ÁSHLÁÑD îîA ïL f TtDINGíi page ►jura Thursday, August 21. likiJ 1 determ ined height another auto­ remarkable frog’s owner, made which has meant the saving o f’ stand, at 8 p. m. Monday, August 1 L e ft L ast E v e n i n g - Dr. R. L. Burdic, of G rants R. B. Taylor, who has been here m atic device checks its ascent somo very slighting remarks as to lives, through the discovery a n d ' 25. < > < I Pass, was a business visitor here on business the past five days left and sends it forward on a horizon­ the frog’s jum ping abilities, which j removal of causes of serious dis- j The public is cordially invited tal path. immediately led to a wager th a t eases. Modern Woodmen of ’ to be present and view these pic- Tuesday. for Minneapolis last evening. W ireless has solved the prob­ he (Tw ain) could go down the America, fostering the high ideals tures, which will be but a part of A B ally C hronicle of th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts of lem of how to enable the mach’nes gulch and the first frog he could of brotherhood, and firm ly believ the entertainm ent secured by the One of our clients wants to bor­ Back from P ortland— G. A. Mason, who has been in to alight safely. As the machine catch could beat ‘General Jack- ; ing in the great principle of “life- i local camp. local in terest row $2000.00, on land security, The admission is Billings Agency. 300— 2* Ashland in connection with the nears the aerodome an operator son’ in a jum ping match. saving,” has built in the Pikes J free. ♦< m . m building of the mausoleum, and on the ground taps out a signal “ To enforce the perfect legality ' Peak region of the Rocky moun- i J. D. Davis a lecturer of nation- Ashland Lodge To **o,tlan