PAGI r a n a l  l« u m Classified Column PROFESSIONAL »■« > » I M « M M »»»+«»> BAttV MMÑGS Thiiisday, August ÍW, 1024 M N E T E E S E V E N T S IN T R IB V T E TO C H A R L E S LOOMIS C lassified A ds Bring R e s u lts LABOR DAY R E & itt A i Classified Column Rates ______ ! So peacefully th at fine, brace son I PHYSICIANS we knew One cent the word each NEW YORK, Aug. 28.— E ntries OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings time. Reposes In a last sweet sleep i for the th irty -th ird annual reg at­ office. Phone 91. MISS EDITH DODGE, Editor divine. To run every Issue for one ta of the Middle State R egatta month or more, H e the word Association, which will be held ' And WP wbo sensed the sterling Phone items io her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. DR. C. W. HANSON f The creamy each time. this year under the auspices of worth of you Niwi«/fW4/Pre«cfiptionofcie»eiandtped*iitt «op» D entist ’ ♦ ♦♦+ • » ♦ • > • » ■ ♦ » • » • » ♦ ♦ » » » ♦ richness _ the Arundel Boat Club of B alti-j Must 1,are our hearts bowed Special attention given to p y o r-' CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR RENT Holmes ate their supper in the more on September 1, have ju st m ilk makes down with grief sublime, ^7” ’n<1 headache, fevrr. «n d ita ip c ir _____________ _____ _________ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver! Friday. August 29. Monthly paik and Mr. and Mis. Will Dodge . I D** all food better, closed. A schedule of nineteen tbat corageous spirit that you ”' 24h°u«g»«w Ted Aearion, Percy Sim served followed by a pleasant i which is an integral part of dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo» your business, and oups . Every ers in coal and wood. T h o n e! ° ns and Mesdames A1,an A utrey evening spent in conversation, j Lubricates ¿Better— Costs Less is always noticed about the fol­ 117. . and George Scribner. The table was beautifully decor-1 transaction should be recorded lower of the batli-a-day prac­ Office 89 Oak St. near I T h e v erd ict o f u se rs verifies th e claim s o f ated with different flowers, i as part of history, your growth I NEGOTIATE SALES tice. and the com m unity’s, th at each Hotel Ashland C h k * C,Ub ° pen Hons<— Guests of the evening were Mr. Years ago, people who bath­ ou r R e sea rc h E n g in e e rs— th a t Z e r o l e n e Don’t get excited about it, but _____________ ____________ The Civic Club held open house and Mrs. Theodore Wicks, Miss may be an independent shining ed frequently were considered F ” f o r F o r d s m eets the special req u ire­ just bear in mind that now is a r. L. POWEI.L— General Trans- at their club house Tuesday after- unwise, endangering health! b'rthday, more lum inous than Mildred Wicks, Mrs. Clara Min- good time to buy real estate in m en ts o f th e F o rd lubricating system Doctors now advocate a batli- fer— Good team and motor noon at 2:30, with a large inirn- ard and the hostess, Mrs. Alfred tbe past, Ashland. a-day to keep you fit every b e tte r th a n a n y o th e r oil. trucks. G iod service at a re a -' ber of ladies attending. Miss Lo- Shelby. way. Sk'n health depends You are surprised at the sale souab.'e price. Phone 83. I b-ta Pierson delighted the group * * * . largely upon skin cleanliness. Y et it costs not m ore b u t less th a n a n y of Hotel Ashland for 072,500, ---------------------- ------ — —_______ ’ with several piano selections and Fam ily Reunion— well it puys the owner who oper­ o f th e special F o rd oils on the m arket. Sc© us for P ariiculars FEHIGE-ROACH j a clipping from the Pacific Grove ates it 20 per cent net on 075,- A delightful family reunion was T ransfer — F rpress — Storage paper was read. This to.d of a held a t Cannonville last Sunday. 04 Ml. Is it a bad buy? A -L o n g er L ife fo r Y o u r Ford Hauling — Dray work of all meeting of the Pacific Grove Civic I have another big for | ^inda. Quick motor service. Dry Club, at which time Miss Grace Those who enjoyed the affair W e believe th a t Z e r o l e n e UF ” f o r F o r d s you very soon. But don’t get „ , . . , , were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwer­ cited. Ju st buy some of the good wood of a11 ki,ld9- Phone 410-R I H. C hamberlain, local woman, ing. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Schwer­ will increase gasoline m ileage, reduce none 138 207 E. Main offerings. -17 5 B. St. 1 1 2 -tf|g av e an address, telling of the i n g , Edward Schwering and wife ca rb o n rem o v al operations, an d lengthen —-------------------- ---------- Convention of the National Feder­ and family, all of Eugene, Mrs. I have another good net 15 — I th e w o rk in g life o f ev e ry F o rd in w h ich ation of W omen’s Clubs at Los Marion H agar and daughters per cent income property. it is used. For a smooth shave Angeles. In this clipping Miss Mabel and Eunice of Ashland. and qu'ck service g o ! Cham berlain was praised very Miss Eunice H agar returned with A F o r d i s a n A - l tr a n s p o r ta tio n to the Shell Barber highly. A pleasant afternoon was the party Monday m orning and STAPLES’ AGENCY in v e s tm e n t. P r o te c t y o u r in v e s tm e n t should include new paint Office, Hotel Ashland B'dg. Shop. Ladies and spent in discussing the work of will visit in Eugene for some time. Phone 20 b y p r o p e r lubrication*. and wall paper. children get your hair j the local club and the rummage bobbed ami marcel sale which is to be held soon. W e will be glad to figure PRISON GUARD IS led. Ibis sale is an annual event and PUT UNDER ARREST w ith you. anyone who washes to do so is W. A. SHELL, Prop. urged to save things for the af­ SALEM, Aug. 27. — J. A. »32 A. St. Ashland, Ore fair, F u rth er announcem ents will (California) Carey, guard at the Oregon state be made later in regard to the penitentiary, who went to Mexi­ sale. Hostesses for the after- co recently in quest of Albert f . INDIANS PLAN | noon were Mesdames Emil Peil, W hite, a convict whose pardon BIG PO W W OW S Fred W agner and Marsh W agner. has been revoked by Oovernoi Word was also received recent- MONTGOMERY CREEK Cal., iy th a t Miss Grace .Cham berlain, Pierce, was arrested there for a t­ Aug. 27. — The Indians are plan­ well known club woman of Ash- tem pting to take a handcuffed man across the border w ithout ning several powwows this Fall, land and Oregon and Miss Palm er, presenting proper papers. riiev had a b:g one here a week also Of Ashland, will return to A telegram received here today ago Saturday and another big ont • their home the last of Septem- indicated th at Mr. Carey had been at Burney on the other side of ber. released after three days, but and o th er electrical a p ­ the mountain last Saturday. ) • • • th a t he needed $200 to square They announce now that there Family Reunion— A shland pliances give the house­ j accounts with the officials there. are to be two more powwow's on A large family reunion was held E lectric Supply the same day at Montgomery 1 in the park Sunday in honor of • The money was telegraphed, and , Dorothy M ackaill keeper m ore opportunity 240 E ast Main St. in the Paramount Picture Creek and Burney a week from ' Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver Jr., he will retu rn to Salem by way of »The N e x t Córner* Phoenix, Arizona, where he will Saturday. George Wesley of A n t-! and celebrating the wedding an ­ to im prove and extend A Sam wood Production. ler, chief of the W intoonszw ill at- ! niversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. lake into custody Fred Biake, held there for Oregon authorities. th eir housework, and also tend both affairs. Beaver, Sr. About eighteen of The Noma tribe of Indians. the family were present. The Announcement — Opening of lighten the task. Letterheaos, statem ents, t o once numerically strong in th is jg roilp went to the picnic grounds Burton Dancing school, in Mem­ p art of the county, now has only following church and ate their vour order at the Tidings Office. orial Hall, open daily 2 to 3 and four members left. lunch there, also spending the We have a good job printing de­ A s Seen by Popular M echanics Magazine 7 to 9 p. m. Ball room and stage tf The Indians are planning to get afternoon talking over old times, partm ent. dancing taught. Beginners ac­ up a secret society, ju st for w h a t, Those present w’ere Messrs and cepted any time. Children class Supply Enough Light picture of the person and of his hand­ A Simple Camp Gr'.te writing, which is affixed to a blank startin g Saturday afternoon at purpose Is not known by the Mesdames Yockey, Ed Stannard, to Take Photographs A simple and convenient camp R ainier — Two fireproof build­ a . M. Beaver, Jr., W alter Harndon Our Phone 82 2:30. 305— tf whites. By. stimulating certain kinds of and kept with the photograph for grate that does not take up n;:: • a and children, A. M. Beaver Sr., ings, hotel and theatre, are to be Hain P laza Ashland i~ 1 plants with an intense beam of reference in case dispute later arises room and can easily be made <»y a-y- BABY IS DESERTED 1 Charles Dickens of Iowa, Miss built. Prof. Francis E. Lloyd, of Mc- as to the depositor’s identity or his UN CHICO DOORSTEP Ethel Dickens, Francis Burns and i GJ1 university, has devised a method signature. * * * Miss Minnie Beaver. ;r r taking color photographs of them r by the rays which they emit. In the New Capitol Built over Old CHICO, Cal., Aug. 2 7. — With-1 The same group also enjoyed a f '& 'i xperiment, the plants glowed with out a m ark of identification, a swimming party at H elm an’s last t — Saves Rent for State Offices tnilliant red, orange, and yellow lights baby boy, 3 or 4 days old, wa-s evening. A very delightful time GEAR SHIFT BALLS Replacing the old Nebraska state fc.‘d details of their structure which left on the doorstep of the resi- ; was reported. e« > >ld not be observed under the capitol with a $5,000,000 structure on For Every Car dence of E. T. Stone, 4588 Sacra- ! * « * microscope, were revealed. The pig­ the same site, while government work mento Avenue, last night. Enjoy Swimming P arty — ments, which are believed to be the goes on unhampered in the present The baby had a light w raper The Christian Endeavor of the •ouree of the luminous glow, are one, is a feat being accomplished at thought to play an important part in Lincoln. When the new building is on and is well nourished and Presbyterian Church had a very C T C TIRES near completion, the old one inside the growth of the cells. healthy. Police Chief C. E. Tovee | enjoyable swimming party at will be tom down. The wrecking !✓ // * * ♦ and the police m atron, Mrs. Annie H elm an’s Sulphur Baths Tuesday For Every Car promises to be an interesting engi­ Giant Saxophone Is So Large neering operation, as the present cap­ W edekind, took th e little fellow evening. The party met at the Player Stands on Ladder to a hospital. No clues can be Presbyterian Church and went itol is built entirely of stone and has a found as to the parent. from there in cars. About fifteen Weighing 500 pounds and modeled dome that rises 300 feet from the one, is shown in the drawing. It is AMERICAN HAMMER 73 ground. J u s t accurately after smaller instruments, --------------------------- people enjoyed the affair. This 2 enough room is made from a number of 18-in. lengths a huge saxophone was displayed not WHOLE TOWN IS BEING ■ is one of the many happy affairs ED PISTON RINGS being left be­ of %-in. flat iron, about 1 in. w To. long ago in Califoj-nia. Securely CONSTRl CTKD OF ADOBE' th a t have been given by the tween the new These lengths are pivoted together bracketed to the outside of the manu­ For Every Car u " ”— ---------- ! Christian Endeavor in the sum- walls and the at the ends as shown in the upper facturer’s shop, the giant instrument L--- —-U DEATH VALLEY, Cal., Aug. mer months. Other parties are ! • old building for detail, which arrangement permits formed an impressive advertising dis­ 27. — One of the w orld’s most being planned for the near fu- a railroad track them to be folded compactly or play, and to emphasize its tremendous to carry away drawn out for use. The fire is made unique construction programs is ture. proportions, a young woman who at­ KELLY TIRES I t h e d e b r i s . between two rows of rocks, as flat as • * • tempted to play it was compelled to being carried out here, where the » 1 X While s ix or can be found and of fairly equal mount a ladder to reach the mouth­ Pacific Coast Borax Company is Picric In P ark — For Every Car • » • J Ì I seven years will height, as shown, and the grate placed piece. building an entire village of Among those who picnicked in * * ♦ be required to on top of them. When not in use, the adobe. ¡Lithia Park Tuesday evening were If you need replacem ents for c o m p lete th e grate is folded up and put in a canvas Camera to Detect Forgery Southern Pacific low roundtrip Scores of residences are being Mr. and Mrs. Fraley and two project by this pocket made to hold it. Suggestions Snaps Face and Name your car, we have them for method, t h e ♦ » ♦ fares present alluring possibilities built for tbe company’s employes, children. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Newport Simultaneously photographing the contractor ex­ The houte of Sudden Service. and the building program i n . _________ for a joyous holiday. Cranking a “Stiff’* Car depositor and his signature, a double Tillamook pects to sfltve eludes plans for a large hospital I camera arrangement has been per­ Across from the Big 0-Story Coo» Bay beaches the state two After repairing a car by fitting some Take the family o n a holiday and a th eatre, all to be of adobe. fected by an eastern inventor for use Oregon Caves or three years’ new bearings and taking up the old Hotel in banks and business houses to de­ rent on offices. ones, it was found impossible to crank Crater Lake journey. Your trip via Southerp tect forgeries. Upon a special plate Ai a the engine, and a heavy snow pre­ Delightful FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid­ Pacific w ill he surprisingly inex­ th e machine at one “snap” registers a vented towing the car. However, the mountain resorts ings; 25c per bundle. dh following scheme proved effective: pensive and convenient. NEW and USED Another auto was run up alongside it so that the two adjacent rear wheels For fu ll information, communicate with It would be advisable to get of both cars were in line and could be your heater at once. lashed together with a rope. The f- G. N. K ram er, Local A gent. . Phone 14 or 43 axles of both cars were, of course, jacked up to keep the wheels in aline- w h local ar.d internal, and has beer ASH LAST) FURNITURE -i«- », ment and prevent the cars from mov­ successful in the treatm ent of C atarrl COMPANY ing. The second car was then started ■i H I« for c v .r 40 years. Sold by all druggists 04 N. Main and both care thrown into high gear E. J. C H E N E Y &. C O .. T o le d o . O h h i with the result that the first one was quickly started. :S O C IE T Y : Ha/yjMvatM ! ATTENTION- vwbv MlLKi ZEROIENE Q OVERLAND Shoe Shop A Step with Pep » First National Bank O’Neal Your House Cleaning P H IL C O J. O. RIGG Electric PERCOLATORS STANDARD OIL COMPANY Dianion«! ÎOO% FORD »atienes • fubricalion THE What the World Is Doin Murphy El ec. Co. Labor Day another great 3 DAY VACATION Saturday ySunday ^Monday to your favorite playground HEATERS Leedonis Tire House HaWs C atarrh M edicine ’f« Southern Pacific r iurrWW--=i>'