PAGE Ft »CU ÁatíLAÑí) OAití »e b o c a l■ P erso n al flotes A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and event« of local interest ♦ Going to Lake*— Billie Briggs expects to spend the week-end a t his sum m er cot­ tage a t the Lake of the Woods. He will retu rn Monday morning. Î Moava Pile Suppositories, $1.00 McNair Bros. On V acation— To M edford— Visiting Here— Tom L afferty and family left V. D. Miller of Ashland, was Mrs. Pearle Donaldson of San la3t night for a wet s vacation, a Medford visitor on Thursday, Francisco is in Ashland visiting fishing on B utte Crt s. _____ w ith h er grandm other, Mrs. F. S. A dance “ worth while.” F air Lyman and Billy Dean. ,Superlite auto finish; guaran­ Grounds Pavilion tonight! M usic1 teed— Hughes, Peil’a Corner. and floor unexcelled! 290-tf HONESTY is my POLICY. Yeo, 298— tf of course. 212— tf In L os A ngeles— Mr. A rth u r B ritton of this city Ally E. II. H unt of Medford is stopping at the Hotel Alexan­ was in Ashland yesterday on bus­ dria in Los Angeles.. iness. Ladies and children's hair cu t­ Let us fill your pall with Swifts ting. Powder Puff Beauty P a r­ • 293-tf Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than lor. shortening. Goes farth er and is more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf In Town— Mr. W. A. Casad of Talent was T estin g F ire P lugs— in Ashland Friday afternoon on The Ashland fire departm ent business. was out last night testing the fire hydrants over the city. Big tre a t at Hot Springs Sat. night. The old Metropole Jazz 301-2 Try Klenzo Tooth Paste. — O rchastra. McNair Bros. To Kirby— W ill Speak— La Monte Frulan left this m orn­ Miss Mary E. Young of Korea ing for Kirby where he will visit will address the Methodist Sun­ with his parents. He expects to day school tomorrow morning, retu rn Sunday evening. telling of her experiences in th at country. Cleaning and pressing at Orres, Phone 64. 300— tf Cliff Payne makes ladders. In .Ashland— D isease Expensive— According to th e Siskiyou News the hoof and mouth disease has cost Siskiyou county $3,- 588.34. These figures taken from the office of the county auditor. Meet “ Lady L uck!” F air Grounds Pavilion, Medford! To night! 290-tf Boys Back— Rowland Coad, Francis San key and A rthur Silbert, delivery boys for the Ashland Tidings, are back on the job again, after en­ joying a two weeks’ vacation with the Pioneer Boys at the Lake of the Woods. Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory, 300— tf Crop Sm all— “ Small and few in the hill,” is the general report of the potato crop in Oregon, according to a re p o rt from C. E. Spence, state m arket agent. Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory 300— tf Stopped H e r e - Mr. and Mrs. Hay in B utter- field of Alhambra, Ca f., stopped in Ashland last night and spent the night in the camp ground. They also visited form er friends here. They are on their way to Albany. Mike Taylor will leave tonight for his homestead in the moun­ tains, where he will spend sever­ al days. PENDLETONIANS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGee left SAY BATTLE OK at noon today for San Francisco where they will spend the next PENDLETON, August 23— The few weeks. Mr. McGee will attend cooing of pigeons in business Buyers’ Week there. buildings in Pendleton in the fu ­ tu re will be the signal for a Dance with Lithians Sat night. sharpshooter to take a bead and 300 3 i shoot, according to action taken by the city council last night. Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. The city chief of police was au- ! 300— tf thorized by the council to depu­ tize a deputy to shoot the birds, G oing to K lainath F alls— ’ “ ch r„ n ~ ' i , Miss Pauline Clift, who has th a t citizens I been spending her vacation with about their presence. , her m other, Mrs. Hensley, will re­ tu rn to her position in Klam ath TH E W EATH ER Falls Sunday. Report for the past 24 hours: Maximum, 92; Minimum, 50; Set One of our clients w ants to bor- Maximum, 83. row $2000.00 on land security, ■ ——_________ _______ - Billings Agency. 3 0 0 - 2 . ticket SALE FOE Young m en’s school suits with Mrs. Audrey Trobee of San Francisco has opened her beauty two pair trousers, all wool at shop in the Mills building. Call $23.50 at Orres Tailor shop. 103 for appointm ent. 297-tf 300 -2* Return from V acation— Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Isbell and Mrs. L. N. Woodside returned F ri­ day from a ten days’ trip to Seat­ tle, returning by way of the coast. Madden sei¿s Balloon tires. 246-tf R eturn H om e— Back from Vacation— M. C. Lininger, who has been visiting in Portland for the past week .returned Friday night and has resumed his position in E nder’s H ardw are departm ent. ♦ - MARCEL AND CURL LONGER a fte r a Golden Shampoo. LAST Glint ' J ROUND-UP GOOD PENDLETON, Aug. 23. — Cash received for advanced sale tickets to the Pendleton Round-up are now 25 per cent g reater than they were on September 1 in 1923, when the biggest crowd e^rer pres­ ent attended, according to a state­ m ent made today by George C. Baer, business m anager of the show, a t R otary luncheon. The directors of the Round-up were guests o e club. CHAMP RADIO TOWN Mrs. F. S. Lyman and grand­ BANNOCKBURN, Scotland, daughter returned recently from C rater Lake Pictures. Mc- Aug. 23. — The champion radio a three m onths’ trip to Banf and Nair Bros. town of the world— th a t’s the Calgary where they visited rela­ claim made for this Scottish tives. On their retu rn trip they Ju d ge W atson R eturns— town. R eturns to Home— stopped in Spokane and Portland Judge C. B. W atson returned Bannockburn has 5,000 in­ Mrs. A. C. Briggs, who has visiting relatives and friends Friday from a two weeks’ trip in habitants. of whom 4,000 are ra ­ bejfn visiting friends in Ashland California. He visited friends in dio devotees. for the past few weeks, returned Ask your grocer for Mrs. Bon- Monterey, San Francisco and Rev. Robert Taylor, the pastor to her home in Oroville, C a l if / a r ’a home-made salad dressing. other southern cities. Mr. W at­ of Ladywell Church, is a leading last Thursday. 296— lm o* son stated th a t he wait glad to enthusiast and has an aerial get back, but th a t it was very hot strung from the spire of his We deliver the goods— Detricks On H u n tin g Trip— here, in contrast to the cold and church. 94-tf Nqte Bates, well known barber, fogs he had experienced while will leave Sunday for H yatt away. Purchased Home— INDIAN SHOW AT Prairie and points near there on Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McWilliams, a hunting trip. Mr. Bates states YREKA PLANNED SEEK PAROLE FOR who have been living on Church th at he expects to bring in the SHERIFF KILLER YREKA, A ugust 23— Yreka Street, have purchased the house biggest buck of the season. will be the scene of Indian festiv­ on B Street which has been re­ SALEM, Aug. 23.— It was re­ ities next Friday, Saturday and cently completed by the Putm an Complete line of Ashland Can­ ported here today th a t an effort Sunday. Indians from many brothers. The transaction was ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf is being made to obtain a parole N orthern California tribes will reported by the Ashland Realty or pardon for Floyd Henderson, take part in the athletic contests, Company. who is serving a life term in the sports, dances and religious fes­ In A s h l a n d - Johnson S. Smith of Portland state penitentiary for the p art tivities. , If you have any old heaters, be played in the slaying of Sheriff was in Ashland today w ith the an­ Two motion picture concerns call 86. Best prices paid for all Til Taylor of U m atilla county. It have asked for the privilege of nouncement th a t there will be kinds. Provost. 298— 6t a free moving picture show at the was said th at W. R. Taylor, filming the Indians in th e ir n a­ Methodist church in Talent under brother of the m urdered sheriff, tive games and sports. Stopped Off— would not oppose the pardon. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman of San the auspices of the Modern Wood­ Henderson was in the Umatilla SHASTA WATER IS Francisco stopped in Ashland for men of America and also a free county ja il a t th e tim e Owens, one at the Lithia P ark Monday a short time Friday afternoon and CLEARING RAPIDLY R athie and Kerby overpowered visited friends here. They are on night at eight o’clock, also under the auspices of th e Woodmen. the jailer, broke from the insti­ REDDING, A ugust 23— W ater their way to Lakeview. Mr. Smith is the state deputy tution and later shot and killed in the Sacram ento R iver has Sheriff Taylor. Persons in ter­ cleared very rapidly in the last Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. head counsel of this lodge. ested in obtaining the pardon said day. or so, and it is expected th a t 300— tf th a t Henderson took no active it will be back to its norm al state To Fossil— Mrs. Frank Dillard and Miss p art in the slaying, but was forc­ in a day o r so, now that the Visiting in Algoma— Mrs. Henry Masters of Ashland Greta McRae left Saturday m orn­ ed to accompany the other mem­ glacial flow’ from the eastern is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. ing for Fossil, Ore., Miss Mc­ bers of th e gang under penalty slop© of Mt. Shasta into the Mc­ Cloud River has ceased. The riv ­ Miss McRae has of being killed. A. Masters of Algoma fo r a short Rae's home. Owens, R athie and Kerby were er w ater was the m uddiest last been attending the sum m er school time here and visiting with Mrs. Dil­ hanged for the m urder, while Sunday. Health giving whole wheat lard, her aunt. Mrs. Dillard ex­ H enderson received a life sen­ pects to spend an indefinite tim e tence. bread a t The Lithia Bakery. there. “ AGENTS” HOLD UP There’re here, Metropole Jazz H om e from Vacation— Orchestra, Jackson Hot Springs Miss G ertrude Carlton re tu rn ­ Saturday night. Aug. 23. 301-2 ed home recently from a n extend­ ed vacation in Santa Barbara, In Ashland— where she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Huntzinger, friends and relatives. She was Harvey Joe H untzinger and Miss away for about two months. Emily R. Reichenbach, all form ­ erly of Ashland, arrived here McNair Bros, Prescription Thursday for a visit with friends. Druggists. They have been living in Cali fornia. O rganize Sw im m ing Club— A swimming club was organiz­ Sweet cream for whipping and ed at Medford and the following coffee— also fresh milk, always officers were elected: President, on ioe a t the Plaza. 239— tf Mrs. Allen Sm ith; vice-president, Marian Newman; secretary, Miss F ire Started— Anna Fuson. This club will While some children were play­ swim twice a month at the Med­ ing on Iowa Street last evening, ford N atatorium for the rest of firing pistols, a m atch flew into the year. some dry grass nearby and caught ffte. Some neighbors who were Eastm an Kodaks and Films- standing near quickly applied wa­ McNair Bros. te r and wet sacks and the fire was soon put out. On Vacal ¡or.— Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Eib of Van FOR SALE: — The old estab­ Ness Avenue left this morning lished business of C. L. Loomis on by auto for a two weeks’ vaca­ the Boulevard. This is a splen­ tion. They expect to visit rela­ did location and good paying tives at San Jose, Calif., and then business. The Store, Residence go to Reno, Nevada, for a short and stock of goods are offered as visit with relatives and friends. a whole and will not be separated. If interested call on J. P. Dodge, Milk and Cream whole sale and at an early date. 302-2 retail from certified herd— Lin- ingers Dairy. Phone 396R. NoCH Experience— To M ountains— Leave for San Ft-andisco— Saturday, August ¿8, 1024 Dance Hot Springs Sat. night. 301-2 Word R e c e iv e d - Word was received recently by the F irst National Bank th a t the McCoy family, Misses Eva and Minnie Poley and the H artley family of T alent had arrived in Bandon and had experienced heavy rains during th eir trip. They reported, however, th a t soon ifter arriving the rain cleared and they were now enjoying beautiful w eather. SPECIAL attention to AUTO­ MOBILE insurance; better terms and lower rates. Yeo, of course. Phone 21 & 274-J. 212— tf To Kami Concert— Due to the fact th a t the Com­ munity House was dedicated F ri­ day evening, the usual num ber did not attentl the D. O. K. K. hand concert in Medford. How­ ever, a few made the trip and reported an excellent concert. P aulserud’s suits sell for less. Odorous B u siness— L. H. Preyer is setting box traps throughout the neighbor­ hood to catch skunks and move them to his place, where they will be placed in pens. These skunks To C rater Lake— Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver, Sr., will serve for breeding purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickens of Preyer hopes to develop a sub­ Iowa, and Miss Ethel Dickens of stantial business along this line. — Siskiyou News. Corea, left Friday m orning for a trip to C rater Lake and Klam­ Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. ath Falls. They expect to retu rn 300— tf late Saturday evening. PORTLAND LIKES ONE-WAY TRAFFIC surface of the land, were seen continually and regularly shifting on the surface of Mars. While the question of the habi- tality cf Mars is a live one, with practical astronom ers taking sides, the experts do not bother th eir heads about w hether men or beings like men are on Mars, going about their daily rounds like habitants of this planet. These men are attem pting to determ ine the tem peratures and conditions ° ' thc — ascertain the possibility of human habitation, they point out. all material and labor necessary cil of the City of Ashland, Orscon. o construct cement sidewalks on Gertrude Biede, Recorder. the w esterly side of Granite street Date of first publication. Aug­ from the south line of Nutley 302-2 Sat. street to a point approximately ust 23, 1924. 1304 feet southerly along Granite street, said point being the south-1 erly line of property owned by Frank Jordan. The Gold Within A certified check for $25.00 payable to the City of Ashland Your Business m ust accompany all bids, which fail to execute a contract and furnish an approved bond for the faithful performance of the con­ F R IE N D SH IP IS K EY­ tract within five days after noti­ NOTE OF CEREMONIES fication of acceptance of the bid. Bidders m ust examine the (Continued From Page 1) ground in order that no m isunder­ in fro n t of the community house, standing may exist. The council reserves the right which m arked the conclusion of to reject any and all bids. the dedication ceremony. The contract price is to be paid Audience Sings from special assessm ents for bene­ The band played the Stars and fits accruing from such sidewalks Stripes and the audience joined the L ithians in the song. Follow-' to ,ho rP8Pe('Hve properties, ing this the Lithians • acted as An bids should be addressed to hosts in explaining the community (,Ile City Recorder and marked house and other features of t h e ! Proposal to Construct Cement Sidewalk.’ p a rk . By order of the Common Coun- The Lithians were presented with a box of cigars by Bert W all- sten. proprietor of the Park store during the evening. CARD GF THANKS We wish to thank our m any| friends and neighbors who so thoughtfully contributed the beau - ‘ tifu l flower offerings and remem- berances at the funeral of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. T. T. Reeder, Jesse M. Reeder and Family Ira Reeder and Family, W allace W. Reeder. FOR RENT— 3-room furnish­ ed apartm ent, close in. Phone 40. 302-3 It should be assayed from the standpoint of community service, local necess’ty, pos­ sible extent in volume, prob­ able future inventory. To as­ say is to know what is neces­ sary for growth. First National Bank By î BUCANO BEAUTY SPECIALIST Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FOR RENT FURNISHED:— One nice large front room with two beds, bath and toilet. Suitable for ladies or gentlemen. $10 per mo. Phone 267L. 107 4th St. 302-2* FOR RENT: — 2 and 4-room furnished apartm ents, near Junior High School. A dults only. Phone 289J. 302-3 Should Be Known FREE! Belcano Facial Treatments TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY FOR SA LE:— 1923 Ford R un­ about. In good condition. Phone 314J or call 455 Mt. Ave. 302-3 Not the metal gold, but the symbol of gold, the worth of your business, th e spirit of your institution P h o n e o r call fo r a p p o in tm e n ts » » < ► < ► Women of sensitive preferences will particularly « > appreciate txic clean daintiness of Belcano, and the « ► comfort and ease with which it is used. < ► ó i » ADVERTISEMENT FOR PRO. I o POSALS TO CONSTRUCT CE ? {<> J’ i'. ME NT SIDEWALKS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN j a th a t sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Common Council | of the City of Ashland. Oregon, i until 7:30 o’clock P. M., Tuesday, i I September 2nd, 1924, to fu rn k h ” Poiletries of outstanding merit that all ladies will uhle due io a e m p a ig u of edu- The women, who are mem-.a.s ration. The next move ji Hie of the local Rebekah lodge, claim ­ City adm inistration is to de-H; . ed th a t they smelled liquor on trv e ra l ercss-town streets it tre f the breaths of the two men. f it- ai teries. A 4, -oaching tb3-;c, m otorists m ust I g th eir mrs to PHEASANTS FREED a c o m p ile before crossing HOOD RIVER, Aug. 23.— Gene Police believe it will prevent Simpson passed through here to ­ many accidents. day with a m otor truck bound for Mosier, carrying 264 young China pheasants. MEDFORD WOMAN The game birds, raised at the HURT IN WRECK state game farm at Corvallis, were released in the Mosier or­ MEDFORD, Aug. 23.— As the chard. result of the second motor ac­ cident she has been in this month, DARROW ASKS SENTENCE Mrs. George A. H unt is confined J OP LIFE IN JAIL to her home here, suffering from j injuries received in a mishap a t: (Continued from Page 1) Redding on Monday evening. The other accident occured on the opinion. The result of this is Crescent City road about two th a t m any persons are not con­ weeks ago when the H unt car was cerned w ith the kind of punish forced over an em bankm ent by ment given out. All they think another machine. of It is d eath .” Mrs. H unt, with Mr. and Mrs. Darrow declared th a t th e prom ­ A. Wolf, was driving - South. ise th a t an undue am ount would T urning a corner, the door came not be spent had been kept. Alien­ open and she was* thrown from ist fees, he said, were the same the car. She arrived in Medford as those paid by th e State, and yesterday. The injuries, while the fees of th e attorneys would they are not serious, are painful. be fixed by th e b ar association. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stevens, of Ashland, had the novel experience last night of talking to Mrs. Stevensons’ brother, W. H. W ard, president of the H atters’ associa­ tion of America, who is in Omaha. The message was over long dis­ tance, and came through clearly w ithout being relayed, according P lan Trip—- to Mr. Stevens. There waa ap­ George Converse, Johnny Short- parently some radio interference, Regarding Equal Rights— ridge, Ray Shortridge Johnny as music and singing in a foreign San Francisco— “ I was very and Otis Johnson NO TRACES O F ANIMAL language was heard a t times. much pleased to learn th a t Dr. Gruelle AT THE VINING a r e planning a n extend­ LIFE ARE ON MARS Theressa Meikle is assistant dis­ In “ W hite T iger,” starrin g the Lithians Pavilian Dance Sat. trict attorney, but I was sorry to ed hunting and camping trip to famous rapid-action star, Priscil­ (Continued from page 1) night. 300— 3 read she always wears a h a t in the Ctnnebar Springs country. la Dean, Vining patrons have the They will spend several weeks court. There should be no ex- opportunity this evening of seeing through foreign embassies and the L ith ian s H old D inner— ceceptions in the case of a woman. there and expect to have a very the most realistic repro- »suggestion had wide-spread accep­ The Lithians a t a dinner held For years women have been clam ­ interesting vacation, having ex- ■ one tance. Last night, the best re­ in the Plaza confectionery Friday oring for equal rights and 1 perienced a sim ilar one in th a t ’ Auctions of the crook world ever produced. Miss Dean plays the ceivers were tuned, but no signals country last year. The date of evening prior to th< dedication should think the learned ones versatile role of a woman who is I came through the ether. ceremony, decided to lave a two- should be the first to set a good th eir leaving has not been decid­ ed. a t th e same tim e a society moth day picnic a t Lake of the Woods, example. Regular Subscriber.” j Continents Move and a denizen of th e underworld. Sunday and Monday, August 31st The foregoing is a clipping taken Leave on Vacation— .MOUNT HAMILTON, Cal., Aug. Tomorrow and Monday, Kath­ and Septem ber 1st. the la tte r be­ from the San Francisco Illu strat- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beagle and leen N orris’ dram a of passion, 23. — A t Lick observatory, atop ing Labor Day. They will be ac­ ed Herald Dr. Meikle was a son of the Golden Star Cafe on “ Lucretia Lom bard” , will show. Mount H am ilton, last night, qgeas companied by th eir wives. form er Ashland girl and atten d ­ F o u rth street left W ednesday for that may be continents, marsh ed p ie high school here. She is Newport and Portland, where they Albany — B ryant auto park land, or p rarie, and the rem ains Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. well known in different circles will visit for several weeks with reports 739 tourists during July, of w hat are believed to have been 300— tf in Ashland. friends and relatives. the fees amounting to $369.50. the oceans th a t once divided the Our Sudden Service FOR EVERY CAR Is just this: Expert, Courteous Ser- vice When You Want It Without Any Delay American Hammer- ed Rings SI rom berg (]arbure- tors—Parts with oil Rings, 30 cents For Every Car For Every Car C T C, Mason and Kelly Tires For Every Car Farran-Oid Fan Belts For Every Car Fly Wheel Ring Gears Ring Gears and I 1111011s For Every Car Timing Gears For Every Car Rims and Rim Service For Every Car For Every Car Detroit Springs Trunk and Tire Racks For Every Car For Every Car Victor Bearings For Every Car HAVE YOU SEEN “GASPAC", the new tube that never grows old—hermetically sealed and proteeted No m atter what replacement or auto equipment you want, drop in and we will supply your wants. LEEDOM’S TIRE HOUSE » ♦ ♦ o <>