ASOTAtf) BAÌt» MMXOS Classified Column PROFESSIONAL Thiitoby, AujhM äl, jftâl ............. *.................-**'....... 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 « mere« by telegram yesterday that Princess in this day and time. < > tt T O M O R R O W ’ S Cla. < > in the Umpqua Mills Lum ber Co. PHYSICIANS 8 F A C T S T O Ö A Y One cent the word each 8 1 present at the dinner to be tender- wife, is to sail for abroad on Sep- i » < I 8 ea Stephêh T. M ather, director of tem ber 17 as the guests of for- mill recently cut 31,000 feet lum ­ time. DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings • ► ber in one 8-hour shift. They tt One Close-up Of Mars, • I n a t’.onal parks, in the main cham- mer Princess Xenia and her hus- To ran every Issue for one office. Phone 91. < » ; claim it a record. MISS EDITH DODGE, E ditor 8 By Alonzo Gissing. ber dining room W ednesday night. : band, William B. Leeds, Jr., son < ► month or more, the word 8 DR. C. W. HANSON I U Representatives W atkins, Sinnott of the late “ tin plate king.” each tim e. i I Pnone items to her at 39, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. There is wisdom In reading ads. and evenings. 8 Illu strated By An E xclu sive D entist and Hawley have also signified : McIntyre became acquainted ♦ 8 FOR RENT P hoto their intention of attending! If ! with Leeds a few years ago on the Special attention given to pyor­ -♦ ♦ » »> -»« > n i» > 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 possible. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver steamship pier, and when the FOR RENT— Furnished .room CALENDAR OF THE W EEK was spent in planning the exhibit Tomorrow is the day of days, The dinner is complim entary to young m illionaire, with his rovai Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. ' w ith or w ithout housekeeping W ednesday, August 20. Upper a t the County F air which will be when E arth comes close to Mara. Mr. M ather in recognition of his bride, recently returned from W L. DOUGLAS privilege; also good garage. Mrs. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—E r a c - ! Valley Community Club. Hostess held in September. This club Is The boys who chart the Universe service to the bureau of national abroad he extended the invitation. D augherty. 55 Pine St. 287-12* Shoes tice limited to eye, ear, nose anu ! Mrs- Huxley, W alker avenue, having a community exhibit and will all gaze at the stars. They parks and of his efforts particu­ th ro at— X-ray Including teeth.! Wednesday, August 20. Sunday has taken a booth at the fair. Mr. will see if life exists on them, larly for the development of FOR R EN T:— Four room fu r­ United States wheat growers Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te l School Picnic, Park. 4:00 P. M. E. R. Oatman, one of the members and w hat the people wear. They C rater Lake park. have been on the m arket for nished apartm ent with garage. Friday, August 22. Acorn Circle ■ will receive from >100,000,000 to years and have always given of the county fair board, was will solve th a t age-old question, 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Adults only. 1101 Boulevard, Satisfaction. No. 54 meets. Speeial Business. present and told the members “ Do the Mars girls bob their >200,000,000 for crop this year Ore. i • 297-tf _______ ___ Friday, August 22. Christian how to arrange th eir work and h a ir.” more than they received in 1923. I DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Rest- Endeavor Presbyterian Church gave them different pointers in FOR RENT: — 10-room house ' dence and office, 108 P io n e e r1 social. Presbyterian Church, 7:30. regard to th eir fair work. The Brownsville— W ork begins on partly furnished, 111 Third St. avenue. Telephone 28. Office exhibit is to be both horticultural new Methodist church, burned 297-5* hours, 10 to 12 a. m.: 2 to 5 Civic Club Open H ouse— and agricultural, and a very large over a year ago. The Civic Club open house display is being planned. At the FOR RENT— Furnished sleep­ p. m. only. which was held on Tuesday was close of the afternoon delicious re­ ing rooms, 1165 E ast Main St., NEW YORK, Aug. 21. — For DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic a most successful affair from freshm ents were served by the 1 1-2 block from high school. ten years “ Handsome Jack ” McIn­ and Electro-Therapy. Officej every standpoint, The program hostess, Mrs. Huxley. A fair a t­ 299— 12* tyre, forty-year-old New York cop, phone 48; residence 142. F ir s t' was excellent and a large number tendance was present and a great has been stationed here at a FOR RENT— 6 room house, National Bank building. of ladies were present. many more are expected a t next trans-A tlantic pier, where he i furnished or unfurnished, also The Misses Beth and Joyce m eeting, which will be held the watched daily hundreds of travel­ MONUMENTS furnished apartm ent, Phone 481-J Johnson delighted th e audience third W ednesday in September, ers commuting to Europe. o r call 185 Pioneer Ave. 299— tf . with a duet, Miss Beth playing the the 17th. A definite meeting ASHLAND GRANITE “ Handsome Jac k ” figured the piano and Miss Joyce the violin. place has not yet been arranged, MONUMENTS FOR SALE nearest he’d ever get to Europe Miss Marion Leach, one of Ash­ but fu rth e r plans will be an­ Oregon G ranite Co. was the end of the gangplank. FOR SALE— jersey milch cow, land’s promising young musicians nounced later. 8. PENNISTON. Salesman. But he didn’t figure on a Fairy 5 years old, giving good flow of Res. 476 Laurel Last year a very beautiful P h on e 444-Y played several selections on the If the folks on Mars have tele­ milk, made 60 lbs butter mo. of _________ _ piano. booth was worked out by the scopes, they’ll look we m ortals June. 191 W imer St. 299— tf 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May D elightful refreshm ents were Community Club and far more communicate with Ensign L e e ' served at the close of the after- beautiful one has been promised o’er. Some sights th a t we see FOR SALE— Muir and Golden of the Salvation Army at the • noon by the hostesses, Mesdames by club m embers, who are pu t­ every day will make th eir eyelids Cling peaches, Jam es Doran, Tel. W hlteShield Home, 565 M ay-; F- F. W hittle, F rank Jordan and ting all of their time and energy sore. Suppose they saw the sight 419-Y. 299— 6 above, th a t we see every day. fair'A ve., Portland, Oregon. j B- Greer. The tables were into the affair at present. They’d put their planet in re­ * * * beautifully decorated with large FOR SALE— 6 room house, PLANING MILL verse, and try to run away. dahlias. Sunday School P icn ic— with or w ithout furniture, easy Among the out-of-town women term s, Phone 481-J or call 185 JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET The Sunday School classes of w’ho were present were Mrs. John the C hristian Church held their Pioneer Ave. 299— tf T. MATHER W ILL WORKS, Cor. Helman and A. Perl, vice-president of the annual picnic in the Lithia Park BE HONOR GUEST Van Ness. 194tf MUIR peaches for canning G reater Medford Club and Mrs. picnic grounds W ednesday even­ ready now, Phone 9-F-21 m orn­ W. II. Hull and daughter, of ing. About one hundred people PORTLAND, Aug. 20. — U nit­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS ings and evenings, A lbert C. Joy W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. G rants Pass. were present to enjoy the affair. ed States Senator McNary notifi­ 299— 2* The next m eeting will be held In the afternoon the children ed the Portland Chamber of Com- for SERVICE. Tuesday, September 2. A program were taken care of In the park If fire swept away your Experienced movers and pack­ FO R SALE, cheap, team , wag­ will be given and light refresh­ playground. At six o’clock a de­ home and all the furnishings ers of household goods. Deal­ on and harness. Inquire 1116 in it, would your insurance en­ These meetings licious supper consisting of ers In coal and wood. Phone m ents served. Oak St. 299— 3* able you to replace w ithout de­ have proved very popular during weinies, buns, ice cream and the 117. lay w hat you had lost? 65.00 Vacuum Sweeper, price the summer months in place of other things th a t go with a picnic Office 89 Oak St. near Adequate insurance is simply >25.00, 349 E. Main St. 295-6* the regular Civic Club meetings. supper were served. Mr. Shaef- a m atter of good business— Hotel Ashland • • • the protection of your posses­ fer of the Tw entieth-Century FOR SALE:— Automobile tra il­ sions ag a'n st every conceivable Presbyterian E ndeavor M eeting— T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ Grocery and a small committee e r for >25, 349 E. Main. 295-tf disaster. The Presbyterian Christian En. were in charge of tire affair. This fer— Good team and motor You put tim e and money in­ Tw o B argains trucks. G >od service at a re a ­ deavor will hold th eir regular picnic has become one of the a n ­ to acquiring a . home; take monthly meeting at the Presby­ nual events of the Christian sonable price. Phone 83. A ra re chance to purchase two every precaution against losing it. terian Church Friday evening. Church and is one which is looked good dwellings w ith easy pay­ The advice o f this FEHIGE-ROACH The m eeting will sta rt at seven- ments. Buy now, the other fellow forward to with much enthusiasm . agency h a s saved Transfer — Express — Storage th irty and the business m eeting w ants to wait 60 days and pay ten Following the supper the people m any a property ow n­ H auling — Dray work of a l l , will be held first, followed by a adjourned to the lower park and per cent more. er from loss. W hy Billings Agency 294-tf kinds. Quick motor service. D ry , social hour. Everyone is urged enjoyed the band concert which not let us help you, too? wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R : to be present. was given there. FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers 375 B. St. • » 112-tfl milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- Sunday School Picnic— Albany — C. C. Cameron saw­ N. Main dons, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* P h on e 107 Real E state & Real Insurance The Sunday School class of the mill opens for business. Estab. 1883 For a smooth shave Methodist Church tau g h t by Mrs. WANTED— Old heaters of all I 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 and quick service go i W aiter Herndon had a very eli­ kinds; Phone 86. Best prices. te the Shell Barber > joyable picnic party last Thurs- Provost. 298— 6t Shop. Ladies and day. Mrs. Henry C arter and Mrs. children get your hair Coral P ra tt took the girls to the FOR SALE— W heel chair, 118 bobbed and marcel­ home of Miss Anne Wells, who 8th St. 298— 3* led. lives about two miles below the Rogue Elk Hotel on Rogue River by die Homes on easy terms W. A. SHELL, Prop. and there spent the day. The a f­ >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore fair was in the n atu re of a sur­ W alt M ason m ust be happy a s he are clean, convenient, cool sin gs: prise party on Miss Wells, T hurs­ “ N o landlord ever loom s in day being her birthday. A lovely view to tell m e th at the rent is Food prepared in it is better picnic dinner was served, with a BERNAkg due; no b alif pauses at m y g a te cooked, Is freed from all un­ large birthday cake. The group MACFAOOEM to bid m e pay or pull m y freigh t, certainties as to results and re­ ate their lunch in the camp ground B rasrssssaes^ and a s I survey m y ch aste abode Large investors look tains w ithout s h r:nkage the w ith sh ad e trees strun g along near the Wells home. Those Physical activity means life— full flavor and food value of for a diversified field th e road, m y ey es beholding, fair, each dish. present were Misses Francis abundant, enjoyable life; inactivity Doctor discovers real remedy ly shine, I sw ell w ith pride, THE PLACE IS MINE. I pity m uch that actually heals Piles and ab­ Green, Rosetta McGee, Francis means stagnation, sickness, pre­ No h o m e is complete and Rosina Gallatin, Emma Cook, mature death. W hat a difference W h a t about the sm a lle r investor—the m an or th e locoed gen t w h o spends his sorbs them never to return. Berenice C arter, Alice P ratt, Mes- there is between a fully developed without a Universal Cook­ life tim e paying rent; though ho No man or woman need suffer wom an w ho seeks the sam e safety for a few hun­ may have a butler s te m and dames Henry C arter, Coral P ratt, alert man and an undeveloped, er. another hour from any pain, sore­ nervous man! When I speak of jew elry and cars to burn; he dred dollars in idle cash, or from five to fifty dollars i W alter Herndon, and the guesl- “fully developed” 1 do not mean a cannot know th e Joy and pride ness or distress arising from Hem­ a month? w ith w hich m y boson is supplied, orrhoids or Piles now th a t this I | of-hnnor, Miss Wells. The happy person with huge, knotty muscles, for muscles do not necessarily in­ girls returned late at night, all w hen I survey m y henh ou se fin e, wonderful prescription known as and cry, ‘TH E WHOLE BLAM­ &OAVA SUPPOSITORIES can be declaring th a t they had had a dicate vitality, but one who shows rpH E Ashland th at his muscles have been pro­ E D W ORKS A R E M INE’.’’ most delightful time. duced by exercise—muscles that obtained for a m oderate price at Electric Supply * * * will stand a strain when put upon INSIDE ASHLAND REAL any first-class drug store on the 240 E ast Main St. them and one of those counten­ O rganizing Lodge— EST/iTE IS FROM 50 to 200 money back is dissatisfied plan. ances reflects the vitality within PEE CENT CHEAPER TO- Plans are going forw ard for You’ll be amazed to see how him. There is no true, lasting DA1 THAN IN ANY OTHER quickly it acts. Blessed rel'ef of- th e orSanizati°n of a chapter of health without exercise. Stop ex­ TOW N ITS SIZE ON TH E T he California Oregon P ow er Company 7% P re­ ten comes in an hour; even in the F ratern al Brotherhood in ercising and health immediately PACIFIC COAST. to fail, perhaps not at W hen prices s ta rt upward, cases of long standing with pro­ : Ashland. The first m eeting of commences ferred Stock (yielding 7.14% at its present price ol once perceptibly, for one draws watch the stam pede. fuse bleeding, really w’onderful j the chapter will be held some first upon reserve strength and $98 a share) earns its dividends from w id e ly d i­ • time next week, it was announced vitality, but he will become aware results have been accomplished. TR AD ES v e r s ifie d so u rces. Seven room modern house, Remember the name, MOAVA I today. Mr. F. L. N utter is at of his decline sooner or later Accordingly if you would enjoy present the president of the or- 100 foot front on paved street, SUPPOSITORIES, and be sure to greater working capacity, would Its income of nearly a million and a half a year splendid location, to trade with follow the simple directions th at ganization. always be alert mentally; if you Bathing for health is an old « • « equal value In Medford. desire maximum earning power, prescription. I t’s as old as his­ comes from m any thousand homes and establish­ come in each box. E ast S'de P h a r­ D inner P arty— freedom from disease, and the tory. We have a client who is macy w 11 supply you.. Mail orders m ents in Oregon and California. A very charm ing dinner party healthiest, happiest existence, stick from Missouri, and w ants to go The opportunity for fre­ accepted. to your exercise. back, has a nice little ranch, quent bathing has not always was held at the home of Mrs. H ydro-electric pow er from its 9 pow er plants The young man who starts in been as easy to have as it is w ith irrigation, close to town, George H. Way on North Main the serious business of money­ to trade for satisfactory prop­ today. Now, every home can supplies the needs of mills, mines, farms, factories, street Tuesday evening, in honor making after school life, may if have a modern bathroom with erty to value of >3500 in Old he is in position to do so. Join clubs industries and stores of every kind. Copco electricity of her guest, Mrs. Annie E. Foote, Missouri. fresh w ater— hot or cold— devoted to athletic exercise and who is visiting here from Minne­ sports. He may have the leisure ready to flow from the faucet! And I have splendid 5 acre 'ghts the lamps of your home, of your neighbor’s, x>th local ar.d internal, and has bee apolis, Minnesota. The table was to walk to business and home tra c t on paved highway, 2 It doesn’t requ’re extensive and of thousands o f other homes you’ve never seen. miles east of town for >750, no uccessfnl in th e treatm ent of Catarri p rettily decorated with n a stu r­ again. Those -who are employed remodeling to have a bath­ room installed. other snaip like it. o r o v .r 40 years. Sold by all druggist tiums. as clerks and are confined long A delicious dinner was If you have a bargain to of­ F. I. C H E N E Y & C O .. T c k d O hi. served by the hostesses, Mrs. Way hours may take exercise in their W h eth er you ow n one share or a hundred, e a c f W rite, phone or call for p ar­ fer, you can guess w hat to do rooms in the evening and morning. ticulars. and Miss Dayton, followed by a sin g le s h a r e of Copco Preferred Stock is a thor­ Exercise only for the symmetri­ RENTALS, TRADES, BUSI­ Bandon expects to get >140,000 ! very pleasant evening. Mr and i cal development of all the muscles oughly diversified investment. NESS O P P O R T U N I T I E S . of the body. Select exercise to de- hotel. i Mrs. John H. Fuller were the SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS velop groups of muscles instead of • guests of the evening. ON MY LIST. »ingle muscles. Each exercise! should be a t a given rate of speed, • Plumbing Heating and the mind should be concen-' i Birthday P arty — Phone 138 trated on each movement. If not 2 0 7 E. Main Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hadfield and used to exercise; devote only about daughter Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ten minutes morning and evening, No agent can give better IN 2 4 HOUKS Coverling and daughter Adeline, and Increase the length of time For information as to how you can buy Copco 7% Clevelandspecialist’s newin/mw/pn-scriptionquickly w e r e U U P S t s o f M r L A N ic k e r insurance or lower rates neutralizes gradually as you gain in strength pollen poisonin? thruout system. So every e » u e s l s 0 1 1Vlr- *-*• ¿ N lC K e r Preferred Stock on payments as low as ¿(5 a month, health. Thirty minutes In the Sim o f l l s y Fever vanishes as if by m afic. C om pletere- Son at a party Tuesday night . ’ and than I can. morning and thirty minutes in the , • 11 1 • I 24 houra w arauteed— or money back instantly. . , , . . . . . . . ask any member o f our organization, or clip and mail 1 have been in the bust- 1 ' to ** C k linical Rin Laboratories cx- Send 10 C c o fo r 24 ‘" U r sample treatment given In honor of Mr. Nickerson S evening is about the maximum ., Cleveland. K e fu la t size u i - . v j ___ ________ j _ . . . this coupon— today. HOss over 30 years and can <<**1 druggists. birthday. Cards and dancing were amount of time to spend in. exer­ cising even after you have become give best of service—I know <"’joye,i unt" a ,atc hour used to it. If you will keep up AND on one flor, re n t only >70.00; exercising morning and evening how. T H E C A L IFO R N IA O R E G O N POW ER C O M PA N Y , always full; clears >150.00 per Community Club Meet«— and a t the same time live hygien- ically, you never will become sub- P ire, Acddent, Auto, and month above all expenses. Full I The Upper Valley Community Ject to a hundredth part of the Offices: all kinds of Insurance. price >3000.00 for lease and fu r­ Club held a very interesting m eet­ ordinary ills. Remember after ex­ OREGON nishings, ju st a good place for ing at the home of Mrs. W. L. ercising, to take a cold sponge bath overhauling is one of the and a good rub. Huxley of W alker avenue Wed­ one woman, Box 4 62, Ashland. K lam ath Falls STAPLES’ AGENCY O ffice, H otel A shland Bldg. 295— 8* nesday afternoon. The afternoon beat investments yo»u can S O C IE T Y COP AND WIFE CEI OVERLAND Shoe Shop Quick Sales of Your Surplus Articles Is the wood-shed cluttered up with s. equipment which has a value to somebody, hut is worthless to you? Could you buy them again tomorrow? Is the store-room or attic filled with articles which are not in use? F IS H Make a quick disposal of these sur­ plus articles by using a classified advertisement in For a change will make an enjoyable menu. Eagle Market T/ealth .■¡int: U N IV E R S A L Father o¡ Electric Cookers Physical Culture P i l e Sufferers The Tidings Billings Agency EACH SHARE is a diversified investment Get Quick Relief 7.14% POWER For Health Keep Clean! SaH’s C a ta rrh Medici»© r,.“ . Jerry O’Neal • v • IN S U R A N C E H A Y ^ eu 19 MONTHS to PAY IG N IT IO N • • « GE>N E R A T O R Pho»e 26 WANTED:— Dressmaking and remodeling clothing. Reasonable prices. House No. 551 N. Main Typing, copying, strictly con­ street. Phone 477-J. 295-6* j fidential. 264-7th. 297-4* WANTED:— Congenial couple 1 to share home. Phone 397L. WANTED— Small heating stove 295-6tf m ust be in good condition, 159 ! MISCELLANEOUS Laurel St. 299— 2* W ANTED— Aug. 25, for school, ------------------------------------------------1 year, 5 room modern furnished 92000.00 cash puts you in to this money making hotel, no bet- house, near schools, two adults, | address M. T. car© Tidings. te r location in town, 25 rooms all 298— 4* make, as it may prevent DON’T . Let the Wall Paper in one room ruin the appear­ ance of th e entire house. We have hundreds of papers from wh'ch you may select. J. O. RIGG heavy expense for replace­ ments. YOUR PARTNERS IN PRO G R ESS Murphy Elec. Co. Our Phone 82 Hain - P laza Ashland Ask any member of our organization — o r m a il this coupon — to d a y! T H E CALIFO RNIA OREGON P O W E R COMPANY’ MEDFORD. OREGON <5t^1i aaSC^Send " 7 iniormatlon about your 7% PreferrwJ Stock and special partial payment plan. Name.