P u e Two AötttAffft BAh.V lîb iifâl MHMÌMM ì A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S throughout the city. I ing of the latest styles by the twelve years ago in Portland. Sale St. Helens — New Methodist E ast Side feminine sex. cf goods has been reported heavy, church will serve as community A dancing rodeo! Tex Rickard Division street is the Fifth ave- Buyers who purchase more than center. It has gymnasium, so- who has promoted everything ! nue of this picturesque foreign : $500 w orth of goods will h a v e ' cial room, shower baths and from a knitting contest to a Demo­ section, and the show windows are their railway fares refunded.- | kitchen, it will cost 28,000. crat National Convention, will ! as brightly electrified and as a r - 1 soon create the greatest dancing ' tistically decorated as those of Corvallis — Work progresses carnival in the world. ! its uptown sister avenue. rapidly on foundation for big ho­ Pend'.eton Woolen Mills won The attem pt to find the best And th e creatons — not called tel building. OFFIOIAL CITY P A P E R ................................................................ T elephone 39 toe-tw inklers in the United States i th a t by Division street customers competitive contract to furnish 3,- E ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffic e a s Second Class Mail M atter Leading a double life may get you through just twice will penetrate into the sm allest i however — are every bit as chic. 000 blankets for new $4,000,000 as quick. hamlet. W inners of local prize There is no good reason w-hy they Hotel Olympic at Seattle. The Sub rlption P rice, D elivered in City One M o n th ...... $ .45 i dancing shoes will meet in State shouldn’t be, as the same m anu­ Oregon product was selected after Three M onths 1-^5 • Farmers Attention hard test against best eastern Six.M onths___ 3.75 i More can subtract their income from their expenses contests, and the State winners facturer sells to Division street a products. There are those who will gathea together in Madison as to Fifth avenue. O ne'Y ear........ Fly season will soon be on. 7-5* j easier than they can deduct their expenses from their Square Garden here for the grand By Mail and Rural Routes: Get your Shoo Fly and E. Z. You may fool milady of the still feel inclined to buy their I .65 income. One M onth__ Bos. fly spray for your cow’s finale, with a $12,000 prize for East Sixties and Riverside Drive goods from abroad, even though Three Months 1.95 ___________________________ the best fly killer made. Gard­ the home products are proven the winner. as to price and quality of gowns, Six M onths__ 3.50 en Hose, and garden tools, And there will be rulea, just but there is small chance to hood­ best. The elimination of freight The Queen of Spain owns a beautiful typewriter of One Year ..... 6.50 fencing and binder twine, like baseball, m atrimony, or any wink the Division street belle. and time and other charges which mowers and repairs always on white enamel and gold, with keys of ivory. W ouldn’t the DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: hand. other national institution. Danc­ She is the one who helps produce make a needlessly high cost, gives Single in sertion , per inch .................................................................. $ .30 iaverage stenographer like to tickle it? ju st th a t much more money to he ing m asters, by the way, are try ­ the garm ents in some loft factory Y early C ontracts: divided between producers and One insertion a w eek ............................................................................ .27% ing to replace the “ Bootleggers’ during the day. consumers. It isn’t provincial­ Two insertion s a w eek .................................................. ....................... .25 Let us hope that this will prove an unusual deer Shake,” the “ Tiger Twaddle” and D ally insertion ........................................... „ ..... ..................................... .20 season—that no human will be mistaken for a deer and the “ Camel C anter” with dances The most popular book of the ism — it’s sense. Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising containing less figure and more j publishing trade in New York has mortally wounded or killed. F irst insertion , per 8 point lin e ...................................................... $ .10 feet. Chief among the proposed ju st put out another edition. The Each subsequent in sertion , 8 point lin e ......................................... .05 k « -» « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « Card of T h a n k s ______________ . . . ___________________ _______ 1.00 substitutions is the “ Raggedy new telephone directory gratifies While many were inclined to severelv criticize Gov- Q bituaries, per lin e ................................................................................. .02% * — A nn,” a foxtrot like a slow movie. the hum an craving for seeing W HAT constitutes advertising |erll0r Pierce for issuing a proclamation closing the open As one professor explained the one’s name in print, with a new All future event*, where an admission charge is made or a season to September 20, the executive was l ight. The pro- situation, in academic term s: record of 800,000 names. collection taken in Advertising. “ If a kangaroo got on a mod­ tection of Oregon’s forests are paramount the hag limit No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. OGDEN, Utah, Aug. 21. — The of two deer. Until the recent rain Oregon faced the great­ ern dance floor he’d feel like a piker. People ain ’t taking danc­ Kaibab National Forest in south­ donations No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertis­ est fire hazard in history and steps looking to the pro­ ing lessons no more. They don’t ern Utah and northern Arizona ing or .ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. , tection of Oregon’s forests are paramount tothe hag limit have to.” , the la tte r part of this month will condemnation. be the scene of a conference of AUGUST 22 The twenty-six miles of New forest service and game conser­ THEY THAT WAIT upon the Lord shall renew th eir strength; Jersey ’s famous automobile shor- vation officials at which an effort they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not drivd is to be saved from the in­ will be made to solve the problem be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.— Isaiah 40:31. UiS is a saying you often hear. roads of the A tlantic Ocean by the of the 25,000 or more deer on The wise man makes his own erection of a series of super-jet­ th at reservation. This is accord­ A REMEDY IS SUGGESTED : chance. Open a savings account in ties. ing to announcem ent at forest Widespread disappointment is being expressed by this hank and help yourself. Since t i c connection of the s e r'-’ce h e a d q u a r te r s here. many citizens over the fact that Litliia park lias been first jetty , m easuring 720 feet, at The forest is only fifty miles without lithia water for more than a week, and the fact Monmouth Beach, N. J., six weeks square and it is estim ated the ♦ ♦ that the fountain is drv has occasioned the invoking of W ashington , Aug. 21. — “W hat the W orld W ants.” in ago, 500 feet of white sandy beach deer are increasing a t the rate of which the needs of every m arket have been added to the Campbell 8000 annually. The deer are pro­ much unfavorable eomment on the part of visitors who j L n 'X n a X “ “ of the globe are made known to estate, on which the stru ctu re is tected at present and the Kaibab are coming to the park from the four winds. 1 ican foreign business .th is year, m anufacturers and jobbers.. situated and it is expected th a t a te rrito ry has been practically The condition is such that it requires immediate at- according to estim ates of the De­ Reports to W ashington indicate new beach will be built up for cleared of predatory anim als Ashland, Oregon th a t hundreds of business men in half a mile down the coast. tention and the Tidings joins heartily in the suggestion Partment of Commerce, which form erly preyed upon the The highest approval was given every locality “ listen in ” every The jetty is modeled among the deer. that the work of keeping the flow of water vanning con­ of the broadcasting of business Friday night to the trade infor­ design of th a t outside the Pana­ tinuously be transferred to the Park board. Citizens statistics. More than 5,000 in­ m ation service. District offices PORTLAND, Aug. 21.— One of take it that the department charged with the upkeep of quiries daily concerning foreign have special employes ready to ma Canal, with a forty-degree an­ gle and a mammoth line of rocks the most successful Buyers’ weeks the flow and the fountain has not sufficient time to give business opportunities reach the rush fu rth er details on the pros-' on each side of a wooden core. It in the history of Portland is to to the work. The opinion is unanimous that aside from D epartm ent of Commerce, the ma- pective foreign buyers and refer- cost $120,000. be brought to a close here this supplying water for domestic and fire purposes that the ' jority of them as the result of the ances as to th eir credit ratings. M illionaires’ Row, at Monmouth week-end with a big banquet F ri­ upkeep of Lithia fountain in the park is as important trade information service broad* “ Selling by radio” is expected Beach and Deal, has been endan­ day night a t the M ultnomah hotel ,,u ,in,. „ m , ...1 ■ 1 • • , , I cast by wireless, it was declared. to put American business men in , Y ™ d y " lth " hlcl1 “ «“ « P al employes are! A 8urvey dl8clo8ed that the a b etter position to capture world gered for years from the unpro­ and “ open house” Saturday tected fury of the surf in stormy night. 1 * ' * a r e IS no question but that mudi of Ash- average individual business result- m arkets than any other innova­ w eather. More than 1,000 buyers have land s popularity has been gained because of its lithia j ing from hints picked up from the tion in modern salesm anship been here this week from over water and the beautiful park bearing that name, and radi° service am ounts to $467 an- methods, according to the dep art­ T M E T H E A T E R BEAUTIFUL W here do New- York girls and th e N orthw est and as far north ment. the fact that the fountain has been dry for the past te n inually’ running the aggregate boys spoon? In moving picture as Alaska. Many of the buyers Fiery—Passionate—Fantastic days, and was dry on various former occasions during sales .to, a huge 8l‘m- exuc1ee