PAOk W»0B SM *............ »*............... .................................. .......................+ | LOCAL I ND PERSONAL NOTES M JU i. g i u ■ ■ _ _ r - i ii . i l . , -j L A D aily Chronic a o f th ose w h o com e and go, and event« o f local interest. Here— riday, August 20, V isit Here«— Mfa. ôèiiâ Dôûtsey afld daugH-. ters Mary and Florence of Chiusa, California are visiting at the home I’ of W irt M. W right of Beach street. Miss Mary is the post­ m istress for Calusa. A ten pound Baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Gale of Hornbrook last night at the Con­ valescent Home. Mother and son are doing nicely. Special Labor day dance. Jack- son Hot Springs, Monday, Sept. 1. The famous Metropole Orchestra will entertain you. Dancing until 1:00 A. M. 307-2 V isitin g H e r e - R eturn From Trip — Special Labor day dance, Jack- Mrs. W. H. Graham and chil­ Mrs. E. B. H unt and daughters son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. dren K atherine and Billy of San K atherine and R uth and Mrs. The famous Metropole O rchestra i B ernardino, Calif., and Mrs. R. L ettie E astburn returned yester­ will entertain you. Dancing until J. Graham and son, C. A. Graham day from their trip up the Rogue 307-2 of Davis Creek, Calif., are visiting River. They have been gone for 1:00 A. M. To Eugene— ’ w ith th e W right family on Beach about a week and reported a very In A s h l a n d - street. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Humphrey enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Estes of and son, Francis, made a short trip to Eugene this week. They Because of unforseen circum ­ San Francisco have been visiting earing is waived returned late W’ednesday even­ stances the stu n t party at the In Ashland at the home of A. B. BY SMOKE VIOLATORS Shelby on Iowa street. ing. C hristian church has been called off for tonight. - 307-1 EUGENE, Aug. 29. — Charles Dance Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. Ask your grocer ' r Mrs. Bon- Penfield, charged with smoking fijr’s home-made su 1 dressing. Superlite auto finish; g u aran­ Aug. 30th. — Metropole Orches­ in a prohibited area on Salt creek tra. - 306-2 296— Imo* teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. in the Cascade national forest, 298— tf waived exam ination before E. O. Give Food Sale— The crowds will be at HARDY Immel, United States commission­ The ladies of the C hristian BROS. Saturday and Tuesday. M other Hl— er, here yesterday, and was bound 307-2t Mrs. D. B. Blue has been at church will give a cooked food over to the federal grand jury. home for the past two days on sale at H ardy’s Grocery Store next A w arrant has been Issued for Saturday from ten a. m. to four Takes Vacation— account of the sickness of her the a rre st of T. C. McElhaney, E. M. Wallin of Swift and Com mother. Mrs. Blue is employed p. m. charged with the same offense, pany took a short fishing trip to in E nder's Dry Goods depart­ H ave you visited th e O regon and another man will be cited to Rogue River yesterday. He re­ ment C aves? • appear, according to Nelson F. ported the unusual luck. These great n atu ral wonders Macduff, superintendent of the Because of unforseen circum­ are attractin g people from far and Cascade national forest. Complete line of Ashland Can stances the stu n t party a t the near; the num ber of visitors this ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf Christian church has been called season being greatly in excess of TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY off for tonight. 307-1 any previous season. 307-1 A real party! At the Fair Grounds Pavilion Sat! Finest We deliver the goods— Detricks V isitin g in A s h l a n d - Convalescent Home.— We have "Open-Air” Floor in the State. 94-tf th e prettiest baby in Jackson Mrs. C. W. Wilcox and daugh­ Modern Syncopated melody, by county, C arroll Gwendoline Whit®, ters, M argaret and Mildred and the famous Jewell Orchestra! Special Labor day dance. Jack- three days old. Everybody is rav ­ nephew Glenn Pleffinger are in son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. ing over her beauty. Come and Ashland visiting at the home of To Lake — The famous Metropole O rchestra i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hake of see her. John Rigg left this afternoon will entertain you. Dancing until FOR RENT:— Three room fu r­ for the Lake of the Woods where 1:00 A. M. 307-2 Bush street. They a re from To­ ledo, Oregon and expect to remain nished apartm ent, close in. A dults he will visit the Boy Scout camp here until Sunday. only. Call 291-L. 3072t R eturn to A shland — for the rest of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Jam es and Its HARDY BROS, birthday. Waive W ithrow, who have been see th eir add. 307-2t in K lam ath Falls attending the funeral of the late Chas. W ithrow, Health giving whole wheat returned to Ashland Wednesday. bread a t The Llthla Bakery. They were accompanied by Mrs. Mary McDonald who will visit Leaves for San Francisco — here for about a week. Mrs. Guy Cary left this a fte r­ noon for San Francisco where she Sweet cream for whipping and will visit friends and relatives for coffee— also fresh milk, always several weeks. on Ice at the Plaza. 239— tf H New Fall A rri vals Staples Auction Because of unforseen circum ­ tf stances the stu n t party at the Christian church has been called Jewel Orchestra! Fair Grounds! off for tonight. 307-1 Saturday night! Hoane From V acation— New wool goods in plain, small checks and fancy plaids. Priced at $1.00 to $3.75 yard. In A shland— Reverand Chaney and family Miss M argaret Devereaux ot returned yesterday from a three Medford was in Ashland W ednes­ weeks trip spent at Twin Falls day on business. Special Labor day dance, Jack- Of course there will be a big son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. dance at Jackson Hot Springs The famous Metropole Orchestra Saturday, Aug. 30th.— Metropole will entertain you. Dancing until Orchestra. 306-2 1:00 A. M. 307-2 The last time HARDY BROS had an add in the TIDINGS they were swamped with business.— This Is their best— SHOP EARLY. 307-2t H New Sweaters in new shades, with col­ lars and cuffs of contrasting stripes, and collar effects that are new. Sold Cabin— It was today reported th at R obert Vining had bought Miss Georgia Coffee’s cabin a t Lake of the Woods. Ladies and children’s hair cut­ J. J. Miller, district freight and ting. Powder Puff Beauty P a r­ 293-tf passenger agent for th e Southern lor. Pacific In Klam ath T'alls was in. Ashland W ednesday n business. le a v e s for San F r a n c is c o - Frank Ssnkey and family will Paulsernd’s suits sell for less, loave Monday for San Francisco — — ’ to make th eir home. Mr. Sankey W hisk Brooms— McNair Bros. has been in th e advertising and Talcs for Summer comfort, 25c sign painting business here. — McNair Bros. PAINTER^: — Beagle and Beagle; day work or contract; A t K lam ath F alls— 305-tf Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. M »xx of estim ates free. Box 171. Ashland were in Klam ath Falls Sunday for a visit. Mrs. N ettle Life is too short to miss the big Sherlock returned with them and dance a t Jackson Hot Springs will spend a week visiting here. Sat. Aug. 30th.— Metropole Or­ chestra. Syncopatin fools of fun. j B urton Dancing School, Mem­ 306-2 ! orial Hall. Open dally. A fter­ noon 2 to 3. evening 7 to 9. Cleaning and pressing at Orres, 307-tf Phone 64. 200__tf < ► Sterling Coats are here in the latest shacles, plain and fur trimmed. A line of very fine Misses and small women’s coats at $16.75. For the school days there are materials and wearing apparel still on sale for the last day of August. Look over the $1.00 specials of hosiery, underwear, bloomers, goivns and combinations. i n tn u n » ♦ •» **> *♦ ♦ « > > • End ! R eturn Home— Follow the crowd to Jackson The ladies of the Christian Hot Springs Sat.’ Aug. 30th.— Me- Raymond Flnneran, who h a s ' Mrs. Burton Green of Klam ath Syncopatin been working on the railroad near < Falls and Mrs. Clayton Smith of Church will give a cooked food tropole Orchestra. 306-2 Tahoe, returned to Ashland this 1 Keno, who have been visiting sale — H ardy’s Grocery — Satur­ fools of fun. morning for a short stay. , friends and relatives in Ashland day, Aug. 30, 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. 308-2 W orld Travelers and Medford, returned to their pronounce the Oregon Caves one Cliff Payne m akes Tables. homes last evening. ! Special Labor day dance,. Jack- of the Oregon Caves one of the The crowds will be at HARDY Its HARDY BROS, birthday, son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. of the greatest geological wonders BROS. Saturday and Tuesday. see their add. 307-2t The famous Metropole O rchestra they have ever visited. Southern will entertain you. Dancing until Oregon people should see thia 307-2t 1:00 A. M. - 307-2 great Bcenic attraction right here HONESTY Is my POLICY. Yeo, R eturn H om e— a t home before visiting lesser a t­ of course. 212— tf Rough Rider— tractions at a distance. 307-1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Enders re­ About 9:15 this morning, men turned today from a trip to In A shland— Mrs. Audrey Trobee of San W alla W alla where Mr. Enders Mrs. Jack Severing, formerly in Main street business offices heard a noise which indicated th a t Francisco has opened her beauty attended the Kiwanls Convention. Miss Zona D eter and employee lr. the world might be coming to an shop In the Mills building. Call the Citizen’s Bank here is It end. It proved a false alarm , 103 for appointm ent. 297-tf Get your baby’s milk from a Ashland visiting with friends ano however, as Ken MacWllliams was certified herd, 10c per quart relatives. only Jockeying a Fordspn tra c to r SPECIAL atten tio n to AUTO­ Llnlnger Dairy. Phone 396R. up the street for Its m orning ex­ MOBILE Insurance; better terms MARCEL AND CURL LAST 306-tl ercise. and low er rates. Yeo, of course. LONGER after a Golden Glint Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf HARDY BROS, are closed all Shampoo. WANTED— One or two passen­ day Monday. 307-2t Give yourself a tre a t and comt gers for Bellingham, W ashington. D alles E d itor Here Inquire Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Hicks and Jane Snedicor has moved from to the big dance, Jackson Hot Saturday. Private car. Ashland Vulcanizing works. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hicks of The the Deuel Dept. Store to No. 3 Springs, Sat. Aug. 30.— Metropole 308-1* Dalles were here Thursday visit­ B artlett St. connecting with the Orchestra. 306-2 ing Miss Blanche Hicks. K. L. Vanity Shop In Medford. The Special Labor day dance, Jack- Hicks is editor of The Dalles A rt Shop Unique will make de­ 111 At M edford—— signing, a rt dyeing and interior Miss Virginia Dew, who has son Hot Springs, Mon. Sept. 1st. Chronicle. They were re tu rn la g decorations its specialties. been seriously ill at the Commun­ The famous Metropole O rchestra a fte r a visit at C rater Lake. 296-3 Sat. ity Hospital in Medford is im­ will entertain you. Dancing until 307-2 P o st Office to d o s e — proving. but her condition is still 1:00 A. M. Monday, September first being Visiting Here— .............................. critical. She is ill wth acute Idaho. a legal holiday the Ashland post- Miss Minnie Knutson of Tacoma peritonitis. Leave F or Cost— office will close with service the Is visiting at the Parson home. Frank P o tter and family will same as on Sunday. The general She will be here for several The last time HARDY BROS, leave tomorrow for Crescent City delivery and stam p window will week«. had an add In the TIDINGS they where they will spend the next be open, for the convenience of were swamped with business. — two weeks visiting. tourists from 8 to 9 a. m. There Madden sei.s Balloon tires. This Is their best. SHOP EARLY. will be no city carrier service »r 246-tf 207-2t A nother big dance, Jackson Hot ru ral delivery service but mall HARDY BROS, are closed all Dance Saturday night, Gold Hill Springs, Sat. Aug. 30th. — Me­ will be received and dispatched as day Monday. 307-2t pavilion. 306-3* tropole O rchestra — Syncopatin usual. foo'.s of fun. 306-2 W atch for Land Sale. » ♦ n ............... .... ♦ • of Season Clean-Up Sale i i l m e n K ? tnSbommel’-5lalT n4r must 80 in this FinaI dean-U p Sale. Cost of ing daily 1 f b consldered- We must make room for Fall merchandise arriv- Wool Dresses Going Spring Coats Going at 1-2 regular prices at 1-2 regular prices I $34.50 $29.75 $22.50 $19.75 $16.50 Wool Wool Wool Wool Wool Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, now now now now now $35.00 $29.75 $25.00 $19.95 $14.98 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring now now now now now $17.50 $14.85 $12.50 $9.98 $7.48 Summer Wash Dresses at 1-3 Less Regular Prices; made of canton Crepe, (hope, Satin and ( 'repe-de-t ‘bine. at 1-4 Less Regular Prices: made of fine Linens and Scotch Ging­ hams. Wool Sweaters Silk Blouses Less 25% in Coat Styles Less 231-3% NEW FALL MERCHANDISE New Coats Less 25% NOW ON DISPLAY New Dresse Made with big F ur Collars and Silk linings. Priced $29.75 to $59.95 STORE CLOSED All Dav Moniinv LABOR DAY Coats, Coats, Coats, Coats, Coats, Silk Di •esses Goinji Wool Dress Skirts -♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » $17.25 $14.85 $11.25 $9.85 $8.25 New Woolens See the new Silk Dresses, made of Satin Crene rio ri Crepe. P Priced $14.95, $19.75, $22.50, $29.75 r n “• Wool Dress Goods in fanev checks and stripes. Priced yd $2.98, $3.25, $3.98 * A P e rrv , , , . , ISAAC fix CO "The Quality Store" " »■ ■<•««<■« i,,, 14. i>„„ Priced S I. 2 A and g I.(if) ♦ » » » » OUR BIRTHDAY SPECIAL 2 BIG DAYS-SATURDAY and TUESDAY AT HARDY U RttOTHFPQ HE AT BIG ENDERS’ grocery department n U IllIL R J T BIG STORE ^ 7 i S haye eXi a Cl6rkS t0 Care f0r your need;- Guara»tee the same courteous service that has made this store the most popular trading place in Southern Oregon. here are a few of the specials we are going to offer SOAPS are sure to go higher, and only the best of buying en­ ables us to give you 30 Bars Sunny pps Monday Soap for ■ wU We cannot buy that White Mountain Flour in car load lots as low as A mighty good value in a OUR SPECIAL PRICE of 49c $2.09 EACH per sack Look them over 7 bars Crystal W hite .. 25c 12 bars for 50 cents OUR BEST GRADE CREPE TOILET PAPER 4-tie Broom at 5 CENTS PER ROLL On account of a fortunate contract, we have neither raised the price nor reduced the quality of our 'While our stocks last, No. 1 crackers— Snowflakes plain or Grahams for I UC Famous Bulk Coffee 35e per pound—3 lbs. for $1.00 Large boxes—same kinds for only 29c Try it out—The same good flavor EXTRA S P E C IA L -F IG BARS 15c lb. OUR STORE W ILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY M O N D A Y - LABOR DAY P int Mason Jars 77c—