9 PAGE M.ÜÄ — — i ASKLtftft î)Aîtt ttfttitäg un iw I-#-* ► ♦♦♦ M M ^nndrty.Tucsdft) Kept, 1-Ü, »-• Guarding Trestle— I Sick at H om e—» M Return'— SERVICE STATION Cleon Caldwell stdtted Wótk Mrs. Florence Fariow is confin- Ih « will fill eftffip la Mr. and Mrs. J, H. McGee r e -| TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HAS IMPROVÊ.VfÊNtS the pork, and will eat regular Sunday as a trestle guard near ed to her home with illness. turned Saturday from San F ran ­ , . I Siskiyou station. " - ! army rations during their stay In cisco where Mr. McGee atte n d c ed Tn ---- ------------- v^w u ' LOST — Between 104 4th St. A. D ally C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of As the result of further im- the city. During the time they Mr Pete AhlstT" a a Buyer’s Week. Immediately and Plaza, black felt hat. Finder local Interest. Complete Hoe of Ashland Can­ Mr Pete Ah strom and daugh- upon their retu rn they left f o r 1 retu rn to Tiding^ office. 1-1 provements, the Oeser service ? ta -' are In Ashland, they will have ned Goods at Detricks. a4-tf ter, Leona Ahlstrom and Ted Lake of the Woods to spend a ------------------‘----------------------------- tion on East Main street is now ' the opportunity to ta lk .o v er the A L PH A CH APTER FOP KENT — 3-room furnish- j ° f the n,ost attractive sta- days and battles th at are past. In M edford— Yearion drove to the Oregon few days. in the city. W ork was re- To C rater Lake— No. 1 ed apartm ent close in. Phone 40 i ° S Caves last week and reported a * -_____- Mrs. D. Perozzi was a Medford or 432Y. l-tf ceQHy eomp'eted on a new illum ­ WILLIAMSON COUNTY very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Monroe and O. E. S. From Vacation— i visitor last Saturday. inated sign and other features. their guests, Mrs. Goings and SH E R IFF ARRESTED W ill resum e stated po X' M c C o y ’M r s -: r S n V—^??r7nV ^r the cost of which was over $100. i To C rater Lake— Miss Lillian Goings, took a trip Health giving whole wheat I o.ey and daughters, Eva and ment com m unication, Tuesday e v e ­ Phone 263R or call Shook i The electric sign hangs over Miss Minnie Knutson, George Minnie and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. 1 gidg to C rater Lake Saturday. They (Continued from page 1) bread a t The Lithia Bakery. ning, Sept. 2, at 8 o’clock. 1-2* the sidewalk, and illum inates the. Converse, A. S. Rosenbaum of will remain there for several H artley of Talent returned yes 1 E F F IE P. BROWN, W. M, whole street. A flag pole was re- j of h's bonds, Sheriff Galligan con­ days. i Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. V. V. terday from a two weeks trip at Arrives H er'i— FOR SALE CHEAP — Bose LEAH M. CALDWELL, Sec’y cently erected, and now signs have i ferred with A djutant General C ar­ j Mills made a trip to C rater Lake, Bandon. They reported a very Miss A nnette W etherford of pears, culls, fine for canning. been put up los Black, who had motored over Saturday and Sunday and report- enjoyable time Corvallis arrived in Ashland to­ L*7t Sunday— Newby & Sons, Talent. Phone to H errin. General Black report­ M alta Com m andery No. 4 Carl Loveland, with Carl Jr., ed a very pleasant time. Monday day to begin her work as econom­ 372J2. l-tf ed the city quiet, with no antici­ K n igh ts Tem plar left Ashland Monday, accompan­ the same party made a trip to R eturn to Portland__ ic teacher a t the high school. RECORD BROKEN BY pation of fu rth er trouble. He in­ WANTED: M asonic H all Used fiat top ied by Mrs. Ernest Royce, for Hell Gate, as far as the Almeda Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robly and LOCAL POSTOFFICI formed the sheriff that the eleven Stated conclave, W ednesday A dollar bill given away every Stotckton and Napa, California. Mine, where they ate their lunch. daughter, Betty, returned to th eir i office desk and swivel chair. See ' alleged Kian sympathizers taken ■ Greer at the Tidings office. 1-4 ; _______ home in Portland after visiting ___ evening, Sept. 3. All K nights I 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot Mrs. Royce was a sister of Mrs. (Continued from page 1) into custody Saturday night and . R eturn to D unsm uir— Springs Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole Carl Loveland, and Is returning courteously invited. w T eral WeCkS With Mrs- ! ROK RKNT— Furnished lodged 'ii jail at H arrisburg had Mrs. T. M. Forgot and daugh- Orchestra. il Mitchell and Mrs. Elsie ment. Phone 481J or call 185 even larger receipts in the office ' W. H. DAY, Recorder. 1-2 to her home in Stockton. Mr. ’ ter, Dorothy, returned recently ---------- , Loveland intends to visit for Churchman. . -Pioneer avenue. l-tf during the month of September. been removed as a ‘‘precaution­ F. H. JOHNSON, E. C. • to Dunsmuir where they will To Lake— i about two weeks, then will re- This is regarded by local m er­ ary m easure.” I make their future home. They 8 LOST — Valise with initials C. chants as a distinctly favorable! Back on Job— _______ Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge and turn 1° Ashland to resume his 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i have been living here for the past ' 8 W. G. between Ashland and Tal­ sign. Charlee Brown of the Plaza has Mrs- C. McMillan spent the! wor*t in musical lines, W ANTED : two years. jj ent. Reward. R eturn to Tidings resumed his work at th a t place i week-end at the Lake of the ENERGETIC AND W IDE- 8 office. i_j 8 AW A K E BOY OR GIRL 8 after an Illness of over two weeks. Woods, returning late last eve­ Get your baby’s milk from a OLD SOLDIERS’ HERE Visit N ear Corvallis— ning. certified herd, 10c per quart. 8 TO LEARN TH E PR IN T- 8 FOR ANNUAL MEETING FOR SALE: — Thoroughbred Samuel S tarr of Ashland and 8 ING BU SINESS AT TH E 8 Lininger Dairy. Phone 396R. School books and supplies. El- Aucona Cockerel’s, Canadian Mr. and Mrs. Bond of California 8 HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, TIDINGS « h a rt’s. l-5t 306-tt (Continued from Page 1) stock. 235 North Main St. 1-2* have been visiting near Corval­ IGNITION of course. 212__ tf 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 lis with Leander Starr. V isits H. A. Stearns— at noon today, all hut one were BATTERIES R eturn from Lake— FOR RENT: — Modern well filled. It may be necessary to Dick W illiams and family of j <)llt oj> A dollar bill given away every Mr. and' Mrs. E. V. C arter re­ located furnace heated apart- j — GENERATOR CARD OF THANKS ments and sleeping rooms, fu r­ procure more tents. turned Monday from the Lake of 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot Reedsport and Homer Moore and We wish to thank our friends The Reverand B. C. Miller the Woods and will remain here Springs Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole family of Yamhill county were for th eir kindness and sympathy nished and unfurnished. 316 Har- spent Monday out of town. Orchestra. visitors Sunday and Monday at l-tf- for several weeks. extended to us during our recent gadine. the H. A. Stearns home. They To B e r k e l e y - breavem ent, especially do we WANTED:— Man-to do gener- were enroute home a fte r visiting C leaning and pres lg at Orres, Leave for V a n c o u v e r - thank the Lithians. Mingus A itken left recently for i al work at the W inburn Lodge, Mrs. Charles Silsby, Mrs. Esther C rater Lake. 300— tf P hon e 64. Carl Loveland, Berkeley, California, where he up the Ashland Creek canyon. Ashcroft and two children left Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reid Address Bert Moses, Ashland, Ore. will enter th e U niversity of Cali­ Saturday evening for Vancouver, To Iuiko— Madden sei.s Balloon tires. and Family^ fornia. is the name of the best, bread It* B. (.., for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McWil­ 246-tf made. Remember to ask for liams spent Sunday and Monday MARCEL AND CURL LAST O„ H unting Trip— Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- at the Lake of the Woods, re­ this when you order your LONGER after a Golden G lint a r's home-mad® saJad dressing. Mr. and Mrs. George Garrett,, turning late Sunday evening. Sham poo. bread from the grocer. 296— lm o* with P. O. Shirley, left Saturday on a hunting trip in the Buck Explanat ion— E lh a rt’s for school books. l-5 t V isiting Here__ Lake region. They intend to re­ Due to the fact th a t today’s Our Phone 82 Mrs. Lydia Jolly of Grand Junc­ turn to Ashland next Thursday. R eturn to A shland— edition of the Tidings carries a Hain - p laza Ashland Mrs. W. J. Dougherty and tion, Colo., is visiting in Ash­ large volume of advertising, and THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL W ateh for Staples new Sub- daughter, M argaret, returned last land for a few weeks at the home th ere is not loom for the society of her brother, A. W. Storey. division. night from a m onth's trip in 8 0 8 -tf columns, the society will be pub­ Today, Tomorrow They are having a very enjoyable northern California. lished tomorrow. • time as they have not m et for 40 To F a lls— Thursday years. R. H. Sowers of Portland Misses Emma Jenkins, Ruth RICHARD DIX See Paulserud’s new fall Ready- Superllte auto finish; g uaran­ Coffee, Mrs. to w ear. l- t f also spent the week-end at th fc Osmund, Georgie LOIS WILSON teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. Storey home. Ethel Chapel and Mr. I. R. Mar­ 298— tf tin took a trip to Klam ath Falls To D unsm uir— A dollar bill given away every yesterday, and then returned to No Spiked Boots— . Mrs. Clara Minard and Fred Taylor spent Monday in Duns­ 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot the Lake of the Woods for a Spiked boots in the Grants m uir, visiting friends. They also Springs Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole short time, retu rn in g late last Pass schools will not be allowed j_2 night. spent a short time at the Shasta Orchestra. this year. During the previous Hot Springs. years heavy boots with spikes SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ W e deliver th e goods— Detrlqks Made of fine quality Gingham in new fall patterns; have been worn and as a result PA IN TE R S: — Beagle and MOBILE Insurance; b etter term s 94-tf j the floors a re being torn up. A trimmed with hand embroidery, sizes S to 14 years. Beagle; day work or contract; and lower rates. Yeo, of course. 1 new flooring has been put in the ,>r5ee .................................................. ..$1.25 to $1.69 212— tf Acre for WMek-end— estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf Phone 21 & 274-J. high school and th e school board Raymond, Vernon and E verett has decided th at such boots will School suits at Paulserud’s. l-tf C harioteers Leave— McGee were in A irlan d over not be allowed. The six Salvation Army C har­ Sunday and Monday from Moon’s Made of fine mercerized lisle; come in colors Polo, ioteers, who held services In lum ber camp. From Trip— Beige, Blown and Black, all sizes for children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNair re Ashlaqd, left this morning for ' Pail’ ........................................................................... .. turned yesterday from a week’s California. They are continually <50 Special E xam inations F or trip to Corvallis and Portland on the go, traveling from one city Grade & H igh School P np ils to another with th eir meetings. TRY SHELL where they visited friends and All pupils, grade or high school, relatives. The visited the Made ol be&t quality sateen in black and white, cut Burton Dancing School, Mem­ who for any reason are entitled Maley children at Corvallis and GASOLINE extra full, Pair .................................................... 75c Open dally. A fter­ to examination for the removal PR O D U C T IO N reported they were getting along orial Hall. noon 2 to 3, evening 7 to 9. very well. of delinquencies or for advanced Cl (paramount (picture AND 307-tf standing may have exam inations .32 in. Dress gingham in new fall patterns, fine P aulserud’s for cleaning and at the high school building F ri­ The best judges in the land awarded the Pulitzer p:i, A dollar bill given away every NOTE THE day, Septem ber 5, 1924. The pressing.. Phone 119. Will call quality for making g irls’ school dresses. Priced for the greatest American play to “ Icebound.-’ Of hi and deliver. l-tf 15 minutes. Dance Jackson Hot examinations will begin at 9 a. m. >'nr<1 ........................................................................... 29c Springs Wed. Sept. 3rd. Metropole and will be conducted by princi­ dreds of plays, it ranked first! DIFFERENCE Orchestra. j_2 pals Forsythe and Myers. From E u gen e— Also Dr. George Simon and family High school pupils or parents “ KIDDING K A TIE” Ext!,i fine co!ton ribbed stockings for hoys and of Eugene were in Ashland Sat­ Visit C rater Lake— of them , caring to interview Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. E lh art and Forsythe in regard to high school urday night visiting with the J. £irls................................ 35c pair or 3 pair for $1.00 son, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert m atters, may see him in his of­ D. Mars family. Ib is ( oupon is good lor 10c on one adult ticket at Sutherland of Portland, W. T. fice a t th e high school from 9 Let Paulserud make you a suit Newton of San Francisco and tl11 12 during the week, Septem- the Vining for “ ICEBOUND” On The Boulevard or fit you out in one of our fall Mr. and Mrs. Perry W aite of Gold ber 1 to 6. 1-1 Ready-to-wear. l-tf Hill spent the past few days at “The Q uality Store" C rater Lake. They made th e trip F ish in g Trip.— around the rim road and reported Charles Rush, W. J. Dougherty a very enjoyable trip. They re­ •V and H. S. H arrison spent Sunday turned last night. and Monday at Rogue river fish­ ing. They reported the usual Pear Growers A tten tion luck. Bring in D Aryou, Bose, Comice and Fall B utter Pears prior to Two-panta su its at ’anlserud’s Thursday evening. Bring Bose l-tf last. Don’t let them set in the sun. Bring in same day picked. D rill P ostponed— FRUIT ASSOCIATION. B attery B, 249th A rtillery will 1-2 hold drill at th e Armory a t 8 o’­ clock W ednesday evening. This I was postponed from Monday night on account of Labor Day and the Ku Klux Kian cereinonial Jzist arrived in new shades and styles, to be held tonight. | LOCAL Did you have any trouble with Sally Ann while on your Labor Day trip? Better bring your car in and let us overhaul these vital parts of your ma­ chine. Murphy Elec. Co. I Z W __ Lithia Bakerv ÇWlth For School Opening Ç» Girls’ Gingham Dresses Children’s Derby Ribbed Stockings WILLIAM de MILLE Girls’ Sateen Bloomers “Highland Lassie’’ Ginghams Children’s Cotton Stockings W. & N. Service Station E. R. ISAAC & CO GET R Dresses- L et us fill your pall w ith S w ifts Silver Lea: lard. Costa less than sh ortening. Goes farther and is m ore n u tritiou s. D etricks. 94-tr Sendif the i wnJnf trimmed in chenile braids, lace, braids, pleated rufflings and frills. Priced from $16.50 to $49.50 . Ax.. R eturn from Tri|>—- ,M r. and Mrs. J. W. McDon­ ough returned Thursday from an extended trip to Lakeview, F ort Biglow and A lturas, returning by way of Klam ath Falls. They have been gone a month and reported a very enjoyable trip. New coats are fur and braid trimmed, with striaght lines predominating. Fall shades are rust, brick, hunters-green, brown, black, navy and tan: School Text Books at McNair Bros. M an Is Slugg«\l— Slugged from behind, B. Gaz- zulley, who resides in the Rogue ' R iver valley, was knocked uncon- ■clous la s t night a t 312 Oak S t.,1 and relieved of $80 and his watch and chain. Regaining conscious­ ness. x Gazzulley informed the sh eriff’s office of his plight and was taken to a local hospital to recover from a broken jaw .— Kla­ m ath H erald. G ainsborough P ow er Puffs 10c to 75c.— McNair Bros. ----------------- Four More Shopping Days to Outfit the Kiddies For School View the heavy stoeks we carry and make your shopping easy. Here you will find everything from head to foot in ‘Standard merchandise' “ Wash goods that wash” ___19c to 89c vard service takes the dread L adies and children’s hair cut-! tin «. Pow der Puff B eauty Par- | lor. 2 93-tf * Sweaters for the Juniors, new goods $3.50 to $7.95 Stockings that wear and wear ami wear 25c to $1.00 pair —and the cost is so small The Mildred line of silk gowns, combinations and slips are here for all size figures. Sizes from 40 to o0; made of pussy willow taffeta, crepe de chine and La Jerse. Dresses that are made right and finished cor­ rectly .........................................$ 1 .2 5 to $5.00 Lingette Slips, all sizes and c o lo rs ..........$1.98 —you will not have to in­ Priced from $6.50 to $13.50 Hats for all ages, new models, verv chic $1.39 to $5.00 Brassieres, all s iz e s ......................... 39c to $1.25 Colored flannel middies, all sizes $4.95 to $7.95 Corselettes, all sizes ................... $1.00 to $3.50 Black Bloomers, indellahle finish ............$ .79 Gym Bloomers ............................................ $1.69 out of housekeeping. Be­ sides, if you let us do this stall expensive machin­ ery, which is used so sel­ dom. Famous Jack T'ar middies, white, new model $2.00 All stocks conveniently arranged for quick service. All prices marked in plain figures. ASHLAND LAUNDRY 81 W ater St. P h on e 188 Lgv GOODS Make us your headquarters for school requirements ‘W here Your D ollar Has More C ents’