tataaaa m “ * J > a k A J W B H H U ■ ■ ■ ■ MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the~rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL XLVIL Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. GLACIER ON MT. SHASTA SOURCE OF MOD FLOW River of Rocks and Cuts Off McCloud ter Supply PLOW 20 FEET 'PESTS DAMAGING CROPS IN SHASTA REDDING, Calif., August 19— Crickets and grasshoppers played havoc with crops in some sections of the eastern part of Shasta County. * In the farm ing region around Pitville grasshoppers cut the yield of grain down to five sacks per acre, or about half a crop. In Debris Long Valley, in the neighborhood Wa­ of Burney, crickets invaded the grain fields and damaged the I crop. DEEP B eliev e P ortion o f G lacier Has Broken L oose; Large B ou ld­ ers Carried Down ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1924 THREE STORY BUILDING IS TO BE BUILT W EEK -EN D ACCIDENTS CLAIM 4 « LIVES PORTLAND, A ugust 19— W eek-end au tom ob ile accidents le ft a toll of 04 deaths and IOS injured according to a tabulation m ade l>y a w ell know n new s agency. The tabulation covers only the prin­ cipal cities of th e country. M ARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED IN EGYPTIAN PORT Enders to Construct New Store, Office and Apart­ (A R IO , E gypt, A u gust 19— M artial law w as proclaim ed at ment Building I ort Sudan, w h ere th e native agitation against B ritish rule reached TO mz> TV ATT« nvnTTAmAn I ¡«»tenaity. B ritish troops and a w arship have arrived IS TO HAVE ELEVATOR to aid in m aintainin g order. Several E gyptian o fficia ls have bee ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. NO. 298 Widows and Cripples Victims of Alleged Fraudulent Sales arrested. Structure to Cost $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 and W ill B e B u ilt in Spring; S ite B ein g Cleared Governor Pierce’s Special Committee Charges Stock Sold in Defunct Com­ pany; Blame Laid to Ladd and Tilton Bank FRENCH PR EM IER IS ACCLAIMED I A B IS, A ugust 10 P rem ier H erriot w as accorded an unriqualed dem onstration upon h is return here from th e a llied conference at That he is planning a three- London. Th reception tendered him at th e G are Saint Laaare is un McCLOUD, Cal., August 19— A story business structure, to <^ost paralleled in French history and th e cheers greetin g th e returning veritable river of mud, boulders All D istricts o f Southern Oregon in the neighborhood of $40,000, prem ier w er« d eafen in g. T housands join ed in th e dem onstration. and ashes, extending in width at Annual B oll Call to be constructed next spring, from a few hundred yards to half ATTACK PROCLAMATION CLOSING D E E R SEASON at Crater Lake LOEB HOME PORTLAND, Aug. 19 — Be­ was the statem ent today of H. G. LIGHTNING STRIKES a mile, and in some places from SALEM , A ugust 19— An in ju n ction suit atta ck in g th e authority Enders, Sr. The building will be MT. VERNON HOME tween 5.0U0 and 6,000 persons of fifteen to tw enty feet deep, is The Bend Cham ber of Com­ built on the sit© now occupied by i J Vl3 n° o J Fee 1" closin « th <* h u n tin g season i„ O regon until small means in Oregon, W ashing­ flowing from the mouth of Mud merce was host a t C rater Lake Septem ber 3 0 , w as filed by W. W inslow , a Salem a t t o r S y . The CANYON CITY, Ore., Aug. 17. the Enders house, a t 328 East ton and California lost their sav­ Creek Canyon, eight miles above Saturday night and Sunday to su it w as brought In th e nam e of th e S ta te of O regon, D istrict Attor " w CT i , I??2’‘ aan s Them> — The home of Luke McKern of Main street. ings of a lifetim e by the sal? of here on the slope of Mt. Shasta, representatives of the various ney t arson o f M arion county, sig n in g th e com plaint in order to test We Will, Says Message Mount Vernon was struck by stock in the Kings Food Products The house is now having the out th e point involved in (he litigation , into the McCloud River. chambers of commerce of south- lightning yesterday and destroyed Co., of Oregon, which at the time Signed “ K. K. K.” some of them many ern Oregon, the occasion being foundation removed, and will be .. Boulders, , by fire. ACCIDENTS DELAY AMERICAN FL IE R S of l he sale was a “ Defunct con­ * g are beiDg Carri€d ! the annual roll call and meeting. moved to a vacant lot ju st be­ STATE ASKS HANGING Mr. McKern was sitting by the low the Ashland Sanitarium , back cern, according to a committee tow ard the river in, the thick Although the attendance was not REYK JAV IK , Iceland, A ugust 19— T he Am erican planes piloted A ttorney M arshall M akes Form al kitchen stove when the bolt struck appointed by Governor Pierce to stream , . the like of which has as large as had been expected, of the Enders store. The house b'i Li7 ? a « » « " »»1 M o re ing speech. i culture, the development of wat- “ Should the Ladd ft Tilton Bank QUESTION RIGHT TO ing away all before it. vention of the Society of Ameri­ of the Firpo-W ills fight o n i 8:00 o>ck>ck The State and the defense will • er Power, and law enforcement take a different view than th at WED STEPDAUGHTER can Florists and O rnam ental H or­ mg he stru ctu re was Spreads O ut B elow the scheduled date, which means each be allowed three attorneys | and ra PPpd private monopolies, Reaching a more even slope, □f the committee ana refuse to ticulturists. More than 1,500 that the South American will be well filled and visitors were toast­ REDDING, Calif., Aug. 19. in summing up the evidence. i discussed at length the agri- make good the sum obtained, we th e stream spreads out, and its J A m arriage license was denied vJsRors , are ln kos Angeles for well reinforced financially to ing their shins in the w arm th of Loeb today to ’.d reporters that cnRl,ral situation. The tendency respectfully suggest th at the a t­ the roaring fire in the fireplace. pace lessens. At some points a i the sessions, which will end combat the charges. Saturday to John It. Rogers, 38, he did not agree with “ Kid” Me- to have municipal and state goF torney general of Oregon be ask­ ’tide area has been covered by Thursday. and Mabell Rogers 16, his step­ Coy. “ He calls me an u p start,” ) ernm ents compete with private ed to render stockholders such th e flood of mud. Its appearance NEVADA WILL NOT In opening today’s session Sec- HERE’S WHY RENO daughter. Loeb said. “ There is nothing J industries was scored, is described as resem bling the dvice and assistance as may ba LIFT QUARANTINE retary John Young, of New York, BEER “ GOES WILD” County Clerk E rrol A. Yank re­ common between us. I pleaded' Senator Pat H arrison, in a typi- helpful in the recovery of their flow of a volcano except for the fused to issue the license, holding spoke of the great advances made RENO, Nev. Aug. 19. — The guilty because I have not- been j c8d outburst of eloquence, made money. absence of heat. RENO, Nev., Aug. 19. — Pro­ in the United States, especially Today the volume was reported ! tb a t the &tePfather could not «ive Nevada quarantine against Cali­ mellowed by nine m atrim onial I tb e notification address, No Conscience Exercised In Southern California, in the hibition officers declare they have ventures.’’ | -----------—------------- to be slightly less than last week. ) th e proper certifled consent- fornia stock on account of foot found the reason why near beer The sale of the stock in the growing of bulbs and palms since Four alienists for the state p ro - . SQUADRON LANDS Noted at Redding ■ Ro^pra has been the sole support and mouth disease will not be re “ goes w ild” in Reno. .alleged defunct corporation was the embargo was placed on E u r­ ceeded Krohn, the last mental ex­ The mud, f lo w in g in to th e Me- ‘ of the girl since ber n,other died AT FT. VANCOUVER moved September 1st, as announc­ They claim local bootleggers initiated by the Dundas Martin Cloud River, has completely I four years ago‘ The only way opean products. This section is buy barrels of near beer from ed Saturday from the office of pert, on the stand, and ajl were j Company, and completed by the now credited with largely supply­ VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 19. F. N. Clarke Co. agreed that there was nothing) changed the color and consistency o u t> County Clerk Yank inform ' George H. Hecke, California agri­ breweries and “ shoot” alcohol ing the entire country with bulbs, abnorm al a b o u r the boys, and — A squadron of five Curti n in of th a t stream , and is noticeable ed the Pro8P«<*ive husband, was The report says: “ These con­ palms and other plants. , - through the bung-hole with an in­ cultural director at Sacramento This was stated last night by Dr , ^bat they were in full possession struction planes, in command ol cerns In disposing of the stock in the Sacram ento River as fa r I to have the court a PP°int a le&al strum ent gimilar to the grease Sightseeing trips to many of down as Redding. These rivers guardian for the girl and then Edw ard Records, Nevada state of normal faculties on May 21, Lieutenant Oakley G. Kelly, who employed high pressure salesmen, Southern C alifornia’s beauty gun used in greasing automobiles. are said to be m uddier than ever the guardian could give the neces- when they consumated the crime. was flying his new DeHaviland most of them were without honor Several seizures of w hat was quarantine officer. spots, including the gardens of before in th eir history. 8ary certifled consent. “ It is probable, however,” he This contention was suported by plane, arrived at Vancouver avia and conscience. . several m illionaires, will feature once near bear have been made tion field at 2:15 o’clock Sunda\ Crew P a tro llin g P ip es ~ added, “ th a t the existing regula- recently in Reno, and in nearly “ N either widows, servant girls the program of the florists. (Continued on Page 4) afternoon, having made the flight or cripples were overlooked.” Following the cutting off of CROP ROTATION IS every instance the beverage was > tlona maY he modified from time j from Redding, Calif., 360 milet McCloud’s w ater supply last FOUND BENEFICIAL found a potent foe of Volsteadism. j to time aa the California situation J in 4 hours and 30 m inutes, stop -------------------------- improves to allow stock ,ship- week, a force of men under th e 1 ---------- I ping at Medford and Eugene on SEVEN DEER FOUND direction of Superintendent Lam- PENDLETON, Aug. 19. — The R AIN FALL HERE ments to or across from Califor- DEAD BY RANGERS j the way. The 9 80-mile flight bert effected a tem porary repair, extremely dry season that has pre- WAS .55 OF INCH, n*a sections which may be ad i here from San Diego was the long- anrii tw enty men are patrolling th e ‘ vailed on the bench land on West- ---------- Judged ‘safe,’ but no complete re­ REDDING, Cal., August 19— in 24 hours yesterday, accord-J moval of the quarantine regain­ j est cross-country flight ever made Five diead m uletail deer were pipes a t all tim es to prevent a on m ountain this sum m er has by an organized reserve flying found close together last week ing to the records of the local tions has been contem plated.” repetition of the occurrence. given eloquent dem onstration of Large Crowd to be P resen t; E x­ governm ent w eather s ta t’on, .55 j _______________ _ squadron, Lieutenant Kelly said. near Lookout, Modoc County, by Lam bert says th a t as soon as the worth of correct cultural prac- Prom inent Men A ttend; V’alu e of cellen t Program is I A total of eight instruction Frank Meyers, forest ranger. of an inch of rain fell in Ashland. ACCUSED MAN SHOT the danger appears to have be- tices in tillage and rotation of Proposed H ighw ay R ecog­ Prom ised This is a little more than half an ‘ x > v TTTC CT’f 'D a n x T planes will be stationed here and come less pronounced, a crew of crops, according to Fred Bennion. Reuben Box, another forest nized by A ll inch." The rain brought w ith i t ! ¥ STEPSON ______ I Vancouver w ill he one of the best ranger, found two dead muletaiis men will climb to the head of county agent. Only during the A iive-wire program will fea­ PORT ORFORD, Ore. Aug 18 > uiPPed flylnS f,elds ln th e Un- on Lost Creek. There were no Mud Creek Canyon to determ ine, past few years have farm ers diver- ture the weekly concert by the cooler w eather, and the tem pera- ' SACRAMENTO, Aug. 19 __ tu re for the past 24 hours was: ■ George Demos, aw aiting trial un_- If possible, the cause of the unpre- I’sifled greatly on the mountain, Ashland band in H th ia P ark, it —-A m eeting of the Southern Ore- Red Stat68’ W,th 8ufflc,ent P,a,les bullet wounds. cedented disturbance. and this year potatoes th at are was announced today. The con­ Maximum, 69; minimum, 51; set der bond, on a charge of a statu- gon highway association closetV the!10 accommodate all ex-service The forest rangers, making _, . . | fliers attached to the 321st obser- crude port mortenis with Frank F iv e G laciers on P ea k on ground plowed up out of red cert will begin at 8 o’clock to­ m ax’mum, 60. The barom eter In- tory offense against his 15-year- three-day pioneer reunion celebra- . , c x j . ration squadron of the 96th air A. Greene, deputy fish and game There are five living glaciers 1 clover and alfalfa are far ahead morrow night. An interesting dicates more of the sam e kind old stepdaughter, lies in the Sac. tion, which . , ended Saturday. It . . . . , . , , , J .. . x ' division, which includes Oregon deer probably had died from eal- i ram ento H ospital hovering be- „ on Mt. Shasta. W hitney Glacier of those where the rotation has feature will be “ Why did I kiss of w eather. was the afternoon feature and at . . . , , 4 , , , x . and W ashington, Lieutenant Kel- conunissioner, decided th a t the W hile the rain fell too late to tween life and death as the result ia the name given one. I not been so favorable, he said. night a large crowd attended th e s . x . , x j th at girl,” played by the band and . . . i ly stated today. , aid many crops, it will prove ben- of having been shot today by W. closing In August, 1920, a glacier on --------------------------- ing milkweed or some other pois­ dance. 1 ______________ ____ sung by Director Carl Loveland. eficial to the fall pears and ap- j . Dent, brother of the girl, the east slope of Mt. Shasta m elt­ ACCUSED SLAYER onous growth. The highway meeting w’as for The program in full is as fol- pies, and will augm ent A shland’s ' Demos was shot as he sat in a the purpose of discussing means COMMITS SUICIDE ed and caused, mud and ashes to RETAINS COUNSEL lows none too plentiful w ater su p p ly .: taxicab in front of his home, of arranging funds for a prelim ­ enter the McCloud River, discol­ TO SAVE NEST EGG COMPARATIVELY FEW March The V iking,” Klug. oring the w ater in the Sacra­ Route No. 4, Dewey Avenue. LONGVIEW, W ash., Aug. 18. inary survey of the proposed W altz, ‘ Hula H ula Dream SHRINERS STOP REMAIN IN SCHOOL LOS ANGELES, Aug. 19. — mento River as far down as Red­ Dent was arrested by Constable Rogue River highway from Klam- Jam es J. Crossley, Portland at- G irl,” Fiorita. FOR SHORT TIME Jack Garibaldi a few' minutes ath Falls via Ashland, Medford j L’ D‘ B aker- &f Cils city, believed ding. \ SALEM, Aug. 19. — Less than i torney, and ex-commander of the Oriental Fox Trot. "Oriental . Kerr, ____ The second section of t h e ! after the 8hooting and ,0