FAN M M A sm # » bÁítf fflbrtöfl Classified Column Frtdar, August so, io2i PROFESSIONAL C lassified Colum n R ates PHYSICIANS One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month of more, %c the word each time. DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings —DR C. W. HANSON D entist Special attention given to pyor­ FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver I'OR RENT— Furnished room Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. w ith or w ithout housekeeping privilege; also good garage. Mrs. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana D augherty, 55 Pine St. 287-12* th ro at— X-ray including teeth. FOR KENT— Furnished sleep­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ing rooms, 1165 E ast Main St., 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. 1 1-2 block from high school. Ore. 299— 12* DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ FOR RENT— 6 room house, dence and office, 108 Pioneer furnished or unfurnished, also avenue. Telephone 28. Offici furnished apartm ent, Phone 481-J hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 or call 185 Pioneer Ave. 299— tf p. m. only. FOR RENT: — Eighty acre DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic farm , seven miles east of Ashland and Electro-Therapy. Office on Pacific highway. For Informa­ phone 48; residence 142. First tion appy to Mollie Songer, 45 National Bank building. Helman St. Ashland. 303-10* MONUMENTS FOR RENT: Furnished house 478 Boulevard. 304-4* MONUMENTS ASHLAND GRANITE FOR SALE MONUMENTS B lair G ranite Co. ....FOR SALE: — A 1923 Ford PENNISTON, Manager R oadster in fine condition. Phone Office 175 E. Main 298L or call 42 3rd street. 307-2 Comedians The Big White Theatre Tent SMUGGLING CHARGED KITHCART WAS LOSING BIS STRENGTH QUICKLY ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug. 29. Six Japanese stowaways and j three members of the crew cf the steamship Ryui Maru were taken to Tacoma today to wait action When on charges of illegal entry of tin He Turned To Tanlac And Got Relief MEDFORD Now Playing “The Rosary” Winchester Store The Boy Sunday & Monday □ms ol Society” and AMMUNITION “Uncle Tom’s - Cabin” HE greatest problem in many a household is the hoy. I t is a big problem. One of the most important hints toward solving it is to encourage the hoy to start a savings account of his* own. This m e a n sjh rift and character. T guns COMING ‘ But here I am afier taking only three bottles of Tanlac e at­ ing and digesting everything and feeling fine. However, as strong “A fter hearing so much about and well as I feel I am going to Tanlac I thought it must be good keep on taking Tanlac until I medicine, but I had no idea it was ,,ave used at least six bottles to so fine until I took it myself,” i s 1 make sure its work is well done, the striking statem ent of C. B. . hat It takes to make a person K ithcart, 1411 W 58th St.. Se- feel right Tanlac certainly has attle. Wash. it.” Tanlac is for sale by all good Six months ago my appetite quit, my digestion broke down and dr uggistg. Accept no substitute. .1 had a constant aching feelingj Over 40 Million bottles sold. in my stomach that got on my ---------- nerve, Bomelhlng awful. Some; Tanlac Vegetable Villa fur days , „ever wanted ea, a thing ; cnnatlp.llcn made and recom- and my strength was getting away | mended by the m anufacturers of from me fast. tanlac . Vnlted states and conspiracy to punishment accepted by William smuggle into the country 12 a „ e r» of Bridgeport and "!,hn S6' ------------------_____ W atch for date C lassm ea ads bring results. Res. Pilone 4 4 4 -Y FOR SALE— Saw mill, 20,000 capacity; practically new. Box 117 Montague, Calif. 305— 6 Frank & King’s ASK COOPERATION in . ing them to cooperate in reiiev- TRAFFIC CONGESTION ¡hg the traffic congestion across ---------- i the W illam ette river, now that PORTLAND, Aug. 29. — Fail-1 the B urnside bridge has been ure on the part of m otorists t o ! closed. use the Steel bridge more than j D istribution on a more equal they do has caused Mayor and ! basis of automobile traffic is urg- Commissioner of Public Safety, Í ed. George L. Baker, to w rite a letter to “automobile drivers’’ request- Simpson’s Hardware The Gitizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon B arker of New Haven, in lieu of jail sentences when they were found guilty of transporting il- • R IW E R S ’ SENTENCED TO | legal beer. Besides the jail sen- POUR BEER INTO S E W E R ' fences, Willis was fined $200 --------- - , and costs and B arker $75 and NORWALK, Conn.. Aug. 29.— C° 8t*' Opening 6,624 bottles of beer to ‘ ------------------------- - be poured into the sewer was a Every ad has a message. There Is wisdom in reading ads. 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the FOR SALE o r TRADE—4 GO 0510020002010053532348532323480200024853532323482353535353232302020248535353530201002348534823232323485353484823232348532348535323234853314889485353232353484848485353532353482348232323485348232323484848234802020101010001100908 W hiteShield Home, 565 May- ill acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. tom land, within 8 miles Minot, North Dakota. If interested call PLANING MILL or w rite G. S. Butler. 300— lm o JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET FOR SALE— 6 room house, WORKS, Cor. Helman and w ith or w ithout furniture, easy Van Ness. 194tf term s. Phone 481-J or call 185 TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Pioneer Ave. 299— tf W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers for SERVICE. milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe-1 . « Experienced movers and pack­ dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* ! ers of household goods. Deal­ ers In coal and wood. Phone 117. I NEGOTIATE SALES Office 89 Oak St. near D on’t get excited about it, but Hotel Ashland ju st bear in mind that now is a SC H O O L T IM Ashland’s Schools Open Monday, September 8th good tim e to buy real esta te A shland. in L. POWELL— General Trans- ' fer Good team and motor trucks. G iod service a t a rea- i H f sonab.’e price. Phone 83. You are surprised at the sale o f H otel Ashland for * 7 2 ,5 0 0 , w ell it pays the ow ner w h o oper­ a te s it 2 0 per cen t net on *75,- OOO. Is it a bad buy? I have „ „ .„ b e r big prlee fur I FEHIGE-ROACH T 7 “T i jg 1" ' ■ School Day Clothes you very soon. Rut don’t get e x - • H aulinS “ Dr«y work of all cited . J u st buy som e of the good kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry jSS offerin gs. wood of all kinds. Phone 41 ft-n j I have anoth er good net per cent incom e properly. 15 375 B. St. i Office, Hotel Ashland Bldg. Pho«e 20 MISCELLANEOUS GET YOU STOVE repaired at Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito • R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 ! Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* fV tffw i I /a y Q i DONT recognized fad that a person PILES is only 50% effid e r, or Relief should not only benefit you physically, but increase your earning power. My non-surgical treatment for PILES will cure you or I GUARANTEE to refund four fee. My practice in rectal and colon treatments is the largest on the Pacific Coast, my large staff of skilled assistants and mosti modem offices being housed in my own new building, USE C o a ts Blouses and Shirts Misses Fur Trimmed Coats of Lustrosa . W - A- SHELL, Prop. Madras and Percale Blouses ............. 80c Velour in the new fall styles, sizes 6 to 14. »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore Khaki B louses...........................$1.00 Each Priced .................................$8.00 to $16.25 Boys’ Dress Shirts ..................$1.00 Each Misses Polo {’oats, sport models, sizes 6 to 14, p ric e d ............................$5.00 to $14.75 S w e a te rs Wool Dresses, all ....$ 6 .0 0 to $9.00 CHASE FLIES 01020202535300022348534802000223488991230001020153480200000102020202020100000201010002020002020002010201000101020153000002020002000102013000020000010502010002025300020223480001020200530002000000010201000202010001020002000202000010020201000 Boys’ all woo) Sweaters in slip on and coat styles, all the popular them ! f oh colors, from ................................. $2.80 to $3.85 r Ginghams for School Frocks Boys’ Overalls .......... ................. .. ....... %.............................S8c to $1.30 a t 48 “ H e re ’ a t h e r ig h t w a y to “ a w a tt h e fly ” . N o t o n e a t a t i m e — a » o o m fu l a t a s tro k e . S p ra y i t a ro u n d th e ro o m s a n d t h e flies f a l l d e a d . Q u ic k , s u re , safe. ARE Y O U 100% E F F IC IE N T ? cenoil FLY DESTROYER Biltmore Gingham, 27 in. w id e ...... ................................ 8 yards for $1.00 Kalbumie Gingham, 32 in. wide, fast colors in new Rathie Cheeks ................................................................................................ per yard 26c Imported French Zephyr Gingham, 32 in wide .............. per yard 58c Tissue Gingham, 32 in. w ide................................................. 32c per yard Sold by EAST SIDE PHARMACY, Cenol Agency Bloomers Black Sateen Bloomers, sizes 4 to 14 ................................................. 50c Munsingwear Knitted Bloomers, Black, all s iz e s ................. 60c,to 70c Gvmn Bloomers, all sizes ................................................................... $1.75 adjoining my hotel, where pati­ ent* ate aaeured o f the utm ott care and comfort. W rite today fo r tay FREE illustrated book. DEAN, M.D. Inc - OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE IN D. OREGON M IN IS PA PER W M tM W W IT IN a s R Fly season will soon be on. Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. Bos. fly spray for your cow’s the best fly killer made. Gard­ en Hose, and garden tools, fencing and binder twine, mowers and repairs always on hand. Printzess Garmenls-Besf in Value Boys’ Caps .............................................................(..................55c to $1.50 Boys Shoe Bargains Buster Brown Shoes Brownwelt Uskide Sole Shoes Sizes 9 1-2 to 1 2 ................. $4.00 Sizes 12 1-2 to 2 ..................$4.55 Sizes 2 1-2 to 6 ................... $4.90 One Line of Bovs’ Shoes s it.... Girls School Shoes Girls’ Brownwelt Shoes Buster Brown Shoes Sizes 5 to 8 ..........................$2.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 ..................$2.50 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2 ................. $3.00 Ladies New Fall Coats Sizes 5 1-2 to 8 ................... $2,10 Sizes 81-2 to 11 ................. $2.45 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2 ..................$2.89 ........................... ?.............$1.98 pr. in Black and Brown, Lace Sizes 81-2 to 11 ................. $3.65 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2 ................. $4.00 Misses Fancy Brown and Tan Shoes, p rie e d ................. $3.85 and $4.25 Misses Black and Brown Oxfords, priced .........................................$4.95 Misses Black Fancy Oxford, Patent Trim .......................................$6.00 Black Satin Suede Trim, priced ...................................................'. . $5.80 Just arrived from New York, a shipment of eoats. Priced from $8.75 to $37.50 Munsingwear Hosiery for Children See Our Dresses Bargain Window Dresses of the latest models in most approved style for early fall wear, woo). Priced from $10.50 to $33.75 Children’s Black and Brown Stockings, cotton and mercerized lisle .....................................................................................25c and 50c per pair Topsy »Socks hi three-quarters and seven-eights lengths with fancy tops, all popular colors .............................................25c to 65c per pair One line Children’s Stockings, Black only ....................... 15c per pair The very first night apply a p o Farmers Attention Koveralls, sizes 1 to 8 ...................................................................... $1.00 Ladies’ New Fall Coats in surface cut fabrics, self striped and plaided, also new pile fabrics distinguish these new garments from the ordin­ ary eoats you see. Priced from $39.75 to $75.00 UMMER COLDS are lingering and annoying. V • Suits lor Boys, all wool Cashmeres with two pair pants, priced from $7.50 to $11.45 Suits with one pair pants . $4.50 to $10.00 All Wool Pants, all sizes f r o m .......... ........................................$1.85 to $2.85 Corduroy Pants, all sizes, fro m .......... .........................................$1.40 to $3.00 Gingham and Percale Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 priced a t ..............$1,19 and $1.65 each «Jack Tar Dresses in Gingham and Ever­ e s t Suiting, all s iz e s ..........$1.75 to $3.00 112-tf ’ S ! Postage Prepaid Boys School Clothes for the Little Miss For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. STAPLES’ AGENCY Be Prepared! Mail Orders Promptly Filled PEIL’S CORNER ub Classified Ads Bring Results O v e r Í 7 M illion J a n U se d Y ta r iy See Our Bargain Table Of Sample Shoes Silk Dresses $7.98 to $33.75 30x31-2 Massasoit Cords .. -• $7 50 32 x 4 ............. $11.98 33 x 4 ............. $12.25 WHILE THEY LAST All sizes reduced in FISK & GOODRICH SHAVER­ TOWN CORDS Kruggle Bros. Tire Shop ROLE STORE 90 BUSY STORES' The Reason We Sell For Less Phone No.3 ASHLAND Elks Building 90 BUSY STORES The Reason We Sell For Less %"777UPPU77PP77U7UP7U