PAGE FOP» ASHLAND DAÎLŸ WDíÑfíS Ltoeaí ; P erso n al flotes < > < ► A D aily C hronicle o f th o se w ho com e and go, and ev en ts o f local in terest Mr. A. N. Humphrey, well known railroad man, is confined to his home with an infected foot. < ■ i SPECIAL attention to AUTO- ; MOBILE Insurance; b etter term s a and lower rates. Yeo, of course, a Phone 2i & 274-j. A t H osp ital— Ed Van Dyke is a patient at the local hospital. Boys Bchool suits with two pair pants, all wool. $11.75 at Orres Tailor shop. 300— 2* L eft Today— a a a a a AFTER THE B EER One T hrilling Chase By A lonzo G issing » a a a Illu strated By a Pa^torial Jt Sketch jj At Crater Lake— After being in the hospital for two days, suffering from acute lumbago, Leonard Lund wras suf­ ficiently recovered to be dismiss­ ed yesterday. Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. 300— tf Returned Y esterday— Mr. and Mrs. Will Loomis and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Loomis re tu rn ­ ed to Ashland yesterday a fte r a short outing at Diamond Lake. The two men are brothers of May­ or C. L. Loomis, and returned to Ashland to be at his bedside. If you have any old heaters, call 86. Best prices paid for all kinds. Provost. 298— 6t Loft R ecently— Scott McKendree and wife, of Merrill, who arrived here Sun­ day to visit Mrs. L. A. Klum, left the middle of the week for their home. Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. 300— tf Stopped Y esterday— Mrs. E tta Meeves Grow and Mrs. B urkholder, of Salem, who are on their way to Crescent City, stopped here yesterday to visit an old acquaintance, Mrs. Lulu Wilson, whom they knew in the Capitol city. H ealth giving whole wheat bread at The Lithia Bakery. V isited H ere— Mr. and Mrs. H eidnrich, of Phoenix, Arizona, are guests at the K itto home this week, visit­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. *! .ester Weis- enburger are other $ iests at the K itto home. McNair Druggists. Bros, Prescription Stopped H ere— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harvey of South Tacoma, W ash., stopped in Ashland Thursday for a short visit with R. P. P o rter and fam­ ily. They are on their way south and will stop here on their return. Eastm an Kodaks and Film s— McNair Bros. T o Crat small Franeisco m arkets within , house in Ashland, Medford or im- two months. proved acreage between them, j value up to $15 500. See owner Every has a message 173 Helman street. stre 301-3* port, “have an im portant respon­ sibility in determining the most economical time to build in rela­ tion to the date a t which rental or sales can best be made. From this point of view they may be able to encourage construction a t times when it is most economical rath er than to allow the strength­ ening of customs which in the long run may be most wasteful to own- j ers.” “The banker also can aid in sta­ bilizing construction,” the commit­ tee reports, “since it is to him th at the investor is apt to turn for ad­ vice. There should be a w’ider use of current information and a con­ stan t reaching out for fu rth er data regarding the characteristic trends in the construction industries. It is tc the banker’s ow’n interest, as well as to the interest of his cus­ tomers, th a t he take into account the seasonal factor. Forethought in planning ahead and use of in­ formation as to the seasonal trends will reduce interest on in- i vestment and will release invest- ' ment funds for other productive. uses.” D ata .on seasonal construction may be obtained from Division of ' Building and Housing, Department j of Commerce, W ashington, D. C. or from the Superintendent o f , Documents a t W ashington on a p - ' plication. Marvin Shaw, son of Dr. Mattie B. Shaw, who has been critically ill at North Bend, Oregon, is re ­ covering nicely and able to sit up. Dr. Shaw expects to bring Ask yonr grocer for Mrs. Bon- him home in about two weeks. a r ’s home-made salad dressing. 296— lm o* Big tre a t at Hot Springs Sat. SACRAMENTO, Calif., Aug. 22. from a business trip. The ore j night. The old Metropole Jazz — “ The Days of *49” , which won A S H L A N D D A H L IA S In Medfortl— AM ONG T H E B E S T will be sent to the new Gold Hill ' O rchastra. 301-2 this city world fame in 1922, will T. H. Simpson, H. K. Tomlin- sm elter. The ore runs from $200 be revived on Monday. Sept. 29th, That, among other things, Ash­ son, A. H. Pracht, E. C. Payne Stopper H ere— to $300 a ton, and the mine h a s ' for the entertainm ent of the land is a little ahead of the rest and G. S. B utler journeyed to 3,000 feet of tunnels. Mr. Henry Gasper of Minneapo­ delegates to the 27th annual con­ of the world as a place where Medford Friday on business. The mine is located about 15 j lis, John S attler and Jam es O’­ vention of the American Mining Brien of Eden Valley, Minnesota, Congress, opening th a t day, by dahlias can be raised was proved miles East of Trail. It has not Complete line of Ashland Can­ who are touring the western the celebrated “ W hiskerinoes.* this morning when Clyde Costello been developed before because of oed Goods at Detricks. 94-tf states called on th eir old school |C itizenry of Sacramento will again exhibited a vase of the finest flow the long haul to a sm elter. The era. new Gold Hill sm elter now re­ m ate, T. A. Cole at the E ast don th e quaint garb of the forty- About two years ago, Mr. Cos­ Spending W eek-E nd— lieves this trouble. Side Pharm acy and on Mr. Cole’s niners, and many of the men will Mr. and Mrs. Chester Putney father, W. N. Cole. sport luxurious beards. Pioneer tello started raising dahlias, and left Friday for Medford where stage coaches and rigs will re­ has had w onderful success. He j TlftAN MEETS DEATH they expect to visit friends and Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory. place automobiles, and justice will now has 63 varieties of the flow­ IN MOTOR WRECK ers, and has blubs th at came from ' relatives until Sunday. 300— tf be dispensed as In 1849. HUBBARD, Ore., Aug. 22. — A pioneer parade will be stag­ points as distant as Maine and W est Virginia. The flowers start H. W. H arding, 51, of 4 43 Fifth Klan Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory H om e From N ew port— ed In the afternoon, and the life 300— tf Miss E sther Counter, who has of the forty-niners will be depict­ blooming in July, he says, and street, Portland, was killed in an been visiting with her aunt in ed by a pageant during the even­ continue until they are killed by automobile accident one-ha'.f nil’e south of Hubbard this afternoon. Milk and Cream whole sale and Newport, for the past two weeks, ing. “ T enderfeet” will dance to the frost. / His grandson, riding in the front retail from certified herd— Lin- returned home W ednesday even­ the tune of “ six-shooters.” z --------------— seat with him, was uninjured. It ingers Dairy. Phone 396R. ing, accompanid by Jam es Yeo was reported th a t Mr. Harding, in L O W E R T A X R A T E and family and Miss Counter’s A dance “ worth while.” F air To Portland— driving around a W illam ette Val­ F O R K. F A L L S uncle, Mr. Norman Ashcraft. They Grounds Pavilion Saturday night! Mrs. Mary Dunn, m other of expect to visit here w ith relatives Music and floor unexcelled. 290-tf ley Transfer company truck, lost KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 22.— control of his machine, went into Mrs. Elizabeth Van Sant, left F ri­ for the next two weeks.. day in company with her son for Holding th a t taxation in Klam ath ' the ditch and struck a telephone County is so high as to frighten | pole. B U IL D D IN IN G Eugene and Portland. Their stay Young m en’s school suits with is indefinite. H A L L IN D A Y away outside capital which would i two pair trousers, all wool at otherwise invest here, County $23.50 at Orres Tailor shop. REDDING, Aug. 22. — Em­ Assessor W. T. Lee has called a S k U L L IS F O U N D Dance with Lithians Sat night. 300— 2* IN SA C R A M E N T O ployes of the Pacific Gas and m eeting of all county tax levying 300— 3 Electric Company work fast in the bodies for the early p art of Sep- R eturned From V i s i t - SACRAMENTO, Aug. 22. — A neighborhood of P it No. 3, when T o J oh n son ’s P rairie— tem ber to discuss means of low­ Miss Elizabeth King who has skull, together with a number <► Mrs. Clark of D etroit was in been visiting with her sister, Mrs. an emergency arises. ering the rate during 1925. of other human bones th a t gave A dining room and kitchen th a t Ashland Thursday and has gone M. I. Hibbs and son in Oakland, City officials have signified evidence of having been burned, | 0 to Johnson’s Prairie, where she Calif., for the past two weeks, | served meals for 300 a t Camp th eir willingness to co-operate in were found yesterday afternoon on the line of the long lowering the rate if it be found will visit with her cousin, Eugene returned home recently,. Mrs. by children playing in the vicinity B artlett and family. Hibbs and son rturned with them tunnel burned at 1 o’clock in the practicable to do so. of Fifty-first and R streets, and morning. ! 0 and will visit for a while with today resulted in an investigation W hen G. M. W ehrle, superin­ One of our clients w ants to bor­ relatives here. Mr. Hibbs will a r­ by tlie police to determ ine whe- j ” row $2000.00 on land security, rive in Ashland in a short time tendent of construction, arrived at TO D E V E L O P T H E “ B U Z Z A R D ” M IN E th er the discovery indicates the the camp he found only nails and Billings Agency. 300— 2* for a visit with his parents. possibility of a m urder. ashes on the site of the boarding KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 22 — The discovery was made by To C rater L ake— Let us fill your pail with Swiftb house. He assembled men and The Buzzard mine, near Trail, is . Angela Saca, 8, of 1733 Thirty- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Banks of Silver Loa: lard. Costs less than m aterial with dispatch and before Albany, who have been visiting shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is nightfall th e dining room and to be developed at once, accord- j ninth street, who with a number ing to Captain O. C. Applegate, , of young companions was playing the Reverend B. C. Miller fam ­ more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf kitchen, a building 110 feet long part owner of the mine, who re- j in the vicinity of the find. The ily, left Thursday morning for and 32 feet wide, was restored and cently returned to K lam ath Falls 1 skull was lying on top of a heap fully equipped. C rater Lake where they will stay Car Recovered— for several days, retu rn in g Sun­ The Buick four touring car day. Meet “Lady Luck!” F a i r which was stolen Tuesday night from the rear of the Buick sales Grounds Pavilion, Medford! Sat­ MARCEL AND CURL LAST rooms has been recovered in urday night. 290-tf LONGER after a Golden Glint Portland. Don Hall, who was Shampoo. driving the machine, was a rre st­ B R O T H E R , S IS T E R , ed by the police and will be re­ IN W A T E R F IG H T On Vacation— turned here to answ er to th e ♦ A fter working for over a year charge of theft. W ord was re­ < ► REDDING, Calif., Aug. 22. — w ithout taking a day off, Lee ceived from the Portland police There was an unusual state of af­ T uttle, acting editor of the Tid­ this morning. Deputy Sheriff fairs in the superior court yester­ ings, with George G arrett, P. O. L ister will go to Portland to bring day when the case of Mrs. Ida L. Shirley, Mrs. Lee Tuttle, and son, back the prisoner and T. M. Scott Bidwell and husbaud, William Shirley, left this m orning on a will go up to bring back the ma­ G. Bidwell, against Alex Hausen week’s trip to C rater and Dia­ We will do the glazing free and can furnish chine.— G rants Pass Courier. was called. Mrs. Bidwell is H an­ mond lakes. T u ttle’s favorite re­ sen’s sister. anv size glass that vou may need. creation is telling of the fish he Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Armory Hansen appeared to show cause has caught, and the Tidings force 300— tf why an injunction should not Is­ is waiting in doubt for concrete sue restraining him from in ter­ evidence of his ability with the Pciir Shipm ent R esum ed— fering with a dam across Cedar rod. The picking and packing of Creek th a t diverted w ater into pears was again resumed today the Halcomb ditch and upon Mrs. Cliff Payne makes book stands. on a large scale. Only four cars Bidwell’s land. When you plan your painting and wall paper­ were shipped from here last night Compromise Reached L*Ta,ve for North-— Both parties live a t Round ing, remember that we handle the best in each Mrs. o . H. Cole of L Walker , for the eastern m arket because of the rain having prevented picking Mountain. Each summoned about Avenue and Mrs. D. A. Peterson by w etting the orchards so hard a score of witnesses. Judge Wal- line and that you are assured of fair treat­ and two daughters of Pine St., a few days before. Between 25 te r E. H erzinger admonished sis­ left the first of the week for ment here. and 30 cars will be shipped out te r and brother th a t they ought J Portland. They expected to stop tonight, and the same num ber to­ to reach some agreem ent out of i at Eugene to visit Mr. and Mrs. morrow night. To date the ship­ court. L ater the attorneys an-! F ran k Porter, form er residents of m ents from here num ber 430 cars. nounced th a t a compromise settle- j Ashland and stop a t Salem for a ment had been reached, bu t it short time. They will visit with — Mail Tribune. was to last only until November Mr. D. A. Peterson’s parents in Kian Lecture, Aug. 27, Arnftry. 1, or until the end of the Irriga- B ig g est H om e F urnishers in A shland Portland, returning home the la t­ I 4 300— tf tion season. ♦ ♦♦ te r p art of the week. Bring Your Window Sash To Us Paints and Wall Paper Julian Provost, 84, retired farm er, died Tuesday night a t the hotel in Portland where he had been living for the past two years. H eart failure and old age is said to have been the cause of his death. Mr. Provost was the brother of P. Provost, old resi­ dent of Ashland. P. Provost and Sylvian Provost are in Portland now to attend the funeral. Syl­ van Provost was in P ortland at the tim e of his death, attending B uyers’ Week. l.ICAXS IX ADDRESS (Continued From Page 1) Ashland Lodge ■■■■ According to the Governor, the K nights of Py- j To Lake— men whe chase the deer may now thias, No. 117, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Nims and pursue the nimble game and never ! will meet Fri- ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean and have a fear th a t some game w ar­ day night Aug- ; daughter, Betty, expect to leave den will step in, and in their ear ust 22 at 8 P. M., Moose Hall. | Sunday for the Lake of the Woods- will cry, “ I t’s agin’ the law to Im portant business meeting. All where they will spend several pack a gun, the forests are too ’ d ry .’’ members are urged to be present. ; days at their summer cottage. DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE, C. C. P au lseru d ’s suits "sell for leas. 300— 2 Dan McCarthy of H ilt, who has been receiving medical care a t the local hospital, was dismissed to­ V isitin g H ere— V isiting Hrc— day, and returned to his home. Troy McCraw of Marshfield is i Mrs- w - H - Pendleton of Klam- in Ashland visiting at the home i ath Palls and son Billy arrived Superlite auto finish; guaran­ of William Myer. He expects to ! in Ashland T uesday’ evening for teed— Hughes, Pell’s Corner. remain here for about a week. ! a visit with her parents, Mr. and. 298— ff — . Mrs. H arry Silver of Oak street. We deliver the goods— Detricks ! She intends to remain here for Underwent O peration— 94-tf about ten days. C. A. Brown, who underw ent W ith all the other anim als, the an operation at the Community Returned Hom e— 1 Moava Pile Suppositories, $1.00 rough-neck grizzly bear expects Hospital last W ednesday, is im­ Mrs. Floy C. Merrilies of Chi- McNair Bros. to hunt the h u n ter and is practic- proving rapidly, it was announced cago, who has been visiting w’ith . 1 Ing in his lair. The sketch of today. Mrs. Clara Minard for the past ' Im proving— ten days, returned to her home in Miss Anna Hargrove, who has Bruin shown above, while Wifie There’re here, Metropole Jazz Chicago last Tuesday. been confined to her home od bears the brunt, show's what he’ll do to the hunters, when the hun­ O rchestra, Jackson Hot Springs Pioneer avenue, with lumbago, is ters sta rt to hunt. Saturday night, Aug. 23. 301-2 Cleaning and pressing at Orres, reported to be improving and will Phone 64. 300— tf be able to be around in a few Ladies and children’s hair cu t­ From Iowa— days. ting. Pow der Puff Beauty Par- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thornton of In A shland— 293-tf Iowa drove through Ashland Miss Fay Carver, form er g irls’ HONESTY is mj POLICY. Yeo, lor- Tuesday evening and stopped coach at the Ashland high school, of course. 212— tf S P E C IA L R A T E S with the J. H. Sugg nil£, whom of Phoenix, was in Ashland they knew in Iowa. G IV E N G. P A S S Thursday visiting. D angerous B u t P a s s a b l e - One of the few California to u r­ GRANTS PASS, Aug. 22.— Re­ Sweet cream for whipping and Mrs. Audrey Trobee of San ists headed for home passed coffee— also fresh milk, always Francisco has opened her beauty j through Ashland yesterday, On ductions in hay rates from this on Ice at the Plaza. 239— tf shop in the Mills building. Call the back of his Ford was w ritten, city to California points will be­ come effective in a few days, it 103 for appointm ent. 297-tf “ Dangerous, but passable. Back was announced today by County I^eft Yesterday— to Los Angeles.” Agent Howard, following receipt A fter an illness of three weeks, In Medford— of the inform ation from A. S. Mrs. Ray P arker was yesterday Mr. H. H. E lh art took a short Jane Snedicor has moved from dismissed from the hospital, and tr'p to Medford Friday morning the Deuel Dep’t. Store to No. 3 Rosenbaum, district freight and passenger agent. will return to her home near on business. B artlett St. connecting with the The new ra te s will allow hay Medford. Vaniety Shop in Medford. The from local growers to compete Madden sells Balloon tires. A rt Shop Unique will make de­ with other hay growing sections Llthians Pavlllan Dance ’ Sat. 24 6-tf signing, a rt dyein« and interior in supplying the California m ar­ night. 300— 3 decorations its specialty. 296-3F kets. D ism issed— Friday, A u gust 2iì, i 6*24 HUNTERS The governor has lifted the ban and your deer is waiting lo r you. w?H WE HAVE you A rm y Goods S tore Biggest Little Store in Asliland F IN A L C U T ON SUM M ER FOR SATURDAY lu ti Early Showing of New Woolen Dress Goods 36 in. All Wool Flannel, yd. $1.98 J The much wanted material for dresses comes in the new shades for Early Fall wear 54 in. All Wool N ovelty Check yd. $2.98 •> See these new woolens for skirts and dresses, come <> in shades of Brown, Tan, Green and Blue 36 in. A ll Wool C repes’, yd. $1.59 \\ ool Crepe at this low price. The popular wool goods for derss and skirts come in six new shades NEW IN READY TO WEAR New Coats with Fur Collars, priced $16.95 to $59.95 New Silk Dresses made of Satin Crepe, ;; priced $14.95, $19.75, $22.50, $29.75 E. R. ISAAC & CO Swenson & Peebler “The Q uality Store” - >- ♦ ♦ ♦ *