AlflWro ÖÄtLf fcffittög Classified Column PROFESSIONAL C la-edfled C olu m n K a tes each P H Y S IC IA N S tim e . To run ev ery Issu e fo r o n e m on th or m ore, H e th e w ord each tim e. DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. One cent the word _ < > Tidings »»»>>»< > i » n m >-♦« > !♦ > > < :S O C IE T Y : M ISS E D IT H DO DG E, E d ito r Tnckúay, August 2«, io¡¿4 u k n u u tttíu tíu tttíñ employees, the annual appropria- Coolidge place, this city, A storia Steam er loads 1300 8 tions necessary to pay the cost of The disputed place is oh land ton3 wheat for English m arket, 8 operation, its receipts and owned by the chaplain’s family in and German steam er loads 6.000 One Historical Epic 8 other instructive inform ation contained in t *re 1870- with surrounding territory, bbls. flour for London By Alonzo Gissing 8 vuiuainea in the poster. The I and named after him in 189ft ; ——— 8 Bureaus included are the Gen- Chaplain Coolidge claims his name! Illustrated By a Mind 8 , era Land Office, Bureau of In- was originally spelled Cowlyng. i a n Affairs, A ffa ir e P n n o i n . , Office, Bur- Picture 8 • a dian Pension ___ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 e a u of E d u c a tio n P a te n t Office i » YOUNG LOCHIXVAR Phone items to her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. DR. C. W . H A N SO N D entist FOR RENT Special attention given to pyor­ CALENDAR OF EVENTS Presbyterian Church held a de ! G eological Survey,’ B u re a u of R e- CIa^ O m ~ C r a n b e rr y c r°P <* rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Wednesday, August 26. Meeting lightful social Friday evening. ' FOR RENT— Furnished room i clam ation. Bureau of Mines, Na- ° P county expected to reach Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. of th e Social Circle at the home The affair was in charge of Misses | 400 to 500 bu. to acre. with or w ithout housekeeping j tional Park Service, The Alaska of Mrs. Bertha McKinney. Every­ Evelyn Taylor, K atherine P itte n g -! privilege; also good garage. Mrs. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ £7 J R ailroad, Howard University, one invited. e r and Edith Plum mer. A fter D augherty, 55 Pine St. 287-12* tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano Freedm en’s Hospital, Saint Eliza. Friday, August 29. Monthly th e regular business meeting a j th ro at— X-ray including teeth. J bet lis Hospital, and the Territor- FOR RENT— Furnished sleep­ stunt party at Church of Christ. social hour was held. Games, were j Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ies. ing rooms, 1165 E ast Main St., Sunday, August 31. Basket din­ played and a short program given, i 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Made in D epartm ent ê?3 1 1-2 block from high school. ner at the home of V. V. Haw- Punch and w'afers were served by i Ore. An interesting feature of the 299— 12* __ ley. Loyal Women and husbands. th e committee in charge. The issuing of the poster is the fact Tuesday, September 2. F irst m eetings are held once a month FOR RENT— 6 room house, DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Rest- th a t it was not necesary to go dence and office, 108 P io n e e r! m eeting of Civic c ,u b - Program and th e next one will be held furnished or unfurnished, also Oh, young Lochiuvar, lie came outside of the D epartm ent to have sometime the latter part of Sep-j avenue. Telephone 28. Offict and business * meeting. furnished apartm ent, Phone 4 81-J out of the West, with gas in bis j it made. D istribution of the » * tember. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 or call 185 Pioneer Ave. 299— tf flivver and cash in his vest. Save ' poster is being made to a great Program s Out— * * p. m. only. his six-shooter, he weapons had many schools and other educa- Î The program s have been fin­ T o H old S tu n t P a r ty — F O R R E N T — 3-room f u r n i s h - ___ none. He rode all unarmed, ex­ tional institutions throughout ; ed apartm ent, close in. Phone 40. ' Dll. E. B . ANGELL— Chiropractic ished for the D. A. R. for th is F riday night the C hristian En­ t • cept for his gun. But ’ere he the country. and Electro-Therapy. Office year and some very fine m eetings deavor of the C hristian Church 302-3 phone 48; residence 142. First have been planned. This organi- w ill hold its monthly stu n t party, alighted a t Netherby gate, the FOR RENT: — 2 and 4-room ?ntion will have its first meeting under the direction of Misses Beth bride had consented, the gallant PROTESTS AGAINST THE National Bank building. furnished apartm ents, near Junior r|?HE Ashland the middle of September. Pro­ and Joyce Johnson, Dorothy Ge- came late. For a dashing young SPELLING OF COOLIDGE actor, a photoplay star, was to High School. Adults only. Phone M O NUM ENTS gram s can be found at th e Public Bauer, Dr. R. L. Burdic, Mrs. Electric Supply N. Main P h one 107 wed the fair Ellen of wild Lochiu­ 289J. 302-3 iibiary in a few days. , Newsom H arrison, Edwin Dunn LEOMINSTER, Mass., Aug. 25. 24 0 East Main St. A S H L A N D G R A N IT E var. and Henry Van Poyne. A very — Mayor Henry P. Sawtelle has FO R RENT: — Eighty acre M O NUM ENTS So boldly he tooted the horn on H a v e D in n er— interesting program has been a r­ received a letter from Chaplain farm , seven miles east of Ashland Oregon G ranite Co. his bus th a t the guests all rush­ Sunday following church the ranged. For the month follow­ Henry A. Coolidge of the Connec­ on Pacific highway. For inform a­ S. PENNISTON. Salesman. ed out to see w hat was the fuss, members of Mr. John Beaver’s ing this the children have charge ticut House of Representatives, tion appy to Mollie Songer, 4 5 R es. 4 7 0 L aurel P h o n e 444-Y th en spoke the bride's father, class of Loyal Men journeyed to of the program , a member from protesting against the spelling of Helman St. Ashland. 303-10* 4NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May tbe home of Mr. V. V. Hawley each class being chosen to serve. his hand on his hip, "B eat it, you F O R SA L E communicate with Ensign Lee for dinner. Their wives accom- Some very clever stunts are be nuisance, and none of your lip, for of the Salvation Army at the Ponied them and each couple ing arranged ’ for this m eeting a m‘llionaire actor, who owns a FOR SALE, at a bargain — a ¿ 4 s W hiteShield Home, 565 May- brought a basket dinner which as well as the one next Friday ’ big car’ is to wed my fair daugh* stack first cutting a laf’.fa hay; also ter, not you, Lochiuvar.” was spread cafeteria syle. The evening. fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. beardless barley. Geo. Hartley^ The knight drew his pistol, the * * * dinner was served on the large 1 mile north of Talent. 303-2* guests put ’em up. He shot ai ' PL A N IN G M ILL porches of the Hawley house. Dr. Ijoyal Woin«*T< To Meet— m e gatepost and hit a poor pup. | Maude Hawley did th e serving Next Sunday the Loyal Women FO R S A L E — Muir and Golden iO R D O N ’S SA SH A N D C A B IN E T ‘‘She is won! We are gone, o’er with Mrs. Carl Murphy presiding of the Church of Christ will have Cling peaches, Jam es Doran, Tel. W O R K S, Cor. Helman and macadam and tar. They’ll have j over the coffee cups. The after- a picnic at the Hawley home sim- 419-Y. 299— 6 Van Ness. 194tf ____________ noon was spent in enjoying music ilar to the one experienced by the **eet flivvers that catch us, quoth F O R S A L E o r TRADE—(160 TR A N SFER AND E X PR ESS and ^ c h a n g in g experiences. Those Loyal Men last Sunday. The wo­ young Lochinvar. acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ W hittle Transfer & Storage Co. present were Messrs and Mes- men will be accompanied by th eir tom land, within 8 miles Minot, dames John Beaver, Jam es Put- husbands and w’ill bring a bas­ fo r S E R V IC E . N orth Dakota. If interested call Experienced movers and pack- m an- F rank Swingle, Cochran, J. ket. A cafeteria lunch will be or w rite G. 8. Butler. 300— lm o era of household goods. Deal- _W ' W.Hghtj Barklow - Rev- and served and the guests will spend ACH Day and each transaction is a para- Or could fire sweep it away to­ FOR SALE— 6 room house, era in coal and wood. Phone Mrs. V. K. Allison and Messrs. th e afternoon at the Hawley’s. morrow, leaving you uninsur­ * * ♦ graph in the story of your fiscal year. Sound H unt, W ebster, Isch and the host with or w ithout furniture, easy 117. ed, w ithout funds to replace it? and hostess. C ivic C lub T o M eet— financial advice at all times helps make that an­ term s, Phone 481-J or call 185 Office 89 Oak St. near No home owner can afford to ♦ * * The Civic Club will hold the Pioneer Ave. 299— tf run the risk of losing all he nual story a recital of success. This hank extends Hotel Ashland L un ch eon G iven — first meeting of the year next has invested in his property. to you a cordial invitation to take advantage of FOR SALK:— 1923 Ford Run­ T. L . P O W E L L — General T rans­ Every penny should be safe­ A very delightful three-course Tuesday, September 2. The pro­ our facilities, experience and eoojieration! Let about. In good condition. Phone An attractive illustrated p o st-’ guarded by adequate insurance fer— Good team and motor luncheon was given by Mrs. W. gram s are being made up now and against reach of disaster. 314J or call 455 Mt. Ave. this he your hank in fact and helpfulness! trucks. G >od service at a rea- H. McNair at her home on Oak some very excellent meetings are er, the first of its kind ever is-j The time to talk insurance is 302-3 sued by a Government dep art­ street Friday noon in honor of being arranged by the committee eouab.e price. Phone 83. now; tomorrow may be too ment, is being distributed by the Mrs. Jerry Torrence, who is visit­ late. in charge. The plans for this FO B SA L E — R. I. Red fryers FEHIGE-ROACH ing bore. The table was set for m eeting have not been completed D epartm ent of the Interior, milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- T h e a d v ice of th is T ransfer — Express — Storage six. Decorations were carried out as yet but w'ill be announced later. Designed at the special direct­ a g e n cy li a s saved dor.s, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* Hauling Dray work of all in pink and white with roses. The ion of Secretary W ork as a prim er m an y a p ro p e rty o w n ­ , to show the various services ren- kinds. Quick motor service. Dry guests spent the afternoon talk- e r from loss. W hy not let us h elp you, wood of all kinds. Phone 4 1 0 -R ’ jng over old times. Those pres- dered the public by the Interior WONDERFUL BARGAIN too? 37 5 B. St. 112-tf «nt to enjoy the affair were Mes- D epartm ent in such form that they Fairly good house, large lot, are comprehensible at a glance, I ■ dames Nate Rates. Nina Cane, H. paved street, convenient to th e poster is of a distinct educa- ■ S. H arrison, Fay H arris, the guest “ O J school, 31100; 10 per cent down For a smooth shave ' Of honor. Mrs. Torrence and the tional value. It is printed In Real E state & Real Insurance and 10 per cent per month. and quick service go hostess, Mrs. W. H. McNair. three colors. Estab. 1883 a a a to the Shell Barber 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 Buildings Pictured FO R R E N T Shop. Ladies and S o cia l C ircle— At the top of the poster is a 1 Good six room house, close in, children get your hair The Social Circle of the Church half-tone photograph of the mag-; unfurnished, 318.00. at Leedom’s Tire House bobbed and marcel­ of Christ will meet at the home WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. — nificent Interior building at W ash-: led. of Mrs. B ertha McKinney W ed­ Publications and other m aterials ington. Below are abbreviated ; Good seven room house, g ar­ nesday afternoon. This will be descriptions of each of the four- ■ age, chicken house, 2 acres cow of all Federal D epartm ents use­ W. A. SHELL, Prop. purely a social meeting and an ful to teachers are listed for the teen bureaus of the Departm ent pasture .located on lower Helman, >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore interesting program has been a r­ first time in a bulletin ju st issu­ headed by striking illustrations 325.00. should include new paint ranged. All the ladies and their ed by the Bureau of Education showing the principal functions Good five room house, furnish­ and wall paper. friends are invited to be present, of the Departm ent of the In ter­ perform ed by them. ed. Alida Street, will rent for a a a We will be glad to figure The date of the establishm ent ior. school term only. 325.00 per E e n te r ta in a t D in n e r— with you. The m aterials listed include ‘ of each bureau, a compilation of month. A very delightful dinner was bulletins, leaflets, circulars, p er-| its activities, the num ber of its Friends and Neighbors in Ash­ held at the home of Miss May iodicals, maps, charts, mounted j _ R E N T A L S , T R A D E S , B U S I­ land Will Show You a Way Benedict Thursday evening in exhibits, models stereopticon ' N E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S. For any kind of replacement for any kind of car Get at the root of the trouble. SOM E S P E C IA L B A R G A IN S honor of Mrs. May Tucker, who slides, and moving picture films. Rubbing an aching back may O N MY L IST . ' has been visiting here from Wil- This listing by sources of the relieve it. Light-weight I lam ette Valley. A fter an excel- wealth of m aterial readily a v a il-! But won’t cure it if the kidneys IIUXT1XG BOOT i lent dinner the evening was spent able through the Federal Govern­ are weak. ' in visiting. Those present were m ent D epartm ents will be "very $8.75 You m ust reach the root of it— No agent can give better the Mrs. Sarah Boots of B. Street and helpful to the educational world Strongly built, but light kidneys. , as few know the n atu re of the • on your feet. insurance or lower rates Doan’s Kidney Pills go rig h t at Mrs. May Tucker. Send it a a a available m aterial or the method gunanf than 1 can. it; Give Recital— of obtaining it. The bulletin is I have been in the busi­ Reach the cause; attack the Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. freely illustrated, reproducing ness over 30 years and can pain. John Leggett of Ashland gave a types of the m aterial available. I give best of service—I know Are recommended by many very interesting recital for the Persons desiring the bulletin ‘ Ashland people. Ask your neigh­ Epworth League at Talent. Beaver Block Drop In For Chat A should address the Commissioner how. bor! Fire, Accident, Auto, and Mrs. Sarah Boots, 338 B. St.. very large crowd attended and a of Education, D epartm ent of the i pleasant evening was experienced. Interior, W ashington, D. C„ ask-I all kinds o£ Insurance. Ashland, says: “ I was in a bad These recitals consist of readings ing for Bulletin 1924, No. 23. ta condition with kidney and blad- and im personations and are all 1 laundry work is appreciat­ ____________________ STAPLES’ AGENCY j der trouble and became so weak presented in an excellent style. In •O ffice, H o te l A sh la n d B ld g. and run down I could hardly a short tim e the Leggetts will W edderburn— Macleay E state ; ed by all women who have Phon« 2 « walk a block. My back ached con­ give a recital at Anderson Creek. salmon cannery using all a v a il-! stantly and my kidneys acted too They have given recitals in Ash­ able help for what promises to be tried it, for it eliminates MISCELLANEOUS frequently. My limbs and feet land and are known here for their record season run. W A N T E D :— Position as house­ the necessity of installing were swollen and I had dizzy superior work. keeper in. Hotel. Phone 4 32 L. ad­ ♦ ♦ « dress 401 Beach street. 303-2* headaches and nervous spells. I expensive machinery and used different remedies but did­ En ioy Picnic— L O ST: — Fox T errier dog, n ’t get any better until I tried Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodkinson, the price is very* reason­ brown with white ring around Doan's Kidney Pills. They soon Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beck, Mrs. neck and white breast. Phone helped me and I felt like a dif­ Calan and Irm a and Albie Beck able. 268J. 303-3* ferent person.” had a very enjoyable picnic on 60c, at all dealers. Foster-M il­ Rogue River Sunday. The cus­ .It permits the house­ tom ary picnic dinner was served We will be glad to handle your burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. No. 39. and the afternoon spent in visit­ order for bread if you are wife to enjoy more free­ ing and enjoying the sights of the planning a picnic, banquet or any other occasion which re­ dom, also. river. quires a large am ount of bread WILLOWS, Cal., Aug. 25. a * « Elm er Doty, who resides near Give P arty — Glenn, yesterday killed sixteen Miss Jean Anderson and Mrs. ■ rattlesnakes. ' Ruth Mitchell entertained at the He was digging out a stump Anderson home on Holly Street j in a pasture on the river and un- Friday afternoon. A pleasant A R E Y O U 100% E F F IC IE N T ? I earthed a whole family of the afternoon was spent in doing recognized fad: that a person | deadly reptiles, which he quick- fancy work and enjoying music Phone 165 PILES is only 50% riftrier , or j ly dispatched. which was furnished by several I tooagt Drag Sforo ( Where There Is Relief should n ot only benefit you Snakes are unusually nuraer- of the gifted people there. The physically, but increase your earning i ous in the river section this Sum- A Will There Is rooms were beautifully decorated power« i mer. M y non-aurgical treatment for PILES will with flow’ers. Delicious refresh­ cure you or I G UARANTEE to refund ments were served by the charm ­ your fee. My practice Ih rectal and colon ing hostesses. Those present to treatments is the largest on th e Pacific W RECK HURTS T H R E E Coast, my large staff o f skilled assistants enjoy the delightful affair were CASTLE ROCK, W ash., Aug. and most me noder !em offices being housed in Misses Mary Young, Hazel B run­ my own new building, 25. — Mrs. J. R. Davis and To G e t There er, Minnie Beaver, Ada H artley •d jo fo in j m r hotel, « here pati­ ent» a n assured o f the utmoat daughter Florence and Mrs. II. C. and Mesdames Denton, Eric Wer- care and comfort. Grinell, all of Seattle, were in­ Write today for wy FREE en, Ed. Stannard, Norman Ash­ Economical T ransportation has ill uatratod b oo k. jured in an autom obile collision craft, Verne Carey and children been adopted by Chevrolet be­ the Pacific highway six miles and E arl Fraley. DEAN, M.D. Inc on north of this city, Wednesday. ♦ » * - OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE cause of its tru th by proven D. OREGON They were taken to Toledo for M IS P A P C 6 W HCN w e iT IN S C h ristian E n d ea v o r S o cia l— dem onstration year after year. i medical attention. The C hristian Endeavor of the P H IL C O -J- Diamond The Best Meats Grid Obtainable Batteries at all times Eagle Market & Your Fiscal car is Your Business Birthday Is your house a Sound investment? p L IS T S TEACHER’S A ID First National Bank IIMENT POSTER TO EDUCATE Billings Agency PARK Your House Cleaning ACROSS FROM ASHLAND’S NEW TOURIST HOTEL GO RIGHT AT IT J. 0. RIGG C T C. Kelly and Mason Tires—tlie leaders of the world IN S U R A N C E OVERLAND Leedom’s Tire House Shoe Shop OUR ROUGH DRY uIf a Printing Concern has more than one price—if any of its cus­ Bread for Picnics tomers are given printing for less than what is charged other customers—someone pays too Litliia Bakery The Ashland McNair Brothers much.” Laundry No matter who you are or what the conditions may be, the price for CHEVROLET Way a printing order is the same to you as it is to everybody else at DONT TRY TO RAISE your without it. family For stomach aches and pains; sudden cramps, severe intestinal colic and indiscretions of eating and drinking, changes in water, diet or climate, take C H A M B E R L A I N ’S a n d D IA R R H O E A » REM EDY Never fail to have it on hand. C O L IC Hall's Catarrh Medicine?:™“! >oth local and internal, and has beer 1 .uccessful in the treatm ent of C atarri j for over 40 years. Sold by all druggists j F .J. C H E N E Y &. C O .. T o le d o . O h k W e H a v e B o y c e ite IAY FEVER If you can’t “get away," ease the attacks with— V V I V C K R S a r o u b Oeei J 7 Million Jar» U»»J V tarfy Automotive Shop G ab riel S n u b b ers an d R a y b es- to s B ra k e L in in g. always ready always sw eet a jo y to th e- efficient housewife Its Nestles ALPINE The Tidings PRINT SHOP