AíftÁiffe fcÀftï T&ÍÍÍG8 Classified C olum n Saturday, AiifWÌt 2 3 , 1 0 2 4 PR O FESSIO N A L C la « if ie t j C o lu m n R a t e s O ne t im e . cent th e w ord P H Y S IC IA N S each DR. T o r a n e v e r y I s s u e fo r o n e m on^ h o r m o r e , f t c t h e w o rd e a c h tim e . H A W L E Y — — Above office. Tidings " Phone 91. D R . C. W . H A N SO N D e n t is t :SOC IE T Y : M IS S E D I T H D O D G E , E d it o r Phone items to her at 39, between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. NEW S L E T T E R A C h r ö n ie le o f E v e n t s O c c u r lü g in W o r ld C e n te r s o f P o p u la t io n M iV c o ra c ' T " 10" Colburn- »IrectOt ot mnn v®rs ty of t htcago Com- mans, Yale’s huge dining hall niant has had Miss Pnib, S SUCCeasfu! year- I “v m “ Was turroM <» a « »< »»<• F M i House nearly the most attractive spot in the entire university prop erty. The coming college year wil1 see the Field House put to ‘° Yale ,,a »* •»« Vale A L E M IT E G reasing S E R V I C E i t o . ’ - u tag o lnsllnitlon, and dents som ething th a t older ! r„w,~.a _ ''eaL various M atures of classes longed for in vain. things th a t go with a picnic sup­ Special attention given to pyor­ The NEW HAVEN, Conn., Aug. 23. ! c °mmons are to be enlarged to Tuesday, A ugust 26. W. C. T. per was served. Those present rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver fact th at a graduate kept in mind — Yale University will perpetu­ handle the demands. r o K R E N T — Furnished room U. meeting at Public Library. BY AN EXPERT to eujoy the affair were Mrs. riots th at m arked C c w m o iw m îî th ® ” eed ° f a Field House after Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. ate the name of John Ferguson w ith or w ithout housekeeping * • • who has the best equipment, W alker and daughters, Allene and Weir, for many years director of a few days ago have been wiped he left Yale is responsible for guaranteeing you the beat work privilege; also good garage. Mrs. D R . E R N E S T A . W (X H )S — P r a c Leta, Mrs. W. H. Pendleton who D augherty. 65 Pine St. 287-12* tice limited to eye, ear, nose ant» Sunda-V s <‘hool P arty — the Yale School of Fine Arts, by out> and everything seems lovely the changed condition, is visiting here from K lam ath naming the new departm ent of th ro at— X-ray including teeth. The Joy Closs oi the Baptist Falls, Miss K athleen Silver, Mr. FOR RENT— Furnished sleep­ architecture building W eir Hall. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Sunday Scb° o1 had a very charm- ing rooms, 1165 E ast Main St., j and Mrs. H arry Silver and Miss Construction of the hall is well food” as an excuse for an 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, L"8 party at the home of Mrs' Isabelle Silver. 1 1-2 block from high school. Or e I Channel on Union street Thurs- under way, and the building prob­ sive outbreak b a i l ’s © a ta s r e S ? • • • 299— 12* ‘______ ________________ day evening. The affair was in ably will be ready for use by the is a Combine, D in n e r P a r t y - . , . I tim e the university year of 1924- FOR RENT— 6 room house, DR- MATTIE B. SHAW— Real- ,h e n ature of a “ kids” party and T r e a tm s n t A new Law School plant Is a A charm ing dinner party was ¡25 is started. One hundred stu dence and office, 108 P io n e e r' everyone was dressed as some given furnished or unfurnished, also possibility in the future, b u t , ootli local c , s and u internal, and has bee Thursday evening at the dents flrP m h »» J d 1 uc j aents are to be accommodated in meanwhile Yale is arranging bet- ',JCCessfulJ n the g a rm e n t of Catarr avenue. Telephone 28. Offict j small child. C hildren’s games furnished apartm ent, Phone 481-J On The Boulevard home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. '{ " - T ¿ j ' l - what probably will be the most te r conditions In H endrle H all. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 were Played during the evening, o r call 185 Pioneer Ave. 299— tf Coombe. The tables were beau­ tho ancient Elm street . . home of » .J. VHLiNtV friCO .ftTtledo, Ci» p. m. only. which afforded much am usem ent unique building of the entire the tifully decorated and a delicious FOR SALE ----------------------------------------------- for all concerned. At a late hour Yale group, hidden away in a j ^be school. The auditorium is DR. E. B . ANGELL— Chiropractic delicious refreshm ents were serv- three-course dinner was served. corner between High and York beinS changed this Summer into a F O R S A L E — Muir and Golden The guests of the evening were and Electro-Therapy. Office ed by the hostess. streets, close to the a rt building, reading room. Access to State ♦ Cling peaches, Jam es Doran, Tel. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Detrick and phone 48; residence 142. F irst Those present were Misses Fil- reports will be provided here, and ♦ 0 419-T. 299— 6 son, Eugene Detrick. National Bank building. vora Hatch, Edith Plum m er, Janie 4 • 9 fe Peabody Museum, homeless a Commons room, attractive in 0 0 4 F O R S A L E o r T R A D E — ¡160 W alker, Wilnja Gyger, Jan et W il­ all respects, is under way. The ♦ since work was started nearly ten 4 M ONUM ENTS E n t e r t a in e d A t D in n e r _ _ t acre ranch, Missouri River bot­ son, Lola Gilmore, Velma Gould, ♦ Law School finds new applicants ♦ Mrs. Choe Gannaway of Bei years ago on Memorial Quad­ for its courses every year as its 0 0 tom land, w ithin 8 miles Minot, M argaret Miller and the hostess, A S H L A N D G R A N IT E I rangle, will spring up in better 0 R uit, Syria and her adopted North D akota. If interested call Mrs. Channel. reputation spreads, since the 0 M ONUM ENTS daughter, Zadi, an Armenian waif, shape than ever this Fall. Arising school was shaken up a few years 0 o r w r it e G. S. B u tle r . 3 0 0 — lm o O r e g o n G r a n ite C o. 0 were en tertain ed at a delightful from a corner of the form er Hill- ago and new men placed 0 i 8. PENNISTON, Salesman. in 0 FOR SALE: — Muir peaches, S. S. Picnic— six-course dinner at the Plaza house estate, on W hitney avenue, charge. 0 : P h o n e 4 4 4 -Y the new Peabody makes an im. come Friday, Saturday and Mon­ R e s. 4 7 « L a u r e i 0 The Baptist Sunday School held W ednesday evening by Mrs. Clara ♦ 0 day. J. A. Gear, 527 Terrace St. ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May their annual picnic in the Lithia M inard, who is well acquainted nressive showing in its Gothic Yale Medical School a u th o rit­ 0 0 style. Yale hopes to have the Phone 408J. 301-2 communicate with Ensign Lee Park Thursday noon. . About with Mrs. Gannaway. museum perm anently housed by ies have recognized the fact that f 4 The tables were beautifully de­ of the Salvation Army at the th irty of the Sunday school mem- FOR SALE:— 200 W hite Leg­ September 1. Ju st now the vast students in the school have not 0 ♦ W hiteShield Home, 565 May- bers were present to enjoy the corated with carnations and was horn laying pullets. Mrs. W’. D. collection of natural history spec­ the time to travel out to the ex­ 0 fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. | sood time. A fter a delicious pic- i 8et io r Gve. Following the din- Booth. W eightm an St. Phone imens is scattered about the city, tensive athletic field for exercise, t » I nic dinner, served by the ladies 1 ner the party went to the P res­ 267Y . ’ 301-2 but under perfect care since the and have taken space in the t ♦ P L A N IN G M IL L of the school, the crowd enjoyed byterian Church, where Mrs. Gan­ '’Loersal from the old building. heart of the Medical School dis­ ; F O R S A L E : — Birdseye Maple w atching the children run races naway spoke on the Near East JO R D O N ’S S A S H A N D C A B IN E T W ork on Peabody is so far along trict to provide tennis courts. 0 Dresser, also gas range, and and play games. The afternoon problem. WORKS, Cor. Helman and th a t cases for the specimens are Meanwhile, Lapham Field House, ? cooking utensils, 696 Boulevard. Those who enjoyed the affair was spent in talking over old the new athletic headquarters at 0 0 Van Ness. 194tf being installed. 300-3* were Mrs. Chas. Gannaway and __________________ tim es and exchanging experiences. Yale Field, is no longer in the 0 daughter, Zadi, Mrs. W. C. Gan­ TRANSFER AND EX PR ESS A fter a very delightful tim e the midst of a sandy waste, L a n d -|o F O R S A L E : — Good 6-roorn No longer can the old war scape gardening has made the naway of Medford. Mr. Fred W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. Party adjourned all expressing house on paved s-treet, close in. S h e r w in -W illia m s ■ their wish th a t the picnics in the i Taylor of Ashland and the hostess, cry go up, a fte r the ‘ rushes” for SERVICE. ♦ Will take half payment, small of college opening, "No freshmen ^Irs- Clara Minard. Experienced movers and pack­ fu tu re will be as successful. house in Ashland, Medford or im­ 4 below College street to n ig h t!” For ers of household goods. Deal­ proved acreage between them, the everincreasing num ber of new ers in coal and wood. Phone | T - lT. M e e tin g — D in n e r P a r t y — value up to 81500. See owner 4 students a t Yale has caused the DON’T 117. The W. C. T. U. will hold a Mrs. Agnes Herndon en tertain ­ 173 Helman street. 301-3* meeting at the public library next ed with a very charm ing dinner university to take over the old Office 89 Oak St. near Let the Wall Paper F O R S A L E — 6 room house, Tuesday. The nom inating com- at her home Friday noon in honor Trowbridge homestead on Temple Hotel Ashland with or w ithout furniture, easy ----- —----------------------- ----- --------; m ittee will be appointed and roll of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stannard. street, near Elm, for a freshman in one room ruin the appear­ term s, Phone 481-J or call 185 T. L. POWELL— General T ra n s-. call of members be given. Each The ......... table ....... was prettily decorated dormitory. L ittle by little the ance of the entire house. We "In the H eart of Town” have hundreds of papers from P io n e e r A v e . 299— tf freshm en are being distributed, as fer Good team and motor member is expected to respond j with flowers, A three-course which you may select. trucks. G iod service at a rea- with some tem perance news. 4 i dinner was served by the hostess, Yale finds it imposible to erect • ♦-♦♦♦♦ i F O R SALE:— Automobile tra il­ enough centralized dorm itories to souab.’e price. Phone 83. At the meeting following, Sep- followed by a very pleasant a fte r­ er for 825, 349 E. Main. 295-tf house h er youngsters. E ventual­ tem ber 9th, the election of offic noon. , F E H IG E -R O A C H ly sufficient dorm itory room will F O R S A L E — R . I. Red fryers ers will be held Those present were Mr. and H U N T E R S Transfer — Express — Storage be acquired, but until then plans milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- Mrs. Ed Stannard, Minnie Beav­ must be adopted sim ilar to those docs, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* , H auling — D ray work of all 1‘k ‘iiic In P a r k — The governor has lifted the ban and your deer is waiting er and the hostess, Mrs. Herndon. kinds. Quick motor service. Dry for you. «»»»»iB of the Trowbridge home idea. The A very delightful picnic supper W A N T E D — Old heaters of all i wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Trowbridge dorm itory m arks the W E H A V E was held in the Lithia Park F ri- I E n t e r t a in e d A t L u n c h e o n __ kinds; Phone 86. Best prices. 37 5 B. St. 112-tf “ farth est east” of the student The Guns and Ammunition- and the Clothing which you day evening, in honor of M iss! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fuller en- homes. Provost. 298— 6t will need for your trip. K athleen Silver, who will le a v e ' tertained Mrs. Joseph A. Forney I For a smooth shave soon for Arizona, where s h e ! at the Plaza Friday noon. Mrs. Commons seem to have been Homes on easy terms j and quick service go teaches in an Indian School. A | Forney is the feature w riter for elim inated as Yale’s nio3t puzz'.- to the Shell B arber delicious meal, consisting of a l l ■ the Oregonian. FOR RENT CALENDAR OF EVENTS Shell P roducts ___ i IV. b N. Service Station 0 0 0- ♦ ♦ Do You Need A Painter? e w ill furnish you a good m echanic piom ptly. Do you wish your rooms decoiated, enameled, varnished, stained J or waxed? Or your oak floor finished? X Do you like the gray wiped stain? PHONE US Whatever your needs, let us know. We ♦ ♦ carry the complete line and can furnish you a relaible man ♦ who understands his goods to apply it. ♦ Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. J. O. R IG G Army Goods Store W a lt M a so n m u s t b e h a p p y a s h e 1 s in g s : “ N o la n d lo r d e v e r lo o m s In v ie w t o t e ll m e t h a t t h e r e n t Is d u e ; n o b a lif p a u s e s a t m y g a t e j t o b id m e p a y o r p u ll m y f r e ig h t , - a n d a s I su rv ey m y c h a ste a b o d e w it h s h a d e t r e e s str u n g a lo n g t h e r o a d , m y o y e s b e lio ld in g , f a ir . ' ly s h in e , I s w e ll w it h p r id e , T H E P L A C E I S M IN E . I p it y m u d » t h e lo c o e d g e n t w h o s p e n d s h is l if e t im e p a y in g r e n t; th o u g h h e m a y h a v e a b u t le r ste r n anti j e w e lr y and ea rs to b urn; h e c a n n o t k n o w t h e J oy a n d p r id e w it h w h ic h m y b o s o n Is s u p p lie d , w h e n I s u r v e y m y h e n h o u s e f in e , a n d c r y , ‘T H E W H O L E B L A M - i E D W O R K S A R E M I N E ’. ” Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. Biinrest Little Store in AsKbuitl AT THE CHURCHES F ir s t P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h J. C. Mergier, Pastor Having returned from two weeks vacation the pastor will W . A . S H E L L . Prop. Methodist Episcopal Church preach Sunday morning at eleven 532 A. St. Ashland. Ore S. J. Chaney, Minister o’clock. The sermon subject will The Sunday School will meet be, ’’Centered in Him.” The un- at 9:45. Classes are provided , ion service in the evening at for all ages and all are w elcom e.' eight o’clock will be held in the Rev. R. W. Nelson of Medford Methodist church. The C hristian will preach at 11:00 A. M. Subject "Eyes th at See." The i Eml“ v<>r Soeloty will meet In the church at 6:45 for their weekly Epworth’ League will meet at prayer meeting. 6:45. Union evening service at The pastor will resum e th o t>y t h e ! this chinch at 8:00 P. M. A cor-' study In St. Johns Gospel next ; dial invitation is extended to INSIDE ASHLAND REAL .W ednesday a t 7:30 o’clock, ta k -j home people and strangers. Our ESTATE IS FROM 50 to 200 pastor. Rev. S. J. Chaney, will re­ ing up the fifth chapter. A cor- PEE CENT CHEAPER TO- I DAI THAN IN ANY OTHER turn for the Sunday services on i dial welcome is extended to the : public not interested in the work TOWN ITS SIZE ON THE August 31st. B C R .N A K K PACIFIC COAST. ; of other churches to share our m acfadoen , When prices sta rt upward, church privileges with us. watch the stam pede. F irst Congregational Chuijrh Night-terrors are one ot the most W. Judson Oldfield, M inister common nervous aisordeis ot T r in ity E p is c o p a l C h u rch TRADES Boulevard babies and young children. Every and Main street, , ; Vicar Rev. - P. . K. Hammond Seven room modern house, _ . , - — the — ----- motner Is familiar witn tne phen- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with j Holy Communion at 8 a. m. 100 foot front on paved street, omor. on wn»cn manifests xtsen. classes for all grades and ages. Church School at 9:45 Mornlng splendid location, to trade with most frequently at from two io six equal value in Medford. years, ot age, or older. The cnita- Bring your Bible. Morning ser- ServIce and Sermon at n ren may apparently oe in pettect vice at 11; subject, “C hrist’s E s - ' stranger8 and visitora mo8t We have a client who is health, ana go to Ded with every « m ate of John the B aptist.” | cordially welcome. from Missouri, and wants to go Indication of spending a quiet re st­ Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p. m .; back, has a nice little ranch, ful nignt w ith irrigation, close to town, Suddenly, without any apparent | The evening service will be a un- I m p r o v e m e n t t o b e M ad e— to trade for satisfactory prop­ cause, they start trom sleep, ! ion service of all the churches erty to value of 83500 in Old W ithin a few days, C. M. Kidd, screaming with fright and chatter- at the Methodist church at 8. owner of the building occupied M issouri. T^ y maV GVen The Ptlbllc is cordially invited by the Rex Cafe, will begin the And I have splendid 5 acre from bed and run about the t , tra c t on paved highway, 2 Jump room, totally oblivious to the fact a ‘ tbese services, erection of an addition to the m iles east of town for 8750, no that the mother, oi some other ' ---------- rear of the present building to be o th er snap like it. I n s T W e fth e m “ " 1' I P' r ’ , <1," rrh » ' Chris' I l you h a re a bargain to of­ be used as a kitchen for the Rex. f e r , you can guess w hat to do [ Night-terrors must not be con- ! This will make considerable need­ Pioneer Avenue, South, j fused with ordinary nightmare, Sunday morning service at 11 ed room in the dining room avail R E N T A L S , T R A D E S , B U S I­ i which 1s merely a distressing o’clock. Subject of lesson “ Mind” . able, and will be a big improve­ NESS O P P O R T U N IT IE S . ; dream, the evil influences of which cimHav m . , S O M E S P E C IA L B A R G A IN S disappear almost Immediately on S ? Sch° 01 &t 10 ° cl0■» ex- j subject for the morning is “ Lib­ nervous condition. The trouble has sometimes proved the erty In T ru th .” The vacation all kinds of Insurance. forerunner of epilepsy. season is nearly over. The cause In order to effect a cure, it ts necessary to place the child on a of righteousness needs every STAPLES’ AGENCY restricted diet, favoring milk right minded citizen. Get the hab­ O f f ic e , H o t e l A sh la n d B ld g . AND Phone 20 whole-wheat bread and fruit, and it. lets go to dhurch. Christian S ' e X u a T o u r / T ó o . ì “ V né I End‘!avor a t 7 ° 'clock p' an<1 last meal at night should be es­ union services at the M. E. Church MISCELLANEOUS at 8 p. m. pecially light in character. ____ __________________________ _ , Daily movements ot the bowels overhauling is one of the S 2 0 0 0 .0 0 cash puts you in to should be secured. Plenty of B aptist Church th is money m aking hotel, no bet- y at.e.I1. 8h0“ ld be drunk, ana a . . . . nr outdoor whQ life arg insisted beat investments yo'u can “ Opposers of Self,” will be the te r , location in town, 25 rooms all healthy In cmldren oJ(. unon on one flor, re n t only 870.00; ¡to understand splendid results theme for the Sunday morning make, as it may prevent alw ays full; clears 8150.00 per | have oeen secured oy suggestive sermon by the pastor. Who are m onth above all expenses. Full ; treatments. This forms the oasis they and why are they? Bible heavy expense for replace­ of the treatm ent ordinarily given price 83000.00 for toase and fu r­ by psycho-analysts, ana those who school 9:45. The adult classes; are studying the Word of God it-! ments. nishings, ju st a good place for employ suggestive therapeutics. It consists simply m talking to j se^- H is interesting and h e lp fu l., one woman. Box 462, Ashland. 295— 8* the nwm a qb,et flrm tone a tte r ' Come and see what the Word the CM,d has goo. to he„ ahd „ ; B. Y. p „ „ 6 ;„ WANTED— Aug. 25, for school --------------------------- I iors at 6 p. m. There will be no ' y»*ar. 5 room modern furnished services in the evening as t h e 1 house, near schools, two adults, Dayton — Highway bridge near church will dismiss for the union ad d ress M. T. care Tidings. town being resurfaced with crush­ meetings. Our Phone 82 2 9 8 — 4 * ed rock and asphalt top dressing.. Main - Plaza Ashland B. C. M ille r , P a s t o r . T/ealth Q/lnts Father o f P h y s ic a l C u ltu r e I l i a U K D A J N L L cause of its IG N IT IO N GEN ERATOR M urphy Eiec. Co. riY