P m « two AlfflLASft »Atti i l W » Thursday, August ¿i, 1OÚ4 ASHLAND DAILY TID I N 6 S die increasing demands made (Established in 1876) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. is dead, presumably of a broken i No prelim inary training, no certi-1 eating leas animal food for p£o-,feu ‘ district« upon it. where aasea or* flcates nor diplomas are needed pie who lead sedentary lives. And one very important factor therein is the clogging, heart bred, although the m ountainous of such machinery by dry law cases. During the first ten playm Just ate, aD0U t a week ag0 his ntt’e But the applicant must be physi- j Region of the south and centre the 2-year-old daugh­ cally fit and, what is more, she ; months of the last fiscal year, 41,000 criminal actions un­ te r of Mr,- and Mrs. Guy Skid­ m ust be young, th a t is between 1 W here do the donkeys go? absorb a good number. In the der the Volstad Act were heard in the federal courts more, died. 17 and 25 years of age. And there-J Fewer and fewer of the faithful gardens of the Champs Elysees alone, not to speak of the thousands in the state and local “ Bing” crept under the couch In lies the rub. for most of the four-footed friends are to be seen and the Duxembourg there are Bert r . o r e e r ...... .................................................................................. E ditor Qeorge Madden Green .................................................. ...Business Manager j c o u r ts . on which the little girl passed women who really need to work I on the streets of France. The still a few little donkeys to make the children happy, and there are official city p a p b r —............................................. Telephone 39 These cases help to prevent the normal functioning sway and remained there. He re­ In France have u n fo rtu n ate ly . recent census of anim als in fairs a few ragpickers who still drive . . the ArtU n a , Oregon p ,^ io » ie e S t „ n i i c i ,» . m « ii Matter j of the courts, putting their calendar months in arrears, fused to eat. His eyes watched passed this age limit. The young shows that In 1923 there were i .i._ n a t. the out-of-doors, where he last girl in Paris has only to seek and 283.760 asses returned as a g a in s t! P little beasts. Recently chairmendera Gn M Subscription Price, Delivered in City ' in addition to -consuming the time and anergy of officers saw the little girl. Yesterday h e ,! she shall find some kind of e m - i291.110 in 1922 and 356,310 in ' the * ' “ iairn?enaer:1 ll£ne adopted Th°«e OMonth8 ................................ \-35 otherwise would be given to the pursuit of real too, died. ployment. For the older women, 1913. On the farm s motors have I th ® horse to carry theIr load8 of Six .M onths....... 3.75« criminals. it is another story. replaced horses and they in turn I criPP,ed chairs, and at the Mont- One Year .....________ ____ ,______................. 7 50 — — ! are putting the donkey out o f , m artre fair the only one belong- Further, the vast majority would never arise with Ä By Mail and Rural Routes: More people In France are eat- business. There are now only a 1 ing to the troupe is stuffed. One Month .......................................... - ................ t I — .65 their deteriorating influence on the whole process of law ing m eat than ever before, ac- — x ________ ___________________________ 8ixrMonthsthS........ ..................................................... 1-95 j enforcement had the nation adopted a less fanatical and cording to a detailed report re-I One Tear .... ..... ....«*50 raore sensible policy.—Sacramento Bee. A Chronicle o f E ven ts O ccuring cently laid before the academy of MEN, H ER E IT IS in W orld C enters of agriculture. The reason for this DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: P opu lation Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ .30 change in the frugal habits of the Some fast friends are too many and too fast. Y early Contracts: I French is due to the very la rg e ' One Insertion a week ............................................ .27% Two insertions a w e e k ....................................... PARIS, Aug. 20. — American meat ration served to soldiers d u r­ Men who sleep on the job never get up. .25 Dally insertion .......................................~ advertising men recently on a ing the war, affirm s Rene Worms, .20 Come in and get a pair while the sizes are complete These R ates for Legal and MigoeUanfcouil Advertlidiic visit to the French capital were who has made a close study of pants a r e worth at least $8.00. F irst insertion, per 8 point line .................................... « Alimony is a shorter name for matrimonial repara- this subject. The w artim e habit« 10 i r surprised to learn th a t the Bach subsequent Insertion, 8 point line .05 : lio n s . has been retained in civil lif e ,' ? Bard of T hank s...... —- French, and not the English, are 1.00 th a t is for the industrial worker Obituaries, per line.................. ...................................................... responsible for the first adver­ •02% The man with a checkered career finds it is always tisem ent printed in a newspaper. and the farm laborer, whose sal-, Biggest Little Store in Ashland . WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING T hat was on July 4, 1631, when aries have greatly increased d u r­ it u i * future events, where an admission charge is made or s his move. collection taken in Advertising. the sixth num ber of the Gazette ing the last ten years. The op­ ¿¿yP1 be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. France contained the follow­ posite is true in the case of the ----------------- ----------------- -i-----;------- :_____ Low tide is the only thing that is low at the beach de ing passage: “ From St. Germain- form er “easy” class, the bourgeo­ DONATIONS resort. en-Laye, July 2, 1631 — The dry isie, who are now serving meat, No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertls- GO ANYWHERE THE '.ob P e ltin g —-our contributions will be In cash. season has greatly increased the and in small portions at th at, but once a day’ This is for financial When a girl tells a man she can cook the plot begins value of m ineral w aters, am o n g , reasons, but also for hygenic ones AVGUST 21 which those of Forges are here in to thicken. as well, it is said, for French HE THAT TRUSTETH IN HIS OWN HEART IS A FO O L — general use. Thirty years ago Mr. ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION Proverbs 28:26. M artin, a great physician, made doctors are more and more advo- It is easy to catch a man with whiskey, especially them the vogue; the public ap­ if you have the whiskey. proved them. Today M. Bonnard, SCHOOL DAYS the K ing’s chief physician, has A forthcoming time ot importance to children and set them on the pirinacle of popu­ Some of the dresses appearing on the streets during D P. KAY, Prop. mothers is the first day of school, now so high on the hor­ larity , which his great loyalty, this modern age makes one believe that the tastes* of Gabriel Snubbers,----------Raybestos Brake Lining izon as to cause no little concern* to those little minds skill and experience can give by. some of the members of the weaker sex resembles closely recommending to His Majesty so thoroughly enjoying the summer vacation period. that of a man who has been out on a bender the night g-J----- FS. . ..J w hatever deserves the honor, and There is a ct tain majesty about the thought of many before. the King and nearly all the Court millions of boys nd girls entering thousands of schools are now drinking these w aters in September wi the common purpose of acquiring an daily as a precaution.” Though education. Of course weeks and months of assiduous study Stone, Theodore E lijah B urton, w ritten nearly 300 years ago, it is Dennis M urphree, Glen Frank. are involved, but the things worth while in this life are more than likely th a t this little Charles W. Eliot, Marion Le advertisem ent helped to keep the not fiee tor the asking. Men spend whole lives in study Roy Burton, Nicholas M. B utler, w ater of Forgs famous until the and do not the time spent in vain. Charles F. Thwing. present day. NEWS LETTER Genuine Navy Blue Serge Pant! $5.5# Army Goods Store C H E V R O L E T WAY Automotive Shop A M E R IC A N HAM M ERED Piston Rings The years of schooling are made more pleasant and interesting for the children if parents and educators in­ still in their minds early in life a desire for knowledge and an apprecation of the value of an education. Too many children enter school with the thought that the years of schooling are to be idled through and to be ter­ minated as soon as the law allows. The child must have ail object m mind to make the best of his or her schooling. Super-intellects lament that such a large part of the year is given up to recesses. They preach that the sum­ mer vacation period is too long, that the children forget more in the summer than they learn in the remaining three seasons. They want school to be continuous throughout the year, with holidays few and far apart. J heir theory breaks down in the appraisement of the en­ durance of the youthful bodies and minds. The three months of summer outdoor life are probably not too long tor reconstruction of the minds and bodies after iiine months of indoor study and in preparation for another schooling period of the same length. That all the boys and girls will joyfully welcome the first day of school can not be said with certainty, but there is no doubt on the attitude of American mothers on the subject. Three months of guarding a mischevious brood night and day induces any mother to welcome an opportunity to divide the burden. FOR EVERY CAR 10 GET RELIGIOUS VOTE A! ELECTION FLATTENED HOLES IN SWISS CHEESE NEW YORK, A ugust 21. — A nation-wide campaign to enlist the 125,000 clergymen of Ameri­ ca to “ Get Out the C hristian Vote” has been launched by the Homi­ letic Review, a magazine devoted to the interests of m inisters. President Coolidge stam ped his approval of the movement in a letter to the publishers (F u n k and W agnalls Company! stating: “ The organizers of the movement to induce all of the church-going community to go to the polls on election day, and perform th eir full duty of citizenship, is certain­ ly deserving of every possible en­ couragem ent, and I am glad to assure you th a t it will have mine. “ I have been gratified to know of the progress this movement has already made. From every pos­ sible viewpoint, w hether it con­ cerns the interest of these indi­ vidual citizens, or th e interests of the community as a whole, it is highly desirable th a t th e great C hristian communiy shall always do its full service in the public LAUGHING AT DANGER That man is a venturesome, daring and courageous interest at election tim e, and in­ in every other public rela­ proven as you witness him running the gamut deed tionship. My best wishes go out ot daily life. It_is a trait that comes to him naturally, in­ to all who are interesting them ­ stinctively. He needs no provocation to urge him on to selves in this most praisew orthy deeds of daring nor can he be deterred by the cautious cam paign.” Each clergynyin is asked to tears of the timid members of the species. sign a pledge promising to have It is known that all animals experience the sensa- 100 per cent of his congregation tlf 1! °!.,tear and that a11 fear is based on a premonition at the polls through personal ap­ oi bodily harm or death, but, although this sensation is peal and by sermon at both the strongest in man, man is most prone to court it. prim aries and the regular Novem­ In spite ot thousands of fatalities annually, men and ber election. It is reported th a t women and the children daily swim out beyond; the safetv signed) promises representing a lines, climb perilous crags, tempt the deep in flimsy craft total constituency of over 200,000 persons have already bepn re ­ take to the air in frail airships, participate in dangerous ceived. The individual congre­ sports, speed in automobiles and otherwise disport them­ gations represented vary from a selves as though they would laugh at death. prairie church of th irty members \\ e know that man loves life and fears death. AV v to m etropolitan parishes includ­ also know that he momentarily tosses the dice with the ing over three thousand each. The movement is non-denomin- grim leapei and thinks nothing of the* experience. The ational and non-partisan, and no only explanation for this seeming paradox is the fact effort other than having all eligi­ that the spark of eternal hope is stronger in the human ble« register and be present at mind than either his fear of death or his love of the risk the polls is being made. The motive presented is to get of the thrills he . njoys while courting death. Sometime^ the church-going population of our hope leads ue into disaster. Over confidence is often the country to the election booths fatal, so that a little caution is good for all men. in an endeavor to curb the ever- decreasing percentage of poten­ tial voters who exercise th eir suf­ COUNTRY MUST PLEAD GUILTY TO frage. According to Census fig­ THIS INDICTMENT ures only 26,674,171 of the 54,- Judge \\ iliam Allen of New York was recently ap­ 421,832 native and naturalized pointed to a vacancy in the court of general sessions by citizens of voting age exercised Governor Smith. In welcoming him to the bench, Judge th eir rights at the 1920 presiden­ tial election. Talley, a colleague, said: The steady slump since the Mc- You have come upon the bench of the greatest Kinley-Bryan election is shown criminal court in (he world at the time when by the figures. In 1896 80 per this country is suffering under an indictment :ent of the voters cast ballots; in which proclaims it to be the most lawless on 1900 73 per cent; in 1908, 66 per cent, in 1912, 62 per cent, and earth. You will find that the United States in 1920 less than 50 per cent. must plead guilty to that indictment. Also, the native bom American These are strong words, but who will sav that Judge appears to be the most lax, as the Talley exaggerates actual conditions? Census shows over 21,000,000 More murders are committed in every large American more native born voters than the city in one year than in the whole of Great Britain. And total presidential vote. the failure to bring the j>erpetrators of such crimes to A letter quoted from the Bet­ ter Government Association of justice is notorious. Chicago states th a t “there has In Chicago, for example, during 1923, 270 murder never been any candidate in Chi­ verdicts were returned by coroners’ juries and 129 bv cago, or Cook County, who has grand juries. A et only nine persons were sentenced to be received as many votes in the pri­ maries as th ere are eligible voters hanged and only one was actually executed. In the first six months of the present year in that in the P rotestant churches alone.” in St. Louis reported city, 175 murders took place, and in forty-one of these th a A t pastor “ in our last election 82 per not even an arrest followed. cent of the voters did not go to Few will question that what is true of murder is true the polls.” of oflier major crimes. Among the prom inent individ­ uals who have so far enlisted in The machinery of detection and of punishment in the the movement or endorsed it, are: United States is failing more and more to keep pace with Gifford Pinchot, H arlan Flake “If a Printing Concern lias more 30 cents each Only the young need apply, or words to th a t effect, make the gist of the advertisem ent for wo- j men assistants th a t are needed for th e postal service of France. There are 1.300 places to fill in Paris Let us replace them with alone. In all. 2,425 women clerks are needed. Lille is asking for as many as 700 and Chalons-sur- COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 21. M arne requires 175. To obtain Speculation as to who p u t ' the nom inations for the vacant posts holes in Swiss and kindred cheese it is not necessary for the can­ and how he does it may still be didates to belong to the region. rife in some com m unities, but th ere is far g reater cause for con­ sternation in the camp of the m anufacturers. How to keep the holes from flattening is the problem, and un­ Finishing Today til some better suggestion is of­ fered, Ohio cheese firm s will STRONGHEART content themselves with a “ Swiss cheese cold storage p lan t” at IN Sugar Creek, O. < « THE LOVE MASTER” Hot w eather, they explain, is the chief disturber. W hen cheese is shipped in w arm w eather it softens. Then when it is sud­ FRIDAY and denly chilled a t the dealers’ cold SATURDAY storage plant, the holes flatten, reducing salability of the product. The Swiss cheese cold storage plant was purchased by four of the leading Ohio producers, who will operate co-operatively. T em perature will be the chief concern. In the great cold sto r­ age plant the cheese will be cu r­ PRINT SHOP ed and slowly chilled before it is packed for shipment. T hat process, it is said should make the product firm enough to w ithstand the trip through a sul­ try atm osphere to the d ealers’ re­ frig erato r, and the holes should retain th eir original appearance even a fte r the cheese is put on sale. A s Seen by Popular Mechanics Magazine Ohio ran k s second only to W is­ consin in the quantity of Swiss Fishing in the Ocean with Mirror Lens on Tail Lamps New Sport with “Walking cheese produced, but in the last Horse and Wagon Guards Auto if Light Is Out Stick” few years the factories in this Mysterious, elusive and One of the most unusual methods of State have had difficulty with With pyramid-shaped prisms on its Stilts and the “pogo” stick are com­ seductive she moved through catching ocean fish is said to have inside surface, a lens for the automo­ bined in the device shown in the the “ flatening” tendency. the inner circles of society, been developed in New England. bile tail signal has been invented to drawing to provide a new sport for The Sugar Creek plant, upon . * j While the use of huge nets a few miles the children. The user mounts the which the Ohio cheese interests looting jewels and stealing from shore is common, this particular footboard and tips the stick toward base th eir hopes, will -care for the left and right alternately with hearts, a woman of apparent t Fap “ ' different because of the fact 175,000 pounds of cheese. A fter that all the conveymg of workmen body movements, turning the handle the needs of th e four big com­ wealth and refinement. No I and catch is done by horse and wagon at the same time so that the action the trap is more than two miles panies who own th e storage house of the device closely resembles walk­ one suspected that beneath out and at sea. ing. The steps are of good length are satisfied, other cheese m anu­ Along this strip of Cape Cod shore and the operation is not tiresome. facturers in the State will be in­ her mask of beauty and The construction of the device is vited to join the co-operation poise lay a hatred of the the tides completely cover the ocean bottom but, on receding, the water is shown in the insert. The legs are made scheme, it is said. not more than a few feet deep for from a length of %-in. fiat iron about wealthy and an unquench- . . - , several miles out. As a result, the 1% in. wide, bent to the shape indi­ able lust for tile thrill of fishermen can start out with horse and cated. A cross brace of the same DEATH OF CANINE wagon after the tide starts to ebb, material is riveted to the legs about CAUSED BY GRIEF looting them of their dearest gather in the fish and return to shore halfway between the bottom and top. To this brace a 4-ft. length of %-in. CHICO, Calif., Aug. 20. — possessions. One object— before the water is deep. gas pipe is riveted, the end of the pipe ’Bing” , a six m onths’ old bulldog, What ? give greater brilliancy to the light being slit with a hacksaw and bent, One-Man Band Gives Effects and to afford protection for the car the ears so formed being bent out­ even if the lamps should go out. The of Fourteen Instruments prisms are so designed that light from ward, flattened and drilled for the Shaped like a guitar with double approaching cars illuminates them a rivets. A footboard, with a hole séts of strings, an instrument with bright red at a distance of 250 feet drilled to fit on the pipe loosely, is which it is claimed that one man can or m6re. The lens is inserted with slipped over the pipe and rests on a the fiat surface out and fits any stand­ large metal washer placed over tho top of the legs. A %-in. rod is driven ard lamp. through a hole drilled near the top ♦ » • of the pipe to serve as a handle. Th« Waste Auto Oil to Help Solve footboard is loose so that the uaer. Heating Problem can operate the device without mov­ Heating houses with waste oil peri­ to our station for your and odically drawn from automobile crank next greasing job. We cases may soon be a means of help­ have