A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 0 ) P ublished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by T) fl e G THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. - o r g e i S ^ s S . ■ Ashland x passed away the Labor Day week-end IIVVIV VIIVI 1 in 11 «11 rderly: ®pj°>;al,le ,n«n»er along the streams, in the den- ot the deer and 111 visiting the many scenic attrac- J U o m o i A L CITY PAPER-------------------------“---------------------------------— « the „ ,„ r e « C S S S S people. Shold they not choose that instrument of the best'sa11 of wh9“> «re keen elevates» of1 Development of iron deposit« jmetal, with the finest edge, and so all their piece to tl.ePh®.sporL near Scappoose promised through It is expected th a t King George form ation of Oregon Iron Ore De- national edifice so that history may be proud of it* will pay his custom ary one to two! velopment Corp., backed by Port- K ‘' « « a b o u t s . ' Subscription P rice, D elivered in City _____ s ^5 The purchase of the Ashland hotel for a large sum Qihrw ^.ontha .............................................................. i'»5 ver’f’es the faith which our citizens have in the commun- ggA“ 1? . ---- --------- ------------------------------------- «•« ity’s development. On© Month B y Mail and R ural R ou tes: —--------------------------------------- One M o n th ....................._ ..................................... Three Months ................................... " ............................................ Friend i oc i « 3.60 Rh about for a six Months.......................... '.......................................... One Year ................ .. O4 , . ...................................... DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single Insertion, per inch ....................................... $ Yearly C ontracts: One insertion a week ....................... Two insertions a week .................. . ........... ..........." ........... Dally insertion ........................................ EHr.f trr Bates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising F irst insertion, per 8 point line .. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................................. Card of T h a n k s ...... _ ... ................ ..................... Obituaries, per line...... Richardson, California’s governor, in casting political argument, said something about ex- 6.5o travagance in the state’s school management; and in the ■ recent election he found that the people do not favor any- 30 ¡body tampering with the schools, for candidates on his 27% shle were overwhelmingly defeated. 25 21 to T make the grounds attractiv e have been leased to R. H. Mc­ many p arts of the N orthw est the Fly season will soon be on. opening is set for Tuesday, Sep­ and pleasing in appearance. Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. Curdy, of New York. The D uke’s DO YOU BOOST FAKIRS P lan t Flow ers are among the largest in tem ber 2. More than 47i000 pu­ Bos. fly spray for your cow’s Some business men rather patronize the fake adver­ The association's caretaker shootings pils are expected to answer roll the best fly killer made. Gard­ Scotland, comprising 34,000 acres en Hose, and garden tools, call in Portland. tiser than put their money into legitimate channels where! plantcd petunias alons the fence and giving a bag of about 2,500 fencing and binder twine, known results are obtained. When von buy space from! wh,ic^ faces the Pacific Highway brace of grouse every season. mowers and repairs always on adVCT‘iSing a a 'i- to - a i- a y s 'a t ’ inflated “r T X l Stags also abound, some fifty or Canby — C arr M anufacturing hand. sixty being accounted for annual­ Co. plans installing m achinery for t ( u a n o n a pai with the fellow who buys his!who Paaa there daily with the ly. greatly increased business for j wares from the mail order house. How the fakir does love fact that there is a civic Pride in A nother New Y orker, J. H. 1925 aggregates $65,000. to filch the business man? He’s here today and gone to-! tha county- Steers, has leased Lord B urgh’s fine property of Glenkindie, in ; z z ^ j z ^ lcaving a , n e a t , e 8 s f o r ! ^ ~ eT ~ A berdenshire. O ther American s uu. , the Rogue Valley Floral Co. who lessees include H. Phipps and E. — — ■-— — — j this year were given the exclusive H. Litchfield, who have taken big ONE FACTOR OF PEACE i privilege to make the floral dec- properties, and C. W. Ogden, of NEW and USED Every time hat Edward Albert, Prince of Wales 1 orations The beds along tht New York, who has taken Ach- nagairn Mansion House for the falls f,.,,,,, „Is e and lights on „Is ’bead, He makes It w ou ld be advisable to get you r h eater at one«. possibilities ot a ar between the United States and Eng- horticultural building are now’ a season. Askel de W iehfelt, prom inent land many years more remote. An immensely popular mass of bloom and during the Danish sportsm an, and his Ameri­ ASH LAND FU R N IT U R E young man is Eddie, both in Great Britain and in Amer­ fair, September 10, 11, 12, and can-born wife, will en tertain at 13 will make a striking impres­ COMPANY P lair Castle, which they have ica All the white-haired diplomats that England could sion on the many tourists 9 4 N. Main who rented from the Duke of Atholl. send to American in a lifetime cannot promote the spirit will attend. The Atholl deer forest is prob­ of friendship that the young British heir does hv staving Complete Program ably the best in Scotland. a-week m New York. . . S W ithin a few days a complete Prom inent Englishm en who In spite of his position, the Prince is a democrat a t Lprogram of eventp wi» be mailed will shoot over the preserves in­ clude E arl Beatty, Lord Furness, heart, and America knows it ami applauds. A dulationl »orcs urn. A dangerous obstacle race fills „is „eart w it„jOre8°n Power Co., and if there Lord Lovatt and Lord Invernairn, joy. Where a lesser light would draw inside his stiff tl* anyone in Southern Oregon or collar in a dignified manner and imitate an oyster,' the N orthern California, who during Prince shakes hands with 75 reporters, and tells them the next ten days does ot have HPHE Ashland their attention called to the Jack- that he is “ darn glad to he hack again.” Electric Supply son County F air it is no fault of Eddie spends his time in roving the world and say­ the directors of the F air Associa­ 240 E ast Main St. ing what he thinks. By doing so, lie makes more friends tion. Expect Big Crowd tor the British Empire than any other living person. If Considering the splendid pro­ trouble arises in India, the Prince goes over on a vaca­ gram th a t is being ofTered, it is tion and falls off an elephant. When the Egyptians feel estim ated th a t there will be no the urge to rebel, Eddie goes over and does a diving act less than tw enty five thousand from a camel in the inter-desert speed events. When Paid admissions. The estim ates Canadian “ reds” talk of throwing off the British yoke, of the total num ber of tourists o o o—o r%A at will be let in free, nine »tain’s future king dashes over to run a plow for a few* ; j th S udden S ervice thousand, should bring the total Then talk with us at once weeks. Between times, he stops in the United States and ! aftendance close to thirty-five USED CARS about the insurance you will makes friends by being human. thousand people. need for investment. ’ It may be th a t we can sug­ gest changes in the plans th at will m aterially reduce the fire THE FIRE DEMON AGAIN Boyeoi te, Gabriel Snub hazards in the proposed build­ On Saturday, two big fires, one of which destroyed ing, thus giving you the low­ hers, Rayhestos Brake est possible insurance rate. over half of the business section of Rathdrum, Idaho, and Ill any case, you want ade­ and the other which hunted 200 acres of timber at Oak Lining, Michelin tires quate insurance for your prop­ Ridge, Oregon, and threatened thousands of acres more erty, and the time to inquire and tubes. were reported. LONDON, Sept. 2. — Many about it is now. The advice of th is agency h a s saved One fire started from an over-heated oven. The other wealthy Americans are among the hundreds of people who have m any a property ow n ­ was caused by sparks from a logging engine. In both leased Scottish grouse moors and er from loss. W hy not let us help you, cases, the flames spread because there was not sufficient deer forests for the coming sea­ too? son. equipment at hand to check them. Across- from th e new 9-story Rathdrum, with over $225,000 in buildings gone, and - Agents assert th at the “Ameri­ Tourist H otel Chevrolet and Dodge can invasion’’ this year is g reater S ales, Repairs with the. town facing a long period of depression, realizes than ever, and few properties still Real E state & Real Insurance that efficient fire-fighting equipment would have been Estab. 1883 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 cheap. The Salmon Creek timber company also will have S S Ä ? ““ ,< “ S 8 18 « * Garibaldi — Nflw echool house Portland-—New Embassy apart« contracted to be ready for use menta, costing Î4 00,000 complet­ October 1st. ed. ‘ BEAUÏIFIED FOR « • // A l w r l CONFIDENCE! ONrlDENCE in the business world is based on a lecoi-d of clean dealings, of promises fulfilled! Your hanker can assist you more than anybody else in build- >ng up an enduring structure of industrial confidence. His service must, embody his experience, We place at jo u r command all of our experience and intim ate kuowl edge of financial problems! First National Bank OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE STATION VALVOLINE OIL PEIL’S CORNER HEATERS TRY A P H IL C O Diamond Grid BATTERY and note the differ­ ence in your automo­ bile. 100 per cent pare Pennsylvania oil-paraphine base. The highest grade oil sold in Ashland. Don’t be fooled into buying cheap oil it is by far the most expensive. Only the best is good enough. FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE I)r. Oeser and Son A shland’s busiest and best equipped Service Station 0 . 1). Woo! Long Pants in small and large sizes Guns, ammunition, hunting and fishing licenses Army Goods Store There is a service in this city which you will appreciate. It is Biggest Little Store in Ashland See Our R E P A IR S LEEDOM'S Backed up by a stock of replacements FOR EVERY CAR Bargain Window 30x3 1-2 Massasoit C ords....... Automotive Shop 33 x 4 ............ $12.25 WHILE THEY LAST TOWNCORDSd iU F,SK & G 00,)K ,(’ir STLVF'K- Billings Agency to stand a big loss which might have been avoided hv proper equipment and a crew of fire-fighters. The elements cause many expensive and disastrous conflagrations, but the vast majority are directly trace­ able to human carelessness and false notions of economy. BIGGER CONGRESSMEN NEEDED Tolstoy, the greatest of Russians, once declared that the movements of history are not produced by the exer­ cise of power by the few, nor by the intellectual activity ot the lew hut “ by the activity of all men taking part in the event, who are always so organized among themselves that those who t;