss the showing of ned Goods a t Detricks. man for the Bunn and Baker it is fu rth er directed that a copy ported tf fine trip. Miss Blanche Lt igbaugh has coats, suits and dresses at Sugg’s Springs Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole Construction Company at H orn­ tests. In the Business Men’« meet ; recently the girl won the broad 1 of til’s resolution be sent to Nellie Orchestra. " ' resumed her position as book- ; m illinery one day only, Saturday ’ From Modford— brook. Mrs. Edison Marshall of Med jump, javelin throw, 100-yard low 1 L. Ixiomis, the widow of Charles Every student who completed keeper at the F ru it Association. September 6th. 2-3t I ford was in Ashland yesterday a course at the Medford Business To F alls— hurdles, 60-yard high hurdles and ' L. Loomis. 100-yd. dash. She finished second ■ School books and supplies. El- H ealth giving whole wheat visiting with Mrs. Johnny C ruel­ College last year was placed on Mrs. Hypacia McKendree re ­ R eturns H om e— le. a pay roll. Bus fare allowance. turned to her home in Klamath Miss Bernice Yeo returned in each of the other three events i h art's. l-5 t bread at The L ithia Bakery. W inter term begins September 15. Falls Monday evening. Mrs. Mc­ home Monday from C rater Lake — the hop-step-and-jump, the high i Don’t miss th e showing of coats, 308-tf Kendree attended the funeral of where she has been spending the jum p and the discus throw. I On Trip— From Dunsm ui suits and dresses at Sugg’s Mil­ summer as an entertainer. She Albert G uthrie is in town for I George Yeo and son, Everett, her m other, Mrs. Klum. F ears U nfounded— linery one day only, Saturday, will remain here for several a few days from Dunsmuir where spent Monday on Rogue River August as for May, June and September 6th. 2-3t Fears th a t the earth was com­ R eturns H om e— weeks and then to the University trying their luck as fishermen. he is working. July. Many ships now in or ing to an end were again proved Mrs. Sadie W alker of this city of Oregon. I scheduled to arrive to load. Get your baby’s milk from a unfounded today. About 11:30, who has been visiting her daugh­ Cleaning and pressing at Orres, Let Paulserud make you a suit Phone 64. 300— tf or fit you out in one of our fall certified herd, 10c per quart the Tidings office was shaken ter, Mrs. A rthur Leavitt of Klam­ Make H om e H e r e - violently, and an ear-splitting ath Falls for the past ten days TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Ready-to-wear. 1-tf Lininger Dairy. Phone 396R. Major Kenna K. Gandee, re­ MEDFORD 306-ti noise was heard, but it proved to returned home Monday. L eave Soon— tired United States Army officer be Ken McWilliams driving a FOR RENT: — 2 furnished Miss G ertrude Brown will leave Two-pants suits at Paulserud’s. arrived in Ashland today to make From Bandon— Fordson tracto r up Main street. apartm ents near high school. 575 To H ave M eeting— Friday for Dryden where she will 1-tf his home, accompanied by his THURSDAY, FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. R. E. G earhart Liberty. Phone 335L. 2-6 teach school during the winter. The Missionary Society of the wife and seven children. Major ! returned home yesterday from a and SATURDAY A dollar bill given away every Presbyterian Church will have a i V isitin g Here— Gandee was the sergeant instruct­ WANTED:— Two w aitresses at weeks trip spent at Bandon. 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot covered dish luncheon at- the or of the local O. N. G. for many ' E lh art’s for school books. l-5t Mrs. Roy McCallister and two The Good Eats Cafe. Cal! between Sept. 4 5 6 Springs Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole church parlors tomorrow evening years but has been .living in Chi­ daughters are spending the week 7 and 8 a. m. 2-2* Madden seLs Balloon tires. Orchestra. 1-2 a t six o’clock. All of the men cago recently. He is we’I known Showing of beautiful coats, with Mrs. M. E. Randalls on Lib­ 246-tf suits and dresses one day only, erty Street. and women of the congregation in Ashland among men who were I?OST: — Great Dane pup — Tile P lay N ever to be Succesful H unt— - Saturday September 6th, at Suggs’ ire invited. An interesting pro­ in the guard at th at time. The white with black spots, weighs Forgot ten Return Home— . Hugh Bates, George Ross, Fred gram has been arranged, with party is at present staying at the 130 lbs. Reward. Phone 256L. millinery. 2-3t Showing of beautiful coats G. E. Ive and family of Van Neil, Henry Enders and Mr. and suits and dresses one day only, Miss E thel Young, who recently Hotel Oregon. 2-1 Ness avenue have returned from Mrs. Nate Bates took a hunting From H arbor— Saturday, September 6th, at returned from Korea, as principal Mrs. Frank Moore and daugh­ Sugg’s millinery. 2-3t a ten day trip to Oroville, San trip up Robison B utte Sunday speaker of the evening. CITY COUNCIL VOTES Jose and other California cities and Monday, retu rn in g with a P» msc <1 Exam — ter, Mary, returned today to their « 7 ,0 0 0 IN ESPEN SES Friends of Dr. George E. Stan- home in H arbor after visiting here four point buck, shot by Hugh W e d eliver the goods- -DetriçkB Pear G rowers A tten tion W atch for Staples new Sub­ Bates. for a few days with friends. Bring in D Aryou, Bose, Comice nard, who graduated from the 94-ti (Continued from page 1) 8«*e L ittle G eorge Maddox division. 3 0 8 -tf and Fall B utter Pears prior to University of Southern California See Paulserud’s new fall Ready- Spend W eek-End— SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ Thursday evening. Bring Bose Dental College last June will be citizens of said City, do express From C arlton— - MOBILE insurance; b etter term s last. Don’t let them set in the pleased to konw th at he recently their appreciation of the fa ’thful to wear. 1-tf Mr. and Mrs. Ray P o tter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Emiston of and lower rates. Yeo, of course. sun. Bring in same day picked. passed the California State Board service which Mayor Charles L. Bray, Calif., spent th e week-end Coming Next Week Carlton, California, are visiting Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf Mulsifled Cocoanut Oil, 50c- with Mrs. P o tte r’s parents, Mr. FRUIT ASSOCIATION. examination. Mr. Stannard was Loomis, now deceased, has ren­ G. M. F rost and family. They << McNair Bros. and Mrs. K ellar of Allison street. 1-2 the youngest graduate in the June dered to his fellow citizens; that OLE, THE SH IEK ” have visited the Oregon Caves and From L ake — class. to Nellie L. Loomis, the widow of Fite B ig S w ed e P la v our deceased Mayor, and to his Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle re­ To E agle P oint— Let us fill your pail with Swifts will take a trip to C rater Lake. N O T IC E Classified Ads Bring Results family, we extend our deepest turned Monday evening from the Miss Inez W ilhite left this Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than To the P atrons of the Chas. Superlite auto finish; g uaran­ Lake of the Woods where they morning for Eagle Point where shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is Loomis Store on the Boulevard: spent a two weeks vacation. They 94-ti teed— Hughes, Peil’s Corner. she will spend the next moth visit­ more nutritious. D etricks. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lane wish 298— tf reported th a t they painted their to announce th e y have purchased ing with friends and recuperat­ cabin while there in accordance the Chas. Loomis Confectionery ing. The newest coats, suits and A dollar bill given away every w ith the new rules passed by the ' Store and property on the Boule- dresses will be shown at Sugg’s The newest coats, suits and Millinery one day only, Saturday, 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot forest departm ent. vard, and will be glad to welcome dresses will be shown at Sugg’s September 6th. 2-3t Sidings Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole and serve each and every one of Orchestra. j_2 B urton Dancing School, Mem­ you along with new custom ers in Millinery one day only, Saturday orial Hall. Open daily. A fter­ the very best m anner. Store now September 6th. 2-3t V isit P arents — Move—- noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mack of open for business. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shortridge PA IN TERS: —- Beagle and Hilt spent the week-end with Mr. 307-tf MR. and MRS. CLARENCE LANE Beagle; day work or contract; and Mrs. F. H. W alker of Liberty have moved from the Ackley home estimates free. Box 171. 305-tf street. Mrs. Mack is the daugh­ on Church street to the Sankey property on Granite street. ter of Mr. and Mrs. W alker. LOCAL AND Frank & King’s Comedians “Uncle T om’s Cabin” Ready for School In Ashland— HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, Mrs. H. G. Openshaw of Grants Ladies and children’s hair cu t­ 2 1 2 — tf Pass was in Ashland yesterday on ting. Powder Puff B eauty Par- of course. business. lor- 293-tf B ookkeeper at E n ders— School suits at Paulserud’s. 1-tf R eturn From N ew port— Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beagle re­ School Books and Supplies — turned Sunday from a weeks trip McNair Bros. to Newport and other coast cities. They own th e Golden Star Cafe Birth— on B Street. Born, Saturday, to r. and Mrs. MARCEL AND CURL LAST Frederick Newland, a t the Com­ munity Hospital, a boy. LONGER after a Golden Glint Shampoo. Paulserud’s for cleaning and pressing. Phone 119. Will call In A shland— and deliver. J. W. Johnson of Medford was in Ashland Monday visiting with his brother O. H. Johnson of this H urt by F a ll— city. Joe Conley, son of W. J. Con­ ley, was taken to the Community Hospital last night badly skinned From E astern Orego Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Loughlin «P as the result of falling from a returned yesterday from their light “ bug” car. ranch in W heeler County for a short stay here. They reported To La Grande— . th a t it was very dry in th at place. Nina Kame, who has been in They were gone about two Ashland for some time visiting months. Miss Mary Loughlin will the Nate Bates family left last stay at the ranch this w inter and n ’ght for her home in La Grande, Miss Lucile will go to school in Where she will spend the winter. Portland. Miss Etha Abbott has accepted the position of Bookkeeper, for Enders Company and started work yesterday. Miss Derrick, form er bookkeeper, is going to Salem where she will live. A dollar bill given away every 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot Springs Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole Orchestra. 1-2 Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- j a r ’s home-made salad dressing, j 296— Into* * Fibre Rockers Üpholstered with Silk Tapestry. They must be seen to be appreciated. Su­ perior in style and comfort. Swenson & Peebler B ig g e st H om e F urn ish ers in A shland BURLINGTON Hosiery FOR CHILDREN Mothers insist upon neat ap­ pearance and long wearing qualities in children’s hose. They’re both to be found in Burlington Hosiery for boys and for girls. Closely knit of extra strong, elastic yarn, these stockings are also spec­ ially reinforced where the hardest wear comes. They fit neatly and Eire altogether satisfactory. School days are here again, and outfits for school day wear are uppermost in the minds of mothers and daughters. Sons begin to feel an interest, too, although they may pretend a masculine dis­ dain for such things, and hate to admit it. e have anticipated this season, and we are well prepared to take care ot all the demands you may make upon us. Come in and see for yourself the splendid quality merchandise we are offering, and he convinced of the reasonableness of the prices. Girls’ Gingham Dresses, Undergar­ ments, Hosiery, Umbrellas, H a n d Bags, Belts, and Vanity Cases. New Ginghams, Wool Dress Goods ard Silks. Pair, 22c (o 75c E. R. ISAAC & CO “ The Quality Store” School Shoes Tidings Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance Get the Kiddies started right in coin- fortable Shoes. We have some special- ly priced. While The Daily Tidings has discontinued its plan of sending a collector each month to collect from its city subscribers in Ashland, the rule that all sub­ scriptions must be paid in advance is still in force. Specially Priced Child Stitch Welts, 5 to ft Child Stitch Welts, 8% to 11 Little Men Welts, 11% to 2 One table of Boys’ all solid leather shoes . $3.00 and $3.50 values for $2.35 We have added to the $3.00 tables of G irls’ and Ladies shoes a number of pairs extra good values A real clean up of broken lots. The iilliken and Kewpie Tw in’ Shot BUIO for children in our bet­ ter grades. *• -i - Send them scampering off to school in fresh, bright clothes made from EVERFAST WASH FABRICS T he modern way to promote the Our assortment of Everfast health and comfort of children is Wash Fabrics contains materials to dress them in wash clothes all for children’s aprons, rompers, year round—in fall and winter as suits and dresses. And for your­ well as summer. And how well self there are charming weaves they look when you make their for dresses and frocks for work little frocks, suits and dresses of or play; and also lovely fabrics Everfast Wash Fabrics 1 These for table runners, bureau scarfs pretty and practical materials and luncheon sets. All can be never fade. Tests without num­ washed and boiled and they will ber have proved them fast to not fade. And you may choose sunlight, fast to washing, fast to from a glorious range of alluring everything. colors. Every Yard Guaranteed If, for any reason whatever, any Everfast Wash Fabric fades, youf money will be refunded not only for the purchase price of the material, but for all making costs of the garments as well. This guarantee .applies to every Everfast weav§ and color. Mie m ci n The discontinuance of the personal collection sys­ tem was merely to reduce expenses which will eventually benefit the subscriber—not to in any way alter our rule that all subscriptions must be paid in advance. As heretofore, unless our sub­ scribers pay in advance, their subscriptions will be discontinued. PAY AT THE TIDINGS OFFICE Many have already gladly adopted the new plan and have called at The Tidings office to pay their subscription. Drop in at The Tidings office the next time you are down town or mail in your sub­ scription—65 cents a month or $7.50 a (r year. The Daily Tidings Ashland, Oregon •W here Your D ollar H as More C ents’ goods 00535353484853232323235300000101000201530101020223003200010201020000020000000002000102010000535300020153535301020000533100000002010000 &