pack ron» ‘ Leaves for Brhoel lunsutq, August 1M», Stopped Over— Z, F; Moody of San Francisco was in Ashland yesterday visiting with his relatives here on his way to Portland on a short business trip. Returns to A sh la n d - fixed, Mr. Johasou started to fix , Mrs. G. E. Gates, who wa9 Call ft but the man said th a t he could Minnesota, arrived in Ashland evard. Mr. P orter is a brother of four weeks ago by acto at fcterA* ed to McMinnville about tw o 1 fix it himself and th at he had recently, and are visiting at the Mrs. Crowson. The party was to mento, and so no not kftotv how weeks ago on account of the ser­ been a jew eler in Medford about ! J. E. Crowson home on the Boni- meet the! son, who left W inona long they will remain in Ashland ious illness of her aunt, Mrs. A. 1 forty years ago. Mr. Johnson ! W. Small, who passed away l a s t ' said th at he had learned the bus- 1 NOTICE O. E. 8 . Sunday, returned yesterday, 1 iness about th a t time in Medford ' The funeral service for our Madden seas Balloon tires. Ladies and children’s hair cu t­ bringing the body for burial in and then found that the man was sister Mrs. H enrietta Klum will 246-tf ting. Powder Puff Beauty Par- j the family plot. be held from Dodge's Chapel F ri­ the one who had taught him, and lor- 293-tf day morning at 10 o’clock under who he had not seen for forty Get your baby’s milk from a l e a v e s F or .Santa Cruz— the auspices of Alpha Chapter No. certified herd, 10c per quart. years. The man had been living Life is too short to miss the big Mrs. Aaron Andrews and iu Los Angeles for the past twen 1. O. E. S. Lininger Dairy. Phone 39GR. dance at Jackson Hot Springs Misses Abbie and R ita Andrews EfTie Brown, W. M. ty years but moved to Ashland 306-ti Sat. Aug. 30tli.— Metropole Or­ left this morning for Santa Cruz Leah Caldwell, Secy. recently and is living here now. chestra. Syncopât in fools of fun. where they were called on account I/'av es for Falls— 306-2 ■ of the death of Mrs. Andrews’ To Medford— Miss A nastasia Lee, who has son-in-law, Leslie Kidler, ■who was Go to Crater Lake— Louis Dodge made a flying been dem onstrating the Belcano Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faught, R etu rn from Portland__ killed in an auto accident. Mrs. trip Thursday morning to Med­ -products at E lh a rt’s left tills a ft­ of K lam ath Falls, who have been Misses M arjorie and Bernice K idler was Miss Eunice A nd­ ford on business. ernoon for K lam ath Falls. visiting with the P o rter family, Leer returned this morning from rews. Miss Abbie Andrews will Portland where they have been go on from Santa Cruz to New left Monday for C rater Lake Cliff Payne makes grade stakes. Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- | visiting fo the past two weeks Mexico where she will teach where they will stay for several a r s home-made salad dressing. with th eir aunt and other rela­ school this year. Mrs. Andrews days and then retu rn to their Milk and Cream whole sale and 296— lm o* tives. They reported a very en­ and Miss R ita will sltj- th ere in­ home. retail from certified herd— Lin- joyable time. definitely. iugers Dairy. Phone 396R. Lithians Pavilion Dance S atu r­ V isiting Here—- day night. • 306-3 Cleaning and pressing a t Orres, A nother big dance, Jackson Hot In A shland— Mr. and Mrs. E. N. P o rter and Phone 64. 300— tf I Springs, Sat. Aug. 30th. — Me­ daughter, Dorothy, of W inona, ; Mr. and Mrs. E d v ard Hughes Iu A shland— tropole O rchestra — Syncopatin and Mrs. M. G. Ma y of G rants E. D. Moody of Roseville, Cal., Follow the crowd to Jackson fools of fun. 306-2 Pass were in Ash ad W ednes­ arrived in Ashland yesterday and Hot Springs Sat. Aug. 30th.— Me- NOTICE day afternoon on a business trip. will spend several days visiting tropole Orchestra. Syncopatin B a g g « l a Bear— Meeting F ratern al Brotherhood with his relatives here. fools of fun. 306-2 "W e w eren’t loaded for bear, at Moose Hall 7 p. m. Friday, Rinex Capsules for Hay Fever but here he is,” said Lee T uttle, Aug. 29th. Class initiation, re­ and Asthma. $1.00. — McNair H ealth giving whole wheat R eturned— acting editor of the Tidings, when freshm ents and social time at 9 Bros. bread a t The L ithla Bakery. Nate Bates and Fred Neil re­ he returned with Mrs. T uttle and p. m. turned last night from a h u n t­ Mr. and Mrs. George G arrett Members and friends invited. Let us fill your pail with Swiftb M atch for Staples Auction ing trip in the H yatt Prairie from a week vacation a t C rater F. L. N utter, Pres. Silver Lent lard. Costs less than { Land Sale. tf country. They were gone about and Diamond lakes, and at Lake Mrs. Frances Damon, Treas. shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is I four days. Mr. Bates returned creek. Besides the bear, the 306-1* more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf In Ashland— with a large six-point buck. party got several fine messes of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McClaren fish and some beautiful sunburns To Crater Lake— of Rogue River were in Ashland Dance Jackson Hot Springs. Sat. on the trip. The bear which Mr. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver, Jr., today on business. Aug. 30th. — Metropole Orches­ G arrett shot weighed over 200 made a trip to C rater Lake Tues­ tra. 306-2 pounds. day , returning the same eve­ ....FOR SALE: — A 1923 Ford Of course there will be a big ning. Roadster in fine condition. Phone dance at Jackson Hot Springs H ere from V a n c o u v e r - “ N ever R ains But Pours"— 298L or call 42 3rd street. 307-2 Saturday, Aug. 30th.— M etropok Judge and Mrs. G. L. Davis of That it "never rains but pours” Sweet cream for whipping and O rchestra. 306-2 Vancouver, W ashington, accom­ was illustrated yesterday when CONVALESCENT HOME: Call J coffee— also fresh milk, always panied by Miss Irwin stopped in Mr. Dave Crews and wife of the and see our m aternity d ep art­ on Ice at the Plaza. 239— tf P au lseru d ’s suits sell for less. Ashland yesterday for a short Bon Ton R estaurant of Sacra­ ment. We are m aking improve-1 visit with the R. E. Detrick fam ­ mento, who have been looking : inents all the time — aiming to M. A. C. Stomach Tonic, $1.25. In A shland— ily. They are on th eir way to over Ashland property for the give the best of service. — McNair Bros. H erbert Doran is in Ashland C rater Lake by way of Klam ath past few m onths called on Mr. for a few days visiting with his Falls. WANTED: — Boy’s good 2nd Staples to look at the Hotel Ash­ With Friends — parents. He will attend school hand bicycle, large size. Phone land, hut found th a t the deal had Miss Minnie Nelson of Tacoma near Los Angeles this w inter. 294R, 196 N utley St. 306-1* Dahlias Received— been closed with Mr. Allen a few arrived in Ashland recently and The Tidings office was the re­ hours before and had to return will spend a couple of weeks here A\e have taken your wants to market witih u8 and have generously supplied HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, cipient of some very beautiful disappointed. Mr. Crews is a very * W A \T E D — One or two passen­ visiting with friends. gers for Bellingham, W ashington, them all. Our dry goods department wi 11 he the hrighest spot in Ashland for of course. 212— tf dahlias brought in this m orning w ealthy man and is owner of the Saturday. Private car. Inquire by O. Gustafson. There are many Bon Ton R estaurant at Sacramen­ the next 30 days, supplying the hoys and girls with new things for school. We deliver the goods— Detricks Give yourself a tre a t and come varieties, one of th e prettiest be­ to. A nother gentlem an from Pas­ Ashland Vulcanizing works. 94-tf to the big dance, Jackson Hot ing a large pink one. Mr. Gus­ Take a peek at the.various new goods enumeiated—see the snappy new pat 306-1* adena wired yesterday th a t he Springs, Sat. Aug. 30.— Metropole tafson states th a t while they are would sta rt Thursday for Ash­ terns we have here for you. It’s a part of your education to get 'acquainted The ladies of the Christian Dance Saturday night, Gold Hill Orchestra. 306-2 very beautiful they are not as land to look over the property with quality merchandise and known values first handed. The entire line of Church will give a cooked food pavilion. 306-3* nice as he raised last year on ac­ and Mr. Staples was forced to sale — H ardy’s Grocery — Satur­ goods we carry are here for your convenience and we invite vou to come and Leaves for P osition — count of the dry season. wire him not to come unless he day, Aug. 30, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. take advantage of them. In Ashland— Miss Flora Green leaves today j could take other property, as the " 306-2 Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mulit and for her new position as telephone RMturn H om e— deal for the hotel had been clos­ son, Donald, are in Ashland from girl near Sacramento. She has GET YOU STOVE repaired at Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kruggel ed. the Lake of the Woods and will been transferred from the local returned Sunday from a trip to Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito stay here for a short time. office to th a t place. R adiater and Stoves for sale. 140 Iowa and Minnesota where they M eets Old A cquaintance— 306-1 mo.* visited friends and relatives. An unusual occurrence happen­ Oberlin St. MARCEL AND CURL LAST, Superllte auto finish; guaran- They have been away since the ed yesterday afternoon when a PAINTERS: — Beagle and LONGER after a Golden Glint j teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. m B p V a n i t f y first of May and state th a t they man stopped at Johnson’s jewel­ Shampoo. Beagle; day work or contract; ‘W here Your D ollar H as More C enis • 298— tf are very glad to get back. ry store to have his watch chain estim ates free. Box 171. 305-tf J Miss Mildred Kaegi left this morning for her school near Rose- , burg, where she will teach this ' winter. The school will sta rt Sep­ tem ber 2. SCHOOL 0PENÍN Our Shelves and Counters n Are Teeming With New Merchandise That the C all of the School Demands Bright New Ginghams—Percales—Madras— Devonshires—Little Boy Blue Cloth—Crepes —Cantons—Soft and Flat Silks—Pongees— Lingettes—Soft White Goods—Linens—Art Linens—and What Not. S S W * *•* ♦ * * » » ♦ ♦ ♦ » ....................... ♦ « > > » « > > » -» ♦ ♦ « » ....................... . ............... ................... - f t , * ..... ..................... *** ********♦ *> *♦ •♦ > ••♦ •♦ ♦ •♦ ♦ ♦ >♦<♦«♦>>»»♦»♦»♦♦»* » ♦ » » 4r ♦ ♦ V ♦ The Way of No Regrets - ’ vr ♦ * O ♦ ♦ V > 4 Interm ent In A Mausoleum-- Intel ment In A Mausoleum The Way of No Regrets ♦ ♦ * 4 Not Today, Perhaps, Here Above The Ground, But sooner or later it falls to most of us to decide whether we shall And in vaults of time-defying stone the remains of those near lo you abandon some one close to us to a merciless and unlovely grave_or will find tme test, sale from destructive elements of earth and waters give to the loved form the tender protection and beautiful s l e e p which can be extended only through interment in a mausoleum. __ * secure against all vandalism. Sunshine, warmth, beautiful surround­ ings will be theirs and whenever you wish to visit, you can do so un­ der roof, and in comfort no matter what the weather may he. »»♦♦♦♦»♦ ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *4 Must Decide Now! The cost of space in this building is no greater than the average earth burial and is within the reach of all. Con­ struction of the building is progressing rapidly and the allotment of crypts is limited to the size of the build­ ing, and in a few days the privilege and opportunity for you to give your loved ones the beautiful surroundings and piotection which the Ashland Memorial guaran tees will be gone. z » Vv rite or phone Tidings office for booklet giving full details and descriptions. Must Decide Now! ♦