fìì'-sr-’ >■ - • D aily MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s 'Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL XLVIL PEACE DAWNS HBÜ Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. • i * « . » r.- u n I'ltiZiK FOR LONG H AIR ____ R « X NO. 297 it COY THINKS 1 FEM IN IN E TOURIST IS THREE DEAD AS R ESU LT OF WRECKS" LODI. Calif., Aug 1».— » R Mrs. Cump Davis and other R R women of this city have R R w ritten to the secretary of R R the county fair to ask him R R to offer a prize fo r the long- « R est hair. $$ R So popular has the ‘bob” R ---------- (» become here that a large ma- R London Conferees Jubilant | R jority of the local women r Alienists Declare Former When Signatures Are R have had their h air cut. $$ Pugilist Possessed of Signed to Pact R Those who are opposed or R “ Exalted Ego” R who hove not visited the bar- R CLIMAX IS DRAMATIC R her are now w anting to R REAL HEARTBREAKER R awaken interest in long hair R D ebt Paym ent to B egin as Par­ R and for th a t reason have R Trio A grees, H ow ever, There is liam ents R atify; W ill E vac­ R asked for a prize to be of- R No Indieation of u ate Ruhr R fered by the county fair. R Insanity « f FINED FOR SPEEDING ----------- « R R ! R ! R R A shland’» justice court R was moved from Judge R Godwy’s office on Oak street. R SENATOR COLT DIES AT SUMMER HOME to the sidewalk on Union R street last Saturday night R „ 1* R* 1’’ «'U8 UN{ 18— U nited S tates Senator Lebaron , O,t’ 7H’ hi« sum m er hom e here follow in g a lin g,’» - When Mrs. F. D. Clark, of it Ing illn ess. H e w as th e senior senator from R hode Island and chair­ Alexander, Louisiana, ap- :: man o f th e sen a te im m igration com m ittee. R peared to answ er to a charge R . R of speeding. KIxANSMEN AND ANTI-KLANSMEN SENTENCED ' Accidents Occur Over » She was arrested by State R Expert Says That Slayers H AVERH ILL, M ass., A ugust IS — E igh t m em bers o f th e Ku S ta te D u r in g W e e k -E n d ' R Traffic Officer J. J. McMahon R E en -------- w ho w ------- ------------------- ’ Are As Sane As Any , lu x R ian and fiv e anti-K lansm ---------- — ere ~ arrested for disturb- ( Rain Responsible R who took her to Judge R in g th e peace in connection w tih th e K ian meet in g July 31 w e r e ' Other Killers R Gowdy’a home. Standing on R sentenced to 3 0 days in th e house o f correction AU have appealed , SCORES ARE INJURED and are held under bonds. R the sidewalk in front of the R KROHN WILL TESTIFY R house, she adm itted th at she R Ten P ersons Seriously H urt in 80« HILE HOP IS FLIERS ONLY’ ALTERNATIVE R had "stepped on it" a little. R C hicago A lienist W ill R© Last P ortland ; Trains R esponsible R and was given a light fine. R Of S tate E xperts; Will Try ^'VAi HI? C:TO? ’ A u gu st , 8 ~ A direct hop o f 8 0 0 m iles from For A ll T h ree Deaths R R R R R R R R R R R R R R A fter inviting the judge and « To Discredit Theory ‘° Cape F arow on- G reenland, rem ains th e only London, Aug. 17.— The pact R traffic officer to visit her if tt LOS ANGELES, Aug. 18. __ hope o f the A m erican round th e worttt flie rs to com p lete th eir globe of London, m arking the success­ j ° Urne> .th i,s 8eason- th e war departm ent declared (S la y PORTLAND, August 18— Three R they were ever in Alexander R More than $12,000 worth of jew ­ 4 e CHICAGO, Aug. 18. — The A ra N o w as received from Com m ander Sm ith sayin g they planned persons were killed and scores R she was again on her way ful term ination of five years’ « elry was stolen from Mrs. Mors’ to start for G reenland as soon as practicable. ay. R stale today passed the third mile­ P struggle to agree upon means of injured i'n week-end ~ x - j ' ~ accidents R i R t ti R m R »t R »♦ R w R R ~ ö jx w jj body after she was killed, a tto r­ stone in its efforts to prove that collecting German war reparations over the state, according to re- ■ neys for A lbert Mors, the wo­ BRYAN TO R E C E IV E O FFICIAL NOTIFICATION Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb was signed in a plenary session of ports received here today. A m an’s form er husband, charged. were mentally sound when they conferences on the Dawes report LINCOLN, Nebr., A ugust 18— C harles Bryan, D em ocratic vice soaking rain, the first since June j The charges were made at a hear­ kidnapped and murdered little e n« m lT ’ WiH be n otifiM o f h is nom in ation tonight J it h here last night. 17, was responsible for many Proclam ation Issued; Clergy Ask­ ing on a petition for special let­ Senator I at H arrison m akin g th e speech of n otifeation Bobby Franks. On three crashes. Indications are th a t the At 8:50 the last of the signa­ ters of adm inistration to permit ed to Remind Flocks of At the end of two more hous tures had been affixed to the pro­ rain will continue for the next 24 a search for the missing jewels. P o litica l R lessin gs of hectic, sarcastic cross-examin- hours. tocols and only the ratification ation by Clarence Darrow, chief by the several parliam ents re ­ The three persons killed all LOS ANGELES, Aug. 18. — D iscussion W ill C enter Around defense attorney,, SALEM, Aug. 18.— Observance Dr. Douglas mains to be effected before the met death by being struck by E m ploym ent of Inm ates of of Constitutional day, September Kid McCoy, held for the m urder WOULD FORCE GOVERNOR TO W ITHDRAW PROCLAMATION .'lingei was allowed Io leave the Dawes program becomes opera­ trains. The body of Mrs. A. 1 17, by holding suitable exercises of Mrs. Teresa Mors and engaging In stitu tion s stand with his testimony largely tive. Under the term s of the pro­ Stearns, 62, was found beside the I in the schools and other meeting in a wild “ ram page” in which he ,I v » w 8 m LEM’ ? USl*St ,H~ ShouW G overnor P ierre refu se to w ith unshaken. He testified th at the tocols payment of reparations by draw his proclam ation clo sin g th e deer season now . tracks a t Oakland, Oregon, ap­ places was urged in a proclam a­ shot three other persons, _has nassin" 1 SALEM’ Al,g' 18-— The fourth collegians were no more mentally parently struck by a Germany is placed on a sound and tion issued by Governor Pierce exalted ego", which, however, passing annual allocation conference diseased than any other men who freight train. reg u lar basis and the gradual here yesterday. On the preced­ is no indication of Insanity, state discuss prison problems will be deliberately committd murder. w ithdraw al of Franco-Belgian F reigh t Conductor K illed ing Sunday the governor urges alienists who have examined the held in Salem. Thursday and Fri The state is ready to put on Dr. forces from occupied territo ry in Elm er Engle, 3 7, a freight con­ form er pugilist. th at the clergy remind their con­ day, September 4 and 5, accorc V \ il.tam Krohn, of Chicago, as Germany begins. ductor, was killed at The Dalles I Fearing th a t McCoy’s lawyers gregations of the value of our ing to letters prepared today by the last expert to break down the D ram atic Climax when cars were switched to a sid­ religious liberty and political h er­ would base a defense on the plea Governor Pierce to be sent to the mental disease" theory advanced There have been dram atic ing where he was working. Lew- i itage, and th a t thanks be given of insanity, the prosecuting * a t­ | governors of California, W ashing by the defense. meetings in the British foreign is F ar low fell from an auto and to God for th e free and orderly torney of Los Angeles engaged ton, Arizona and other westerr Hearing Enlivened office, but perhaps none has poss landed in the path of a tra ’n 1 states. government assured to us by the three well known alienists to The hearing to determ ine 'eased the potentialities of th a t of when the machine swerved a t a make a thorough exam ination of constitution. It was explain a t the gover whether or not Judge Caverly last night when the allied repre­ grade crossing 15 miles west of “ The plan of our federal gov­ the alleged slayer of Mrs. Mors. nor s offices th at the conference shaly shall inflict the death pen­ sentatives met to seal the con­ Eugene. Ten persons were ser- ! ernm ent, established by the sign­ The examination was completed was called prim arily to discuss alty- was enlivened by frequent tra c t which has defied the best iously h u rt in and around P ort­ ing of the constitution, was funda­ today, and the report of the trie Says T raining School P u p ils Turn­ Sim ple R ites Mark H om age to ^ ay s and methods of employing clashes of Mr. Darrow and Rob­ minds of many eabinets. land in auto crashes. ed Out o f School W ithout m entally different from any gov- of alienists is subsequently as those incarcerated in prison ir ert E. Crowe, S tate’s attorney. At T hose Burned in K nigh ts The plenary conferences was How Mrs. Stearns met her Proper Supervision erfiment attem pted in the history follows: some industrial job or at such the adjournm ent, the defense Landing C onflagration called after many conversations death is not known, The body “ Kid McCoy is possessed of an of m ankind— the philosophers and work as will produce articles th at claimed th a t Dr. Singer had between French, Belgian and Ger­ was found on the tracks at Oak­ the TILLAMOOK, Aug. 17.— Boys statesm en of the age doubted that exalted ego” . Continuing the state or adjoining states can reached his conclusions hy obser­ KNIGHTS LANDING, Calif., man delegates. As the confer­ land, nad it is thought th a t she a governm ent built upon such report says: “ McCoy considers and g in s are being turned out of Aug. 18. More than 100 people use In caring for their institu vation, not examination; that the ence went into the final confer- m ust have stepped directly in the tions. foundation could long endure,” himself king among lovers, be- the state training schools of this critical time for developing “ men­ th e delegates were, optimistic that 'ieves himself irresistible to all state w ithout sufficient supervis­ paid homage yesterday to the vic­ path of a train. No engineer has said th e proclam ation In part. Governor Pierce said th a t th. tal sickness” was at the age of tims of the fire which destroyed reported striking her. The possi­ it would end last night. As they “ In order to secure the per­ w omen and has decided evidences ion to prevent them from re tu rn ­ so-called “ state ’s use” plan had IS, which is the age of both the the River Farm s Mound barn last bility that she committed suicide came out they were jubilant. ing to crim inal paths, according to petuity of this civilization it is of exalted ego.” been in operation in some of th '■'oung killers and th at the dream How deeply the conferees have The report concludes with the the statem ent of Frank D. Cohan Tuesday, when services were con­ has been scouted by Oakland au­ eastern states for a number of necessary th a t all of our people life might influence personality. ducted at the scene of the disas­ thorities. felt on the reaching of an- agree understand and appreciate the statem ent th at despite his ego and secretary of the Oregon State years, and th at it had proved r Darrow was gratified at getting trous conflagration. m ent this meeting of the premiers w onderful privilege and opportun­ the delusion th a t he is king of E lks’ association, in the final success, both from the standpoint uto I he court record a statem ent W ith heads uncovered and bow­ has frequently attested during the ity we today enjoy by reason of Shieks, there ‘ is no indication of convention here yesterday. This of prison employment and finan by Jam es Quinlan, formerly of East Main street was the scene ed, the audience, including a num­ d ay ’s sessions. statem ent, Secretary Cohan sta ­ the work of our fathers in estab­ insanity.” of a costly smash Sunday morn- 1 cial betterm ent of the penal in Joliet prison, where he was an ber of “ bunkies" of thoee who A fter the signatures were affix­ Secrets H eld lishing this federal union. We ted, was on th e authority of the official, hut now a lawyer, who ng, when F. H. Cochran, of Tai- ! stitutions. ed to the protocols there was free Although McCoy willingly sub juvenile court authorities in lost their lives, listened to a should today pledge ourselves Under this plan Oregon would stated that 340 persons had plead­ ent, dropped off to sleep and ran 1 prayer, a scripture reading and vent of the satisfaction they felt anew to the faithful enforcem ent m itted his body to the examina­ Portland, who declared th a t boys m anufacture In Its prison Indus ed guilty to m urder in Illinois in uto a filling pump in front of a»h^m n. Several present them- a t the results they achieved. of every provision of the consti­ tion of the state alienists, he di­ and girls discharged from the tries only such articles as could he last ten years only one of The selva? narrow ly escaped a similar the Dix B rothers’ garage. I u m ls R eport tution and every law made there­ vulged nothing of the contents state training schools were lost be used locally and would be pur whom, Thomas Fitzgerald, had pump was broken off, and the Am bassador Kellogg lauded of his heart and mind «and reveal sight of and only returned to the fate when, awakened from their under. chased by adjoining states. Ore leen banged Darrow’s point was front end of the car which Coch­ th e Dawes report in a speech be­ slum bers by the crackling of “Now, therefore, I, W alter M. ed no secrets. The form er pug­ records of th e various courts of flames, they fled from the blaz­ ran was driving was demolished. gon would purchase from othe’ hat no youths of the ages of Leo­ fore the plenary session. He de­ Pierce, governor of the state of ilist remained in absolute silence the state when they committed ing structure. states articles necessary for tin pold and Loeb had paid the sup­ R eturning front Dance clared it was th greatest piece of during the examination, carrying some crime. Oregon, do proclaim Wednesday. Cochran had been playing at a conduct of its Institutions wliicl reme penalty on entering pleas cf constructive work in modern W hile a few more bones were Delegates to the E lks’ conven­ September 17, Constitution day. I out the instructions of his a tto r­ were not m anufactured by it? ? h i ly, and that Mr. Crowe, who times. • found yesterday in the ashes. Cor­ dance at B utte Falls, and was tion, thoroughly aroused by this ask the peop’e of Oregon to hold neys. own prison labor. This inter­ has termed th e Franks ease a driving M;ss Ruth Edmondson to “ It has the loyal support of McCoy’s attorneys have strong 1 eport, authorized th e appoint­ oner Wilson said it would be Im­ her home in the Bellview dis- ’ change of m anufactured prod suitable exercises in their schools ‘perfect hanging eaese” senteuc- possible to determ ine how many President Coolidge and the Amer­ and other meeting places in cele­ ly intim ated th a t they are pre­ ment of a committee of five to t r et. Th© youth fell asleep and i UetS ttOuld redllce the cost of 1 ,1 d Fitzgerald. ican people,” he said. He em­ were burned to death in the blaze. bration of the day, and th at on paring a defense built up through make a rigid investigation of the drove into the pump. Miss E d - ! stituU onal m aintenance and a< He believes the num ber to be phasized th a t the conference note the preceding Sunday the clergy psychiatric testimony, using alien­ situation and to report at a mid mondson was throw n through the the 8a!UB time wou!d provide em’ UDGF RAND HUNTS about twenty. was the first step tow ards resto r­ remind their congregations of the ists of th eir own choosing. w inter meeting of the officials of windshield, and suffered several plo>™ent for Practically all the Survivor R estless LOST GOLD LEDGE ation of confidence in the present Despite the fact th at an occas­ the state association and the ex­ value of our religious liberty and ---- - t. cuts. She was taken to the C om -! men conficed in the various pris­ day civilization. Visions of the holocaust, which political heritage, and th a t thanks ional new development is record­ alted rulers of the 20 lodges of ons and other penal institutions. BAKER, August 18— Judge muntiy hospital for treatm ent “ It puts in force a sound econ-i c'aimed the lives of many of his be given to God for the free and ed, D istrict A ttorney Keyes says the state. This committee was in addition to the governors Rand of the Oregon supreme At noon today, a settlem ent had omic program for reuniting the friends, prevent Joe Lynch, a su r­ orderly government assured to us th at the affair is the most tangled vested with sufficient authority not been reached in the m atter. the conference will be attended by court, Charles Oral and Leonard German industrial life by giving vivor of the barn fire, from get­ one he has ever had to contend to appoint a state parole officer, by the constitution.” the heads of many penal institu Foster of Baker are in Halfway her people a hope for the future, ting his rest. His tem perature is The car belonged to a Talent man with. to be paid by the State E lks’ as­ lions, state purchasing agents ¡or a lost ledge of gold ore that and an opportunity to discharge high and causing som e alarm . It named Booth, who offered to turn sociation, if such course Is deem­ representatives of th e several Foster found years ago. The is feared th at he was burned in­ it in a3 part payment for the dam ­ the obligations growing out of CONTROL METHODS LINEMAN KILLED ed necessary, if not, the com­ prison organizations and other party has obtained pack horses GAIN ON DISEASE age to the pump. the w ar,” he said. He laid p ar­ ternally. He is being treated at persons interested in placing the and will make a thorough search LAMOINE, Cal., August 17— m ittee Is expected to confer with the Yolo County Hospital. ticular stress upon the rep o rt’s SACRAMENTO, August 18— state officers, including Governor penitentiaries on a self-supporting □f the country where Foster be­ Lynch refuses to talk of the great aid in settling international The foot and mouth disease in Before the eyes of his bride of basis. Pierce, and see th a t proper a t­ lieves he found the ledge, near the tragedy. At nights ’he imagines disputes by saying: T believe the California appears well under con­ two months, Chester Sohnrey, 22, tention is paid to the children Fish lake territory. An assay nations will support the engage­ trol at the present time, and of Oroville, B utte county, was th at he hears the frantic cries of who are discharged from the state TOTAL OF $581,000 made at that time showed the m ents they have taken whole­ each week now is bringing orders killed instantly here yesterday those who were trapped in the training schools. ore to be of high grade. Foster when a power pole he was help­ barn. heartedly. releasing quarantine more of the Ben S. Fisher Elected did nothing about the m atter and ing to set in place fell upon him Sees New Day Lyncl^ was one of the last men SALEM, Aug. 18.— There are territory where the disease raged. Ben S. Fisher, d istrict attorney moved to Wallowa county 20 striking him on the skull. “ I may be over optimistic, but Announcement has been made in out of the structure. 84 5 inheritance tax cases involv­ of Coos county, was elected presi­ years ago. Lately be has been I believe this settlem ent is the Nevada th a t state will lift its H otel Men W ill Award W atches ing taxes due the state estim ated dent of the State Elks’ association thinking seriously of the ore dawning of a new day for millions quarantine regulations on Sep­ a t $581,000, now pending in the to W inners at .Com ing to succeed F rank J. Lonergan. FINES METED OUT ledge and has interested the o f people. I believe it is the re­ tem ber 1st. Most of the other TO SHIP OFFICERS 1 offices of Jefferson Myers, siate S tate Fair Mr. F ish er is exalted ru ler of other two men in the search. vival of the industry and tra n ­ states already have modified or I treasurer, according to a report M arshfield lodge and has long NEW YORK, August 18— Of- Judge Rand is spending part of quility which is so necessary to released their quarantines and It will be of interest to local h° re Frlday by th at ° f' h s vacation in this county. i , t n, L PrOminent fiSUle in ° reffOn «cials of the Dollar Steamship the happiness and progress of embargoes. Elkdom. Company were fined $18,000 by members of Boys and Girls clubs m ankind. W ar and animosities Of this 137 cases originated be­ W hile the d ’sease cannot be cannot continue. Nations as well said to be completely stamped Order Forcen to R etire From Of­ the customs departm ent on to know thgt the Oregon State tween 1906 and 1920. The OREGON LEADS IN Hotel association, through A1 PUT ON NIGHT SH IFT J charges th a t ninety tons of opium as individuals m ust live with un­ out until the cattle come from the CROSSING RECORD fenburg, Appenw ir; G eneral am ount of tax said to be due the IN W E E D FACTORIES had been found hidden between Pierce, vice-president of the or­ ity and this conference is the be m ountains in Tuolumne county I*rospeets Im prove ~ state from these estates was said SALEM, August 18— Oregon th© decks of the steam er Presi­ ganization, and other officials, to be subject to settlem ent of de­ ginning of a harm ony presaging a this fall, indications now are en­ has raised $100 to be used in ranks second to no other state WEED, August 18— To take dent Hayes which left San F ran ­ brighter fu tu re,” he said. LONDON, Aug. 18. — The ductions for debts and other pro­ couraging, federal and state of­ purchasing watches for the two care of the increased lum ber or­ in the union in the m atter of cisco four months ago on a world In closing the American am ­ ficials say. visions of the law. French governm ent has issued an boys and two girls scoring high­ ders, the Weed Lum ber com­ grade crossing elim inations, ac­ tour and -arrived here yesterday. bassador thanked the conferees order commanding the w ith­ There has been collected since est in all industrial club projects pany has put on a night shift in An additional fine of $400 was cording to Frank Milhollan of for the compliment extended to draw al of all occupational troops January 1, 1922. a total of $66,- at this year’s state fair. OWNERS OF IRON the planing mill and shipping Bismarck, North Dakota, chair­ imposed on charges th a t liquor America, when they invited Col­ in Offenburg and Appenweir, in shed. 000 from old estates th a t were The appropriation c^pie without ORE INCORPORATE man of the committee on railrood was found aboard the vessel. onel Logan, himself and other the German province of Baden. practically outlawed. There were soiiciation, and was accompanied The factory and sawmill, which crossing elim inations of the Na­ Company spokesmen said they American colleagues to partici­ in the hands of Frank Severs, a t­ PORTLAND, August 18— A rt­ Inform ation to this effect comes for a time were shut down one by a letter fro m .th e organization tional Association of Railway and would appeal the fine to the pate in the meetings. He th a n k ­ icles of incorporation of the Ore­ direct from P aris and «ays th at torney for the inheritance tax de expressing appreciation of the op- day a week, are now running six Utility commissionres. Milhollan treasury departm ent. ed them for “ the uniform court­ P’ rtm ent, claims involving $204,- gon Iron Ore Development cor­ the evacuation is to begin im­ days a week. postunity to encourage the boys has w ritten H. H. Corqy, chair­ esy and the friendly spirit poration were filed Saturday by mediately. 000. and girls of the state in the in­ man of the Oregon public service shown.” MRS. HELMAN DIES; France announces th a t the a ?foup of local capitalists headed dustrial club work. In addition to commission, congratulating the D unsm uir B oy Injured A fter .Ambassador Kellogg had by J. G. Edwards, F ranklin T. withdraw al of troops from the ILLNESS IS BRIEF these watches, it is probable that THREATENS TO CHOP Oregon commission on its activ­ HEADS OF WORKERS finished talking. Chancellor Marx, G riffith, Joseph Supple, W illiam province of Baden has no connec­ other departm ent winners will be ity in crossing eliminations. DUNSMUIR, Aug 17.— Billy chief of the German delegation, Cornfoot, Charles H. Corey and tion w hatever in the plans of the Mrs. O. w O. Helman, well known BEND, August 18— Their lives Credit for Oregon's record in moved before the conferees. He George F. H eusner. Capital stock government to retire from the Powers, 7-year-old son of Deputy Ashland resident died suddenly the recipients of fountain pens or 'm enaced by a man believed craz-j crossing elim inations is given by less costly prizes. Marshal and Mrs. A1 Powers, yes­ started talking and for 45 min­ which was said to have been fully Ruhr, which both France and at 6:00 o’clock Saturday evening, led by exhaust’on from combat-i Corey to the Oregon law which The watches will be formally terday afternoon was hit by a car utes discussed the various phases subscribed and paid, am ounted to Belgium agree to do w ithin a driven by W illiam Lebourveau. following an illness of but a few presented to the four grand prize ting the flames at the Wasco lake i clothes the public service corn- of the agreem ent which had been $1,000,000. hours. Although deceased had year, providing Germany meets forest fire, who wielded a double- mission with broad jurisdiction in ® u® ta *ned concus8ion of th e been in comparatively poor health winners in the industrial club de­ reached. The rem arks of the Ger­ all requirem ents of the Dawes The corporation owns 383 acres partm ent of the fair at a banquet bitted axe and threatened to cut this respect. brain but will recover. man chancellor were greeted with plan. for some tim e, her sudden de of iron ore lands in. one body, the No fault is charged to the driv­ m ise came as a shock to her be­ to be given by E. L. King, super the heads of his fellow w orkers ' in a letter to Milhollan Corev warm upplause by members of the Prospects throughout Europe er. ore being continuous over the en ­ intendent of the Southern Paci­ open as soon as they slept, fire points out th a t grade crossings conference. H undreds of people reaved husband and many friends. tire area in the form of a blan­ are considered generally better for fic lines in Oregon, aboad his pri­ fighters seized the Insanity sus- !■ on the 4450 miles of state hlgh- milled in narrow Downing street Deceased was a member of the ket from seven to 13 feet thick. real European peace than a t any DEDICATION CEREMONIES j pioneer Tolman family anS was vate car. Mr. King last year enter- pect and turned him over to for- • ways in Oregon have been re­ as the | conferees arrived to a t­ time since the war. Ce, off'clal8- Then they duced to 121, th e num ber of un­ The iproperty is in Columbia HAYE BEEN POSTPONED | born n ear Ashland, November 24, tained the prize-winning boys and tend the plenary session. The A speedy ratification of the girls a t a sim ilar banquet, with : lUr" e ln f° r a real n ,g h t’s sleeP- der crossings has been increased county, 20 miles from Portland conferees drove up in 25 motor 1865. The husband, O. O. Hel­ and one mile from Scappoose, and London reparations agreem ent q he m a n s name could not be from 8 to 19 Owing to the rain and difficulty man is the only immediate su r­ Governor Pierce presenting the ■ . learned cars, and as they were parked here, but forest service i Of p e im a n e n t'o w " ' " ' b ' 1, between Germany and France is formerly was owned by the Ore­ watches to the young guests. This in securing a speaker for the oc­ vivor. they alm ost filled the street. •"«" in the local office .f a t e d r has forecasted. gon Charcoal Iron company. year «the walches will be present­ men casion, the ceremonies dedicating been increased from 9 to 31. The protocol provides for the F uneral services will be con­ A nother international disarm a­ th a t Sheriff Bern E. Gard of the new community house erected ducted at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon ed to the high scores by one of evacuation of the Ruhr by the m ent council will likely be called Jpfferson county had been noti- the 1'mel ned Sprague River — Sheep ship, Oregon,City — Byrne Mf’g. Co. in the near future, and it is ex­ in the auto camp, have been post­ from s u a - , fune aï p .;ü r French and Belgian troops within and was on his way to take banauet will w ill be ho held h«M ments have begun over Strahorn plans to increase capital to $100,. pected th a t President Coolidge poned for the present. The date Rev. P. K. Hammond officiating. tion. The banquet the axeman Into custoday. It on Friday night of the fair. (Continued on Page Four) 000 and employ 300 men. road. Stock will be unloaded and 1 will take the lead in calling It. of dedication will be announced Interment will follow In the Ash­ was said th at th e man lived in later. held at Klam ath Falls, waiting land cemetery. (Continued on Pag© 4) Bend. for best m arket conditions. HE IS KING LOVE MAKER OFPROTOCOL stm OF SIN G E R I nse day SET GV GOVERNOR E B P 0 £ AROUSED BY SERVICES HELD FDR ................E 1 CLUBS esaate T axes due