fe »ABI ASfltÀtffc BAÎLŸ — m Classified Column <*»» PROFESSIONAL s a i urda y, A u gu st « 0 , Í ft2 i ■ in s ta i ; be appelated hr the «CdetiHre ypiìhg. B R lL ' ' ÍV.W ELÍVO»;“ ” — ’ “ board later. • - C lassified Colum n R ates PHYSICIANS at the Tidings Office. j W ord was received from the The Young One cent the word each IV e have a good Job printing de- County President, Mrs. S. L. Leon­ People’s Chorus will have charge' , DR. H AW LEY— -Above Tidings ? time. tf KLAMATK PALLS, Aug. 29.— —-—____ ard at Medford about the County of the music. The subject for office. Phone 91. MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor To tun every issue for one convention of the W. C. T. U. the pastor's sermon will be, “ T h e 1 nosing around in the re­ month or more, the word fu8e dump at C rater Lake last DR. C. AV. HANSON which will be held in Lithia Park op en ed D oor.” Phoue items to her a t 39. between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. each time. D entist The Christian Endeavor p ra y e r' * 6ek’ 3 husky b,aek bear stuck fro m o u td o o r sp o rts a re re­ September 8 and 9. A large num ­ lie v e d tw m assagin'» w ith _ meeting at 6:45 will be followed i h' S U°Se 3 can wbich contaiu- Special attention given to pyor­ FO R RENT O1" EVEXTS ! Civic Improvement Club ber of women from all over the rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver 2JS-H. «er a t ’ horn” ’ “ ’ * V ^ H a w lty '’ W' “t Ï “ ‘‘C Bt , th d r clubl10“ 86 county will be in Ashland during a t 8 p. m. by the last of the Un ' ed edibles distasteful to him th a t time to attend the eonven-1 ion Sunday night services for th e ' be3r 8trove Patiently for FOR RENT— Furnished room Block. Phone 178-J „ OH. ERNEST A. W O O D ^ J B I “ with or w ithout housekeeping tlon and some very in te re stin g ! summer. j some time to free his nose from n —- - »rwz/ v.».- ness meeting will be held first. features have been planned. On W ednesday night at 7:30, the disagreeab!e can and con- ?»■- J privilege; also good garage M rs-¡ ... ............ Î Tuesday, Sept. 2. F irst meeting tlce limited to eye, ear, nose anu nf r il . „ Following this there will be a D augherty, 55 Pine St. 287-12* There will be speechs and the pastor will conduct the sixth ' tent8, Unsuecessful, the bear saw th ro at— x -ray Including teeth. > ° ' •»'«<»« social hour and women are asked songs and probably a banquet d u r­ study in St. Johns Gospel. You 8 Cle3" 9hlrt’ belonging to a rang- Office hour,. 10 ,0 12 and 2 to ' \ “ 2 :M - to bring their fancy work. Fancy FOR KENT— Furnished sleep­ ing th a t time. are cordially invited to partici- 6r’ banging from a clothes line, 5. Swedenborg Bldg.. A .h ta a d .! „,eettng ,ollow ‘" ‘ ing rooms, 1165 E ast Main St., work and cards w’ill be the main pate in these studies with us " ith unhes,tating steps, bruin 1 1-2 block from high school. ° ra- Monday and Tneeday. Sept. 8 amu8emrough wiPiag FOR RENT— 6 room house, dence and office. 108 Pioneer U‘ in Lithia Park, An excellent rubbing alco­ Tomlinson. Every member is urg- liever,” will be the Sunday morn- Vhaf - ejaculated the unfor- furnished or unfurnished, also avenue. Telephone 28. Officf hol, which can safely lie Trinity Episcopal Church j ed to be present. ing theme. Union services in the I tunate own«r of the shirt, and furnished apartm ent, Phone 481-J hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 6 I Mrs. F raley E ntertains— ¡V icar the Rev. P. K. Hammond or call 185 Pioneer Ave. 299— tf evening. The pastor will be out runn,ng after the bea»'- took his used externally in any Mrs. Milton Fraley entertained * p. m. only. , Holy Communion at quantity. __________________ j with a very charm ing party at ■ ’ 1,inner P arty — of the city Sunday evening and pr° perty away fro1» the brazen Church School at 9:45. Morning FO R RENT: — Eighty acre DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic i ber borne on Harrison Street ' Mrs- E ' M’ W allin was hostess , will preach for the M. E. pastor Service and sermon at 11. Recommended farm , seven miles east of Ashland and Electro-Therapy. Office I W ednesday evening. The even-»a t a f a r m i n g dinner party held at Yreka, Cal. He has been out Strangers and visitors f o r b r u i s e s, on Pacific highway. For inform a­ most of the city for the past five Sun­ phone 48; residence 142. First ing- Tbe evening was spent in 1 a t h er home Thursday evening at cordially welcomed. tion appy to Mollie Songer, 45 sprains, soreness talking over old times a n d .'sIx ° ’elock- A three-course.din- National Bank building. day evenings. The Bible school Helman St. Ashland. 303-10* j ner was served. The table was school experiences. and stiffness of meets, at 9:45 a. m., J. A. Gear, i F irst Church of Christ, Scientist L ight-w eight MONUMENTS A fter a delightful evening I decorated with flowers. Th? Supt. Young people’s services in j j o i n t s—to r e- FOR R EN T:— Three room fu r­ Pioneer Avenue, South HUNTING BOOT dainty refreshm ents were served 1 guests spent a very pleasant even- the evening at 6:45. Prayer band nished apartm ent, close in. Adults duce fever, etc. MONUMENTS Sunday morning services at 11 j ing. Those entertained were Mrs bv the hostess. $6.75 meets at church Monday evening, only. Call 291-L. 3072t ASHLAND GRANITE o’clock. Subject of lesson “Christ ( out a i n s 85 Those present were Misses? E ’ Detrick and Eugene De­ MONUMENTS Jesu s.” Sunday School at 10 regular prayer meeting W ednes­ Strongly built, but light FO R SALE trick. Edith Moody, Berenice Myers. per cent pure Ethyl alco­ B lair G ranite Co. >n your feet. o’clock. Wednesday ev en in g , day evening; Tarry m eeting Fri- » * * M argaret Van Dyke, Louise Gil­ hol. . day evening at the church. Other FOR SALE— Saw mill, 20.000 PENNISfON, Manager meeting at 8 o’clock lette, Mesdames Lynn Slack, El­ Shower Given— Reading room open daily from ' meetings announced from the pul- Office 175 E. Main capacity; practically new. Box 117 wood Hedburg, Dean Scott, Dom­ A very delightful shower was 2 until 5 p. m., excepting Sun­ pit. Res. Phone 444-Y Montague, Calif. 305— 6 ino Provost. Earl Fraley, Ger- given W ednesday evening a t the B. C. Miller, Pastor days and holidays. INY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May aid W enner and the hostess. Mrs. home of Mrs. Louis Schwein at FOR SALE or TRADE—(160 acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ communicate with Ensign Lee Milton Fraley. her home on Church street in M ethodist E piscopal Church FA L L IN G BLOCK * » * tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, of the Salvation Army at the honor of Miss H arriet Ruger, who 9. J. Chaney, Minister FR A C T U R E S SK U LL North Dakota. If interested call W hlteShleld Home, 565 May- j E ntertains at Luncheon— will be m arried soon. A large The Sunday School will meet or w rite G. S. Butler. 300— lm o fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Mrs. Nan M. Moore entertained num ber of lovely presents were BEND, Aug. 29.— Hit on the at 9:45. Classes are provided I at a charm ing luncheon a t the given to the happy girl. The head by a falling block, Joseph FOR SALE— 6 room house, for all ages and all are welcome. PLANING MILL Plaza Wednesday at one-thirty evening was spent in singing, with or w ithout furniture, easy The pastor will speak a t the Roberts, employe of the Shevlin- ♦ o'clock. A delightful four-course playing and dancing. lORDON’S SASH AND CABINET * term s, Phone 481-J or call 185 morning church service. There Hixon company, sustained a frac­ ♦ Delicious refreshm ents consist­ will be special music. “ The World ture of the skull late yesterday , | W ORKS, Cor. Helman and luncheon was served. The tables Pioneer Ave. 299— tf ♦ were decorated in pink and white O ing of Raggedy Ann ice cream is My P arish ’’ is the topic for near camp No. 3, south of Bend. ( Van Ness. 194tf with clever place cards and pink and different varieties of cake FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers Epworth League meeting at Roberts, who was rigging a sky­ and white sweet peas. Plates were were served by the charm ing hos-J 6 the T R A N SFER AND E X PR E SS milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- :4 5. Union service at the line to a tall spar when the acci­ dor.s, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* W h ittle T ransfer & Storage Co '.aid for six. teas. A pleasant evening was en Presbyterian church at 8 p. m. dent happened, was hu rt when he On the night of September Second, Ashland for SERVICE. The guests of the luncheon Joyed by all and they parted wish attem pted to divert the falling K!an No. 10, Realm of Oregon, will be host to a Experienced movers and pack­ were Mesdames Nate Bates, Nina ing Miss R uger much happiness block from a fellow w orker on F irst C ongregational Church I NEGOTIATE SALES gathering here of Klansmen from all over the Cane, Sanford, W. H. McNair, The guests for the evening were the rpar below h im ., ■" , I ers of household goods. Deal­ W. Judson Oldfield, Minister state. strang of Medford and Miss Misses Fay Beebe of Centra) D on’t get excited about It, but i ers in coal and wood. Phone Boulevard and Main street. 117. Strang, also of Medford and the Point, Thelma Bond, Medford Juat bear in m ind that now is a | TO BOOST MEMBERSHIP Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with The features of the evening will be a big Kian good tim e to buy real esta te in hostess, Mrs. Moore. Office 89 Oak St. near Mabel Trott, Velta Ockley, Mar­ MARSHFIELD, Aug. 29. — i classes for all grades and ages. A shland. * * * parade and the burning of a huge fiery cross Hotel Ashland jorie Gillette, Alice Browrn, Ber Bring your Bible. Morning ser- Jacob D- Allen, organizer of th e ' Family Reunion— I have a good little restaurant that will illuminate the entire town. nice Flackus, Beth and Joyce vice a t 11; subject “ Seeking Fruit state chamber of commerce, is at J POWELL—-G eneral Trans- fo r sale, $ 5 0 0 w ill tak e it. A very delightful family reun Johnson, Carol Van Dyke, Leona fer Good team and motor , ion was held Sunday at the home Ahlström , Alice Ruger, Elberl rnd Finding None.” Christian En- Coos Bay to stage membership j ” The meeting will be punctuated bv the pres­ Good country store business on trucks. G rod service at a r e a - ' of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. P o rter of Greet, Jessie G uthrie, May Had deavor at 6:45 p. m. The even- ettmpaigns for the North Bend and paved highway, $3000 will handl«- ence, from Portland of the Grand Dragon of th e ing service will be the union s e r-; Marshfield chambers of commerce. ' it. •‘»ouab.’e price. Phone 83. ■ Eighth street. A family dinner field, H arret Ruger and Mesdames icalm and his official family. vice of all the churches at the The importance of enlisting new , was given in the park and the Fred Cushing, Johnny Shortridge « I have another big surprise for Presbyterian church at 8. Pray- ’»am bers was recognized this su m -1 FEHIGE-ROACH <> afternoon was spent there. I he paiade will form on Main stii*ot and inarch you very soon. B u t d on ’t get ex­ Jewel Lockhart, Pearl H arkins of er meeting every Wednesday mer and the need for more funds I > Transfer — Express — Storage t > cited . J u st buy som e of the good Those present were Mr. and , Medford. Robert H errin, Adrian evening at 7:30, continuing the was also apparent. Urgent work thru town proceeding thence, to a large open < > Hauling — Dray work of all Mrs. Charles Faught of Klamath i Wolf and Allen Antry. o fferin gs. space where, following an address by (he Grand book of the Gospel of John. The was undone this year and it I have anoth er good net 15 | ^ erV,CeL Dr_y Falls and daughter, Dorothy, Mr. , • • • subject for next W ednesday even- !• *3 Proposed to be on a bettor Dragon, those interested in (be inner workings wood of all kinds. Thone 410-R and Mrs. A rthur Fern of Fern \ W’. C. T. U. Meets__ p er cen t Income property. Ing will be “ The A ttracting Pow- footing for 1925. ♦ ; 375 B. St. ol the order will have an opportunity to witness _______ Valley, 112-tf Harold Porter, Mr. Lar-1 The W. C. T. U. held their ♦ or of The Cross." The public is --------------------------- the Naturalization Ceremony of the Kian. The sen of Talent and Mr. and Mrs. j monthly meeting Tuesday at the «onttatly tnvt.Pd p ENULET()N Al|S 29 _ El8„, S T A P L E S ’ AGENCY r, , c - °- P o rter. Mrs. Faught was I Library. On account of the Con­ Exalted ( yelops will consider applications for O ffice, H otel A shland Bldg. C onsregationat ,lps o t t!l„ ber ,and or a smooth shave ! form erly Miss Elsie Larson of this , vention to be held next m onth hu“ l, ¡S O C IE T Y : s° XX 8 C 8CS RE MUSCLES t Rubbing Alcohol AT THE OVERLAND McNair Brothers Shoe Shop Kian to Hold Huge Ceremonial Here P hone 2 0 S h e l f » irb e r 1“ ’’ a° d “ T F er° W“ ' ‘h6 eleCt,0', ot 0l,i" !r9 „ h • Krol!" a,e ° ! « II"» meeting. Mr». Will Davis ph i, , \ PS ■* ligh 8ch° o1, w«9 elected president; Mrs C ch Idren get jo u r hair t Mr. and Mrs. J a u g h t have re-i W. Fraley, vice president- Mrs bobbed and marcel ( turned to th eir home by way of H. G. W olcott, treasu rer; Miss MISCELLANEOUS GET YOU STOVE repaired at Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.» AD VERTISEM EN T FOR PRO­ POSALS TO CONSTRUCT CE­ M ENT SIDEW ALK S. ______ “o th e c The F irst Preebyterlan Church Ashland, Ore. J. C. Mergler. M inister Our Sunday School, opening at i C rater Lake. May Benedict, Recording secre :45, cordially welcomes all who W. A. SHELL, Prop. d - i , . t3ry 3Dd Mrs' Lu,u Howard cor- will study God's Word with us. »32 A. St. Ashland. O n | 1 " b Meetin« responding secretary. The com- ______ The first m eeting of the Wo- m lttees for the organization will Classes with com petent teachers are provided for both old and Umatilla and W hitman national forests are closed areas on account ; of fire hazard and will not be open when the deer season be gins September 1, according to a statem ent at the district supervi sor’s office. The land is south- east of Uk'ah and is a mecca every; year fo'r hunters from several counties. Citizenship in the Invisible Umpire at that time. It is the aim of the Ashland Kian to become le tte r acquainteil with the jieoplc of our town and we invite your presence at a public, ceremon­ ial ol an order which, founded on the principles o f PURE AMERICANISM ami COURAGE has stirred the entire nation. O N S T IP A T 1O N Harm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Always relief in taking th a t sealed proposals will be re­ ceived by the Common Council C H A M B E R L A IN ’S TABLETS of the City of Ashland, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock P. M., T>.n«,ia u j E>*y Ple>**nt^ eHective—only 25« a I Septem ber 2nd, 1924, to furnish NOGALES, Ariz.. Aug. 3 u . __ all m aterial and labor necessary j Two of the most prominent fam -' to construct cement sidewalks on ilies in Mexico will be united in the westerly side of Granite s tr e e t! Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, when : from the south line of Nutley the m arriage of Miss Anita May- street to a point approxim ately j torena. of this city to Antonio 1304 feet southerly along G ranite Villasenor, Mexico City banker, street, said point being the south-i takes place September 15. Miss erly line of property owned by i Maytorena is a niece of Pepe May- F rank Jordan. torena, form er Governor of Sonora A certified check for $25.00 and now a resident of Los An- j payable to the City of Ashland geles. California. m ust accompany all bids, which ----- ----- •— - 1 is to be forfeited to the City In case the successful bidder shall fail to execute a contract and furnish an approved bond for the faithful perform ance of the con-1 tra c t within five days after n o ti-, arc »early to g iv e you the flcation of acceptance of the bid. service w hich has m ade our Bidders must examine the i work so satisfactory to all ground in order th a t no m isunder­ w h ose houses w e have pointed standing may exist. The council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The contract price is to be paid from special assessm ents for bene­ fits accruing from such sidewalks to the respective properties. All bids should be addressed to the City Recorder and m arked “ Proposal to Construct Cement j Sidew alk.” By order of the Common C o « i - | ^ | | . O l l l P i l l f lllC ell of the City of Ashland, Oregon. G ertrude Biede, Recorder. Date of first publication. Aug­ ust 23. 1924. 302-2 Sat. The Big W hite T ent I ì I ili ! Î Our Painters I***» I I ¡1 J. O. RIGO IG DOINGS! You have a date with Joy — and Paramount I One week in every year Paramount hands the world, and you, an entertainment bonus, something very extra special like deep dish apple pie with rich crust and double extra cream! This is the Week! Paramount’s the dish and you’re the feaster! Step up, step up, for if it’s a Paramount Picture it’s the best show in town. B M o o u c i o av I F amous h x y m - U s w r C om A0OUH4 ZUKOA-PKKSI06MT Miw vomi trrv Frank & King’s Comedians PR EPA R E FOR RACE LOS ANGELES, Aug. 30. — ' Speed-boat owners here are p u t- ! | ting th eir craft into shape for the ! ninety-nine-mile gold cup race set for Septem ber 7. Sally Ann ASHLAND joins in the Paramount Week Celebration of the T h eatre M EDFORD Greater Movie Season! Sunday & M onday “Sins of Society” Aug. 31—-Sept. 1 W A L T E R H IE R S IN BREAD The favorite with the women who know how to bake bread. “FAIR WEEK” COMING Sept. 5-6 Sept. 2, 3, 4 RICH A RD D IX and LO IS W ILSO N AGNES A Y RES “ICE BOUND” “B L U F F’’ IN “Uncle Tonis Cabin” Lithia Bakery If ifs a P a ra m o u n t P ic tu r e i t ’s t h e " h i» « + " « h « w ' +