MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the’rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND CLIMATE Vk ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) SELLS COW BY TUO ADS IX TH E TIDINGS SCIENTISTS SEE STORM ON PLANET DAVIS RAPS MAIN STREET SCENE OF MINOR COLLISION H Mr. Childs of 191 W imer 8 :: Street this week placed a 8 ' 8 H arrison street at Main 8 ft classified advertisem ent in 8 ' 8 was the lesu lt of a traffic 8 « The Ashland Tidings for the 81 8 accident about 11 o’clock 8 MAYOR’S CONDITION UNCHANGED « sale of a milch cow. This 8 1 8 this morning when Mr. Rine- 8 « small advertisem ent was in- 8 ! Hosnh ?iyOhJ,!i J J' J X>On,ii ’ Wh° i81‘lan« t*r°usl.V ill at th e Com m unity 8 h a lt, proprietor of the Plaza 8 « serted only two times, with 8 1 H ospital had m ade no ch an ge today, according to au th orities at the j 8 billiard hall, and a Califor- 8 8 the result th at Mr. Childs 8 , om niunity H ospital. A phone call ju st before th e T idings w ent to 8 nia tourist car collided. 8 j press revealed th e fact th at Mr. Loom is had m ade no c h a n g i 8 made a very advantageous 8 8 The R inehart car was com- 8 Americans Reach Fredriks- 8 sale of the animal. jj Men a t Lowell Observatory 8 ing slowly down H arrison 8 SLAVER IS HANGED dal; Locatelli Not to be « This only proves more 8 Praises Late President Wil­ 8 street, and the other car was 8 Declare Mars Is in Grip Found « conclusively th at The Ash- 8 Defense Starts Effort to FOLSOM PRISON, Cal., A u gust 22— Martin S. Liscovich of son; Scores Other Party of Big- Snow Storm 8 going down Main street. 8 , 8 land Tidings is read care- 8 - X S i" « " * ? ’ ha ”>g^ 1 hei* tOday for th e d o“ *>l<* sla y in g o f Mrs •>- ave Loeb and Leopold In Almost Same Breath 8 N e ith e r d riv e r saw the other, 8 MAY HAVE GONE ON 8 fully by its readers, who 8 SNOWS AT EQUATOR wennie Radm an and John L iscovich in Novem ber, 1022. Prom Gallows 8 and the collision resulted. 8 8 include practically every 8 RAPS ku klux KLAN HOO M ile Hop Com pleted W ithout BANDITS ROB JEW E LR Y STORE » The tourist car escaped with 8.' SAVAGE ASKS D E A T H 8 family in the city. A small 8 A m erican A stronom ers On A lert More Than 2 0 ,0 0 0 P ersons H e a r ' » ♦ & dam ages’ w hile the 8 1 ______ _ U E A T IJ Trouble; E xpect to Reach 8 am ount invested in Ashland 8 To D etect S ignals From NEW YORK, A ugust 2 2 — Three a i.n et] bandits late th is e fte r A m erica in Safety D em ocratic N om inee in Talk ♦♦ aX' e ° n the Rinebart 8 S tate’s Attorney Is F lo 8 Tidings publicity brings 8 Terrestrial Body noon enteretl th e w h olesale jew elry sto re o f Feldenheirm e,- & lavobv a ,k « machine, which is a Maxwell, 8 on .h e lunth f l e e , or » o ttle e building, HtXl’ iip quent in Dentami for Su. 8 many dollars more for any- 8 at Seagrit, N. J. in th e estab lish m en t, and escaped w ith jew e ls valued at over $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . i i « was damaged. The two 8 ABOARD CRUISER RICH­ 8 thing you have for sale. prem e P enalty FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., August 22 MOND, Aug. 22. — Lieutenant 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i * * agreed to stand their own 8 SEAGIRT, N. J., Aug. 22 The Planet Mars is now in the HAWAIIAN’S AND SO LDIERS FIGHT — 8 damages, and the traveler 8 Locatelli, intrepid Italian ace, f HI( A(iO, August 22. — More than 20,000 persons grip of a severe snow storm , ac­ into j poured 8 went on his w a v who yesterday accompanied Lieu­ A m illing, jo stlin g ciow«| o f into the parade grounds here , o - ! a a „ a B a a 8 cording to American scientists tenants Smith and Nelson, Amer­ t ><>UMan«lH «•ongn.gat«^! about who a re v. today J studying » l u u j i u s the m e plan- P l a n - a s „ r e s u lt o # „ ,lu « h louf q u a rters t»K1 ay day to hear John W. Davis, D e m o - _________ « 8 8 8 8 8 ican round-the-world fliers on tlw court buildings, hundreds et; which is closer to th e E arth | of th e K alihi district. F o u r p L o n s ^ i ^ h ^ X i L r l n T r cratic nominee to the presidency n-ra-rr- k i their hop from Greenland to Ice­ Idler, w ho was in civilian cloS ee ¡ n«i m stiL ei’ , “C,Uihng Ja» » » l« g their way pas, ,h e than ever before in history land, was missing today. Police and bai|Jffs ¡n a „ Mf. The disturbance was traced ilian . S tones flew and clubs w ere w ielded in th e fray, accordhig *to American w arcraft was ordered witness* •«nip, ,o h,.j,r , be defen se all last night and early today by any other organization th at raised to search for him, and are now W eather B ureau Chief Approves astronom ers, who said th a t a l>l< a in the lax«b-Ijeopold a standard of racial or relig­ GOVERNOR A D D R ESSES W ARDENS searching the 800 mile expanse ious prejudice. <4s«\ R ai, a dozen riots oc- small dark speck slowly crept U se of Thirteen-M onth Year between Iceland and Greenland. ern-red on th e fifth and sixth across Mars. The scientists said W ith M onths Sam e Length The search will be continued un­ Ians lor B uilding to be Revive«] floprs of th e rourt building. th at the storm covered a territo ry SEAGIRT,« N. J., August 22.__ en s of th e w estern sta tes h e r e • • »# * assemble«! gam«« ward. til the lost flyer is found, or it At Next M eeting of Legi», •’ u«ige f ’overly called for app,yin« John W. Davis, democratic pres- SAN FRANCISCO, August 22 about as large as the states of to gam e and h u n tin g w ere a lso discussal" Is deflnetely found th a t he is — No doubt you’d think there was Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma. o f Oregon, preside«! la tun«; Cost $50«,ooo poll««« iv ln fo reen n n ts. Federal A g Z n t s ^ n k S L ? ” * « B “ « lh<1“ « . idential nominee, speaking this dead. Men and women fought to get something seriously wrong if The storm first appeared below M ontana, R ansom , o f Spokane S teele o f ’ p o J ’P S ’ M ushhatb« of afternoon at the L ittle W hite H asn’t Arrived of Portland, wer,. attending Ho«se, made famous by Woodrow SALEM, Aug. 22. — A pro- ciose to the doorway to hear Dar­ Christmas day fell on Wednesday, the M artian equator, and is now as m iests Locatelli has not arrived at I Jan u ary 4; New Years came on moving forward with good speed. posal to erect a new office build­ row make his plea. Leopold and ’ H° n ***rr,s» L a g en e and Wilson, contrasted the “Achieve­ Fredericksdal, Greenland, where Wednesday, Jan u ary 11th and This^morning it crossed the equa­ Frank Stellm acher, A lbany. m ents’’ of the democratic Wilson ing here on the state supreme Loeb enjoyed the tum ult im­ - th e American flyers are resting the P o u rth Qf J u ,v on p rj tor and spread out. It is now be­ adm inistration to the present ^ 1 ? ° “ * gr° Unds’ to hoJd the fast- mensely, smiling and laughing. after their daring 800 mile jum p July 27th And ygt those coming thinner. ; increa ing state departm ents will G reat Plea publican adm inistration yesterday from Iceland. It is days and a „ otherg bp sh .ft_ and , be revived at the next session of T em perature th e Sam e “ Killing these two boys won’t strongly intim ated th at the Amer barely possible th a t the Italian pd aronnd , n jugt (hat w&y ,f the Oregon legislature, i t ‘was an­ •»ring back the hoy they killed. The most delicate scientific in­ lean people will demand an ac­ birdm an may have proceeded to the p|ang Qf ,eading scientists strum ents failed to detect any nounced here today. Killing them would be as cruel as counting next November. Ivigtut, Iceland, 300 miles from and officials of tbe UnJted States change of tem perature during the Although no plans have been tbe a rt ‘‘omniitted. We stand on the threshold of Around Fredericksdal. where the Ameri- weath er bureau are put jntQ ef storm , although it is believed prepared, it has been suggested this theme Darrow wove his great another presidential campaign ” cans will fly after a day or two 1 tect that the M artian tem perature is ' n .i.i ■ o « ’ Davis declared, and the Ameri­ that the new structure will have plea for mercy. «-"»*» De- Commititee O rganization F u n ction , three stories, and will have a o f resting up. The year 192s is advocated by near th a t of the E arth Delicate ' I've heard nothing for the past can people are called once more elands T h in l Party Leader The Americans arrived at Fred- Dr c p Marvin chief of thp rad'o instrum ents are tuned, in in g Under F u ll Head of Steam ; Kiundation allowing the building month but the cry for blood I’ve to decide w hether thev win I . ...... ...... ° lllt" 1,11 Cannot H ope to W in ericksdal at 6:10 Greenwich time WPather bureau, as the most fav- readiness to receive any. signals destinies in charge of those ' X ' ^ ti“ ' X ‘' f ' >u' Bl0rl8!*. It it felt from the S tate’s A ttorney’s H as P rom inent Leaders laat night. Both planes are in orablp tilne to start {hp npw caJ which may be transm itted from structure office nothing hut Ihe breath of LONDON, August 22— “ La Fol- | CHICAGO. Ill T u g 22 With are now in power „ r eIve dll,m ; ’ ’ ‘"»ated th a t .„ ch good condition, and the flyers are endar. since th at year begins on the sister planet. Scientists at tletth ,» a Libe’ g,. „„„ a Llber„ iM r Cool,dge ho;d* “ " 22— W l.h over to other hands. •11 cost >500.000, including f„r- hate. Never has there been a ju b ilan t over their accomplish- Sunday. Consequently, the first the Lowell observatory near thia nithings and equipment. case in a Chicago court wherein a steadfastly W ants Change m ent. Both Smith and Nelson day of each Qf thp thirteen city, are in a fever of excitement, can do nothing, no m atter h o w ! to a resolve not to perm it politi- It is said that the capltol and plea o, guilty by a hoy under 21 “ Do they want a change or do sincere he is." are confident th a t the worst stag» I months advocated would fall on straining every dis- the supreme court buildings are brought a sentence of death,” said cover „ „ e th e r or resource llre to any ™ ° ‘ ‘9 «>“ Pre-te.ton rtt.d e I ^ , “ ^ ‘„7 tïe“ they no’ ?” of th eir journey is over, and both Sunday. It was here th at Woodrow Wil­ now crowded to capacity, and that Darrow. ” » Pa,” ‘ '’“ r3t' • * < * « i ««„ter of Republican cam o.ten feel alm ost certain th a t there will Tlle thirteen-m onth calendar, form exist., on Mars. additional loom is needed to care The attem pt being made today I campaign,8identlal ’ activit,es has been definitely . son first learned th a t he be little trouble between now and | which has been worked ont ,)y a CHICAGO. August 22. — a elected president; where he wrote for the many departm ents which th e time the men arrive in Se­ French engineer, named Dela- to settle the age-old question of j Tllis wel] know n’ted States- ¡’ tablished in Chicago, where the som e of his g r e a te s t public p a - ! /T n iU p riv a te ly Own- veriiahk« mob today stormed the a ttle, where they started last porte, -is said to possess many hie on the planet is characterized weil-known family, w ^ f h Z ju st j COIUmittee haa head- pers. ) (d l,u,llRngs. As a result or th e doors of Judge cav erly ’s court June. points of advantage over the as one of the most amazing a t­ completed her tenth yea^ as a!' X r bUi’ding’ Davis, addressing thousands of ’ ¡ ? S°» 1 ,COng,'B,t*d condRio“ :oom and fought with Ihe police W anted A dventure present system. It starts the year tem pts in the history of record­ leading light on the “ W orkers’ • w CaP‘to1 bui!din«. b°th >n a frautie effort io gain an en­ brancfa headquarters New Jerseyites, here from a l i ' Lieutenant Locatelli, who is a on December 22, the first day of ing science to tear asunder the h° USe cbam ber* trance to hear the defense make W ashington’ but parts of the state, many of wlmm ' famed Italian distance aviator, winter, and divides it into 364 veil of m ystery separating the D readnaught,” said she can hold C h ic ^ o u Chicago is carrying the load,’! Knew Wilson personally warm v >Cing ut,lized as »«ices to its pleas for Nathan Leopold and joined the Americans for the ex- days. Each month consists of 1 E arth from-« other terrestrial out little hope for La Follette and reports indicate. Hichard Loeb, to save Ihftn front praised the late president whose i J ^ e n , m e W° Fk too little of perience of the trip, and the lo v e |f Our seven-day weeks, and the • bodies- Mars is now within 35,- victory, and she knew the -be ga’lowf. TTnttos . Headed by Chairman W illiam voice during the great war, “ rang of adventure. He was not au- year is fu rth er divided into four 000’000 miles of the E arth, the ' the sentim ent in A m ajority of the large crowd States to make any predictions ° f B° StOD’ MaSS ’ the out like a trfib p e t across the Rf lgaref' obtaia(ld «om the thorized to make the flight by the equal seasons of thirteen weeks i nearest position it has ever at- «as composed of women, who Sl’° W 8 l° ' to the outcome between President i C° mmitit ee organization, perfect- w orld,” and who, when peace Italian governm ent, but undertook | each. 1 tained. shoved, pushed and struggh-d as J ' \ W&S Paid 1,1 renta1« Coolidge and John W Davis ■ week£ ago’ is functioning un came, “gave the last ounce of his it on his own responsibility. The | P hotography Aids Exponents of the plan say it though they were trying to get rem aining strength to his c o u n -' T le Sta‘® during tbe m°uth Turning her attention to 'd o - V tul1 bead of steam - American governm ent, however, would be of great benefit to labor The enormous strides made in e' The aggregat^ ot thes. o a bargain counter. i Among those in the forefront try and to hum anity ” when it heard th a t he had been J as it would insure men being paid D anou- to Plead Almost in the same breath, ' y e a r $ 1 9 ’- lost, ordered w arships to com-1 the same monthly wage instead w in a w o m a r a aw t Clarence Darrow, famed Chi- ........... and R ls to save this expense Hert of Louisville, Ky., vice chair­ Davis bitterly assailed the admin- mense a search. The spirit of tlle I of varying sums, as is done under a half a dozen noted observatories ' ___ - r ’ the ma*n achievel«ent that the new building is planned ogo attorney, and hero of many man of the national committee istration which took up where Italian has caused^nuch favorable the present system of having to make the epochal effort to re ­ of the Labor Government has been and in charge of women’s Repub­ a stiff legal encounter, will make Wilson left off. _ . comment, and United States au- months of unequal days. veal a new world of life to man. to make royalty popular,” Miss lican organizations throughout the tlie final plea that the boys should C ites Sea ulai RANK PRESIDENT P ankhurst said. thoritie8 do not mean to let him At Lick observatory, on Mount »tot be hanged. country. Mrs. H ert is the widow H e c ite d th e T eap o t dom e oil HAS CONFERENCE “The old Liberals of the John p erish , if possible. Hamilton, California, prepara­ Hang them! Hang them! Hang of the late Alvin T. H ert, for scandal, which he’ said, revealed' JACK GOLD LIKES * 77~ The course over which the men tions have been under way for Bright school always held aloof them !” 22; - ™ ™ r < l L YREKA H 00SE G 0W months to photograph Mars, and from the court; and when Ram - ’ years a ReP«blican national com. h o „ the public resource!, hud i flew was closely patrolled by i ookingham, president of the With this reiterated plea, pitch­ m itteem an from Kentucky. Mr. say MacDonald took < office the been squandered and after oil, he American cruisers, and if Loca­ by comparing the pictures with [ Ladd & Tilton bank of Portland YREKA, August 22— There Is - ed in tones that could he heard to H ert was pre-convention cam­ t e lli is not picked up by morning, J a man in the county jail here who! P lot°g ra P^3 far-off forests of court was unpopular; but now, paign m anager for form er Gov. said, came the veterans, w h ich 1 spent more than two hours her» the Chicago river, the State de­ resulted “in th bartering away of It will be thought possible that seems to stay there so well th at ! tll S e a rth > to say w hether or" not when a monument is unveiled, or with Governoi manded the death penalty in clos­ Lowden, of Illinois, in the la tte r’s the property of the government today closeted a Public building, dedicated, a n d ! , o«,h „ u he has gone on to Ivigtut. the sheriff ju st can’t keep him ' vegetatlon exists. Pierce and State Treasurer Myers ing its case. Assistant State's at all celebrated races and matches i 192° f’ght f° r the RePubli<*an and the resouices of the nation’s; F ea t R em arkable out. j " bRe certain astronom ers be- Although neither Governor •Vttoiney Savage brought th? members of the royal family of • pre9ldent,al nomination. came prohibition and the denizens According to aviation a u th o rit-) He is Jack Gold, prizefighter, ¡' H°Ve that Mars has no water, oxy Pierce nor Mr. Cookingham would State s case to a close, save for Delate, together with members of of the “ Little Green House" had b B -m i erican fly- who has been here ten days, and gen and heat, essentials of life, ies, the feat of theB make any stat»«ment with rela­ the final summing up by S tate's the cabinet. Every week-end is NEBRASKA PICKED their opportunity; even the ta r­ ere is w ithout equal in the his- s going to stay another 30 Dur- the m ajority are of the opinion tion to the conference, it was said Attorney Crowe, with one of the crowded with these dem onstra­ AS EASY WINNER iff, Davis continued afforded an th at it had to do do with a rennrt most impassioned pleas for “stern to ry of flying. Over 800 miles ing a scrape in Bray about 10 that these elements do exist on tions at State functions and sport­ opening to the hosts of privilege f«ia x ,,, , ’ P of ice-filled sea, they flew with- days ago, several men were ar- the M artian surface. , , J rr " ed “ justice” ever heard in a Chicago LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22. __ for an « a » , , iess dlrcct ing events. Members of the La­ out an accident. Yesterday, Lieu- rested. Gold was not arrested, criminal court. University of Nebraska will more devastatin g tn n ,« r. k i - , i h re X ^ferday dealing with the bor Government accompany the h Z P Pocket- «uancial condition of the King’s TH E W EATH ER te n a n t Nelson was forced to des- but he decided to stay with his than likely boast the cham pior Defense S tarts royal family to church.” b o o k ,’ and he conclud'd with a , S Report for last 24 hours: Max- i cend at Skerjafjord, but he was cronies. He hung around the «.nntrnof . Food Products company, football team of the country this Ju st after the S tate’s argu­ contrast of tlie foreign policy of ' t - k . J up again alm ost immediately, and autside of the basiile until he imum, 89; Minimum, 4S; Seti fall. j ,, .. 1 ‘ The report was prepared bt ments were dosed, the first de­ the democratic adm inistration Osv-niu vvoc» m , joined his American and Italian was locked up. Monday, he was Maximum, 80. ASHLAND COUPLE g* B1&Ck fense attorney, W alter Bachrach This is the opinion of Knute with the foreign policy of Ameri ' , n ♦, / companions. . turned loose on condition th at he ’ Ameri- , of Portland, members of a special took his place before the bench WANTS DIVORCE Rockne, famous coach of Notre ca today C lassified ads bring resulta. Under the original plans th e get out of town. He stayed Fi,.vc .. 1 committee appointed by Governor and started a plea that the two Dame, who was here recently. The • '• n J - 'n I Plerce t0 « » " » « » > • f"e ,.1 « . of MEDFORD, Aug. 22. — In a Cornhuskers have a system of get flyers were to have gone from around the jail, and so now he young slayers be spar^l from cross com pla.nt of a divorce suit ting prep stars th a t is without , h . - n t , , R eykijavik to Angmagsalik, on is in the “ county hotel” again ’ mClln ” g ‘ 1» -'»te. death on the gallows. filed in the circuit court t h i s , comparison, _________________ v«„e the east coast of Greenland, but which seems to be the very place according to « Rockne A fter spending five hours re­ he,<’ ,he ta n k re' th ere was so much ice around the | he hankers for m atri th ef e, iS portrayed a storm y ; and m aterial in the university is • ,, , 1 sponsible for encouraging invest viewing the h’story of the crime. one direction and congress in in- G reenland coast th a t the plans m atrim onial venture. j the finest In the country. _____ . _______ ments in the products corporation. Savage concluded; * w ere changed. , _ A iu ’n i T tQ aile*ftti° bs e fj Chicago, Minnesota, Illinois and This was denied by Mr. Cooking- “ Every m other and father in (Continued en Page 4) STRUCK DRIVERS m B on^’ A- B,aCk“ M,Chi8aa W1U be tbe team « « ham. who branded the report a> this community should get down “ ° U,‘‘ aCC° rdIng to the FINED IN COURT b ith ia n s H ave E xcellen t Program c a s e d ^ h e ^ n H LIONS IN CAGES libelous and untrue. on their knees and give thanks LIVE VERY LONG, A rranged; Ia»rg<, Crowd Is to kill her and * V« b re a te n e d ! Notre Dame mentor. Rockne is to their Almighty God that their Three truck drivers who had wv «<« Is to ki 1 her. and one time drew a ! Pleased with chances of Notre " ttle daughter was not the vic­ VETERAN PATIENT A nticipated CIN CINN ATI. Aug. 12.— Some I been w»r king on the Roosevelt gun, the man alleges th at his wife Dame having a w inning season in tim of this conspiracy— as Leo­ GIVES SELF UP persons who peek inside the lion’s highway, and who were returning nagged and scolded him, and cal­ 1924. He is developing some new pold proposed making the victim A program which is sure to led him a “ narrow minded fool cage and feei sorry for the king *° California appeared before a girl. BAKER, Ore., Aug. 22. — A plays th a t are said to be sensa- delight those who attend the i o f beasts because he is behind the Gowdy yesterday, charged dedication of the auto camp com6 ! w i f ^ V “f 8SSertS th&t hiS ' tiOna’’ and far afIeld from any- man walked into police head Musf H ang Th««m b ars for life, are w asting their wRb operating with no tail lights munity house in Lithia park to ! of H i ” k °“ ® questi«n thing ever seen in football at the Num ber Seeking E ntrance E x­ quarters here today, gave his, “ « your honor does not hang sym pathy, in the opinion of Sol. | and having no chauffeurs’ licen n’ffh, „ a , been a rra J A ? £ | ceed s Last Y ear’s Rreord by ' Catl,0,1C ’ name as D. E. McCellan, said he these two m urders, then I think About T w enty Per Cent A. Stephan, general m anager of ses. They were fined >15.00 14 was a veteran of the world war it is safe to say that it will he a committee which is jr, charge of ' is under-nourished each, and perm itted to go on to th e Cincinnati Zoo. MEXICAN K ILLS MAX t t v t w d o t Z « i and ba(1 escaped from United the ceremony. The program will | - UNH E R S IT \ OF OREGON, j s ta tes veteran’s hospital No. 94 long, long time before we ever “ In his native state in the ju n ­ California. AND IN JU R E S TH REE hane another m urderer in Cook A nother truck driver, who had start promptly at 8 o’clock and , ugust 2 . Applications j American Lake; th at he was out g le ” , explains Colonel S tep h an ^ NEGRO CHARGES county. For there was never a a large attendance is anticipated. ■ “ the lion gets a full mane at the no load license, no bond, no of O revnDCe University , of funds and could not flnd WQrk LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22. — HE WAS BEATEN crime which «-o seriously deserved The official program, as an ­ age of six or seven years, and has chauffeurs’ license, and whose . lAn8™ 25.00. He was charg­ A w arrant for the a rre st of E. zens were wounded late yester­ grave. Paul, one of our lions, ed only with having defective Mus,c ...............The Ashland Band M, Wood, special agent of the day when a Mexican giving the ton E. Spencer, university reg­ hospital, but no reply has been deserve we will have Opening rem arks and chairm an, istrar. Up to date, the num ber . V ”7 we win nave no more was 24 years in captivity and brakes. Southern Pacific, was issued this name of Eduardo Lopez, 22, ran granted entrance exceeds the L* ’ e ga*e s age as 34,; - 'ner-nv n ’ we will have no more V. V. Mills, Ex-grand High was several years old when we afternoon upon the complaint of amuck in a crowded street of the number at the same time d b\ was “ U9^ d «»t of se r-^ p h a n ta sie s’ that express them - Fizz— Lithians got him. Jam es Davis, alleging assault and downtown section. year by about 20 per c e n t......... i \ ** CaniP I ‘n th ® ravisbn ^ ’‘t of young Address ................... G. A. Briscoe, “ ’Lil’, the elephant, is a mere ESSAY PRIZE WON battery. Davis, a negro, is being i.’v , ,« „ « / Lewis, and transferred to t h e ; children. E. E, W ilhoit, stopping Lopez, Pres. Ashland Chamber of BY GRANTS PASS chicken of 80 years, and seems held in the county jail with three in a search for stolen goods, was J t„ e : , r rd ’ ' „ t 9' ho'- ~ Commerce to become younger with each pas­ Community Sintrine WhUe youtbs- on a Petty larceny shot down w ithout warning. W ith GRANTS PASS, Aug. 22. — "‘r * ’ ,n " ,ls sing year. Ever since she was ................... ' charge, growing out of the theft four bullet wounds in his body, To G rants Pass comes the honor _________________ tbe on’y penalty that, would be ................... Citizens and Octette rail term will far exceed any pre- ! a kiddie, ‘Lil’ has had corns. She’s of first prize in the essay con­ of some trin k ets from a store at W ilhoit died soon after reaching Remarks ...................... om T>Txrta« * meted out. we will send word out vious year,” Mr. Spencer said. w alking pretty good this morning, Hugo Sunday. the receiving hospital. L. M. Fick test conducted by the Oregon SNAKE STRIKES : to the fathers and m others of this ........................Hon. E. V. C arter Thursday and Friday, Septem­ Tor the keeper ju st finished cut­ Davis alleges th a t Wood used and William Muir, by standers, Historical Society. Miss Ruth BUT MISSES MAN community th at their children are .............................. Frank Jordan, third degree methods in attem pt­ ber 25 and 26 are set foe the reg­ tin g 50 pounds of corns from her were hit in the fusillade of bul­ Newman, who will enter her S4W YFRS RAP n !•# « Ra£* ’ WH1 ?ent ° Ut WOrd ,0 Chairman, Park Board toes.” ing to get inform ation frojji ,him. lets th at Lopez loosed. The man u lar registration days, although senior year at the High School WHl g- ‘ W° r1d th a t C° ° k coun‘y 1« a ................................... J. H. Fuller This alleged assault, Davis con­ entering students are expected to 92 - W h R e - ■ hile ^ llh a m Flanigan j place where their was overpowered after a running this fall, has been awarded the Chief Effervescer, Lithians children can take physical examinations on McMinnville — Bear Ammonia first place for her essay, “ The tends, took place in the county at nis Monday. Soptem bcr 22. and the I ™ ™ ka ,n” ; b e ra „ ed gun fight in which Policeman Soap Co. is m anufacturing pow­ John Jacob Astor Expedition.” Dedication Ceremony jail. He exhibits a somewhat bat­ .................................V. D. Miller, tered countenance to substantiate Lloyd was wounded. t m " j : e,d on T t Z ms " e X ' h " ” “ h‘" ' dered soap and in near future Two years ago, the first three Grand Hfeh Fizz, Lithians w ill m arket liquid soap also. his charges. Wood was not In ing over his out-stretched arm. Wheeler erecting >5,287 addl- prizes were brought to this city. Music ........................Ashland Stayton — Mountain States ber 23. Classes will begin. Mon­ Band the city this afternoon. I tion to school house. I Light & Power Company buys day, September 29. There is wisdom in reading ads ' ,/u com pany buys n reaaing ads. Stayton Light * Power Company. LONG FLIGHT STATE ENDS H 1 PLANS NEW U FOUEÏTE TO LOSE SAVS WOMAN F ** - M - " WJN1 TO BE DEDICAIID 100 A WEEK APPLY