fragt frwe A shland A SH LAN D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) P ub lished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. B e rt B. G re e r ......... ........ .............. ................................................................ E d ito r G eorge M adden G reen ....................................................... ...B usiness M anager O F F IC IA L C ITY P A P E R ........... ... ................................................T elep h o n e 39 E ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice a s Second Class Mail M atter Subscription Price, D elivered in City © ne M o n th ......................... „ ........................................... .............................. T h re e M o n th s ...................... ................................................................. Six M o n th s .....................................................................................*................. One Year .............. ........................................................................................... B y Mail and R ural R outes: O ne M o n th ....................................................................................................... T h re e M onths .............................. ................................................................. Six M onths ...................................................................... ................ O ne Y e a r ................................................. „ ..........................L . . '” " . ” " ” ” " DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: S ingle in s e rtio n , p e r in ch ..... ............_ ............................................. Yearly Contracts: One in se rtio n a w eek .................................................. Two in s e rtio n s a w eek ................................................................. ” $ .65 1.95 3.75 7.50 $ .85 I.9 5 3.50 6.50 $ .30 Dally Insertion ..................... R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising F irst in s e rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e .................................................... E ach s u b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e C ard of T h a n k s __ _ __________________ Q b ttu efl$ s, p e r line. W hat constitutes advertising ‘A ll f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re an a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a co llectio n ta ^ e n in A dvertisidfe. d isc o u n t w ill be allo w ed R elig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd e rs. DONATIONS No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s or o th e rw is e w ill m e m ad e in a d v e rtis ­ in g o r ,o b p rin tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash . SEPTEM BER 8 B L E SS T H E LORD, O m y so u l, a n d fo rg e t n o t a ll h is b e n e fits; w ho re d e e m e th th y life fro m d e s tru c tio n : w ho c ro w n e th th e e w ith lo v in g k in d n e ss a n d te n d e r m ercies.— P sa lm 1 0 3 :1 , 4. are some of the rules which they use in this unique test: What is the age of the man seeking employment? If he is between 33 and 38, his chances for success are best. Is he married? If so, he gets the call over the bache­ lor. How many children has he? As many as five are re­ garded as an incentive; any more are rated a handicap. How many years of selling experience has he had? The man with six is preferable to one with three or twelve. Is he a “ joiner” ? Membership in organizations is a point in his favor and to hold office, in addition, raises his score. • Is he a home owner? If he is, he has the advantage over the renter applying for the same position. Has he investments in stock and bonds? The man who saves, no matter how little, is regarded as a far more desirable prospect than he who spends all he earns. , Many of the kid banditries of the present day are traced hack to the fact that the kids would not work for $7 or $8 a day. Also, a close investigation would show that the kids were not worth the amount offered them. Included in the Chicago system of housekeeping is the care of a baby—a brisque affair. We wonder how many of the lessons in bathing the baby—and other lessons— could be applied exactly as given in the Chicago school when the baby is a real, live kicking youngster. Philadelphia claims the distinction of having more century-old firms than any city in the world. Many crit­ ics of cities often say that this is the reason the city is not progressing, but this is a fine distinction and one of which Philadelphia should be proud. DEFENSE DAY It is very easy to ask a question, but not always is it TO DECIDE FATE OF FRAME SHACKS easy to answer it In this instance, however, the answer is not difficult. On his day—September 12—you are simply A STO R IA , S ept. 2.— T h e fa te asked to sav: “ . am an American, I believe in all that of A s to ria ’s sh a ck s, th e little America stands for and am willing, if need be, to demon­ fra m e b u ild in g s e re c te d s h o rtly strate my patriotism—a dynamic patriotism that stands a f te r th e fire d is a s te r of 1922, w ill be decided by th e c ity c o u n ­ ready to make whatever personal sacrifices necessary to cil T u e sd a y n ig h t. defend Americanism.-’ Patriotism is love of country. Ab­ U n d e r o rd in a n c e th e s e b u ild ­ stract patriotism—cheering the flag, making fiery Fourth in g s, w h ich h a v e h o u sed m an y of July speeches—is of questionable value. It is only con­ b u sin e ss firm s, a re sc h e d u le d to o lish ed S e p tem b e r 1, b u t structive patriotism—patriotism that can he converted in­ it be h d a em s been in d ic a te d by a u th o r ­ to action that is worth while. If you are unwilling to do itie s t h a t w h e re th e y a re o ccupi­ this you are not a good American; you are not patriotic. ed by firm s w ho h av e leases in SAFEGUARDING THE SCHOOL CHILD p e rm a n e n t b u ild in g s now u n d e r c o n s tru c tio n th e sh a c k s w ill be p e rm itte d to s ta n d u n til th e te n ­ a n ts can m ove. The opening of school brings with it the problem of protecting the school child from infections which take a jump when school reassembles, states a bulletin issued by EZRA MEEKER HAS the state board ot health. Education has been made com­ FIRST PLANE RIDE pulsory nad although the system is not perfect, it is a NCOU VER, W a sh ., S ept. 2. conceded fact that education is a necessity. By making — VA E z ra M eeker, ag ed p io n e e r w ho education compulsory we have thereby assumed the res­ cro ssed th e p la in s to th e O regon ponsibility of keeping the school as free from disease as c o u n try in 1S52 by o x -team , a r ­ possible. It is therefore of great importance that all chil­ riv e d a t th e b a rra c k s a v ia tio n dren he given a careful examination to determine whether field h e re to d ay by ta x ic a b from P o r tla n d a n d le ft a t once fo r P a c t Jr not they are disease carriers. fic C ity in an a irp la n e p ilo ted by Successful control of contagious diseases in schools D ick R u s h lig h t. requires effective cooperation of parents, teachers and V ern o n B o o k w a lte r e sco rted children. him in a n o th e r p lan e . M r. M eek­ To do justice to one’s own child and to be decently e r, th o u g h m o re th a n 90 y e a rs show ed no h e s ita tio n in t a k ­ fair to the other parent’s children, it is not enough that old, ing to th e a ir an d h a s now ex­ the child go to school properly and cleanly clad; the par­ p e rie n ce d ev ery k in d of tra n s p o r ­ ents should make a definite and thorough .examination ta tio n , fro m th e ox-team w ith a before permitting him to leave the home. He should al- speed of th re e m iles a n h o u r to la n e tra v e lin g 100 m iles vays be kept at home, at least tor the day, when there a th n e h a o irp u r, h e said . H e to o k p a r t is nausea, vomiting, chills, convulsion, ‘dizziness, faint­ in th e L a b o r d a y c e le b ra tio n a t ness, unusual pallor, rash of any kind, rise of temperature P a c ific City. or suggestion of it through unusual warmth of skin, a dis­ charge from the nose, redness or secretion from the eyes, FIRE DOES HUGE DAMAGE TO FARM a sore or inflamed throat, swollen glands in the neck or elsewhere, a new cough, failure to eat breakfast, a ser­ I VA N CO U V ER, W a sh ., S ept. 2. iously disturbed night’s rest, or any 'unexplained or in­ — F iv e of u n d e te rm in e d o rig in definite change from the usual appearance or conduct. b u rn e d tw o b a rn s a n d a school If the disturbing sign does not promptly disappear, of h o u se on th e old T e n n e y p lac e , course the family physician should be called and only on e ig h t m iles n o rth of V an co u v er, y e s te rd a y . F ifte e n head of his assurance that no disease exists or is likely to occur in sto c k , 2000 b u sh e ls of g ra in , 250 the very near future, may the child be permitted to go to to n s of h ay , 100 c h ic k e n s an d school or come into contact with other children. fa rm in g im p le m e n ts, in c lu d in g a Many parents are offended when children are sent home for failing to comply with these reasonable require­ ments. However, they are even more likely to find fault if their child is exposed to disease through the medium of TRY SHELL the school. The protection of children in school can never be greater than the parents’ help to make it. GASOLINE E 3 SAW IT THROUGH W. & N. OVERLAND The Phoneix Mutual Life Insurance company claims to have taken the risk out of employment and that, by application of a set of rules when they are hiring a sales­ man to be able to eliminate practically all failures. These tra c to r , w e re b u rn ed . T h e loss w as e s tim a te d a t m o re th a n $20,000. T he V a n co u v er fire d e p a rtm e n t re sp o n d e d to a c a ll f o r h e lp , b u t th e b u ild in g s w e re p a s t sa v in g w h e n th e f ir e ­ m en a rriv e d , a s th e y c a rrie d only ch em icals. T he school h o u se sto o d n e a r th e b a rn s in w hich th e f ir e s ta r te d . T he fa rm w as re n te d by C lyde B rew er. MEN CROWD FO RESTS AS SEASON OPENS K LA M A TH F A L L S , S ept. 2.— D aw n y e s te rd a y m o rn in g w itn es- sco res of q u ie t red -cap p ed fig u re s s te a lth ily tre a d in g u n d e r h u g e p in e tre e s w ith g u n s in th e c ro o k o f th e ir a rm s, w ith e ag le eyes s e a rc h in g ev e ry nook and c ra n n y of th e lan d scap e. T h e ca u se w as th e o p e n in g of th e d e e r h u n tin g seaso n in th is d is tric t. M any d e e r a r e re p o rte d to h a v e fa lle n b e fo re th e m any n im ro d s w ho fille d th e fo re sts. N E W Y O RK , A ug. 29.— A r a r e a n d a lm o st fo rg o tte n tre a s u re — th e c h a rre d a n d d u s ty m a rb le b u st of G eorge W a sh in g to n , done by P ie rr e J e a n D avid, F re n c h sc u lp ­ to r of th e e a rly n in e te e n th c e n ­ tu ry , h a s b ro u g h t w e a lth to a ju n k d e a le r— a d d re s s a n d id e n ti­ ty u n k n o w n . , M itchell K e n n e rle y , p re s id e n t U(HineK(iu>, H^tHettober «, l(»¡H NOTICE TO ALL LAND OWNERS AND TAXPAYERS W ITHIN 1 T a len t ir r ig a tio n district Notice is hereby given, pursuant to C hapter 118 of the General : KITECAHT WAS LOSING HIS STRENGTH QUICKLY L aw s of O regon fo r th e y e a r 1921, th a t th e B u d g e t C o m m ittee of i T a ie n t Irrig a tio n D istrict, h a s p re p a re d an d filed in th e office of th e levying b o ard of said d is tr ic t in th e C ity of T a le n t, O regon, w h ere i th e sam e is open to pu b lic in sp e c tio n , an e s tim a te of th e to ta l a m o u n t of m oney p roposed to be ex pended by th e said d is tr ic t d u rin g th e en - ! su in g fiscal y e a r fro m J a n u a r y 1 st, 1925, to a n d in c lu d in g D ecem ber 31, 1925, fo r e a c h a n d ev ery b ra n c h a n d d e p a rtm e n t of said d istric t. “ A fte r h e a rin g so m uch about T he e s tim a te s is a s a tta c h e d : T an lac I th o u g h t it m u st he good D IR E C T O R S— P e r diem ..........................................$ 3 0 0 .0 0 I m edicine, b u t I had no idea it w as M ileage ...................................................... 100.00 M isc.............................................................. 50.00 $ 450.00 so fine u n til I took it m y se lf,’’ is Sec-M gr............................................................ 3000.00 th e s trik in g s ta te m e n t of C. B. O F F IC E —-C lerical ................................................................ <-900.00 K Ith c a rt, 1411 W . 58th S t., Se-' T e lep h o n e a n d T e leg ra p h ........................ 250.00 a ttle , W ash. P o sta g e , S ta tio n e ry , e tc .............................. 150.00 W a t e r .................................................................. 12.00 ‘Six m o n th s a g o m y a p p e tite L ’« h t ............................................................ 12.00 q u it, m y d ig estio n b ro k e dow n an d F u e l .................................................................... 50 00 I h a d a c o n s ta n t ach in g feelin g In su ra n c e — B u ild in g s a n d O ffice ............ 50.00 in m y sto m ach th a t got on my . I n d u s tr ia l I n s u r a n c e .................................... 100.00 M is c e lla n e o u s .................................................. 50.00 n e rv e s s o m e th in g aw fu l. Some S eals a n d L ocks ....................................... 100.00 1674.00 days I n e v e r w an ted to e a t a th in g and m y s tr e n g th w as g e ttin g aw ay LEG A L ........................................ 500.00 W A T E R M EA SU R EM EN T 300.00 from m e fast. A u to T ra n s p o rta tio n - 3 F o rd s ..................... 900.00 “ B u t h e re I am a f te r ta k in g 1 C h ev ............................ 300.00 1 T ru c k ..................... 200.00 1400.00 IM PR O V E M E N T S— M cD onald C anal ........................ 25.00 E a s t L a te ra l (g a te s & lin in g ) 200.00 T a le n t L a te ra l ( g a te s ) ......... 50.00 T a le n t L a te ra l (A n d e rso n flu m e ) ....... 75.00 W est L a te ra l ( g a te s ) .............. 25.00 H E A R FROM W A N D E R E R S W o rd w as receiv ed to d ay by A sh lan d frie n d s from M errick T h o rn to n and W ilb u r C h a p m a n , , * 375.00 1924 g r a d u a te s of A sh lan d high school, w ho le ft la s t m o n th in a E a s t L a te ra l T a le n t L a te ra l . ... 100.00 M cDonald C anal .... 75.00 W e st & F re d . L a te ra l . .... 350.00 E a s t Low L a te ra l .... 75.00 b a tte re d fliv v e r fo r A lb e rta . T he fe tte r w as -d ated A u g u st 29, a n d w as se n t from O k an o g an , W a sh in g to n . T h e boys said t h a t S e a ttle took th e ir eye, a lth o u g h . . . .. . th e y fe lt th e need of m oney. A ft- ° r a c c u ra u la ti»R e n o u g h m oney to g aso lin e, th e y w ill th e ir w ay a g a in . be on 3960.00 1440.00 T a le n t L a t. 2 m en 6 m os. a t 100.00 ........................1200.00 1 m an 2 m os. a t 1 0 0 .0 0 ....................................... 200^00 1400.00 M cD onald, 2 m en 4 m os. a t 1 0 0 .0 0 ........................ 800.00 H y a tt, 1 m an 6 m os. a t 1 0 0 .0 0 .................................. A sh la n d L a t., 2 m en 6 m os. a t 1 0 0 .0 0 .............. Mise., 2 m en 2 m os. a t 1 0 0 .0 0 ....................................... 800.00 600.00 1200.00 400.00 EVERY DAY I not so much what you r and ■ Jeue L L asty preseat WILLIAM de MILLE PRODUCTION « n RICHARD DIX, LOIS WILSON Ct&aramounl&idure__ will convince you that it is the best. o— o— o— o School Books Have you tried our delic­ AND ALL Franklin Bakery Phone 199 ious cakes? SCHOOL SUPPLIES BIG VALUE PEN C IL TABLETS C ayolas— P a in ts — School B ags — P e n c il E r a s e r s — In k s The story that thaws out frozen hearts in a chilly land. Also “ KIDDING K A TIE” Boxes — C h alk — W E L L S E L E C T E D STOCK O F A LL ITEM S FOUNTAIN PENS ................................. $1.50-$7.50 Eversharp and Ingersol Pensils ..............50c—$5.00 B ooks a n d S ta tio n e ry ELHART’S D ru g S u n d .’ies T o ile t Goods AND The Oregon . oumal of Sunday stated editorially: With never a whin.per or complaint, Charles L. Loomis of NOTE THE Ashland lived 23 years in a wheel chair. From that chair he directed and built up his own DIFFERENCE business, and did it so well that he was called by the people to he mayor and direct the city’s business. In the official field he was as successful and as popular as in the Service private field. Station Twenty-three years ago he fell from the roof of a new On The Boulevard home that he was helping to build for his family, struck on a scaffold, and was paralyzed from his hips down. From a tar less privatino many people lose their grip, forget their purpose in life, fall into discouragement or despon­ dency, and become complainants or scolds. Light-weight “ (■barley” Loomis was of sterner stuff. He accepted HUNTING BOOT the inevitable, procured the wheel chair, ehose a line of $6.75 business that could be directed from a wheel chair, Strongly built, but light laughed at his misfortune, and the community laughed on your feet. with him. His life is an example and an inspiration to those who falter. I t ’s not the physical body, but the will, that wins. In the light of his career it is a woeful confession j Shoe Shop of weakness, because of a physical handicap or a stroke! of bad luck or a reversal in business, to throw up the sponge and give up the fight. “ Charley” Loomis saw it through. In the fullness of: HEATERS a successful mayoralty he has traveled on. His mouu- i ment is the example he left, his testimonial the widespread! NEW and USED mourning in his city. CUTS EMPLOYE RISK daha tidings BELCANO O I Toilet Goods Miss Belcano of Los Angeles will give a FREE! demonstration of her toilet articles at the EAST SIDE PHARMACY Thursday, Friday and Saturday It w ould be ad visab le to get your h eater at once. Sept. 4, 5, and 6th ASHLAND FURNITURH ' COMPANY 0 4 N. Main Wrinkles and lines vanish -under her magic touch How OUT Go out and look at your roof. Then remember the rainy season is coming. We have just received two ears of Green Star shingles Why not let us reroof your house? T h e C a r s o n = F o w le r L u m b e r C o.