L lo i m » ÀHHLÀVÔ DÁIíA tîDt.VOfl PROFESSIONAL Classified Column C la rifie d Column Rates :S O G IE T Y : PHYSICIANS One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one m onth or more. the word each time. DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings MISS EDITH DODGE, Editor DR. C. W. HANSON D entist Special attention given to pyor­ FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver FOR RENT— Furnished room Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. w ith or w ithout housekeeping privilege; also good garage. Mrs. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—-Prac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana D augherty, 55 Pine St. 287-12* th ro at— X-ray including teeth. FOR RENT— Furnished sleep­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tcj ing rooms, 1165 E ast Main St., 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland,! 1 1-2 block from high school. Ore. 299— 12* DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi K )R RENT: — Eighty acre dence and office, 108 Pioneer farm , seven miles east of Ashland avenue. Telephone 28. Office on Pacific highway. For inform a­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 tion appy to Mollie Songer, 45 p. m. only. Helman St. A shland. 303-10* Phone items to her a t 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. L>> Ï U w inetxky, .M^tchUx-r il, North Bead — $i$$,000 has Pendleton — $5,000 in building begn speht op city paving this Improvements being added to year. make annual Round-Up more im­ Hillsboro — City council buys pressive and care for growing a t­ fire truck and additional equip­ tendance. ment. Eugene — Osburn hotel being improved at cost of 86,000. CALENDAR OF EVENTS ¡trip to . the Sunnyside Inn at Thursday, September 4. W. F. i Eagle Point Sunday and ate their M. S. of M. E. Church at Mrs. dinner there. They reported a ' Tilton's home, 237 Almond St., very enjoyable time. 2:30 o’clock. * • * Thursday, September 4. F ra ­ Meeting— Table use and Canning ternal Brotherhood meeting. Busi­ The F ratern al Brotherhood, ness meeting followed by dance. Lodge 149, Ashland, organized Eight o’clock. Friday evening under the leader­ Friday, September 5. Mission­ ship of F. L. N utter, president. ary Society of Christian Church ______ A large class was initiated into W agner Creek Road a t church Parlors, 2:30 o’clock. the lodge? Mr. McGee, state TALENT, OREGON __ 3 _ « _ Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 8 m anager of Portland attended the and 9. W. C. T. U. County Con­ meeting. vention in Lithia Park. A very enjoyable evening w’as • ♦ » spent. Following the initiation l o l l RENT: — Modern well DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic Missionary Meeting— ceremony, a dance was held with and Electro-Therapy. Office The Missionary Society of the music furnished by the P etit or­ located furnace heated ap art­ phone 48; residence 142. First , Christian Church will be held at chestra. Punch and wafers were m ents and sleeping rooms, fu r­ National Bank building. the church parlors next Friday a t served. nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- ¡2 :3 0 o’clock. Mrs. Floyd Putm an gadine. 1-tf Meetings will be held the first MONUMENTS is the leader for the meeting. A and fourth Thursdays. The next FOR RENT — 3-room furnish­ very interesting program is being m eeting will be held next T hurs­ MONUMENTS ed apartm ent close in. Phone 40 arranged and everyone is urged day. A definite program has not ASHLAND GRANITE or 432Y. 1-tf to be present. been announced but a good time MONUMENTS * * * is assured. Blair Granite Co. FOR RENT — Nice front a p art­ * * * Mcnane-Mclntosh Wetldlng— PENNISTON, Manager ment. Phone 263R or call Shook Miss Isma McIntosh and S. E. To Have Dinner— Office 175 E. Main Bldg. 1-2* Menane were m arried at Wolf Res. Phone 444-Y The C hristian Church will have FOR RENT— Furnished apart­ Creek, August 27 at the home of a basket dinner following church ment. Phone 481J or call 185, I NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May the bride’s parents. Reverend services next Sunday. This will communicate with Ensign Lee Lowe of the C hristian church at be followed by an im portant Pioneer avenue. 1-tf of the Salvation Army at the G rants Pass officiated. They meeting when it will be decided FOR SALE W hiteShield Home, 565 May- went, to C rater Lake on their w hether to build a new church $2000.00 cash puts you in to fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. wedding trip, retu rn in g by way of or remodel the old one. The re­ this money m aking hotel, no bet­ K lam ath Falls. They stopped in vival m eeting for fall will also PLANING MILL te r location In town, 25 rooms all Ashland for a short time on Sat­ be discussed. Everyone is asked on one flor, ren t only 870.00; urday and visited friends and to be present. JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET always full; clears 8150.00 per relatives here. They expect to MORRS, Cor. Helman and m onth above all expenses. Full make th eir home in Wo;f Creek. Van Ness. 194tf price 83000.00 for lease and fu r­ There is wisdom in reading ads Mrs. Menane is a niece of Mrs. nishings, ju st a good place for TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Sara Boots of B Street and is one woman, Box 4 62, Ashland. Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. quite well known in Ashland al­ 295— 8* for SERVICE. though her home is in Wolf ♦ONE OF THE STRONGEST COMPANIES IN AMERICA- Experienced movers and pack­ Creek. FOR SALE: — Thoroughbred • • • ers of household goods. Deal­ Aucona Cockerel’s, Canadian ers In coal and wood. Phone E n tertain s a t Dinnei stock. 235 North Main St. 1-2* 117. A delightful dinner party was FOR SALE CHEAP — Bose Office 89 Oak St. near given Sunday at the home of Mrs pears, culls, fine for canning. Hotel Ashland L. J. Heer at 117 High Street. A Newby & Sons, Talent. Phone delicious three-course dinner v a 372J2. 1-tf r. L. POWELL— General T rans­ served. The table decoration was fer— Good team and motor carried out with dahlias. Follow­ FOR SALE— Saw mill, 20,000 trucks. G >od service at a rea- ing dinner a pleasant afternoon capacity; practically new. Box 117 souab?e price. Phone 83. was spent in talking over old Montague, Calif. 305— 6 times. FEHIGE-ROACH FOR SALE o r TRADE—(160 The guests were Mesdames T ransfer — Express — Storage Edith H errin W att of San” Jose acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ tom land, within 8 miles Minot, Hauling — Dray work of all Velta Smith of D unsm uir, Miss N orth Dakota. If interested call kinds. Quick motor service. Dry Isoline Campbell, Miss M argaret o r w rite G. S. Butler. 300— lm o wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Van Dyke and the charming 375 B. St. 112-tf hostess, Mrs. L. J. Heer. FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers • « • If the insured dies from natural causes the milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- company p a y s ........................... $5,000 Porter-Clark— dor.s, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* For a smooth shave If the insured dies from accident, the com­ Charles O. P o rter of Ashland $10,000 pany pays ........................... and quick service go, and Miss Sarah Clark of Ashville In case of permanent total disability, the com­ MISCELLANEOUS to the Shell Rarber North Carolina, were m arried at pany will Shop. Ladies and W ashington D. C. August 30, ac- 1. Waive all premium payments. GET YOU STOVE repaired at children get your h a i r : cording to word received here 2. Pay $25 per week for one year; and in ad­ Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito bobbed and marcel by Mr. P o rte r’s parents, Mr. and dition R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 led. Mrs. C. O. P orter of 143 Eighth 3« Pay $50 per month for life; and Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* street. The groom has been em­ 4. Pay $5,000 to beneficiary when insured W. A. SHELL, Prop. dies WANTED: — Used flat top >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore ployed by the S. P. Company at 5. If disability involves loss of limbs or sight office desk and swivel chair. See San Francisco for some time and as result of accident, the company pays Greer at the Tidings office. 1-4 has been at W ashington D. C., $5,000 immediately in cash in addition to all other benefits. for the past year, representing THE WEATHER the company there. He is a (During temporary disability the company Report for the last 24 hours: I NEGOTIATE SALES pays $25 per week for a limit of 52 weeks] Maximum 96; Minimum. 48; Set graduate of the local high school Don’t get excited about it, but Maximum, 86. cf the class of '17. They will re­ *‘A Service That Endures” just bear in mind that now is a main in W ashington D. C. for a Although there was every good time to buy real estate in Ashland. promise of a hard storm last short time and then go to San night, only a slight am ount of Francisco where they will make INSURANCE COMPANY I have a good little restaurant MOMC OFF1CI-SAN FAAhOSSO rain was reported, the storm I their home. for sale, $500 will take it. * * * » passing around us. Good country store business on Have Picnic— paved highway, $3000 will handle Mi and Mrs. Earl Fraley, Mr. it. Eugene — Lane county to com­ and Mrs. C. W. Fraley, Mr. and plete Loraine highway. I have another big surprise for ! Mrs. B arber and daughter, Jose­ (O pportunity available to experienced m Life you very soon. But don’t get ex-I phine. spent Sunday at Buckhorn Insurance salesman as D istrict M anager). <4ted. Just buy some of the good Lodge where they ate their din­ offerings. ner and spent a nice afternoon. ■ W w w >B I have another good net 15 I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fraley will W est C oast L ife I nsurance c o per cent income property. MS Mark« Stmt. S n Fraocbco 162-45 leave soon for Red Bluff where Q eulrm en:—W»