PAGE R .n » A s a w e ö ö A itt t m s a August 80, iöiU Return front T r i p - ! LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES Al re. j. t . Patterson, accom** CAVEMAN TEM panied by her daughter, grand­ daughter and son-in-law retu rn - • &S a NTS PASS, August 30— A ed lrom a motor trip to Idaho protest was registered last night and 1 tah. They have been gone by the Cavemen against the about three weeks. m arking of tourist cars which --------- ■ { stop on Sixth street, by the local Its HARDY BROS, birthday, HARDY BROS, are closed all police officers. The m arking, it see their add. 307-2t day Monday. 307-2tjw as brought out at the Caveman ■--------- meeting, is causing a large loss HONESTY Is m j POLICY. Yeo, Special Labor day dance. Jack- of business to the m erchants of of course. 212— tf son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. the city, through the fact th at The famous Metropole O rchestra the m arking is m isunderstood R e tu rn s H om e— will entertain you. Dancing until and causes them to leave as soon Miss Lillian W ilkins, who has 1:00 A. M. 307-2 as possible. been visiting in Ashland, return- ' The m arks indicate the tim e ed to her home in Dunsmuir. R eturns from Trip— at which the car parked in the ______ O. F . Carson returned Satur­ zone, but m otorists think it is an Cliff Payne has Orchard lad day morning from a business trip invitation to get out of town. ders. ; to Kiam ath Falls. 1 HISTORIC HOTEL Sho,u abn,Td his X k “ 6n8ai d ! Canon MeyHOk " H e X e d ^ to < • i by elt, offiiUU to tMM. received a f©r the hearing to Eugene I t wni T 0 B E R E N 0 V A T E t) F rie“ d3 in Ashland ---------- ’ cablegram this morning announc- ) be held at the courthouse Septum- Play on the curiosity of men. H e' A special meeting of the Jac k ‘ j A l V K e n u e V Dav^of " 9:30 a " m‘ would draw them by love — b v 80nvll,e Cham ber of Commerce R enneth Da> of H o n o lu lu .)________ nothing else. X was « a s held ondav evening for M r f the h- i M Miss held M Monday * rs- D ay was fo rm e rly TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! purpose of discussing the m atter j * rancis Hamlin of th 's city. R eturn from V acation— ' ‘The other day I was horrified ------------------------------ Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ball of to see the following advertise- , of restoring the U. S. Hotel on FOR SALE CHEAP: — Light ) California street, says the Jack- WILL HEAR RATE this city, who have been visiting ment: auto trailer with bed complete. Holy Communion 12 o’clock ! 8onvil,e PosL The Plan is to res- at Newport for the past month SCRAP IN EUGENE 335 Almond. 308-1* — the Duchess of ------ will be tOre the structure and laak* it have returned to their home. present ’ a museum which may house EUGENE, Aug. 30. — The hear- WANTED:” — To care for chil- “ There I , advertisem ent, v u l-! “ T '■' »’e interesting and val- ing before the state public service d reu by the hour, day or week or Jew el O rchestra! F air Grounds! gar, snobbish and utterly . . . 1 '»»«étions which are own- Tonight! petition of the any length of time. Vivian Rease, and Cd b 7 SoutherR Oregon residents. Southern Pacific company to raise !«•> Mida St Christian. For the Duchess 3 Tbey have | of speed, with the possibility of Phone 21 & 274-J. Take Trip to Eugene— The Governor has w ritten a let­ made Homestead Entry, Serial ' een spend ng the past two weeks . the machine developing into a ter to the conductor of th e He- No. 013951 for the NW % of Sec­ Mr. and Mrs. Calloway who i at the lake spin, and usually occurs when the brew o p era Company ordering tion 3, Township 40 S, Range 3 have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. V isitor H ere— Mrs. Jan e Transou of H orn­ Und 15 “ b° U< l<> ' at<‘ ° " ° - i ‘ " e ellm lnali° ” » ' >'■ Portions Ol E. W illam ette Meridian, has filed D. L. Glenn from Los Angeles Special Labor day dance, Jack- took a short trip to Myrtle Point brook was in Ashland last Tues­ ' j the opera which m ight offend any notice of intention to make Final son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. day on business. By a variable trailing edge to : fa jth. Three-year Proof, to establish and RosebuTg yesterday, re tu rn ­ The famous Metropole Orchestra the main planes the machine is __________________________ ing ia te the same evening. claim to the land above described, Burton Dancing School, Mem­ will entertain you. Dancing until able to keep its life at a bigger i before Chauncey Florey, Clerk of BL.VZE CONTROLLED 1:00 A. M. 307-2 angle of attack in the air, and Open daily. A fter­ ! County Court of Jackson County, Ladies and children’s hair cu t­ orial Hall. when it does lose flying speed Oregon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, ting. Powder Puff Beauty P a r­ noon 2 to 3. evening 7 to 9. . j On Va<>ation_ _ BEND, Aug. 30.— Lines of hose the machine merely sinks gently lor. 293-tf on the 30th day of September, 307-tf Mrs. C. O. Helman of B St., under perfect control until for­ and a pump were used for the 1924. * first time in fighting a forest fire I left recently for Olympia, Wash- In Central P oint— Every student who completed ington . n i V vlsU n ^ w U h rela ward speed is regained. Claimant names as witnesses: u n n rao a t ik n __ v is m u iik W lin r e i a - Mrs. Brookmiller of Ashland a course It is considered likely th at such in central Oregon yesterday when John Moore, of Ashland, Oregon. at the Medford Business tives there. She will also visit is visiting in Central Point with College last year was placed on a device will be compulsary in the forest men, using modern W alter Banta, of Ashland, Oregon, in Portland and Salem while firefighting equipment, controlled her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Grigs- a pay roll. Bus fare allowance. fu tu re on all aeroplanes. i Ernest Inman, of Ashland. Ore­ away. She expects to return In a blaze th a t m arred one of the gon. by who was form erly Miss Keltha i W inter term begins September 15. several weeks. shore lines of the scenic Suttle TWO U V E FIG H TERS Bookmiller of this city. George Crapsey, of Ashland. Ore­ 308-tf STRUT STUFF SOON lake, in the Sisters district. gon. Visits Here— W ater was pumped directly To Lake— H ealth giving whole wheat HAMILL A. CANADY, E. M. M artin of Ottumwa, Iowa, PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 30.— from the lake to the blazing hill­ John Galey, H erbert Doran and bread at The Lithla Bakery. ■> R e g iste r.! David Doran left this morning a n ived in Ashland this morning Two rough, tough battlers— the side. 308-5 Sat. Special Labor day dance, Jack- for the Lake of the Woods where for a visit with his sister, Mrs. kind of boys who can slug and Sweet cream for whipping and son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. they will spend the next few Anna W illiams and neice, Miss take ’em— will be seen here at Geòrgie Coffee. coffee— also fresh milk, always The famous Metropole Orchestra days, returning Sunday. the Armory boxing show next on ice a t the Plaza. 289— tf will entertain you. Dancing until Tuesday. Alex Tram bitas, P o rt­ I-eave for Hogue— 1:00 A. M. 307-2 Gets B etter— land w elter weight, will box Joe Will You Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum left E v ery a d h a s a m essage. Every day in every way radio Simonich of Butte in the 10- Celebrate In Deer C r e e k - reception is getting better and today for their home in Oakland. round main event. Miss G ertrude Brown of Ash­ better. The newest DX record They were in Ashland during the Joe Simonich is a hard boy to your next annual fiscal anni­ land was in Deer Creek recently comes from station KLX, operat­ illness and death of Mr. K lum ’s stop in the ring. He has the versary in business, with pride, to see the directors of the Dryden ed by the Oakland Tribune, .Oak- j m other, Mrs. Lucinda Klum. with a spirit of deeds well reputation up and down the coast done, and service well render­ school where she will teach This land, Calif. , Reports indicate ) for possessing a punch and co u p -: ed year. consistent reception a t Apia, ' To M arshfield— led with the ability to deliver j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aitken, and Samoa, a distance of 4780 miles, one, makes him dangerous. H e ' Alice Morgan, left this morning Special Labor day dance. Jack- Or Mourn * beat Willie Ritchie, form er light- • son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. ' HARDY BROS. are closed all by car for Marshfield, where they weight champion, in the la tte r’s one of the recognized the facts of an unprogressive will remain until after Monday, The famous Metropole O rchestra day Monday, 307-2t attem pted comeback at Oakland, standards of the world— business, of connections, ad­ visiting relatives. will entertain you. Dancing until [ —- Cal., last week. vice and assistance th a t are the kind which wilt stand 1:00 A. M. A real party! At the F air not productive? This bank’s 307-2 Alex Tram bitas hasn’t boxed in the hard usage of the experience, facilities and con­ Grounds Pavilion tonight. Finest To Lake— Portland for many month. No nections are co-oporat-on in Mr. and Mrs. E. V. C arter and worst roads and give you W atch for Staples new Sub- “ Open-Air” Floor in the State. one ever acclaimed him a crafty, fact and an aid to successful division. 30S-tf Modern Syncopated melody, by Lloyd M ulit left last night for scientific boxer. But he is game the most mileage. operation. the Lake of the Woods where they the famous Jewel Orchestra! and can absorb punches as well will spend the rem ainder of the In A shland— as deliver. Benny Marks, Los summer. Mrs. McKenz’e and daughter, To D u n s m u ir - Angeles flyweight, is booked to W ilma arrived in Ashland recent­ Mrs. W illiam Flackus and box the feature event against an ly and will spend the w inter here. daughter, Ruth, left today for R eturn Home— opponent yet to be chosen. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Isbell re­ Miss McKenzie will teach in the Dunsmuir where they will visit On The Boulevard city schools here. for a short time with Ed Flackus. turned Thursday evening to their home in Council Grove, Kansas, MYSTERY OF HYPO THEFTS IS SOLVED We deliver the goods— Detricks The crowds will be at HARDY after visiting with L. N. "Woodside for the past month. 94-tf BROS. Saturday and Tuesday. WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. — 307-2t The m ysterious disappearance of D ies at O akland— Superllte auto finish; guaran­ large quantities of hypo-photo­ Mrs. Christina A. Turner, one teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. Mrs. Audrey Trobee of San graphic solutions from the sup­ 298— tf Francisco has opened her beauty of the first women to be adm it­ plies of Photo Sections of the shop in the Mills building. Call ted to the bar in California, died Army Air Service all over the H r io 103 for appointm ent. 297-tf last Monday night after a severe country has at last been solved, illness. Mrs. Turner lived in Ash- W aiter P. Mix is In Ashland and with the solution has come land for eight years and grad u at­ for over Labor Day fr m McMinn­ A t F air Grounds— . down the w rath of the Chiefs of ville, where he is ati nding col­ The popular Jewel Orchestra ing from th e high school here. the Air Service. lege. has been secured by the F air She was adm itted to the bar ten The th efts first occured a t Grounds Pavilion m anagem ent years ago and has practiced con­ Kelly Field, Texas, and it was not The la s \ time HARDY BROS and will make its first appearance tinuously since th a t time. She is until a large opossum was found had an add in the TIDINGS they a t the open-air dance tonight. survived by her m other, one son, wallowing in a hypo pan, free were swamped with business.— This well-known organization has K enneth; three brothers and two from fleas, and with its fu r long This is their best— SHOP EARLY. many friends and suporters in this sisters, Mrs. Isabel W agner and and glossy, th a t the m ystery was 307-2t city, many of whom plan to a t­ Mrs. Lily Gardner, all of Oakland. out. T hat was good for fleas on tend the initial appearance at the Pneum onia was the cause of her a 'possum was good for fleas on death. P aulserud’s suits sell for less. F a ir Grounds tonight. his pup, thought a supply ser­ geant, and soon it was found th a t L eave for H om e— Spend W eek-E nd— FORMER RESIDENT the hypo worked like magic in Mrs. W. H. Pendleton and son, Mrs. Lester W eisenburger a r­ DIES IN TOPEKA removing fleas. The glad work Billy, left this morning for their rived In Ashland today from home in Klam ath Falls. They D unsm uir and will visit for a George Siemantel, 71, form er spread to other aviation camps, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. short time wdth her relatives here. Ashland resident who has been and soon hypo was being taken in H arry Sliver of Oak Street. Mrs. W eisenburger was form er- ’ living in Topeka, Kansas for the large quantities by owners of i past -.eight years, died Thursday dogs. ly Miss Elsie Kitto. General Patrick found out the i Dance Saturday night, Gold Hill afternoon in a Topeka hospital, reason for the disappearance of pavilion. 306-3* Complete line of Ashland Can­ following a stroke of paralysis. the chemical, and now staking Mr. Siemantel was an employee ned Goods a t Detricks. 94-tf hypo to bathe dogs with is a Eastm an Films— McNair Bros. of the Santa Fe shops in Topeka, courtm artial offense. a member of the F irst Presby­ Take Vacation— R eturns from Sum m it Ranch— Mr. and Mrs. Bert H inthorne terian church and of the Siloam BR ITISH OBJECT TO U. S. Madame Tracy-Young, who has ar.d Eugene Detrick left to d a y ! lodSe- V A R IETY O F CHURCH ADS been recuperating at the Summit for the Lake of the Woods where ' is survived by his widow Ranch for the past five weeks they will stay until late Monday ■ and four children, Mrs. V. O. N. LONDON, Aug. 30.— American tf will retu rn to Ashland Monday. evening. Smith of Ashland. Oregon; George advertising men, who came to _______ ! Siemantle of Raton, New Mexico; She broke her w rist a short time England for th e ir annual conven­ ago and will not be able to play Special Labor day dance, Jack- • Edward Siemantle, Topeka and tion and advocating church adver­ In concert for three months. son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. Mrs- c - N- Stickley of Junction tising, have left behind them a The famous Metropole O rchestra I City. trail of discussion as to th e fitness Try Rexall Liver Salts, 50c- The funeral was held a week will entertain you. Dancing until McNair Bros. 1:00 A. M. 307-2 ago in Topeka. L P. Dodge and Sons Funeral Directors wish to announce that Will M. Dodqe has recently returned from Portland, U tiete he did research work and secur­ ed special instruction in the art of funeral direction. We also wish to call your attention to our unusual facilities in this line. Our commodious chapel is especially de­ signed and furnished to give that at­ mosphere of dignity and reverence so desired on these occasions. Our Family room provides complete seclusion when wished. Our slumber room is absolute­ ly fireproof, giving a source of secur­ ity which is essential. There is no charge for the use of any of these rooms at any time. Cur prices are proved by fair comparison to be as lowi if not the lowest, in the valley. We endeavor to give the dignified and in­ terested service which one looks for and expects at such times. Mrs. Louis Dodge, lady assistant. D IA M O N D Tires and Tubes IV. & N. Station Service Day Phone 212. Night and Sun da if Phones: W. M. Dodge, 255-R; Louis Dodge, 282-J. First National Bank Call s answered day or night ■Siili Pay Your Subscription M The Tidings Office The Ashland Tidings has discontinued its plan of having a collector call on its subscribers in the City of Ashland each month. This is done to eliminate the heavy expense of collection, which will enable us to institute a new system of subscription-]laynient, that will benefit the subscriber. Under the new plan, the subscribers are asked to either stop at The Tidings or mail in their payments. These payments may he made monthly or for the entire year. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE The last time HARDY BROS, H ere from P ortland— had an add in the TIDINGS thoy Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Robley and were swamped with business. — daughter, Betty, of Portland are This is their best. SHOP EARLY. visiting at the home of Mrs. Will 307-2t Mitchell and Mrs. Elsie Church­ man. The Robbeys are very well Undergoes O p era tio n - known here In Ashland, being Rev. F. L. Cannon of Horn- (orm er residents brook recently underw ent an op- i oration at the Community Hos­ Get your baby’s milk from a pital here to have a grow th re­ ; certified herd, 10c per quart, moved from one of his eyes. The i Lininger Dairy. Phone 396R. operation was successful and he 306-tt has returned to his home. Special Labor day dance. Jack- aon H ot Springs, Monday, Sept. 1. The famous Metropole O rchestra '■’in entertain you. Dancing until 1:00 A. M. 307-2 The crowds will be at HARDY BROS. Saturday and Tuesday« 307-2t EXAMS TO BE HELD AT JACKSONVILLE State examinations for pupils studying during the summer m onths will be held September 4 and 5 a t Jacksonville, unless some special'arrangem ent is made with a school district for its pu- pilB. They will be given in the coun­ ty superintendent’s office and will be as follows: Thursday morning— 9 o’clock — A rithm etic, W riting. V isit H e r e - Thursday afternoon— 1 o’clock i Mr. Guy B ennett and family of — H istory: 2 o’clock— Spelling: Vancouver, W ash., were in Ash- ~ . . .. land today visiting w ith the Dr. _ j F riday m orning— 9 o’clock— Hanson fam ily on M anzanita S t.’ They are on th eir way to C rater Physiology, Language. Friday afternoon— 1 o’clock— Lake. Geography, Civil Government. Madden selts Balloon tires. FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid- 246-tf ilngs; 25c per bundle. dh Ignition Generator Battery O verhauling has savo:l m any of our custom ers large for replacem ents. We bills can hand le yonr overhauling w ith ­ Under the system wrhich we have had, our citv-carrier subscribers pay our collector 65 cents a month, making a total of $7.80 a year. You may continue paying 65 cents each month at the office of The Tidings or you may pay us $7.50 for the entire year, thus making a saving. Reinember, our collector will not call on you each month. It will be just as easy for you to drop into The Tidings office when von are down town or you may ma il in your remittance. out. delay. Murphy Elec. Co. Our Phone 82 Main - Plaza Ashland The Ashland Tidings