MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the~rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1924 No. 2 CARS WRECKED ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY ALLEGED K ILLER SON 8 • OF JACKSONVIL 8 « Yesterday afternoon about 8 8 « three o’clock an Overland 8 MEDFORD, Sept, 3. 8 and a Ford crashed into 8 8 Frank Yardlow, or Archie B. 8 8 each other on the loop-the- 8 » Cody, held for slaying 8 * ¡c 8 loop crossing on the Pacific 8 8 Sheriff Austin Goodman, of 8 8 Highway near Steinman. 8 8 Umatilla county last week, 8 8 The Ford was on the inner 8 8 when the official attem pted 8 I 8 side of the curve and the 8 « to arrest him on a forgery 8 M I ---------- 8 Overland hit it headlong. 8 « w arrant, is the only son of 8 X. K. K. Holds Huge Natur- » Both cars were badly damag- 8 Home Coming Aviators May » Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cody, 8 alization Ceremony on 8 ed but no one was hurt. 8 W of Jacksonville. The father 8 be in “ Cultural City” Monthly Expenditures Ap­ 8 There were six people in the 8 « is tender of the cemetery at 8 Lot Near Hospital by Tomorrow A«-«.»«*, proved at Meeting; Dam 8 larger car and one man in 8 tt Jacksonville. Yardlow serv- 8 Report to be Heard 8 ed a short term in the peni- 8 FIERY CROSS LIGHTS 8 the Ford. The cars were 8 ON WAY TO PICTOU 8 brought to town and are un- 8 8 tentiary for bigamy, and was 8 trails tc be BUILT A irplane Circled Above City . 8 dergoing repairs. It is said 8 L ieutenant Leigh W ade to Join I« once arrested by Sheriff Ter- 8 D uring Tremendous P arade 8 th a t the Overland was four 8 Sm ith And N elson at P ictou I « rill for stealing a horse. Ac- 8 Money Voted Make Paths in E -V IA ? B o B riS E R and Cerem onial F o llow in g 8 feet on the wrong side of 8 ami F ly H om e J a cording to the father, the 8 W atershed to AieaC I u U‘ S- Air Service, according to most interesting features of the fiery cross airplane circling over­ The new bomber has ju st been off at Hawkes Bay for Pictou at Bomb racks are beneath the plans and specifications prepared meeting, was the discussion of head. a parade composed of about prepared 10:12 standard time this m orn­ received at McCook Field and will fuselage at the front. The bomb ’ by the Air Service, proposed sites for a new reservoir th re e hundred Klansmen marched L ieutenant P earson Had Bet»,, ing. Under favorable w eather be taken into the air w ithin a aighter has windows to look out m Ashland creek. Aerial experts declare 'It to be from the lodge rooms to the plaza conditions, and with a light wind short time to test its flying cap­ of and a glass floor for both the P icked as W inner o f Inter­ rovineeg of K iangsu and C hek­ Stuart McKissick. and expert the most deafcljy airplane ever and then to the ceremonial blowing in th eir favor, they ex­ abilities. bomber, the pilot and the gunners. national Races ian g C om m ence Revolt That eng neer. has for some time been constructed in this or any othi It was built to carry 7,000 This increases the observation fa­ grounds near the hospital. pected to reach Pictou at 5 May Set China A fire surveying sites in the w atershed, country and the entire service H uge Crowd DAYTON, Ohio, Sept. 3. Mili­ o’clock, departing for Boston to-- pounds of bombs over a distance cilities to a m arked degree, it is has its eyes on the outcome of its and within a week Is expected to Crowds lined the sidewalk on tary and commercial aviation morrow if conditions are favor­ equal to th at from New York to claimed. HUNG TU, China, Sept. 3. — have data ready to present to first trip in the air. Chicago w ithout a stop. either side of the street from the circles w ere today speculating on able. The guns may be fired sim ul­ a special meeting Lieutenant Macready has sub­ On a fifteen mile front, extend­ the council. Its arm am ent consists of five taneously. hospital to the post office, w ith ; w hat effect the tragic death of ing on either side of this village will be called to hear his report. jected the new slip to a series of barely standing room. The throng Lieutenant Alexander Pearson large-sized machine guns, capable In Boston It has a calculated speed of 105 ground tests and these have prov­ the long imminent menace of a It is bel’eved that it will prove of being fired from any angle. th a t witnessed the event was one would have on the International BOSTON, September 3. Lieu­ miles an hour, although It Is be­ en entirely satisfactory. civil war, which may set all China Practical to submit the proposi- of the largest that has ever as­ Air Races scheduled for the first tenant Tony Locateill, Italian Two are mounted above the lieved it can do even better than ion to the voters at the next He expects to get into the air afire, broke out this afternoon be sembled in Ashland with the ex­ week in October. globe flyer who was rescued off front cockpit, two toward the that. tween the provinces of Kiangsu election, as Mr. McKissick has to try it out shortly. ception of the F ourth of July Lieutenant Pearson, a graduate Cape Farew ell, Greenland, arriv ­ and Chekiang, with the result tha* found several sites where it would celebrations during the days of of the University of Oregon, and ed here aboard the U. S. S. Law­ 500 are dead and more than 1000 be possible to put in a dam of the Rogue River round-up. SUPREME COURT SWITCHMAN DEAD a Portland, Oregon boy, was kill­ rence with two companions. are wounded. RODEO at grants large storage capacity. JUSTICE IS ILL A irplane Overhead ed last night when the wing of FROM INJURIES The casualties are the result PASS IS LIKED To Build Trails An illum inated airplane circled of his plane crumbled while the HALIFAX, N. S., Sep. 3.— The of an exchange of artillery fire, SALEM, Sept. 3. — Physicians To finance his investigations, Sept. 3. — W. E. above the people throw ing a machine was makiffg over 265 two American flyers arrived at „ EUGENE, „ GRANTS PASS, Sept 3. — neither side being eager to com said there was no improvement to­ and to provide for making trails Kelly’ switchman for the South- Bucking horses with weird light on the ceremony. Im­ miles an hour. Hawkes’ Bay, Newfoundland, at day in the condition of John M. ern Pacific company in the local equal to the task of rid ing "them bat at close quarters. Troop through the watershed as a fire m ediately following the parade | 4:85 yesterday afternoon, from Forem ost A viator trains and am unitions are being McCourt, justice of the Oregon the Klansmen gathered on a lot P6° Ple rushed with feverish haste to the prevention measure, the council The airship fell 300 feet, Indian H arbor, Labrador. Their supreme court, who has been ill 1 Today’aa a r e ^ u l t V t h e a ^ p u t a - ! v e s te ^ ly “a ^ t T voted $500 from the w ater and near the Community hospital and breaking every bone in Pearson’s planes were In perfect condition, front lines of the Chekiang forces $500 from the light funds. Of at his home here “ “ ,S h,>,” • h“~ ' ° r ‘he ” ’„ ‘ ¡ 1 - “ ”.'/ " ' . “" 'J » le s » .- h ic h was grounds », the best "odeo X then held a naturalization cere­ body. The boy was picked to win and both men expressed confid­ Thousands of coolies have been ibis sum, an am ount not to exceed mony and initiated nine persons the Pulitzer prize, and was con­ ence th at they would reach Bos­ week. Justice McCourt has beenI crushed when he fell beneath a held in this part pressed into service as labor bat­ $300 wiil go to constructing of the state confined to his bed, and members into the Order of the Ku Klux sidered as one of America's fore­ ton in a few days. “ From Boston locomotive. At the time of the Forty horses had beeu brought talions to carry supplies and it ha- rails. At present, it was brought of the family indicated th at the accident Mr. Kelly was acting off Kian, in presence of a large num­ most aviators. on, the trip wifi be easy,” said the lava beds of Kianiatli been reported th at every able-bod exact nature of his ailm ent has yardm aster in the absence of A. L aut at tile meeting, it would be ber of interested spectators. The young aviator had a bril­ L ieutenant Smith. county and were all th at had ied man or woman will be used not yet been determ ined. F iery Cross ilraost impossible to take men or H arrington. ('hanged/ P lans liant war record, and since th a t . nit K* , t Was attemptinK ! beed said of them. They tried if necessary. A red cross was erected at the time, has distinguished himself equipment to the scene of a for- to alight from the moving switch every known method of buckinr Y esterday the men abandoned Dr. Sen. ruler of South China meeting place and shone during as a pilot in speed events. Avia­ plans to make a short hop from MAN WOUNDED IN s, 1 le, as the trails are covered th ro w !’ ? e n ? iS f° Ot 8hPPed’ ^ when a rider went off is reported to be organizing an the ceremony while a huge fiery tion officials had picked him as Indian H arbor to C artw right h ar­ WASHINGTON FUED throw ing him beneath the train. not because he was a poor rider expedition with undergrow th, and are im­ of 20.000 soldiers for cross burned on a near hillside. the most likely w inner in the bor, and to make a long jum p passible. it i8 thought that the hut was because of the fact that an immediate drive northw ard. TACOMA, W ash., Sept. 3. — This formed the only light for International races, when flyers passing over C artw right Harbor federal forest service will secure FIRE NEAR EUGENE the horse had too many tricks. The rival armies of Generals the naturalization. The ceremony from half-a-dozen countries gath­ w ithout a stop, enroute to Shot in the head as the result of IS UNDER CONTROL Jack Thompson of Mills City Chi Hsieh Yuan and Lu Hung Hs an appropriation next year to was very spectacular, with the er to test the fleetess of their Hawkes’ Bay. They thought that a neighborhood feud, Victor Oberg At Mont., came here to dem onstrate j *ang> which have been facing each further improve the trails. light of the cross and the robes planes. Pearson’s only rival was they m ight possibly go on to Pic­ 47, a farm er of Pacific City, had EUGENE. Sept. 3. The tim b e r' „ 0 . Hdlng .b o,„d t e done and g o t! » .« er 30 m » « from S b ^ b a t T r T * ', ”'- “ a narrow escape from death last fire on Salmon creek, two miles away with the first prize.311 H o ! r nearly a week began o n ^ a n ^ W,U keep of the Klansmen. Lieutenant Russel Maughan, who tou w ithout a stop, as w eather night, but was able to retu rn to Following the m eeting the may not enter the races. conditions were ideal, but decid ove a ri ge, was checked to- Smith, of Medford, took second I t,lis morning and scattered fight the trails in condition and will his home tonight from a hospital day, according to a telephone j in the bueking contests. Sm,th K nights of the Ku Klux Kian and W ith Pearson gone, aviation ed not to risk th eir machines by where he was taken. ing is reported all along the line supervise their construction. the Ladies of the Invisible Empire circles are wondering who will too great a strain. message received by Nelson F. was first in the rodeo at Callapoo- H ear Complaint The situation in Shanghai is In-1 The shots brought out neigh­ MacDuff, supervisor of the Cas­ had a big ice cream feed at the win the Pulitzer prize. It is now A complaint W ade To Join th at Vaughn tense. T here, is great fear that bors, who took Oberg to the Val­ cade national forest, but the en- ia Springs, the day previous. lodge rooms. street is At Pictou, the men will be join­ possible th a t a- foreign ace may in poor condition was General Chi’s airplanes will bomb ley hospital at Puyallup, where Ure crew of 150 or more men MOONSHINER GETS The airplane which illuminated take the valuable award. ed by. L ieutenant Leigh Wade, heard, and Street Commissioner the big miliary arsenal in one TWO YEAR TERM the ceremony was brought to Ash­ who was forced out of the flight Di. Mitchell of Summer removed th a t was put to work to fight it of the suburbs. Six hundred mar- Men ill was authorized to investi- the bullet from his jaw. land from a great distance, es­ Saturday night when it started on the jum p from the Orkney Is­ ines have been landed to protect ?ate and tak<‘ ac,inn if necessary. GRANTS PASS, Sept. 3. POEMS BY ASHLAND Today Oberg declared the was still held on duty. The rela- pecially for the occasion. It ar- j lands of Iceland. Wade will not Frank Jo rd a n ’s bid for building A. Cobb, who this morning en- interests. WRITER IN LARIAT shooting was the result of trouble tire hum idity was low today and C. rived here about two days a g o 1 tered a plea of guj fn c command a machine of his own 1 sidewalk on Granite street was and has been circling over the ! The September issue of the but will join the crew on one of th a t started several years ago. Re­ it was feared th a t there would court Of th e possesion of a stP l accepted. Mr. Merrill was a u th ­ INDIAN WOMEN cently the trouble, he said, had be a fu rth er spread of the fire. city. It landed on the other side ' L ariat, a western literary m aga­ the other planes. was 8entenced thig afternoon t ; orized to investigate the condi­ been renewed. His old enemy BOBBING HAIR) o f Bear Creek where it was pre­ zine, contains a group of three The men. before hopping off tion of Almond street, and to re­ i serve two years in the state peni- had rented some land from pared with lights. This is the I BEER GARDEN TS pair it if necessary. poems w ritten by Blanche Logan this morning, expressed confid­ a woman friend ' tentiary, by Judge C. M. Thomas. REDDING, Cal. Sept. 3.— Bob­ of Oberg, first illum inated plane which has | O’Neal, of Ashland. ence th a t they would alight in RAIDED BY COPS Clint Baughman, city fire bed hair has become fash’ionabli The four young men held on a it was said, and had been seen in Ashland and caused A fourth poem by Mrs. O’Neal Boston in a day or two. The not paid the rent, .charge of larceny in a building, aI»ong the Indian women, who an was voted $20 as expense-, Oberg, it I MAR«iri?TB'r n o much excitement in the crowd ■ called “ Three Moods,” was also ( cultural city" is planning a brief : - SHFIELD, Sept. 2. Paul were sentencrd after the charg Quick to follow the styles adoptee to attpnd the meeting of Oregon is said, tried to force payment I Mumpower, state prohibition of- bad been m itjgated to th a t of by the white folks. WHne8Sed itS ”ianeuverings- ! accepted, and will appear in the j ovn,!on °f welcome, as the avia fire departm ent chiefs to be held and a clash ensued. Officials of the Oregon Realm Thanksgiving num ber of the mag- t ° rs i ° thJ r ,?ffiCialS raided j petty larceny. Bill Foster was j At the P°w wow held in Mont- at Astoria soon. The state fire n°i Ue in the city long Oberg insisted th a t his enemy ! were present from the Oregon azine under the heading “ Tree enough for an extended celebra- g,a r n thP south , given 30 days in the county jail, I g0IneIy Creek it was noted that niarshal had requested that the did not do the shooting, but had . 6 k headquarters and took part in the Anthology,” a special feature of ■ tion. s oug str ct ast night and a Daniel Minor 10 days, William al* the young Indian women and Ashland chief attend, as Astotria hired a gunman to kill him. He ceremony. that number. num er o appearances are sched- Kavenaugh 15 days, and Jam es gir!s had adopted the bob, the 8 an example of rebuilding fol- refused to disclose the name of uled for the courts tomorrow Davis (colored) two days. A KinS Tut style being the favorite *ow’ng a fire, and the most up-to- his enemy, morning. One inm ate made an MEN WHO RESIST num ber of others were brought ' Some the elderly Indian women da,e methods of fire prevention MANY ASHLANDERS attem pt at resistance and was COPS ARRESTED have fallen in line, too, and have I ant^ control are incorporated In SEE OREGON CAVES Prineville — Ochoco Timber beaten by the arresting officers. before the court to enter pleas. their hair bobbed. The Indians th e city plans. At present, A»h- Co., considers buying yellow pine It is said th a t the injured man MARSHFIELD, Sept. 3. — D uring th e past week, 35 Ash­ Dr- M»ttie Shaw, solo. Dr to be the largest motor-sailing meant to Mr. Loomis, and PENDLETON MAN m entary and high schools of Chi­ neighborhood demand. ester’s office declared this afternoon. More than 50 light-' G. Phetteplace. Civil war ance- yacht afloat, on a ’round-the- W HEREAS, it is the desire of RAZOR SUICIDE cago during the Fall term which As a clerk in the Nininger es­ ning fires have been reported in the last two days. An un-! dotes and lessons therefrom , Rev. world cruise for scientific re the Mayor and Common Council lo make a perm anent record of W. Judson Oldfield. starts September 15, it was an­ tablishm ent, Mr. Lane had much ! search purpose. controlled fire in the Monterey district has laid waste! PENDLETON, Sept. 3.— W orn nounced by Morgan G. Hoggs, as- their appreciation of the work At present, more than 90 bad- experience in confectionery work. The westward is of 3,000 tons out and despondent by reason of i sistant superintendent of the Mrs. Lone has for several years to 16,000 acres of brush lands. ges have been sold, according to burden and js QWned and wU1 be which Mr. Loomis lias accomplish illness of the last two years. D. schoo,8. Sixty-two thousand en- been m anager of th e Tidings cir G. O. Van N atta, commander of commanded by Commander C. H .. ed, and to give an expression of W. Evans, 60, a resident of Uma­ rolled last year. RACING DRIVER MEETS DEATH th e Association. Not all the Lightoller, who, as second officer culation departm ent. . 7 ? ° ,!lP ones which he tilla county for four years, end­ badges have been sold to war vet­ of the Titanic, remained on board left behind. The Loomis, business was es­ ed his life Sunday night by slash­ LONDON, September 3—Dario Resta, one of the most erans, but many more of the old until she sank. F IR E S CONTROLLED NOW THEREFORE, BE IT tablished in 1900, following Mr. ing his th ro at with a razor. He tim ers are expected in today. All famous automobile racing drivers in the world, was kill­ RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR Loomis’ injury, and has w itnes­ The Navy D epartm ent of the was dead when found. Two fires started Tuesday night sed a steady growth. It started ed this afternoon in a smashup while trying for file ‘ accomodations I AND COMMON COUNCIL OF Lit,lia P aik are United States Hydrographic Office His widow and nine children t by Hgb tning, and which were with practically nothing, and was world’s speed record. Resta’s machine struck an obstacle takeD’ &ad “ may be neces8ary has provided Commanger Lightol­ THE CITY OF ASHLAND, ORE­ survive. No inquest was made. burning in the Ashland creok slowly built up to its present size. to get more. GON: on the speedway and crashed into an iron fence. The gas­ Y esterday evening the American ler with a set of charts covering That the Mayor and Common Mr. Evans was living at the home watershed were apparently under the tour, and has asked him to re­ of his brother-in-law , R. O. Earn- ■ control today and did but little oline tank took fire and the car burned up. Resta appear­ Legion put on the program , which port to the departm ent on it. The Council of the City of Ashland, on Clatskanie — Bridge across h a rt, on W ild Horse creek. W ith ■ damage. It is thought th a t the was featured by a duet by Miss ed in many of the biggest races in the United States, win­ trip will take approxim ately ten beht ir of themselves officially, as his fam ily he moved here from rain this afternoon aided in put­ Beaver Creek completed, and Poley and Miss Allen, and ad­ months, and a complete film of individuals, and on behalf of the Ralnier-Clatskanie-M ist highway ning sensational victories on the Indianapolis speedway M issouri four years ago. ting them down. dresses by J. O. Rigg and Dr. being rushed. the whole of the route will be and at Sheepshead Bay. Crandall. taken. (Continued on Page Four) LARGE CROWD ATTENDS KLAN CEREM O NIAL WILL LAND IN BOSTON THIS WEEK Elias Bomber, Called Deadliest of War Engines I ’ jr ... n ---'C IT Y COUNCIL VOTES $ 7 ,0 0 0 IN E X PE N SE S O te. CIVIL WAR STARTS WHEN PLANE FALLS SALE IS REPORTED •n. T