¡m. IM AsHLÁfcB BAffV ïffiMfG« MM A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID I N G S WtMtifcwdity, August 27. 10îl4 u Few men are greater than their publicity agents’ ob- iact that 4 nQV*> ©r story already s ’ctas ptohouaccd him “dsud.” A patient nun, serving as a nurse in the hospital, thought she detected Publish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by “ The next person who speaks will be expelled from ! îrom^h^pen of ^a^wéiuk810^ a suggestion of warmth o’io u t the THE ASHLAND PRINTING 0 0 . heart and massaged him with al- the court,” said the judge. “ Hooray!” shouted the pris- author, even if inferior to thlT U ! cohol for several hours. The Bert R. Greer ..........................................................................................E ditor ; O iler an unknown w riter, produces George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager patient eventually came to. The more dollars. • rod had been rescued by another Motion picture directors never CITY pa per ..... .................................... Telephone 39 The first marriage had its advantages 4dam and vessel. One of his most vivid K ftttreil . t th o A*hlm<1, Oregon P .tstoffle« a» Second CI m . M oll M atter E v e h a d „ „ r(,l a t ! r p a « - » H e r a production from a n , recollections, he says, w’as seeing l>utter knives and thirteen spoons. ’ ' i” Subscription P rice, D elivered in City i fath er washed away by the One M o n th ..... 3 .^5 BCKNAKR- waves Three Months m atter how “ a rtistic” the director M A C F A O D E M 1.95 „ TT ,, Six M o n th s.......................... 3 75 . M ajor H urndall, his wife and When lie whispers, “ You’ve made me the happiest may be, because of the large ? .................................. ....................................... British destroyer and taken to a , th e ir son arrived here recently In One B *’ i ear „ am ounts of money used in film _________ _ _ 7 B ® man in the world,’K he little suspects that he .may be Many people B y Mail and R ural R ou tes: use the terms hospital, where an examining p h y -• preparation for the polo games ............•—.......... - — ....- - -................... * -05 telling the divorce magistrate the same thing a few vears studios to tu rn out their products. ‘ stammering” and ‘stuttering” i n - ------------------------------- ■ j --------- l o u t Chances cannot be taken with terchangeably, although they do not Six M o n th s.................................. 3.50 Il a t e i ’ box office receipts and only novels mean the same thing at all. Stain, Ope Year ................ ............................................................................. 6.50 ------------------------------------- ,T ” ” 1 aQd stories which have made good mering implies a defect of speech .News dispatches credit both Attorney Darrow and!as 8Uch have been produced to which renders the child almost un­ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion. per inch .......................................................... j .30 ¡Attorney Crowe with speaking in voices that can be heard i any 6x46,11 up to this time, able—a t times wholly unable—to . Y early C ontracts: Hays’ ultim atum (o the industry pronounce words. Stuttering is a One Insertion a week ................................................... • 27% ¡for blocks. We’d bate to live in that neighborhood. th at suggestive pictures m ust go— condition in which the child re­ Two insertions a week ................................... .25 Dally insertion ............................................. pictures built largely around Peats rapidly the consonant at the .20 n n n n u ttn n n n n » » R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising present-day literary productions i beginning of a word, p.s "c-c-cat.” CHANGING SCENES tt F irst insertion, per 8 point line ............................................... $ .10 — puts a new face on things. | Both these habitsx as well as lisp- Bach subsequent Insertion, 8 point line...... U .05 Samuel Wood, well-known dir- i a re of nervous origin. They Card of T h a n k s ___—______ ___ ___ O n e ‘Hym n Of P rogress 1.00 »I ector, believes w riters of seen- , ™ Jh“’ be,<,1re 'H* O bituaries, per line. . .02% By A lonzo G issing » 1........................ ......................... ...... .............................. „ , x . . i tt“ e or “ x’ » ‘th o u g h occasionally a rio s Will now com e to th e fro n t they m ay m ak e th e ir a p p e a ra n c e » WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ^ rapidly. He says: a t a som ew hat e a rlie r age. Illu strated By An In terio r B ‘ i, future events, where an admission charge is made or a “ T he ban on a ll p lay s and books T he J 1108* effective tre a tm e n t is collection taken in A dvertising. »1 View v j . , . . , i prevention, an d th e m ethod cm - s discount orders. bordering on the salacious, is s u -; piOyed for this purpose may - - - - - - will - ■ be allowed Religious or Benevolent I »! LONDON, Aug. 27.— Two wide­ ed by Will Hayes and w’hlch had be used to effect a cure after the Around about this weary world, DONATIONS tit No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis- the salesman wends his way. ly I ly divergent views on prohibition the endorsem ent of every person 1 babit has been acquired. in the motion picture in d u s try 1 J e r^ beginning tW printing— our contributions will be in cash. seems th at his fair p artn er is United States are supplied , , I child should be ta u g h t to sneak who has the w elfare of the husi- ! deliberately and slowly, pronounc- AUG 1ST 27 * also here to stay. She sticks her by W. E. (Pussyfoot) Johnson, THERE IS NO MAN th at bath power over the spirit to retain , ....... foot inside a door, and soon has wellknown prohibition agent, and ness at heart, is hound to b rin g ! ing every word with distinctness, word with which it has dif- the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there sold a bed. If a gent th a t pack- Dr. Charles P orter, medical of- about a shortage in story m aterial ficulty should be rep e a te d d istin ctly is no discharge in th at war.— Ecclesiastes 8:8. ed a grip tried th at, they’d hit him f,cer for the M aryleborn district for the screen. by som e one else, u n til th e child “ Inasmuch as the popular type is fa m ilia r w ith th e sound. on the head. I of London, who have both arrived of book and play is lost to the T he effect of adverse suggestion in London after studying prohib­ m u st be carefu lly avoided. The screen under this ruling, a serious ition a t first hand. child should be k e p t free from Biggest Home Furnishers in Ashland BRAVE SOLDIER PASSES AWAY Johnson has been on a six condition confronts us today. A a sso ciatin g w ith anybody who Mayor C. L. Loomis, a brave and courageous soldier m onths’ speech and lecture tour, large bulk of the modern novels sta m m e rs o r stu tters. It m ust be cau tio n ed never to ta lk w hen ex- of life, has passed away and today the city and its citizens whiile P o rter went to study health and plays comes under this head- ing, and will consequently rem ain i liieht^»tThT~l^ oment there is the problems. are bowed in grief because such a beautiful and inspiring- . , , • . , . ! PUgntest tendency to sta m m e r u n to u c h e d a s f a r a s th e m ovies J s tu tte r, or lisp, th e child should be Johnson tells a tale of p racti­ character will not be with us any longer. j e e n tly adm onished to stop until he cally no drunkenness and the in­ are concerned. “ T he b alan ce of a v a ila b le 11113 cau ^ h t his b re a th a n d regained Several years ago he became afflicted, but he did creasing satisfaction of the peo­ control of th m uscles an d nerves not permit the burden and misfortune to dim his optimism ple w ith prohibition, while P orter screen m aterial is far from suf­ of his speech organs. B re a th in g exercises a re of g rea t aud willingness to carry on; so when the call of duty avers th at in th e N orthern States ficient to take care of the demand for stories. The public will have I value, asm u ch a s th e diso rd er came tor him b assist in governing the city, he gladly They say the Sultan’s harem he saw more people under the in­ to be educated to original stories 8eeip s. in in p a rt, to be due to lack of assumed the du and death only ended his successful all have bobbed th eir hair. “A fluence of drink and hopelessly w ritten especially for the screen co n tro l of th e d iap h rag m . H olding Yankee peddler tau g h t them and completely inebriated a t all This is th e only hope for the pro th e b re a th fo r several seconds, and constructive idministration. lettin g it out slowly, o r w ith re g ­ of th e day than he ever did u la r in te rru p tio n s, h as been found No soldier of the battle line could be braver than that we hear the Sultan swear. hours ducer. We m ust look to the liter- i They’ve throw n their heavy veils in England. extrem ely useful, w hen rep e a te d ! Charles L. Loomis was, as he fought against misfortune away, “ D uring the whole of my trip I ary talent in and out of the movie j several tim es daily. though still they w ear their and discouragement until the Death Angel called him. pants. They’ve traded their pipes only saw four people under the industry to supply story m aterial | C hildren who s tu tte r o r sta m m e r i th a t will come up to the dram a- s should be taught to take a full for chewing gum, and are learning influence of d rin k ,” Johnson said tic punch of those boo'ks and breath before beginning each sen(| in an interview. “ I visited clubs, how to dance. plays which we will not be able „..'LT t r a *ning should be a. hotels, banqueting halls and other ’’a rt of th e ir re g u la r currlculm . to produce. " hey should p ractice by u tte rin g places, and only once did I see a “ The man who can w rite good ! th e vowel sounds slowly an d w ith­ GENERAL PERSHING man taking a drink of liquor, and o u t hesitation, beginning w ith a ■ The retirement ot General Pershing in September, th a t was on a railroad train. Of story m aterial for the screen will j w hisper and g rad u a lly developing being automatically retired under the army rule since he A fterw ards th e ! course bootlegging is still going come to the front. W riters of J th e full voice. hackneyed and stereotyped stories, j vowel sounds m ay be preceded by j on, hut the prohibition a u th o rit­ Will on September 13th, be ID years of age, removes the consonants. however, will not be able to get j ies are carrying out the law w ith­ first full general in the American army since the death by. It is my belief th a t before out fear or favor.” of General Sheridan in 1888. In his rep o rt of his visit Dr. many months have passed the I lie retirement also brings up another point. Dur­ P o rter states th a t he learned on original story will come into its; i 1 ing his services he has been paid $21,500 a year, vet in UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, inquiring at the Boston City Hos­ own.” retirement, even though he will always he available in Eugene, August 26. — q;he walls pital th a t a num ber of cases tre a t­ ¡lined in,the Arizona of the Novel, with all the appeal case of war, his pension will be only $10,125. Many think of the supposed “ buried city” in ed for alcoholism had definitely O ther directors disagree with of the A uthor’s characters. lake, in Eastern Oregon increased. In New York the num ­ Wood’s opinion. that Congress should by special decree fix his pension Thorn NEW YORK, Aug. 27.— Major! They assert th a t future weeks ber of deaths from this cause which were thought to be the at the same salary he has been drawing and point to the relics of a forgotton civilization, has also increased and is con­ will see production of many Euro­ F. B. H urndall, of the British i Army, is a lively “corpse.” fact that Admiral Dewey was given the full pay of an are not the work of human hands, siderable, he says. pean and American novels and Officially^ pronounced dead in i admiral until his death. People are drinking with the short stories. merely volcanic form ations, ac­ : 1918, the m ajor is prepared to of- It is also pointed out that Field Marshal Haig, who cording to a report made by Dr. object of getting intoxicated. P o r­ It is declared there is a wealth ! fer substantial evidence that h te r declares, and not with the de­ of m aterial in American w riters’ was the leader for Great Britain in the recent war, was W arren D. Smith, of the dep art­ sire to ju st have a convival even­ works which has been untouched m ent of geology, who with two granted an earldom and 50,000 pounds. Abroad many university students has spent sev­ ing. D rinking is going on for by the motion picture and that | f u a T E iO itrJh jT grants have been given generals and military leaders up- eral weeks in Eastern Oregon this drinking’s sake. these stories will now’ be filmed. Many prom inent persons in the on their retirement. America would like to’ see General summer. motion picture industry forecast Theory F alse Pershing continue to receive his regular salary until his a change in American literatu re Dr. Smith found the walls, death. as a result of Hays’ ban. They which seemed to be of masonry declare th a t w riters, looking to and to follow regular lines, to be A C hronicle o f E ven ts O ccuring WHERE ARE THE POLITICIANS • rich profits from movie rights, merely w hat the geologists call in W orld C enters o f It is not so very long before the county officers will “clastic dikes” . These ribs rep­ ' will adopt their stories to the P opulation i screen, elim inating suggestive an­ he selected by the voters of Jackson county, yet, to one resent cracks which in the course who lias lived in the states where politics is one of the of ages have become filled with LOS ANGELES, Aug. 27. — gles “ outlaw ed” by Hays’ edict. everyday topics of conversation, the apparent inactivity sand or tuffaceous m aterial which Here s cheer for w riters bitten by closely resembles m ortar. This the movie bug. PA RAD ISE FOR BEAR S o f the politicians seems peculiar. lead to the conclusion th a t the IN SAWTOOTH RANGE T hat a serious shortage of The politician js usually an insistent person in at­ walls were built by human beings, stories for motion picture produc­ tempting to convince the voter that he is the most cap­ but c lo se . exam ination revealed tion will soon confront the pro­ ETNA MILLS, Aug. 27. — A able person of holding the office which he is seeking' th a t they did not follow regular ducers is the opinion of many di­ University of California has dis­ rectors. following the placing of credited reports crediting all sometimes bordering on being troublesome, hut he is gen­ lines sim ilar to masonry walls. O ther In vestigation s erally a happy spirit and agreeable, which makes him In addition to investigating the a ban by Will Hayes, president of i sorts of strange things to a “ lost the motion picture producers aud valley” in the Siskiyous. welcome. Thorn lake form ations the party d istrib u to rs’ organization, upon Dr. Paul Cadman, Dr. W arner Incidentally, it might he stated that one hears verv visited with Colonel W illiam H an­ “questionable” plays, novels and Hoyt and Harvey Miller, of Kerke- j little talk about a ticket for the city election this fall. ley at H arney lake, which they short stories. ley, explored the region, and j found to be alm ost dry. No min­ found a hidden valley between Tiot em out boys, and let’s start a “ hoss” race. Any w ritten document border- eral salt deposits, such as have Ing on the salacious is classed | 4b® headw aters of the T rinity and been supposed to exist, were found under H ay’s ban, and many dir- j Sâlmon rivers. Nothing unusual in surface investigations in the ectors declare the only course but the num ber and size of bear GOOD LAND AWAITING IRRIGATION Southern Oregon has had a taste of irrigation and lake bed, but Dr. Smith, assisted open is to seek original stories tracks was found. by Colonel Hanley, prepared a re­ w ritten especially for film produc­ in as dry a section as this, it is a taste that lingers. It has port to Governor Pierce recom­ Reedsport— 375,000 w ill be been fully demonstrated that dry-farming, as a whole, is mending more extensive borings tion. In the past the directors have spent on new sewers and in fill­ entirely unsatisfactory as compared to irrigation. to establish definitely w hether even refused to consider original ing low grounds to bring whole lh e,e are a number of irrigation projects, large and there are valuable deposits at stories. city surface up to level of solid small in Southern Oregon which have demonstrated this depth in the lake bed, which be­ This was largely because of the ground. longs to the State. (Established in 1876) ' ¿ e C tiv e s. • Published held great advertising power io r a picture production. Òiints Father of Physical C u ltu r e “PUSSYFOOT’1 AND is very much alive when he takes i i . . r.cT: m onth in the interr.a- tional polo matches at W estbury, Long Island. In October, 1918, Major Hurn- dall, then a captain, was aboard a British vessel torpedoed by a German subm arine. He and his son climbed on a raft, but the fath er was washed overboard, Subsequently H urndall’e “ body” , was picked up by a passing Queen Anne and Italian D IN I N G R O O M S U I T E S 1 in W alnut and Oak which will add beauty and dignity to your dining room. These are moderately priced and we will be glad to show them to you. Swenson & Peebler Today and Tomorrow E IALE HE'LL PLAY PDLG The comedy is ^Hanging Around” NEWS LETTER Classified advertisements have come to be an American institution—they t,10u^ 1’ iew them have as yet reached a point ot efficiency as r gards the proper application of water to the various cr ps grown. As in every action, where irrigation is resorted to there is a growing demand for irrigated farms. While dry farming is more or less successful for certain crops and where certain c o n d itio n s^ right, the buyer hesitates a long time before taking the chance. There is as great amoirnt of land that is yet susceptible to irrigation and the time is not tar distant when every possible source of water supply is going to he utilized in watering manv acres of good land that is now lying dormant for the lack ot it. • Tlle ,ian<1 of Pr°gress is reaching out into the great held ot natural undeveloped resources of Southern Ore­ gon and the consequental rapid change of local conditions is the result of such progress. It is time for local people to wake up and take stock of their mental activities as regards keeping in pace with these changing conditions that they may better conform to the new and more progressive ideas of the newcomers from better developed sections who are rapidly enough taking over the properties which, in the past, have been non-productive and converting them into propertv of productive activity.—Gold Hill News. The round-the-world flyers are nearing civilization. The places they are landing at now have names that can be pronounced. Step on the gas and step off the earth. vitally concern every member of the family. Studied F orm ations Most of the sum m er was spent by the party in a geological re­ connaissance in M alheur county in the canyon of the Snake river from H untington to H ell’s Can­ yon. F u rth e r investigations which had been planned were m ade im­ possible by the low stage of the w ater. The Snake river canyon, they report, is one of the won­ ders of W estern America. Al­ though the fact is little known, it is deeper than the Grand Can­ yon of the Colorado. FREE TREATMENTS for neuritis, rheum atism , vari­ cose veins, milk-leg, eczema, any open sores and every kind of blood disease. If you have anything.w rong with you, come and see me and you will be glad you came. When It Rains- Wood blocks and other fuel ivill be wet and hard to handle Why Not Lay in Your Winter's Fuel Now? We can furnish you slab wood—fir or pine—also Royal Utah or Wyoming coal. We are hauling in some nice 14 inch and 16 inch fir wood from, the mountains. We would like to haul this wood to you direct in either three or four tier lots. Dr. McNeir Over McNair's Drug Store ASHLAND, OREGON Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “In th e H eart o f T ow n” Most Readers a have become habitual patrons of the classi­ fied advertisements, because they have found it is a profitable habit, indeed. Pick up today’s issue of The Tidings, read through the classified advertisements and learn for yourself why classified advertis­ ing is so important. 1 Cent A Word The Ashland Tidings