two AsktA.Vî) b i t i t TTOttiÖS A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S I growers have a good crop and a good price. (Established in 1876) “ There is a good beginning for fall expectations in , this increased purchasing power for a large part of the tarni population. Already reports from the west tell of the stimulating effects upon business. Moreover, the P u b lished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. | X ‘X A Z T ° f larg C T C0“ ° n CT0P ‘ h a n ' aS‘ y e a ‘' S S S S 5 p r e d i c t i o n s as to business conditions are —-------------------------- ~ ------------------------------t- “ ""im ad e by newspapers in all of the great middle western Subscription Price, Delivered In City ''heat belt. I lie latest is trom a middle western member One M o n th ...... ------ $ .*5 Three Months who is sending out a message printed to imitate' a tele- Six M onths......................................... ..................................................... 3 75 gram but called a “ 'Wheat-o-gram.” Among other things One Year 7.6« i it says: “ We’re in a buying mood out here. Business is By Mall and Rural Routes: On« M o n th ......... .65 going to be good for advertisers.” Three Months ... 3.50 I 4 southern newspaper is devoting pages of space to Six M onths____ One Year ......... 6 .5 0 jearryiog on a “ Better Business Campaign” in its own ----»section. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: 81ngle Insertion, per inch ......'................................ Yearly C ontracts: I .30 On« insertion a week ....................................... 27% Two insertions a week ................................ A lonely town would be one as deserted as the hitch­ 25 Daily Insertion ................................... ing post in front of a saloon. 20 Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising F irst insertion, per 8 point line .......................... $ 10 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ..........................................ns 05 I Man is made of dust. In this age of prohibition, if Card of T hanks___ ___________. . . ............ ................... ............ 1.00 Obituaries, per line............... .02 % ! he doesn’t remain dry, his name is mud. WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ‘All future events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection taken in Advertising lah>„. No discount will be allöwed Religious or Benevolent orders. __ , DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis­ ing or *ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. AUGUST « 0 BEHOLD AT 1 \ ENINGTIDE trouble; and before the mornin he is not. This is e portion of them th a t spoil us, and the lot of them th at rob us.— iaiah 17:14. News from Egypt is bad. The women want American clothes. If they get them, they are going to be sunburned in lots of places. The difficulty in turning immigrants into good .Amer­ icans is to find a model to work bv. The modern parent promises his son an auto if he doesn m’t drink or smoke until he is twelve. ’ S. RINGS OPEN TO ALL The management of The Natural Carbonic eompanv of this city has announced that the Pompadour Lithia collarA losing proposition would be holding down a “ white ”” job in Pittsburgh. springs has been opened to the public and that all are invited to visit the famous spring for drinking purposes. refused to sign. Then he went The Tidings feels that eventually the main attraction to th e hotel to wash up. A little to this city will be the natural Lithia springs—attraction later the sheriff came w ith the as well as revenue producer for tbe city. Ashland is for­ d istrict attorney and signed for tunate in its location and facilities for its development the reprieve, saying he guessed it as a tourist resort and the citizens should keep this one was all right after all. “ When they took me into the idea in mind when planning the city’s development. ja il,” said Mr. H arris, in recalling Many localities with far inferior resort attractions have the experience recently, “ the man developed the tourist and health-seeker business to the The following is a clipping from was crying and shouting for joy. point where it brings in millions of dollars annually to the American Magazine for Aug­ They told him I was the boy ust, 1924, and tells of the inter­ the community. who had saved his life, and he esting experience of C. A. H arris, This company lias done a commendable act in open­ local W estern Union telegraph grabbed me in his arm s and hug­ ged me, and the atten d an ts had ing the springs for drinking purposes. m anager at Ashland. This is from SENTENCED TO DIE a time of it getting me free. the article, “ These Boys Are Al­ ways Out But Never Down.” WILL ADVERTISE THE COUNTY But perhaps no messenger evei The plan of the Jackson county fair to urge each got the equal of the hugging that tourist visiting this region during the week of the fair to a man condemned to be hanged he the guests of the association during the fair davs will gave C. A. H arris in the jail of bring the products of the county more forcibly to the at­ Jackson County, Oregon, one w intry morning several years ago. tention of the tourists than by any other plan. M bile speeding hrough the county, the average tour­ H arris, now m anager at Ashland, was then a messenger j ist does not pay much attention to the products raised Oregon, there. He was waked up at 2:00 ( Of the 16 counties involved in on the farms and orchards bordering the highway and a. m. by the night operator. The 1 California outbreak of the it is difficult to cajole them into an exhibit building; but governor of the state had chang­ the foot-and-mouth disease, 14 are the bizarre attraction of the fair and the horse races ed his mind during the night, and now considered entirely free from will pursuade many of them to linger longer than tliev was anxious to reprieve a man infection, another is probably would otherwise and will emphasize the great fertilitv who was to be hanged th a t m orn­ free, and the final one — Tuo­ ing in Jacksonville. The gover­ and variety of products of Jackson county land. The nor wanted the W estern Union to lumne — still contains a small but baffling center of suspected more tourists that pass into the gates as the guests of the deliver the reprieve to the sheriff, infection. This statem ent of the lair association, the more boosting Jackson county will tw enty miles away, in time to halt situation was made August 22 ' the execution. receive when they return home. TO SMALL AREAS B efore Taxis j wa n X t b o ib ^ l^ W , t e , t a i , , i n g lt h a t 8t, S° Cial 8 a th C T in g S \ou see the best looking women clustered around him just for the joy of hearing him talk. Instead of giving wav to Ills pain, he ge s joy from work that makes him forget the pain. “ The secret of liis happiness lies in the fact that he loves to do things for others. I owe mv first real magazine opportunity to him.” SHOT AT RECKLESS SPEEDER (Roseburg News-Review) The tourist who took a shot at a passing automobile a few miles north ol Roseburg Monday, after the speeder had almost driven him to the ditch, probably took the view that he was shooting in self-defense. It is a chronic habit with some fellows to cut in ahead of other machine i thereby endangering the lives of the occupants, and while we do not advise cold lead as a remedy for these demons, their tactics are nothing short of murder and some dras­ tic remedy will necessarily have to he applied before they are bi ought to the realization that our highways were not made for the purpose ot slaughtering human beings. BUSINESS IMPROVING J he maiket statisticians ot the big banks are turning to an optimistic' view of the immediate business future. The National ( ity bank in its review of economic condi­ tions for August says: “ A marked revival of business is not expected to make an appearance in the midsummer season, but a change of sentiment for the better has been observed in the last halt of July. It has been due in large part to the remarkable rise in the prices of the farm staples which heretofore have been the source of most of the pessimism abroad in the land. The west hesitated at first to believe that anything as good could possibly be true but when hogs went over the $10 mark the most skeptical were obliged to admit that a change had come' across the face of affairs. All reports agree that the outlook for business has improved very much in the wheat and ht>g territory, which includes all of the west. Admitting that the corn crop will be short, with a fine crop of oats to help out on stock feed, there will be enough com for fattening pur­ poses to bring good returns on a full crop. The wheat “ “ prieve was authentic. “ Must be som ethiug wrong about this, young fellow,” he said. “ I was talking to the governor’s office last night before the tele­ phone office closed, and he said he wouldn’t interfere.” by Dr. John R. Mohler, chief of ef any - stock. Still other inspec­ be inspected repeatedly while On the Bureau or Animal Industry, tors are watching the passes ihe tra il and test anim als will small when compared with lo ss« occurring annually in foreign United States Departm ent of Ag­ which the animals use in going to be placed on the home ranches I countries where (he disease is riculture, following a trip of in­ the different mountain feed in g . to which the stock belong. Next » present in chronic form. Through spection through the portions of grounds. year the infected areas will be effective quarantine m easures and California visited by the livestock To Close Forests entirely closed to livestock as a other safeguards, outbreaks of plague. The men, working under the J precautionary measure. j foot-and-mouth disease in the None of the 14 counties which direction of the supervising F e d -• In commenting on these final , United States have averaged only the disease is considered eradicat­ eral inspector, are under orders steps for suppressing the Cali­ one a decade for the last 4 0 years. ed have experienced any recur­ to make inspections when pos­ fornia outbreak of foot-and-mouth rence of infection for more than sible, but, when estray animals two months. Los Angeles County, are found on infected range and i disease, Dr. Mohler stated that Sweet cream for whipping and where the disease at one time was { can not be approached closely.l the entire cost of eradicating the coffee— also fresh milk, always 4 serious menace, but which is to shoot them in their tracks. disease promises to be extremely on ice at the Plaza. 239— tf now probably safe, lias experienc­ These anim als are buried deeply, ; ed no flare-up since August 3. In­ a record being kept of the brands spectors are using test anim als for the purpose of paying in- ! there, as elsewhere, to make cer­ demnity. The central camp is 2 6 tain th a t the disease is e n tire ly ! miles from the nearest city and ’ $1.00 eradicated. travel during the last eight miles j U nder Siege of th a t distance is by horseback, s Tuolumne County has present­ Owing to the high altitude, cold I 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. ed unusual difficulties in eradi­ w eather is already beginning to cation work throughout the en­ kill the vegetation on the moun-1 RELISH tire outbreak, due to the brok­ tain pastures and within a few Dill Pickles Ripe Olives en and rugged character of the weeks the stock will begin to SOUP Cream of Chicken A la Rane land. It contains forests, can- j move tow ard the home ranches. : SALAD yons, and m ountains, including i All stock driven from the for­ H earts of Lettuce, Thousand Island Dressing high peaks. Travel is largely by ■ est by snow and cold w eather will ENTREES horseback. But even there all F ric a se e of C hicken en R eso ta known diseased herds have been Stewed Chicken Marango ROASTS slaughtered and buried, and the Roast Young Chicken, Giblet Sauce range cattle in the less accessible Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus portions, comprising part of the Baked Sugar ( ured Ham, rasin sauce Stanislaus National Forest are VEGETABLES under a state of siege. Most of Mashed Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes Creamed C arrots and Peas the anim als are on the high moun­ DESSERT tain pastures, and move about so 1 « Cream and Cake Peach J e |,„ freely th a t though inspection of all the anim als is impracticable. A force of 50 picked veterinar­ WITH ians w orking out from a central camp is constantly making in­ spections, however. These men are supplemented with 12 others who with pack horses are en­ in small and large sizes gaged in “picket duty” and con­ LABOR DAY NITE stantly circle the infected area ; Guns, ammunition, hunting and fishing licenses MONDAY, SEPT. 1st to prevent the ingress or e g re ss ! Special Sunday Dinner NELDA CAFE Frank & King’s O E S E R ’S Ashland Service Station HIGH PRESSURE ALEMITE GREASING THE TKZAK» EIAJTtHÀ. G FINISHING TODAY Army Goods Store FAIR GROUNDS PAVILION MEDFORD Som ething has m ade th ese dances th e lpost popular frolics in the V alley. W hat is it? Come and find out. Frank & King’s Super Jazz Orchestra A dm ission $ 1 .1 0 , Tax included Ladies Free A real benefit for your car A real satisfaction for you New ears are equipped with Alemite fittings If yours is not, we will equip it and make a new car out of it A lem ite F ittin g s are a neces­ sary equipm ent not a fancy luxury. We have th e only (2000 HIGH pound) A Real Service Station Some Women Try •» All Stoves but most of them return to the electric range as 4he surest for cooking. If the World Went Dry i a lu ° f WetS and w° talk of d r>’3- But suppose the orld, which is so wet, because it’s three-fourths w ater all ol a sudden went dry, what would happen? E'®r>'body and ,lis wife would ’phone the plumber And when the answ er came back, ” No w ater— nothing d o in g ” the human race would become panic stricken. . Ih ® panic would be short, for death would wipe every living thing from the earth. W ater is our greatest blessing. And the plum ber’s work is to keep that blessfng pure and to deliver it where it is needed when it is needed. . y 111?0“ 1 Pure w ater tbpre would be no life. W ithout the plum ber there would be no cities, no tall buildings little health and less happiness. »uiiaings, little »nd Enjoy this o,d world, with pure water piped to you and im P«re waste piped away from you. Make the most ot your bathroom, and your kitchen sink, and everythin«: the plumber offers for your comfort and convenience ' h Be glad the world is w e t- wet with plenty of water. Jerry O’Neal The U N IV E R S A L Phone 138 Plumbing T he DR. OESER & SON Are Y oh Going to College? Then you will want one of these Practically every car in Ashland todav needs some replacements. What does yours need? CORONA Typewriters WE H/ll/E SUNDAY and MONDAY or the PORTABLE REMINGTON Farran-Oid Fan Belts Asith which to do the mass of w riting th at confronts you. AV hy not go prepared? A typew riter will cut your work in half. Se us for machines. The nessenger called the night watchman to witness th a t he had brought the telegram , had deliv­ ered it, and th a t the officer had Books and Stationery ELH A R T’S For Every Car Paints Thai W ill Remain Beautiful A Car Burns— A Complete Loss Are you insured against the loss of your car by fire? It is inconsistent to carry fire insur­ ance on your house and then place an uninsured car in an uninsured garage. You need complete automobile insurance protection. Let us explain the policies to you. - We sell The Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes, because we have found that these paints and var­ nishes contain the quality of materials which guar­ antees the maximum beauty and durability. Call on th is agency of the H artford F ire Insurance Co., for a ll form s o f A utom obile Insurance. Real E state & Real Insurance Estab. 1883 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 For Every Car {; Warren Gear ami t Pinions ♦ Steal ing Gears and Bolts For Every Car Bearings For Every Car For Every Car Detroit Springs Washburn Valves For Every Car For Every Car “ Timing Gears For Every Car Axles For Every Car Stromberg Carbure­ tors—Parts For Every Car SUDDEN SERVICE For Every Car WE HAVE SEVERAL Expert Painters & Cparumounl Qictare Billings Agency Kelly Tires For Every Car Drug Bund 'ies Toilet Goods C T C Tires The above sketch w as m ade from an actual photograph Heath) j; What Are Your j Auto Needs? Ashland Electric Supply “The Next Corner” Not R elieved 207 E. Main is the favorite of these boosters of electric ran fs 240 E ast Main St. “One Cylinder Love” j Biggest Little Store in Ashland T his is the ONLY thorough and ap-to-date m ethod COMPRESSOR in town w . 0 . D. Wool Long Pants Comedians PRESSURE This was years ago, before the THE HAPPIEST MAN era of taxicabs, and H arris, then “ The happiest man in my acquaintance has more a youth in his teens, set out at cause to be unhappy than any man in mv acquaintance,” th ree a. m., driving two horses to says Ray Long in Hearst’s International. “ He is lame, a rig and carrying the reprieve in his coat pocket. It began to and he can’t be cured; lie is in constant pain, and lie can’t snow. The roads were already he relieved; he carries excess weight, and lie can’t get muddy from a rain. Finally, the thm. rig got stuck in the mud and in “ Yet in the years I have known this man, I have its efforts to pull out, the team never heard him grouch at his fate. I have never known broke the buggy pole. H arris hap­ to have a pair of pliers. him to show irritation; I have never heard him knock a pened He cut wire from a nearby fence, fellow worker or a fellow man. repaired the break, and finally Instead of letting his obesity worrv him, he wrote' got ou* tbe mu