PAUK K »PH A hh L ano Here Last Night*» i L o c a l» P erso n al fiotes J. J. McMahon, itatfl traffic officer, was an Ashland visitor last night. fcÁíiif M tifö g HUSKIES MAKE GOOD ¡ to rescue him, ATHLETIC RECORD ! Mr. and Mrs. frttftxia», Atiymn 1)0, fidSfikopf tad our physicians and our bus!- and ness then, the most important “No Easy Thing” ' tfea? the» shall h a iT a iT c ftf Sim It Is no easy thing for a fath« later attached to them ? How » a ftf j their Son arrived here yesterday j work in the world— the work of er to see his life’s hope crumbled boys and girls, now many unborn EATTLE, M ash., Aug. 26. — for a visit to th eir ra-ncli prop parents— is done with little or in the dusty. Is there any rea- children, will feel i t 7 Life in , The University of W ashington s erty nearby. A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of no training.” Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- ' achievements in a well-balanced son why their proud names and prison is bad enough, but it isn’t local interest a r ’s home-made salad dressing, program of activities are shown all the future generations thal the scaffold.” SISKIYOU MAN’S CAR Hood River — Checks for $55,- 296— lm o* | in records made public by Darwin DESTROYED BY FIRE 000 for warded to fruit growers — I Meisnest. graduate m anager, H ere from Modoc P oin t— IP'turn from Vacation for part payment of 1923 crop. S eriou sly 111— which indicate that W ashington WEED, August 26— W hile C ar­ Mr, and Mrs. F rank Sutton of !\ Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Short- Miss Alice A rm strong, former- has won 51 intercollegiate con­ Modoc Point are in Ashland for ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gru- I jy c o n n e d lo Monte was coming down the ; CROWE CALLS FOR tests in all sports, tied three, and hill out of McCloud h fs car, a se- ’ a lew day, visiting w ith frlaad ,. j alia and Dicky and W orth retu rn - ! OoMI Bank. „ , erlo„ 3|y HANGING OF SLAYERS lost 15. dan, caught fire and was destroy- ed this noon from their two weeks I home on B Street In football W ashington won ten ed. Monte had considerable diffi- ! Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. vacation spent at Myrtle Point, j ______ (Continued From Page 1) games and lost one; in basketball | cutty getting out w ithout serious 300— tf Gold Beach and other places, vis­ Business Trip— won ten games and lost four; in burns. He was coasting down the ¡ Uoeb. iting several coast cities. The G. F. Billings was a business baseball, won 13 and lost seven; hill and, when he turned on the H ere S u n d a y - He spoke of the crushed hopes trip was made in G ru elles Lara- visitor in Medford yesterday a fte r­ in crew, won one race and lost Mrs. Levi Stevens and Mr. and bie special. ignition and “ stepped on the gas,” of the two families— highly re­ noon. none; in tennis, won two and lost there was an explosion and the spected citizens of Chicago. Mrs. Don Stevens were in Ash­ none. There were three victor­ whole front end of the car burst land from Klam ath Falls over Madden sells Balloon tires. R eturns From V acation— ies and one defeat in w restling; into flames. There was $1,700 Sunday, visiting w ith Miss MU- 246-tf O. A. Paulserud and wife re- six victories and two defeats in insurance on the car. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY dred ’Stevens. | turned recently from their vaca- debate, and two victories and one P aul,urud-s s u it. Bull (or less. j spent (he tie in hockey. I* OR RENT: Furnished house PACKING TO START HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, Woods. They were accompanied 47S Boulevard. 304-4* MONTESANO, Wash., August of course. 212— tf T ourists Issue W arning— by Mrs. Deuel of Medford. 26— Packing of blackberries by SIX TO REPRESENT Melrose M artin, su p erin ten d e n t! WANTED: — An English Pit In A shland— O. A. C. AT MEET the plant of the Grays H arbor Bull Dog, under two months. of schools a t Sebastapool, Cal., No Band Practice— Mrs. May Greene of Medford and his family were in G rants i Canning company here will begin CORVALLIS, Aug. 26. — Six at once, as the berries are already Duke Hail, P. O. Box 167. 304-2* was in Ashland yesterday on bus­ Pass this morning, says the Cour- ' There was no band practice at iness. Mrs. Greene intends to ier. He had heard tourists ad- 1 the City Hall Monday evening and scientists from three departm ents beginnin to ripen, according to WANTED it has not yet been decided about will represent the college at the E. C. Forsythe, manager. live in Ashland th is w inter. The Jersey H eifers vise others to keep away from having a concert W ednesday, al­ annual convention of the N orth­ price is quoted at four cents a Price m ust ba right. Car load Drain and G rants Pass, and won­ Sweet cream for whipping and dered why. At Drain, he slowed though it is probable th a t there west Association of H orticultur­ pound. The berries in the vicin- preferred. Give details. Geo. L. made of the new fall ginghams in Novelty Ratine ists, Entom ologists and Plant ity of Elma are reported to be Hogan, General Delivery, Ashland, coffee— also fresh milk, always down while passing through town will be none. ( ’hecks; Collar and Cuffs of plain color. Each Pathologists to be held in the fu rth er advanced than those near ' R epresentative northern Califor- on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf but speeded up when out of the dress trimmed with dainty hand embroidery. Sizes V isitin g Here— , Okanogan lake region of British Montesano. nia Milk Produce Association. business section, it cost him $10 S-10-12 and 14 years. Priced $1.25 and $1.69 each. Mrs. Theodore Wicks and Miss Columbia A ugust 26 to 29, as fol. Recovered from Illu « — We B uy Cream— H ighest Prices. cash bail. At G rants Pass, he Mildred Wicks of San Francisco lows: H. C. Galey, who 1 s been con­ stopped to buy groceries, and 304-2* ESCAPED CONVICT fined to his home for the past found a chalk m ark on his tire, are visiting in Ashland with Mrs. W. S. Brown, professor of hor­ MAKES SUCCESS two or three days with sickness is giving him the impression that C lara Minard of the Plaza. They ticu ltu re; C. E. Schuster, assoc­ able to be around again and is at he was not wanted. He took the expect to stay here for several iate professor, and C. L. Long, LITTLE ROCK, Ark., August days before resum ing th eir trip work. 26— Jim Pikey, escaped convict extension h o rticu ltu rist; B. G. hint and will uuy fu rth er p u r­ to Philadelphia. They will go from A rkansas penitentiary, as j Thompson of the station entomo­ Pullover style; made of all wool yarn colors mar- chases along the route home. by way of the Canadian Pacific. Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory logical departm ent; Dr. S. M. “ Chester M. Moore,” lived for six oon, purple and black trimmed with contrasting Zeller, plant pathologist at the years w ithout detection. He be­ 300— tf Complete line of Ashland Can­ color; sizes 30, 32 and 24. Each $2.48. Find Rich Mine— college, and C. E. Owens of the came a trusted employe of the oed Goods a t Detricks. 94-tf! H arry Floyd of H olland, Ore­ station plant pathology dep art­ Oklahoma City w ater works. IIfc j R eturn from Trip— gon, reported recently th a t two ment. Mr. B. A. Finch and wife and m arried and became father of a Dance Hot Springs Sat. night. rich strikes in placer gold had children returned yesterday from boy. He built a home, planted 301-2 been found by Akerill brothers. flowers and made a garden. He ! a m onth's erip to A lturas, Lake- rs ATTEMPT TO ROB forgot he was Pikey, and then a j He stated th a t the m iners struck view and other northen Califor­ iin ’ st of Craters— STORE IS FAILURE a deposit of gravel after going nia cities. They have been visit­ form er fellow-convict exposed ill new fall styles come in tan, blue, red and brown; V. V. Mills was a guest of A. S. L - . - . . ing friends and. relatives there. Rosenbaum ai the C rater meet- ab0Ut 40 ' eet S0,ld SACRAMENTO, Aug.- 26. — him. sizes 28, 30, 32 and 34. Priced $3.25 to $3.95 each’ Pickey returned to A rkansas to lug which was held in Medford rock. They washed and panned Thw arted in th eir attem pt to this and found $27.10 from three hold up Abe Duncan, owner of a complete his sentence. His sick Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory last night. The Forest Ranger 300— tf q u artet was entertained by the yards ° £ tbls graveL They bave grocery store and gasoline sta ­ wife sent him, unaccompanied, to C raters and made honorary mem- | a,8° discovered nearly a mIIe of'- tion a t Brighton, late last night make good. Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. bers of this association T h e y 1 virgin channel averaging better when he opened fire on them , two But Governor McRae of A rkan­ 300— tf will leave tonight for their home than fifty Cents per yard taken youths were arrested several sas issued a pardon, freed Pikey made of extra fine quality Sateen in black ami in Kentucky after spending some j frOm a tu n n d ' Th,s is reported hours later and today confessed and restored him to citizenship. Go To F alls— white; cut good and full; sizes 4 0 io i_. time a t the C rater Lake Lodge to be ODe of the be8t hydraullc their participation to Deputy Pikey or “Chester Moore” now Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ridley and this summer. Colonel Thompson mines in the country- Sheriffs Charles J. Ogle and H arry has returned to Oklahoma City to Grace and Louise Ridley spent gave an account of their work i Thomas and Constable Jack Gari­ resum e his adopted name In his Sunday in Klam ath Falls visiting and in turn the q uartet paid him ’ NEGRESS HELD AFTER adopted city. baldi at the county jail. with friends there. SHOOTING HUSBAND The prisoners gave the names a high tribute. GRASS VALLEY, Cal.. August of F ran k Kane, aged 18, alias Let us fill your pail with Swifts SACRAMENTO, Aug. 26. — 26— An inquest will be held here J. Jones, and John Bieber, aged MARCEL AND CURL LAST Children’s sox in one-half, three-quarters and seven- Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than LONGER a fte r a Golden Mrs. Ophelia W orthen, a negress, 18, who said they came to Sacra­ today or tomorrow to determ ine Glint eighths length; made with fancy top, all colors to shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is Shampoo. is held in the city jail facing a mento four days ago from Marys­ responsibility for the death of choose from. Priced 29c, 39c, 50c and 75c. more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf probable charge of assault with ville. Duncan has identified them Cerino Salvador, 21, who was Foleys Honey & Tar Comp. 30c intent to kill, while John W ort- as the two bandits who attem pted electrocuted in the Idaho-M ary­ Visit from Camas— hen, a city garbage collector, her to rob him. land' Mine last evening. and 60c. — McNair Bros. Lyon Baughman and wife a r­ husband, lies at the Sacram ento Circumstances of the accident rived In Ashland Sunday from hospital with a bullet wound in LOGGING CAMP WILL are unknown. Salvador came Camas, W ashington and will Movies in th e Open— « his thigh. W orthen was shot by here two weeks ago from British RESUME OPERATIONS Columbia. The pleasure of an ideal mid­ spend a week or ten days visit­ Mrs. W orthen on R street, near Almle with fancy colore« edge, with embroidery in ing with relatives here. Mr. summer evening in the parks was Forty-eighth, at a late hour last MILL CITY, Ore., Aug. 2 ^ — cornei'. Baughm an Is the brother of Clin­ m easurably augm ented on Mon­ night. Logging camp No. 24 of the Ham­ CLARKE COUNTY BUYS ton Baughman, fire chief of this day evening this week, by the In her statem ent to the police, mond Lum ber company will start FLOCK OF PHEASANTS presentation to th e general pub­ city. Mrs. W orthen said she and her operations tomorrow following a lic, free of charge, of an unique VANCOUVER, Wash., August husband have been estranged for shutdown since the first of July. Milk and Cream whole sale and al fresco entertainm net incorpor­ some weeks. Last night W orthen The entire camp will be opened, 26 The county game commission retail from certified herd— Lln- ating views of the Modern Wood­ stepped from a slump of trees on running four sides and employ­ has 600 Chinese pheasants, pur­ F ire ribbed for girls; Heavy ribbed for boys; come men Satitarium a t Colorado lngers Dairy. Phone 396R. R street and advanced toward ing approxim ately 160 men. chased from the Silverton, Ore., Springs. The scenes were very in all sizes up to 10. 35c pair; 3 pair for $1.00. her. She said she ran, drawing On account of the fire hazard game farm, confined in a big pen H ealth giving whole w heat interesting as depicting the daily a revolver from her purse and and shortage of w ater, it has been at the county fish hatchery on routine at th e notable institution bread at The Llthia Bakery. shooting as she ran. necessary for the company to Cold creek, north of Vancouver, m aintained by the Woodmen for draw on th eir surplus logs for the for release in different sections the care and treatm ent of its pa­ L eave fo r Vacation— MEDICAL O FFIC E R ASSIGNED past two or three weeks to keep of the county after the game sea­ Mrs. E. B. H unt, Mrs. Lettie tients. son closes in November. The W ALLA W ALLA, W ash., Aug. the mill supplied. Eastburn and daughter, Frances, 26. — Major W. D. Judkins, medi­ Yard 29c Repairing of bridges at camp 17 birds were purchased with mon­ Ladies and children’s hair cut­ andl Misses K atherine and R uth ey received from the sale of hunt­ cal officer in charge at the vet­ near Detroit, which were burned Parsons left yesterday for a ting. Powder Puff Beauty P ar eran s’ hospital here, has been as ing licenses. 32 inch wide, new fall patterns to select from. See out in the recent fire, will be fin­ 29-3-tf w eek’s camping trip. They will lor- signed to take charge of the vet ished soon and as soon as com­ the new Ratine cheeks. retu rn in time for the opening of erans’ hospital a t Helena. He will pleted another side will be added ASHLAND MAN BAGS Cleaning and pressing at Orres, school. Miss K atherine Parsons leave Tuesday. He has been in there. TWO SPLENDID DEER Phone 64. 300— tf will teach at the Willow Springs charge here for three years. school this year and Mrs. East- Word was received today th a t New Novelty Wool floods now on display; stripes RELEASED BECAUSE burn will teach In the C entral Trouble over High School— Fred Taylor of the Plaza Confec­ Some trouble is being exper­ AUTO RACES ARE ARREST NOT LEGAL tionery Point schools. and checks, also plain’colors in dress flannel. had shot two deer. He HIT AT GRESHAM ienced in G rants Pass a t the pres­ SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26. — has been hunting in the Diamond Superllte auto finish; guaran­ en t time over the new high school GRESHAM, OrL, August 26— Because federal prohibition Lake region for the past week which is being built there. It is teed— Hughes, P ell’s Corner. and was very lucky in getting the Automobile racing was inaugur­ 298— tf being reported through the town ated here this afternoon when agents forced themselves into an deer. He also received a sprain­ Butteriek Patterns in new Autumn stvles at the establishm ent conducted by Steve th at the walls of the building are ! ed ankle while on his vacation, more than 4000 persons gathered aiiern counter Forni .at 575 Columbus Avenue, four feet and a half out of line. W. Stacey Dies— but he is so delighted about the at the Multnomah county fair known as the Baza Cafe, w ithout W. Stacey, form erly of Ash­ C. A. Swope of G rants Pass deer th a t th« sprained ankle has grounds track to witness the spe­ land, and who used to be connect­ states th a t these reports are be­ cial program of six events. The a search w arrant, the inform ation not been worrying him. He will ed with the Paulserud tailor shop, ing made entirely through ignor­ races were run under special sanc- was dismissed against him in the arrive in Ashland with his booty died yesterday afternoon at the ance or through some wish to i tion of th e American Automobile United States district court. Forni, according to the evid­ sometime Wednesday. This report and community Hospital. W’hen he sta rt trouble. i association, permission having was taken ill at Modesto. Cal., several others have been circulat­ been obtained from F ran k E. ence, had a lookout at the door, where he lived, he came to Ash­ ed' through th at town for some W atkins by Robqrt P. Rowe, ice there was no sign to indicate the SAYS PARENTS NEED place was a restau ran t, and only land in the hope of Improving his tim e but are vigorously denied by TO HAVE TRAINING hockey star, who was in charge. persons personally known to the anyone who is in any way connect­ health. W ith one exception the races watchm an were adm itted. Two ed with the new high school. This FORREST GROVE, Ore., Au­ were hotly contested and the fin­ Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. school Is to be built with many ishes so close it was with diffi­ women guests got caught in the gust 26— “ P arents m ust be tra in ­ 300— tf modern features and will be one culty th a t w inners were deter­ doorway as they entered the place, ed," declared Professor A rthur of the p rettiest in Southern Ore­ and the federal prohibition of­ W. Spaulding of W ashington, D. mined. Time for the various ficers took advantage of this to gon when finished. Leave for Lake— C., in an address before the large events was considered excellent, force th eir way in. audience attending the annual Mr. and Mrs. R obert T. Vining „ _ , especially in view of the short of Seattle, who arrived in Ash-, conference of the Seventh Day ew Styles and Colors in Rub- | tu rn s which were but slightly land last Saturday, left early this ber Aprons— McNair Bros. FATHER AND SON j Adventists in the city park here. ibanked. ‘The Q uality Store” m orning for the Lake of th e DIE IN GAS WELL Continuing, he said: “ The restor- — ■ > ation and uplifting begins in the W’oods. They expect to rem ain We deliver the goods— Detricks GIRLS ARE DISMAYED BRAWLEY, Cal., Aug. 26. — home; the work of parents under- there until sometime in October 94-tf WHEN CLOTHES TAKEN W llllam Edw ard Rosskopf, 48, of lies every o th er,” he said, “and and will stay In the W agner cot­ tage. Local Man M otioned— ! PORTLAND, Aug. 26. Its a Los Angeles, and his 12-year-old no solution of the problems of so­ In the September American great joke to steal a fellow’s son died here Saturday from ciety or church is possible unless Cliff Payne makes shelving. Magazine C. A. H arris, local tel- clothes when he’s in swimming, poisonous gas in a 15-foot well the homes are made schools of egraph operator was m en tio n ed ! But its a roan horse of another when the boy fell into the well honesty, th rift, virtue and faith. R eturned Sunday— by George W. Gray in his a r tic le ’ color when your own clothes are and the father jumped after him JBut though we train our teachers TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis, "These Boys are Always Out B utI taken. w ith their grandson, Dennis Espy Never Down.” This article told So lam ent Naida and Iris returned Sunday from a two of a trip made by Mr. H arris dur- j Phillips, who with their brother, weeks vacation at Bandon and ing the time when he was messen- j Claude, went swimming a t the other coast resorts. They saw ger boy in the local office. He was bathing beach ’east of the Inter- raany Ashland residents enjoying telegraphed, a reprieve by the state bridge near Vancouver, the seaside resort3, they report. Governor for a man who was sen- i W ashington, last Sunday. Great W hile on the coast, they drove tenced to hang the next morning, I fun, it was to splash an afternoon down to Gold Beach, where they Making the trip in the snow late away in the cool w ater, while a fished two hours and landed three at night he journeyed to Jackson- warm, alm ost baking sun, shone fine salmon. Tho road to Gold ville. A fter a hard n ig h t’s trip above. But when they returned Beach, Mr. Dennis said, is splen­ and a small accident he arrived to dress in the woods, they found did in places ,and In places is at six o’clock in the morning. At th eir clothing— missing, very tw isty and dangerous. first the sheriff would not be- Prospects of m aking the long lieve him, but finally he was con-j stretch between the beach and No drama greater than the drama of life—no Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. vinced and the man was releas- : th eir homes in the city was not a 300— tf ed- drama that hits the heart as this. Here " ’mid bit attractive. scenic grandeur, the glory and marvels of the ~ » j But along came a Good Samar- SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ Mrs. Audrey Trobee of San itan In a closed car. He too had West 'unfolds the story of a man who proved himself MOBILE insurance; b etter te rn * Francisco has opened her beauty been swimming, and took the a man clean through. and lower rates. Yeo, of course. shop in the Mills building. Call shiverlag swimmers to their 20,000,000 H ave R ead and Loved It! Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf 103 for appointm ent. 297-tf : homes. For SchoolW car Girls’ Gingham Dresses Roys’ Sweaters, Each §2.48 Girls’ Sweate Sateen Bloomers, Pair 75c Burlington Hosiery for School Wear School Handkerchiefs, Each 5c An Attractive Style Children’s Stockings, Pair 53c Easy to Get Nearly every zvom- an admires such a frock as this. The particular gar­ ment illustrated is in Brown flat crepe showing t u c k e d bands inserted in s k i r t , bottom of short sleeves and front and back of waist. Tucking also gives a belt effect and clusters of s m a 11 butto n s ornament the dress beautiful­ ly. Round neck with dainty lace collar Highland Lassie Dress Gingham Price $42.50 H’iZZ you look at this and others? E. R. ISAAC & CO The ENDERS CO. JLZMAXW. Harold Bell Wnen a ManV* M an REG U LA R A D M ISSIO N morrow Thurs- day