mos ma »Atti? îîûfViîfi Classified Column Au gu st f it, 19*24 PROFESSIONAL will coat settlers to c fia u te raw •flw t In increasing th e am ount lafid Into improved form. Soil ex­ cf equipm ent available to the SEATTLE TO HONOR CMALONÈR SAYS M O Vlte C lassified Colum n R ates Ashland —- Skyline mine will Ì AN K EE AVIATORS K E L P EM ON PHYSICIANS perts from th e D epartm ent of Ag­ public. THE FARM One cent th e word each spend S i f 0,000 on concentrator, riculture are also giving valuable, A verage G reater DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings tim e. SAN FRANCISCO, August 27. ore hiili and other improvements. Articles of tim ely interest* assistance in these studies. When NEYf Y O ?’<, Aug. 27.— John The average car load for the —Lt. Theodore J. Koenig, com­ office. Phone 91. To run every Issue for one are welcomed under this head. these experts have reached th eir first six months of 1 9 has* been A rm strong t haloner, Virginia month or more. the word Communciations m ust bear the DR. C. W . HANSON conclusions on all of th e propos-, greater than in the first six m anding Sand Point Fieid, at Se­ m illionaire and gentlem an farm er, each time. attle, W ashington, is at Crissy signature of the author. D en tist ed new projects, they are to b e'm o n th s of 1923. In May the aver-i believes he has the answer to the DEMAND Field today to confer with Lt. Special attention given to pyor­ age-old problem: subm itted to local committees of j age c a rlo a d was 29.1 tons, a h a lf ! FO R R ENT Col. Frank P. Lahm, Ninth Corps rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver bankers, farm ers, and business i ton higher than the previous hi»h ! ‘How can you keep ’em down Area a ir officer. I1 OR RENT— Furnished room Block. Phone 178-J. on the farm ?” 233-tf. TO THE EDITOR: men for th eir suggestions as to I m: rk of the company. The h e a v -< Preparations are under way The plight of the A rm -------- enians - in costs and methods of develop-1 ler the load, the less cars r e - ' with or w ithout housekeeping 77.» 7777777, „ 7— 7----- ---- ------ “ H's the movies,” says Chaloner. privilege; also good garage. Mrs. k * ERNEST A- WOODS— P ra c -. th e Near East is almost as des m ent.’ at Sand Point Field to receive To prove his theory, Chaloner quired and the car supply is con the round-the-worid flyers on the TEe D augherty, 55 Pine St. 287-12* tlce limited to eye, ear, ncse anu P irate today as it was nnder has started on a coast-to-coast ' sequently increased. WatldPe Bea Tonic completion of their flight,” said throat X-ray including teeth, j Abdul Hamid, except th at th ere tour urging owners of large farms In June the highest average Lt Koenig FOR KENT— Furnished sleep­ Over 100,000 people have Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc j aro now very few of th a t perse- to provide nightly movie shows ! num ber of cars per train in the ing rooms, 1165 East Main St., testified th at TANLAC “ In commemoration of the! 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. cuted People living under the ru le for their help as well as for small has relieved them of: ■ history of the company was ob- 1 1-2 block from high school. flight, a marble shaft ornam ented : Ore. . of tile Turkish Nationalists. i tained, the figure being 4S.3 cars with bronze wings and a tablet! tenants in their districts. 299— 12* DR MATTI F ~ n u u i u — 7 ~ 7 S to m a ch T rouble, ’ he Armenians wll° survive a re New Records R h eu m a tism , H l. MATTIE IL SHAW— Real- largely exiles. A hundred thoua- containing the names of the pilots J FOR RENT— 6 room house, New records were set by the and their ships will be erected 1 dence and office. 108 Pioneer and of them have taken tem por- M a!-N utrition, furnished or unfurnished, also SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 27. — company in January in the aver­ aventie. Telephone 28. Officf ary refuge in Greece. They have Sleeplessness, near the field by the city of Se-1 Farmers Attention furnished apartm ent. Phone 481-J N e rv o u sn e ss, hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 seen all their hopes of a national, Of particular interest at the pres­ age gross tons hauled per train a ttle and civic organizations joint-I or call 185 Pioneer Ave. 299— tf ent time when organized opposi Fly season will soon be on. (cars and contents), net tons per L o ss o f A p p etite, ly.” p. m. only. , home under American protection Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. tion to the Defense Test day is train (actual freight hauled) an d , L ose o f W eig h t, FOR RENT: — Eighty acre DR. E. B. ANGELD vanish Boa. fly spray for your cow's in many the j the average load each locomotive ■Chiropractic, T , . , as the ", whole " O1 stru ctu re o f . evident ----------------- , localities in lut Torpid L iver or 'farm, seven miles east of Ashland the best fly killer made. G ard­ ITnitPrf States, comes „------ .. the news has been made tQ puU Then and Electro-Therapy. Office J ™ settlem ent waa destroy- United Marshfield — City finds Brew­ C onstip ation. en Hose, and garden tools, on Pacific highway. For inform a­ Phone 48; residence 142. First Promtses m ade to th em from * Moscow of the conference company, with the cooperation of ster Valley an adequate water lencing and binder twine, tion appy to Mollie Songer, 4 5 “A sk Anyone Who Has so profusely three years ago a re held by th e Communist In tern a­ supply for Coos Bay cities. National Bank building. mowers and repairs always on the public in heavier loading, Taken TANLAC” Helman St. Ashland. 303-10* band. , now as w orthless as the paper on tionale which proposes to organ­ broke each' of these three records OVEK MILLION BOTTLES j which was w ritten the Treaty of MONUMENTS ize an International Red arm y for each month during the rest of the SOLD FOR RENT: Furnished house Sevres. the purpose of assisting other 478 Boulevard. 304-4* -lalf year, with one exception. In ASHLAND GRANITE Fur S ilc Bp All d x w D rv»fcta But they have not been alto­ coutnries to “ conquest by revolu­ other words, out of eighteen MONUMENTS gether abandoned. The League of FO R SALE tion” chances, seventeen records were Oregon G ranite Co. j Nations is settling a small num­ broken. I T o E n list Y ouths S. $ 2 0 0 0 .0 0 cash puts you in to PENNISTON, Salesman. ber of them near Erivan, Russia. NEW and USED In a proclam ation issued to the Not only were heavier trains this money m aking hotel, no bet­ Res. 4 7 0 Laurel Phone 444-Y i The American N ear East Relief ... .................. ..................................... “ Youth,” the Communist Interna, hauled, but they traveled over the te r location in town, 25 rooms all 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ;--------------- --------- It would be advisable to get is caring for nearly 50,000 A r­ on one on« f flor, lo r rent n n iv t $70.00; 7 ft o n - i ‘ GIRL IN TROUBLE— May tionale at Moscow states: “ The road in quicker time, for the gross on rent only your healer at once. menian orphans, exemplifying th e Red arm y exists not only as an communicate with Ensign Lee ton miles per train hour, a figure always full; clears $150.00 per of the Salvation Army at the principles and teachings of the instrum ent of combat for the obtained by m ultiplying the tra ir m onth above all expenses. Full Golden Rule. ASHLAND FURNITURE W hiteShield Home, 565 May- United Socialist Soviet Republics load by th e speed of train, show­ price $3000.00 for lease and fu r­ C ondition U n stable COMPANY fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. but also for the Communist In­ ed an increase each month over nishings, ju st a good place for The present condition of th e 94 N. Main J ternationale. The time is rapid­ the same month in 1923, and all one woman. Box 462, Ashland. I Í Armenian refugees dispersed ly approaching when the Com­ PLANING MILL previous records were broken suc­ 295— 8» throughout the Near East is ex­ I JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET trem ely unstable, and it consti­ m unist Internationale will lead cessively in March, April, May and FOR SALE or TR AD E— (160 HE greatest problem in many AVORKS, Cor. Helman and tutes a serious reproach to all th e millions of the proletariat in bat­ June. acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ tle. The Red arm y is the army A fter Im provem ent a honselkolj is the boy. It is Van Ness. 1 9 4 tf! Powers which failed to fulfil th e ir tom land, within 8 miles Minot. of revolution and will assist other ‘ We are constantly trying to a big problem. One of the most solemn promises. Over 100,000 North Dakota. If interested call TRANSFER AND EXPRESS countries to conquest by revolu­ get more freight in each car, more of these exiles are now in Greece or w rite G. S. Butler. important hints toward solving it tion.” 300 Im o W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. cars in each train and then move but the League of Nations has is to encourage the boy to start a for SERVICE. At the same time the news train s over th e line in quicker FOR SALE— 6 room house, ju st served notice on the world Experienced movers and pack­ comes from Moscow th a t Trotsky tim e,” said Dyer in commenting savings account of bis own. This with or w ithout furniture, easy th a t early evacuation of these Commissar for W ar, Soviet Rus ers of household goods. Deal­ on the report. “ The result means term s. Phone 481-J or call 185 means thrift and character. Armenians will be necessary ow­ sia, w arns Russia to be prepared economy of operation and ers in coal and wood. Phone Pioneer Ave. 299— tf ing to Greece’s lack of space and 117. for the most unprecedented catas- | greater supply of equipm ent avail- of money to support them. Greece FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers trophe th a t has yet occurred in able to shippers.’ Office 89 Oak St. near has offered assistance in tra n s­ milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- the history of mankind. He de­ Hotel Ashland porting them up to an am ount o£ dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* clares th a t American meddling in T. L PO W ELL—General Transí »300,000 European affairs will certainly re­ The American people, through Ier Good team and motor W O NDERFUL BARGAIN su lt in reducing European coun­ '4 U trucks. G >od service at a rea­ the Near East Relief, can help tries to a state of vassalage sim­ Ashland, Oregon Fairly good house, large lot, to see th at this situation, a p er­ sonable price. Phone 83. ilar to th a t of the Balkans and paved street, convenient to ennial disgrace to civilization, is this inevitably provoke a new FEHIGE-ROACH school, $1100; 10 per cent down relieved, so far as is now possible, j worjd war « ♦ ♦ ♦ f T ransfer — Express — Storage But the work of our relief or-j and 10 per cent per month. , Hauling — Dray work of all ganization is being seriously hand ( 10 CENTS A POUND «I II _ . , FOR RENT jkinds. Quick motor service. Dry »capped by lack of funds, andj . °° X - OUse> close in, wood of all kind9. Phone 410-R even its present orphanage work — o — o— unfurnished, $18.00, TH E OREGON STATU HJRICI L H RAL tO L L E G E 375 *B. St. 112-tf have to be curtailed unless j .’ I I O FFER S - additional contributions are forth- ! Good seven room house, g a r­ Grapes— Cantaloupes È- coming. age, chicken house, 2 acres cow « il» ; For a smooth shave JOHN R. VORIS, pasture .located on lower Helman, Peaches—Pears L and quick service go Associate General Secretary. $25.00. X SAN FRANCISCO, August 27 h- Near East Relief. to the Shell Barber Celery—Vege tables — Records in various phases of .4 Good five room house, furnish­ Shop. Ladies and A ugust 26, 1924. operating efficiency have been re ­ ed, Alida Street, will rent for children get your hair In the several pursuits and prof usion in lif peatedly broken by the Pacific Ziou Fig Baite—Special school term only, $25.00 per llirough the following schools and departm ents - 20r a Found bobbed and m arcel­ System of the Southern Pacific month. led. Company in the first half of 1924, The School of Basic Arts and Sciences according to a report made pub­ RENTALS, TRADES, BUSI­ W. A. SHELL. Prop. (Art. English, public speaking, modern lar uagea, history and lic today by J. H. Dyer, general NESS O P P O R T UNITIES. 532 A. St. Ashland. Ore You soon forget the few dol­ the sciences.) Providing the foundation training upon which SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS manager. The records have to lars saved on “ ch eap ” tires, technical specialization is built. ON MY LIST. do with car loading and train op­ H. A. S tearn s fll N. Main but not those extra thousands of m iles gained on