D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the “rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News W ire Service) VOL XLVIL STATE SAYS T O C A SES A R E ALIKE _ “ Deadly Parallel Drawn by Attorney Marshall m Murder Trial SAYS HANGING IS JUST “ Ijesser P en alty W ould B e V iola­ tion o f L etter and Spirit o f tihe Ijaw” CHICAGO, Aug. 20.— A deadly parallel between N athan Leopold and Richard Loeb, scions of wealth and luxury, and Bernard G rant, a poor Chicago street waif, was today drawn in Judge Caverly's court by Thomas Mar­ shall, one of the S tate’s attorneys who is seeking* the death penalty and argued th a t the defendants should be sent to the gallows for slaying Bobby Franks. Marshall pointed out th a t Bern­ ard G rant, 19, is in jail in Chi­ cago now for m urdering a police­ man. Loeb and Leopold, he said, are also 19. Marshall said th at facts showed th a t G rant was caught robbing a store, struggled with a policeman, and during the battle, shot him and ran. He was tried and convicted of m ur der, and the Supreme court fixed the day of execution. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. R TO AID GERMANY _______ LONDON, Aug. J* 20. — J. it R P. Morgan Co., the w orld's 8 most powerful international banking firm, may refuse to participate in the flotation of fBe proposed $200,000,- 000 German loan, due to the continued occupation of the a R uhr by the French. This 8 inform ation comes from a 8 reliable source. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 20, 1924 NO. 299; MORGAN MAY R E FU SE n ASHLAND CLIMATE 8 8 8 8 tt 8 8 LOCAL BAND TO PLAY AT COUNTY FAIR SEATTLE SH IPBU IL D E R IS BELIEV ED DROW NED i 1« PORTLAND, A u gust 20— O swald W est, form er governor of tt Oregon and chairm an o f G overnor P ierce’s com m ittee in vestigatin g 8 Ashland Concert Organiza­ alleged fraudulent stock and bond sa les in Oregon and w hose report tt charged th e Ladd & T ilton Bank, o f Portland, w ith responsibility tion to be Feature of 8 of th e sa le o f stock in th e alleged defunct K ings F ood Products “ Ashland Day” Com pany today issued a statem en t saying: COMES ON THURSDAY “Tire com m ittee is prepared to defend its report at any tim e 1 ' I an’ plaee, b efore any trib u n al.” gon; Many E ntries 1 he Ashland Band has been M cCloud-Rartle Road Covered for employed to play on .Ashland Day H alf M ile; R ailroad Tracks at the Jackson County Fair. They S u b m erge! RARE JEWELS OF MRS. MORS ARE FOUND : kw T ' s i ^ OokinghiUn’ ‘ b> o f th e accused bank, w h o denounced th e report | as untrue and lib elou s.” ”1 w ould suggest to Mr. C ookingham that ' t h e bank bring suit against m em bers o f th e com m ittee on th e grounds o f libel," Went said. ‘‘W e w ould then be forced to go on th e w it­ ness stand and under oath prove th e tru th fu ln ess of the statem ents m ade in th e report. Truth is never lib elo u s.” The report charged that m ore than 5 0 0 0 persons o f sm all m eans in P acific coast sta tes lost th e savin gs o f th e ir lifetim e by pur­ ch asin g alleged w orthless stock o f th e asserted defunct com pany C ookingham , preident o f th e bank, conferred for tw o hours to. day w ith G overnor P ierce and S ta te T reasurer Myers, according to a dispatch received hdre, but none w ould discu ss the situ ation with new spaperm en. ------- ! 8 SEATTLE, Aug. 20. — 8 Charles Seaborn, 40, prom- 8 inent shipbuilder of this city 8 is thought to have been drowned on Puget Sound this 8 morning while on a yachting 8 party as the guest of S. 8 Schoel, naval architect. .. T . . . . :: Detectives Locate Missing 8 Jewelry m Possession of “ 8 V McCoy’s Sister : 8 8 SAY ROBBERY MOTIVE 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 j j : I LAS WORKING EFFICIENTLY The party ,eft laat night 8 when they arrived back this 8 ! Commissioner morning Seaborn was miss- 8 ing. None of the party have 8 been able to explain his 8 mysterious disappearance » O » « » „ » „ , 2 P rosecutor Says Location of J ew ­ e ls D am aging to Form er P rizefigh ter Sees Results Now in Trial of Few Months protecting borders i Patrol o f 4 5 0 Mei, to D ivide E f­ forts Betw een Mexican and ('anadian Line* LOS ANGELES, Aug. 20. — WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.- -The The most im portant development uew immigration a«t which went in connection with the death of will play during the races in the into effect July 1. has resulted in Mrs. Teresa Mors, detectives McCLOUD, Calif., Aug. 20.-— afternoon and give an hour con­ Candidate Raps Dem ocrats In clarifying the entire situation state, was unearthed today in the Presum ably because of the cold cert in the evening. Because of with which it dealt, W. W. Hus­ Speech o f A cceptance; H its location of the jewelry owned by w eather, which is believed to have there being no automobile or mo­ band, commissioner of immingra- L eague of N ations the woman, with whose m urder diminished the rapid m elting of torcycle races, but only harness tion, has announced. Only minor Kid McCoy is charged. an immense fragm ent of a Mt. and running races, the elem ent of EVANSTON, 111., Aug. 20. — difficulties in putting the law into Three pieces of rare jewelry Shasta glacier, the river of mud danger is removed and the band opeiation have been experienced valued at $30,000 were found in Speaking at Evanston, Illinois, which for more than a week has will be placed on a slightly rais­ and these shortly will be ironed last night. General Charles G. the possession of lawyers repre­ been flowing to the McCloud ed platform in front of the grand Dawes. Republican nominee to out. senting Mrs. Jessie Thomas, sis­ stand. River at a point three miles from The mi lons in Europe who a te r of McCoy. The v a lu a b le 're ­ the vice-presidency of the United The space, which the band oc-' here, today was noticeably de­ few years ago were anxious to covery was made by detectives | States, In his speech of accept­ cupied when playing in the grand creased in volume. em igrate to the United States and was given to Mrs. Thomas ance, declared th a t the coming W hether the slowing up of the stand will accommodate from have accepted the condition con­ campaign is one of domestic is­ shortly after Mrs. Mors was kill­ phenomenon is an indication th a t seventy-five to one hundred peo­ fronting them, and if the wild de­ sues. ed, it is charged. its complete cessation is nearing ple and because of the expense sire to come to the new world still The record of the Republican D istrict A ttorney Keyes issu­ is questioable, since those whe program which the F air Associa­ C om m ission E xpected to Issue Or­ Jackson C ounty G am e P rotective exists it is being held in check, ed a statem ent immediately after party, and of President Coolidge, have made the closest study of the tion has this year, will be required der Today G ranting D elay; according to Mr. Husband. In to M eet Hdre Septem ber 8; the jewels were located and re­ in reducing the cost of govern­ unusual stream since its birth for the revenue th a t will be de­ his opinion it is too early to say Court on V acation m ent operation, was lauded. To Air Troubles covered, saying th a t the incident say th a t it has previously show­ rived from same. w hether the new law is bringing “ President Coolidge, with fear­ fastend the m urder of the woman New* A rrangem ent ed signs of halting, only to start a better class of im m igrants here. SALEM, Aug. 20— Paym ent of < Ashland has been designated less common sense, endeavors to In the past two years the grand the second installm ent of the as the m eeting place of southern on Kid McCoy (Norman Selby) do the right and wise thing in again with increased vigor. “ Theoretically it should do so W ants Ju stice A road crew* has abandoned an stand, during the afternoon races, state income tax probably will be Oregon sportsmen, when the Jack- with robebry as the motive for the interests of the nation,” said because the paper plan Is to have “ Is Bernard G rant, 19, w ithout the crime. attem pt to clear the wagon road has been filled to capacity and deferred until 10 days after t h e ' son County Game Protective As- American consular officers exer­ Mr. Dawes. advantage, and buiTeted about on between McCloud and Bartle, people turned away on each of supreme court has handed down sociation meets September 3. The cise a degree of selectivity,” Mr. An attack being made on the the sea of circum stances over McCoy Is Arraigned which has been rendered impas­ the last three days of the fair but a decision as to the constitutional Husband said, “ but it is too early which he had no control, to go LOS ANGELES, Aug. 20. — fundam ental principals of the sable by the flow. The mud only about fifty per cent filled on ity of the income tax law, accord­ following notice was received to­ to pass judgm ent upon the way Constitution was scored. Mr. to the gallows under the law, and blockade covers the road for the first day. This year the first ing to announcem ent made a t the day* from Hugh B. Rankin, of Kid McCoy exclaimed “ I did not” Dawes declared th a t the Repub­ in which the law is working out these defendants, with every ad­ nearly half a mile. The mud will day W ednesday, will be Medford offices of the state tax commis­ Medford, president of the assoc­ in court here today when arraign­ lican party— the party of progres­ in th a t respect.” iation; vantage, who deliberately plotted ed on an indictm ent charging not be cleared away, but will be Day and the second, Thursday, sion today. It was indicated th at One Difficulty a crime, and carried it to its “ The sportsm an of southern him with the m urder of Mrs. sive conservation, had taken its allowed to dry and a new county Ashland Day. In so changing the the formal order delaying pay­ The chief source of difficulty stand squarely on the C onstitu­ ghastly completion, be allowed to dates for the two leading cities ment of the tax would be issued Oregon are requested to meet at Teresa Mors. His lawyers quick­ tion. road graveled over its surface. under the Johnson act is the pro­ escape the suprem e penalty?” the Ashland city hall at 8 p. qi., ly silenced him and McCoy was An Italian boy in a small cut of Jackson County it will give a at a special m eeting of the com- September “ Lying between— the armies of vision that im m igrants from 3, to discuss any busi­ given until Monday to enter a M arshall asked in one of his elo­ down automobile Sunday morn greater num ber of people an op- | mission W ednesday progressive conservatism and of Mexico and Central American quent outbursts. The courtroom ness of interest to sportsmen. formal plea to the indictm ent, ing attem pted to drive his cai portum ty to get into the grand ! The second installm ent of the radicalism — is the Democratic countries must come supplied with was packed, mostly with women. “We will have with us Wm. which contains eight counts, state ,„ come origlnally w aj through the blockade, only to stall sland to see the races. certain documents, attesting to M arshall will be likely to argue W. McNealy, an appointee on the ■•barging m urder, assault and rob- -i party, with one conservative and B ig R aces due and payable On June 20 b the machine in the mud. He was the period of their residence there. one radical candidate on its tick­ during the entire session today. 7 ^ ? t e P r ° g ra m iS th e S trO n g ' l becau8e of a ^ al a « ack made legislative committee of the Ore­ bery. forced to abandon it and wade to et, hoping to get votes by avoid­ Most im m igrants came without the S tate’s A ttorney Crowe today Thirty W itnesses Called firm ground. Last evening all est th a t has ever been presented On the constitutionality of the act gon State Sportsm ens’ Associa­ ing the issue,” said the candi­ necessary papers. The same pro­ announced th a t nothing Inns than th a t could be seen of the car was to the people of Southern Ore- payment was deferred until July tion. and you can tell it to him * T hirty witnesses appeared be­ date. vision applies to Canadians, who death would satisfy him; that the i t ? y e a r{the hor8e races’ 20. F ailure of the supreme court before the legislature meets fore the grand jury yesterday. In . , , , i the tip of the steering wheel, The League of Nations was not understand it better, however. case w as one of plain m urder, . ,, , There will be lots of problems eluded in the num ber was Albert „ „„ -.„ i,. . i . j . , . The tracks of the McCloud with th irty entries, were c o n sid -jto hand down an opinion before Smuggling Tendency Grows carefully planned and carried out you are all interested in. A. Mors, form er husband of the approved by Mr. Dawes, while the River Railroad were covered to ered the best ever seen here and I Ju ly 20 caused the tax commis- The new law has had a ten­ and the “direst crime in the his­ The question of setting asidr slain woman and until the date W orld Court gained his approval a depth of more than two feet this year there are exactly one siou again to delay payment of dency to increase smuggling of Ho declared that the position tory of the country.” by the flood of mud, but crews hundred horses entering in the the tax until August 20. The game preserves is coming up, as of their divorce, partner in the taken by the Democratic platform immigrants but the Johnson act D aring the testim ony of w it­ well as the question of when the antique shop. have been successful in clearing tro ttin g and pacing races and court is now on its vacation and created a special “ border patrol” nesses, 25 days elapsed, during game season should open. Mrs. Martin, who form erly sta­ is an invitation to enter into a the right of way. Trains were de some th irty or forty horses will will not retu rn until September now being organized to consist of which more than 100 lay w'itnes “ Come and tell it to Mas.” ted she heard a woman scream fog of debate and uncertainty. layed last Thursday and Friday participate in the running races 6. Mr. Dawes was notified of his 4 50 picked men, half to he station­ ses and alienists were called. Sport lovers from the entire and a pistol shot in the Mors The flow of the mud has nevei so th at the claim of good horse nomination by A. W. Jefferies ed along the Mexican border, the The constitutionality of the K illin g Sketched been rapid, because of its viscos­ races this year is absolutely ju st- l atate Jncome tax ,aw was attack . county will gather here to a t­ apartm ents at the time of the spokesman for the National no­ other half along the Canadian Y esterday, A ttorney Marshall tend the meeting, and a large tragedy, was also before the ity, but it has steadily advanced 1 n Pfl i cd in the Marion county circuit num ber of local gun and rod en­ grand jury. Other witnesses were tification committee. The key­ frontier. One of the earliest of sketched the killing of the 14- toward the river. It is said to The F air Association is asking j court by the stan d a rd Lumber note of his speech was, “Common these men to be named was shot year-old school boy, the planning be from 80 to 90 per cent solid th a t all the stores in Ashland • company of Portland, on the thusiasts are expected to be pres William G. Ross, who was wound­ sense, rath er than Pat H arrison’t in the perform ance of duty near the execution, the stripping of the m atter. It is gray in color, due close at twelve o’clock noon on grounds th a t it provided for the ent to air their troubles and ed by McCoy as lie was attem pting declaration, “ W inning is no sin; Buffalo, N. Y. body, and the other incidents. Ashland Day, September 11th, and payment of the tax by non-resi­ make united action possible. Con­ to escape the antique shop while strategy is no crim e” , will prompi to its large content of ashes. The new law has not overcome “A lesser penalty than death they are asking th a t all barber dent stockholders in domesic cor­ structive plans for the future will McCoy was on his rampage and and direct the voters of our com­ what was an ever-present condi­ would mean violation of the let­ be made at the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scliapp, also shops in th e county close at noon porations. mon country to cleave unto that tion under the old statute, the ef­ te r and spirit of the law” , he said. MEDFORD DRIVER victims of McCoy’s shooting. on the first, second and third forts of foreigners here, either which is good.” Judges George G. Bingham and HAS CLOSE CALL days of the fair. The association M arshall held th a t Chief Ju s­ Testimony ImiMirtant naturalized or still aliens, to help Percy Kelly, sitting en banc, held U. S. GAME WARDENS tice Caverly, presiding in the case, The testimony of Mrs. Martin will provide m erchants w ith clos­ for the lum ber company. bring in relatives and friends. F. J. New’man, Medford resi­ TO DISCUSS PLANS had no right to exercise discre­ is held to be highly im portant. BOY 4, AND GIRL 4. ing signs which they are request- ‘‘Europeans and others havo dent, had a narrow escape from The state, through the attor- tion in meting out the punish­ DROWNED IN DITCH cd to display prom inently in their j ney.general> then appealed tbe PORTLAND, Aug. 20.— United Detectives point out th a t her test!-1 come to accept as a fact which death Sunday when returning m ent, except in “discretion in mony will establish the time ot I places of business. ! case to tbe 8Upreme court for fiR. States game wardens of the N orth­ must be faced the immigration PLACERVILLE, Calif., Aug carrying out the will of the law” . home from a visit to this city. the crime as near m idnight, prov-j west will convene here August bars which America has raised,” al determ ination. SUGAR ADVANCES M arshall recited num erous pre­ W ithout any w arning whatever, ing it a case of homicide and not I 20-— Clifford Crews, 4-year-old Commissioner Husband said. "The 21, 22 and 23, Ray C. Steele, the car jumped ahead at full I son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas cedents on this point. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 19. — warden with headquarters in this suicide. Mrs. Martin claims that Crews, and Wilda Lumley, were new law should bring a better As M arshall carried on his speed, and to avoid hitting anoth­ A 15-cent advance in the price CRUISER RICHMOND city, announced today. The P o rt­ she heard the woman’s screams drowned In the W estern Stater class of im m igrants to our doors. scathing denneation, both Loeb er car directly in front, Mr. New­ of refined cane and beet sugar LATE WITH REPAIRS land conference, he said, has been and the pistol shot in the Mors ' ditch back of Camino yesterday I have no doubt that in time, it and Leopold lost th e ir air of in­ man steered his car into the to jobbers, effective today, was an­ ' Dr. S. H. Rantz of Placerville will do so more successfully than (Continued on Page Four) difference. Noting the tensity of ditch. The car turned over, but nounced today by the California- ’ REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. 20. aoDroved by George A. Lawyer, Chief United States game warden i in attendance on another of the at present. Tt should perm it to the boys, defense attorney’s Newman luckily escaped injury. Hawaiian Sugar company here. — The cruiser Richmond arrived at W ashington. An examination revealed th at i Crews children, had been at the come here only those who can 16333270 strove to ease the situation. One This increase brings the price too late to allow* Lieutenants Means of securing a b etter ob- ' the spring holding the th ro ttle Crews home for about twenty min be adm itted hut inadmissibility of them whispered to young Leo­ of cane sugar to $7.25 a hundred : Smith and Nelson to make neces- j utes, and had just k * when Mrs. under the law is not alwaj’s unde­ servance of game laws will be had broken, leaving it wide open. pold, who laughed heartily and pounds aud th a t of beet sugar to sary repair to th eir damaged discussd. The num ber of depu­ Crews called the children, both sirability.” passed the rem ark along to No damage resulted to the car, $7.05. planes so th a t the jum p to Cape ties to be used during the coming I of whom had been playing In the Dickie Loeb, who also expressed with exception to a broken spring. Farew ell, Greenland, was neces­ season will also be determ ind. , yard. UMATILLA COUPLE merriment. sarily postponed until tomorrow Shortages of game funds will Failing to get an answer, she MARRIED 60 YEARS EDITH DODGE TO P oisoning Cam paign in U m atilla morning, at which time the flight make It necessary to include sev­ I walked to the edge of the ditch, and Morrow C ounties H ighly ASSUME DUTIES will be made, w eather perm itting. SISKIYOU COUNTY PENDLETON, Aug. 19.—-Mr. eral changes in the year's pro­ where tiny wet footprints on a Successful T his Year Admiral M ajh id er, in charge gram. TO MAKE EXHIBIT and Mrs. William Blakely, resi­ i plank indicated the presence of A fter over a year as society of the navy ships assisting the dents of Um atika county since Siskiyou county, California, editor of the Tidings, Mrs. Grace HEPPN ER, Ore., August 20.— : the children a short time before fliers in the flight across the A t­ 1868, yesterday celebrated their PRINCE LOSES AT GAMES will be represented a t the com­ E. Andrews has resigned with M alady A fflictin g H undreds of lantic, announced tltfit unless the Rabbits in the eastern section of Becoming alarm ed, Mrs. Crewp 60th anniversary of their wedding. secured aid and an immediate ing Jackson County F air with a this issue, to take a well-earned Oregon are not so particular about globe circlers hop off before Aug­ W om en; Y oung G irls Are They were m arried August 18, DEAUVILLE, France, Aug. 19. splendid display collected by the vacation. _ Mrs. Andrews made a ust 24, it is more than likely that their summer diet this season, search was Instituted. Severely A fflicted 18 64, at Brownsville, Ore. — F ortune turned its back on the Granges of th a t county, adding name for herself during her as­ members of the United States bio­ they will have to fly w ithout the Both came across the plains as Prince of Wales here and today another outside county to the ex­ sociation with the Tidings, her PITTSBURGH, Pa., Aug. 20.— protection of a convoy, due to the he is more than 100,000 francs logical survey discovered recent­ AGED WIDOW FOUND children with their parents, Mr. hibit. K lam ath county announ­ columns proving delightful to Other and more bothersome style need of fuel for the ships in the ly. Poisoned sweets have come IN LONELY CABIN Blakely in 1S46 and Mrs. Blakely poorer as a result of Sunday play ced some tim e ago th a t a credit- many Ashland residents, into unprecedented favor among nuisances than fu r chokers are convoy. crossed the plains in 1853, and a t the races and baccarat tables ! **. v ,, . * • ible exhibit would be placed at Miss Edith Dodge, 1924 gradu- M c A r m thur , - calif., Aug. 19. her family encircling the necks of Pittsburgh also settled at J a l« , Mestbaum, Philadelphia, is! ’V i“ T T ¿1'4 M the Jackson county show. ate of Ashland High School, and * “T »»tore 4 » i^ , . » ¡ , 4 -M r s . Ella P a rk ,. 83 a widow Brownsville. W allowa— Bowman-Hicks saw. -said «0 have prospered through flappers this summer, according Siskiyou county will have no f° r some time Ashland corres- tOry ° ' the p° 180nlnB campaigns ' living alone in a cabin a mile and to Cfoief of Police Surgeon Daniel mill starts double shift of men. the prince's losses. A fter th e’r m arriage in 1864, fair this year, which prompted ■ P°ndent to the Medford Mail Tri- Sable. in eastern Oregon have the wheal ; one-half east of this place, was they lived near Brownsville for Grange leaders to adopt the j bune, has accepted the posi- pests evidenced an appetite f o r ' found dead in her home Sunday four years and then came to Uma­ ‘‘Flapper itch” is th e newest plan of exhibiting a t the local ; Don of society editor, and the bitterness of strychnine. Pre- morning. trouble to locate on or about that tilla county, where Mr. Blakely fair. A space 12 by 24 feet has will assume her duties immediate- vious efforts to give them the poi- * Mrs. Parks had a son who engaged in wheat farm ing on an part of the neck ju st below where ! been reserved for th eir exhibit, ly. Miss Dodge has had much the young g irl’s brain is su p p o s-! son have been futile, Ira N. Gab- • bought the house in which she extensive scale near Blakely sta­ which promises to include every • actual newspaper experience, and rielson of the United States bio- lived. He left here before the tion, which was named in his ed to be, and Dr. Sable asserts it’s product of the neighboring is a w riter of proven ability, logical survey says. Sugar coat­ war and workd on the railroad be­ honor. He was sheriff of the getting serious. : county in California. ed or not, the foxy anim als were tween Sacramento and Reno. He county from 1898 until 1902 and The Malady— which has effect-j seldom tempted by this “ prepar­ rem itted money enough regular­ beginning in 1903 he served two YARDMASTER LOSES ed hundreds of women, p articu lar­ ed” food. ly at Christmas time to support term s in the slate legislature. COMMERCIAL FLEET LEG UNDER TRAIN ly girls of high school age — w’as “ This is the first season we • his m other through the coming FOR SOVIET RUSSIA discovered by Dr. Sable while he EUGENE, Aug. 20. — W illiam was on vaccination duty. It is ; have had success in poisoning year. The son, however, went WIFE IS CHARGED COPENHAGEN, Aug. 20 — Re­ E. Kelly, acting yardm aster for j rabbits in the sum m er,” Gabriel- i to war and as rem ittances ceased caused by frequent neck-shaving WITH MUTILATION ports em anating from Russia state the Southern Pacific company at j son said. “ Since the meadows are ; it has been concluded th a t he per- ■ required for the perfect bobbed- th a t the Soviftt Government h a s . Eugene, lost his left leg below hair effect. “ F lapper’s ra sh ” is dry and the grass in the country ished while in the service. Since I B R O O K IN G ? V d Aug 20 decided on the construction of a the knee yesterday when he fell another name for it. is badly burned, rabbits may be the war Mrs. Parks was cared for One of the strangest stories on feeding on sagebrush, which is i otherwise commercial fleet which, It is es­ under the wheels of a switch en­ “ The tender skin of young • record here was brought to light tim ated, will be able in five years gine. better. This may account in part girls is severely affected by fre-1 recently with the arrest of Mrs. tim e to carry 25 per cent of Rus­ for the popularity of the sugar- Mr. Kelly was boarding the quent shaving,” Dr. Sable declar­ CREW ABANDONS SH IP M. A. Baker, 33-year-old farm sian exports and im ports w ithout moving engine when his foot coated alfalfa. ed. "The only cure is to discon wife, charged with perform ing a foreign assistance. In Morrow and .Umatilla coun­ SEATTLE, August 20— The m utilation operation on her hus­ slipped and he fell onto the track, tinue shaving, and most of the The construction of the fleet He has been regularly employed ties, 125,000 anim als have been crew of the motorship, K ’nder- band. girls, particularly brunettes, re­ i: will cost 170,00,000 rubles, of as a switchman, but was taking w <-111- u u m > ■ ' ' ai t ! - « 1 1 )■ ; killed in two weeks by dusting j sley, lost on Bering sea, according fuse to accept this cure.” Mrs. Baker is being held in which am ount 65 per cent will be Y ardm aster H arrington’s place strychnine. The rab- to word received today, was aban- jail here pending the outcome of The rash has been called to the The Bryan B rothers— W illiam Jennings and Charles— believe it alfaRa raised In Russia and 35 per cant Mr. H arrington was on his vaca­ attention of scientists a t Johns when they get the inform ation via radio. B rother Charles is the bits are a great pest, and annual- j doning the ship, said brief mes- her husband’s injuries. The •broad. L Ï ^ . P «®8! î î “i Î i , 5 andldate oi th e Democratic P arty and the Gov- ! ly cause great loss to the farm-1 sages received here. No lives were tion. Hopkins H ospital, Dr. Sable said, ernor of Nebraska county sheriff today said he be­ ers- J lost, the message stated. lieved Mrs. Baker to be insane. NEXT IM PAYMENT MEET IN ASHLAND “FLAPPER ITCH” DÜE TO fl PRAISED BV DAWES