» I A shland D aily T idings malaela germs Cannot survive three months in the~rieh ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL XL VIL SLAYERS ON "VACATION” BEHIND BARS ) WATERMELON r « NO. 307 TH IEV ES oet jail sen te n c es ! _____ R oseburg , Aug. 29.__» , « Three Coquille boys, W alter »{ « Paulson. Edgar Emery and « i « A r th u r « « « « * M cAdams, 17 and»! 18-year old youths, were » given th irty days in jail » apiece for watermelon thefts » at Dillard. The ,ads were ca«sht in PRESIDENT SAYS FAITH IS NEEDED GRAND DRAGON H ER E ON TUESDAY EVENING CENTRALIA MILL BURNED TO GROUND UPRISING IS IN EVIDENCE Both Yo f Killers m High « the act of « X0UnS Spirits; welcome Re- I« porters to Cells JUDGE IN SECLUSION TALKS CHICAGO, Aug. 29.!— Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb today declared th at they are “ glad that the trial is over so that we can settle down to real jail life.” They smilingly welcomed a new group or reporters to the County jail while Judge Caverly sat in the seclusion of his home deliberating their fate. , The boys seemed not a bit wor­ ried, and chatted with the news­ paper men. They said they w ant­ ed the addresses of the reporters who “ covered” the trial so th at they could w rite to them. Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthm« This is a proven fact. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. CENTRALIA, August 29—The Ninemire and Morgan lumber mill, located at Rochester, Washington. 15 miles from here, was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss. Mr .Coolidge Talks to Dele-j l)art,y covered by insurance, is estimated at $500 000 United States, Japan, Eng­ gates From Porch of The plant had a capacity of 125,000 feet dailv land and France Warn White House C averly »0 J a il A nyone W ho D is­ turbs H im W hile He Stu d ies T estim ony ASHLAND CLIMATE OF WELFARE No P olitical R eferences M ade in A d dies«; Dewls W ith Prom o- lion of B rotherhood WASHINGTON, Aug. 29. __ Fresh from his vacation of two weeks in the Vermont hills, Pres­ ident Coolidge, in his address to­ day, sounded an appeal for the practice in America of the home ly virtues of faith, loyalty and common sense. Mr. Coolidge went back to the Sermon on the Mount as the mosl expressive and definite standard of action for the promotion of hu­ man fellowship. “We of America today are too prone to let fancies of the moment dictate our cour­ ses of action,” said the President. “ Faith is almost a forgotten vir- ture. The events of th e years of the world way, and following have been trying times, enough to test the most firm faith. Most of us' have been tried and found waiting^ FLYERS READY FOR HOP Chinese Forces ABOARD THE CRUISER RICHMOND, August 29— WARSHIPS ARE SENT Favorable flying weather is forecast for tomorrow morn­ Troops E n trenching for B attle In Shantung; Guard A rsenal ing, when Lieutenants Smith and Nelson, American globe Near Shanghai flyers, will hop off from lvigtut, Greenland, for Indian Harbor, Labrador. The planes and flyers are readv for j I EKING, China, Aug. 2 9 __The their last ocean jump of 585 miles. ! United States, with England, GERMANY ACCEPTS DAWES PLAN BERLIN, August 29—The Dawes reparation plan was ratified today by the German Reichstag after hours of debate. All hills necessary to the execution of the plan were passed, though not without some debate. A disso­ lution of the Reichstag when it failed to agree was avoid­ ed by a compromise between the government leaders and the nationalists. The nationalists were the chief enemies of the Dawes plan. France and Japan today joined in ft four power” note to the Chon- government, advising and w arning that the Peking govern­ ment will be held responsible for all losses sustained in the civil war which seems imminent. War preperations between the Kingsu and the Chekian provin­ ces is being speeded up, and fight­ ing is expected hourly. Ameri. < an and British warships are on their way to Shanghai to protec. foreign interests. « » « i « « ? « « « « « « « « « « SAYS PARDON BAIT OF PROBERS The Grand Dragon. Realm » of Oregon, of The Ku Klux XX Kian, and his official family » of Portland, will be present Xi at the parade and ceremon- » 1 ial, which Ashland Kian No. » 10 is planning for Tuesday » ! September 2nd. Klansmen » j from all over Oregon are ex- XX pected to attend. “ Prisoner Says He Was Prom, The features of the even- » ised freedom for Lying ing, as announced today, » About Daugherty will be a fiery cross which » will illum inate the entire » STATEMENTS UNTRUE city, a parade on Main street, » an address by the Grand » At fi,h, vit <’la:„,s Sterns Reid O ui Dragon anil the naturaliza- » Liberty un Bait to MUH», on tion ceremony. jj «ire Convict » » » » » » » g g g w g ACCUSED’S TALK Colored B oozer M akes E loquent Speech of Tw enty M inutes; Is D ism issed ATLANTA. Go.. Aug. 29. — George E. Re mus. Cinclnatti mil- Honaire. m the federal prison’ hère serving a two-year term for con «Piracy to violate the federal pro. hlbltlon laws, today denied te sti­ mony given before the Brookhart- Daugherty investigating commit­ tee in W ashington. Mr. Remus declared in an affi- davit that he falsified when he > told investigators that he gave Je ««e Smith. Intimate friend Of the ex-Attorney General, thous­ ands of dollars for liquor permits. " ORTLAND, Aug. 29.— Floriau Slappey, or even Lawyer Chew •vould have marveled at a sermon Railroad Rlorknded, H ighw ay Un. T h reatens Jail that was given in municipal court HIGHWAY COMMISSION AWARDS CONTRACTS is 82 yearB old and ig Qne in Mt. springs at Saratoga, New York, that the publicity given the op- Shasta yesterday was overhauled the Ashland spring is said to be will not hold their weekly dance working. He was driving with tha movie stars will p e n a l l y act ■ of the earliest settlers of this Funeral Tom orrow— The funeral of William Stacy oration of the blue sky law and on the state highway last even­ the largest in the United States. at the park pavilion Saturday aid of a flashlight and struck a as hosts and hostesses to the boys. , community, having crossed the evening, it was announced today. log, which upset the machine. of Modesto, form er partner of alleged violations of that law pre- ing by Traffic Officer Reynold. On Sunday, A ugust 31, the 1 plains with her parents when Paulserud, will be held at the jvented capital coming here. He The car contained Harold Moore Silver Geyser will be released, The Lithian picnic, which was to His failure to reach home caused THE WEATHER quite young. This is the third Stock U ndertaking parlors to ­ also pleaded for religious toler- and Theodore Vaughn. They are] and the public is Invited to watch have been held at Lake of the a search to be made, and the over, Report for the last 24 hours; time she has broken this arm , the Woods on Sunday has also been turned auto was discovered a t , Maxlmum> morrow at ten o’clock. Interm ent 9 4 . MIntmum 59; Set ln It «pout. last break being in exactly the will be yin the Mountain View called off. midnight. Maximum, 84. •ame place. Cemetery. C A M DEATH 1% '0'"“1 P6 "- W I FOR SHOTS " , , * 45 IMPROVEMENTS AID WILL GET TOGETKR