D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the~rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News Wire Service) VOL X L VIL Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ART EXHIBIT IS ADMIRED BY HUNDREDS ENJOYING VACATION ----------- ’• PLYMOUTH, Vt., Aug. ¡ 8 16. — President Coolidge, 8 seeking rest on his first va- 8 cation since entering the 8 W hite House, began it by I 8 arising at 6:00 o’clock this 8 morning. The president and I 8 family motored from the 8 train to the home of his « 81 8 8* 8 1 8' 8 8 8 8 \\ itliout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma This is a proven fact. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1924 TRIAL HALTS NEW RESULTS C ontinuance S tate- W itnesses SAN FRANCISCO, A ugust 1Ö— A fter burning over 5 3 ,0 0 0 acres, th e great fir e in th e Stan islau s national forest has been controlled according to an announcem ent o f forestry officia ls. A force o f 450 m en w as on th e lin e w hen th e blaze w as fin ally encircled. ONE K ILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT . . T I\ L« ? If Xl ’i‘’. . AUKUSt 10— « " “ ».V B eatty, Olelx-rg logger, is dead and Richard B rem er and W illiam Sacovitch w ere in ju r« ! when an uutom obile driven by B eatty fa il« ! to m ake a' turn in th e h-gh- Tm» v T f ° V<7 bank a ,° ng Trask riv<* ’ four Tillam ook late yesterday. Sacovitch is seriou sly injured. east of Brem m er MISS W ILLS W INS DECISIVE VICTORY A ugust ! GLOBE FLIERS MEET WITH ANOTHER DELAY 8 8 8 WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. 8 8 A nother postponement of 8 I « the American globe fliers in 8 8 their departure from Reyk- jj, J 8 javik, Iceland, to the east 8 4 coast of Greenland, due to 8 8 ice, wind, and perverse ocean 8 ! 8 currents, was indicated by a 8 n . v u ~ , I ** radi0 messa&e received by 8 D «Uk?10J’0L President Says 4 the chief of the air service 8 Sect Is Not to Settle in- 8 from Flight Commander 8 Iva Martin Heard Screams Prior to Shot in 8 Smith. Lane County Apartment t TTm » . ~ I ** he fliers hope to leave LIKE CANADA BETTER ! 8 as soon as practicable, Smith 8 SAW MAN LEAVING 8 said. 8 Verigan C laim s H is P eople H ave "O f MRS. MORS TO BE RECALLED HEAD DENIES CALIFORNIA F IR E UNDER CONTROL Character of Work Superior!« father, John cooiidge, who 8 No New Developments Take to Any Displayed in 8 operates a 300-acre ranch. 8 Place m Chicago Court Southern Oregon 8 The president, Mrs. Coo- 8 During Session 8 lidge, and son, John, visited 8 PRAISE IS MERITED 8 the grave of Calvin, Jr., 8 DR. SINGER ON STAND 8 whose death occurred a 8 P la n s D iscussed for Next Y ear; 8 short time ago. 8 Leopold W ants to P la y P art of Interest A ll B u t A ssures Law yer and C ross-E xam ine 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 888 The a rt exhibit at the Civic Club House yesterday afternoon and evening is best described by the word marvelous. The display put on under the auspices of the W omen’s Civic Club Improve­ ment Club and Chamber of Com- merce, was composed of work ac compllshed by the pupils of the Summer A rt School, the faculty of which is composed of members of the P ra tt Institute, of Brook­ lyn, New York, and was of such character as to elicit warm words of praise from the hundreds who viewed It. ASHLAND CLIMATE NO. 296 PR ESID EN T COOLIDGE « âM i N ever extended a t any tim e, B ie n M isrepresented; Are Successful Farm ers 8 8 8 8 8 « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 363,233 VOEERS ARE REGISTERED IN STATE A lien ists E xam ine McCoy; N ote May Provide M otive for Crime CHICAGO, Aug. 16. — Two H cieu M ills, C alifornia school girl, scored an easy 6-1, 6-3 victory PORTLAND, Aug. 16. — Ac­ Moi,a M allory *« d efen se o f her title as* nation al worn la’s hours of furious w rangling be­ LOS ANGELES, Aug. 16. __ tive fears th at residents of Lane was an easy tween lawyers and alienists in Late deve’. oprnents in the McCoy- county might be amazed by seeing the Loeb-Leopold trial today fail­ Mors love affair and m urder in­ a colony of naked savages jum p ed to produce any outstanding re­ CLOSED SEASON EX TE N D E D TO SE PTE M B ER 2 0 * clude the decision to reca|, Mrp out from behind the big trees 4 C onstitutional A m endm ents and sult except th a t Dr. Singer, third Iva Martin, who said she heard SALEM , A u gust 16— The deer h u n tin g season , scheduled to were dispelled Today by Peter Many W ill A nsw er ho Annual of tlie State alienists, pronounced open in Oregon A ugust 2 0 , has been closed by a proclam ation S u ^ d 3 R ills W ill be R eferred screams prior to the report of the the yougthful slayers free from i by G overnor P ierce u n til Septem ber 2 0 . U „ l e £ h eavy rein s !Sn Verigan, president of the great Roll Call at Crater L ak e a t F all E lection Pistol shot in the Mors apartm ent Canadian colony of the much- mental disease. No extensive ora ' Lodge Tom orrow I the night Mrs. Moi a was killed In 6’ e of pencil sketching, w ater color, ^ ' !es s° Utb and east were drench-1 according to Ralph Budd, p resi’ This year’s hospitality confer­ which have appeared in the trial. ed by a heavy downpour, while When taken to McCoy's cell for poster work and lettering, the ' 7 " '? ° re «l,t<'r - dent of the G reat N orthern rail­ have over »8.000,000 t,.vested In ", ” , ence will be held under the aus­ Darrow has definitely decided the best the local w eather station the purpose of identifying him, work in design, in landscape The m arket value of Canada. That is our home, we mails ten days before the date o’ Mrs. Martin said the figure of tin­ pices of the Bend, Chamber of against perm itting either of the | could record was a “ trace of way. painting, the variety in craft work crops harvested this year will be are satisfied, and the people seem ithe general election. Commerce, which organization boys to take the stand. man she saw appeared “ more ram .” displayed; tie dying, batik, sten­ $2.000,000,000 more » than in to like us ” will provide the program . Mr. By far the most frank expert sotid and heavier looking than The following statem ent shows According to reports, ciling, stitching and wood-block Weed 1923, Budd said, and the value, Discussing the rum or that Allen will speak on “ C rater Lake th at has been on the stand was McCoy.” the num ber of registered voters was visited with a near-cloud- j Of the harvest in North Dakota, D°ukhobors do not w ear clothes printing. as an A sset;” Dudley will speak Dr. Rollin Wood Yatt, who yes­ Alienists Galled burst, the w ater pouring down in j South Dakota, Minnesota and he branded it as absurd. He said on August 12, 1924, segregated Included in the excellent dis­ terday declared th a t “ The whole T he State has called in a num­ play was an exhibit of the work on the organization of the state ea^ y sheets. On the Ashland-1 Montana a! one will be $250,000,- that many years ago, four or five by counties, as reported to the •hamber, and Pres'dent Vining is ¡ glandular system might be well secretary of state: ber of alienists who are examin­ of young pupils which elicited Klamath Falls highway, a laun­ 000 m ore than last year. fanatics had propounded the th e­ also slated for a talk. compared to the interior of County— Number ing McCoy, who it is believed by much favorable comment. dry truck was stuck in the mud One of the im portant results of ory, and were expelled from the Baker ................................... 7,859 Africa before Stanley got th ere.” the district attorney, is feigning The entire exhibit was a rtisti­ and had to be pulled out. Even the distribution of this vast colony when they attem pted to put E xam inations Vain Benton ................................. 6,4 30 insanity. cally arranged. Many tables and MISMANAGEMENT IS the Bellview district had a good w ealth will be a long-delayed it into practice. In vain did defense lawyers on Clackamas .......................... 16,06? CHARGED BY VETS all wall space w ere utilized, re­ rain. When the Ashland city “ We are generally said to bt C latso p .................................. 8,674 building construction campaign cross-examination seek to get Dr. vealing a volume as well as un­ 1 m its were reached, however, among the farm ers of the W estern the best egriculturists in the I Note May Give Motive PORTLAND, August 16— Men I Yatt to define the pineal, thyroid surpassed quality of work. Ju p iter Pluviu3 apparently step­ and Middle-Western states, Budd w orld,” he said. “ We work in- ! Columbia ............................ 5,044 LOS A N G E L E S, Aug. 16. _— have been burned by an ieompe- . and adrenal glands, and their Beautiful flowers added to the ped lightly, and turned off the declared, and this movement will dustriously, and know how to Sam Schapp, New York, one of (Continued on Page Four) tent and careless X-ray operator; ; conduct to human relations. beauty of the general scene. rain after giving the city a few offer an immense domestic m a r-; make our work bring forth crops. the persons wounded by McCoy “ I don’t know," he replied tc tantalizing drops. Members of the faculty, th« medicine ordered by the doctors , when the form er pugilist went on A ttend Pubiic Schools ket for lum ber from the mills of every such question. ROAD SUPERVISOR Misses Belle Cady W hite. Dor­ has not been given, despite num- j According to w eather records, Oregon and W ashington. a “ ram page,” today adm itted that . “ Our children go to the Can­ He did not crack a smile as he KILLED AT ALBANY othy H. Cother, Mary Seaburj -•rous demands for it, and some the last rain fell Friday, Ju n e 13. he “ might have w ritten the en­ The Eastern industrial section adian public schools. We have said it, and each time, he follow­ Booth, and Eugene H. Peterson nurses and orderlies have slept According to less official state ­ has been vastly more com fortab’y no schools o f,o u r own. We art dearing letters signed “ Sam” ALBANY, August 15— The sec­ at their posts while very sick men j ed it up by the observation that were present at all hours and to ments, the popular song hit, “ It situated since the war. than the Christians, and differ from others ond county employe within a found among Mrs. Mors’ posses­ called for attention, officials of no one o>se did. He had examin­ gether with hostesses from thi ain t gonna rain no m ore” was W estern ag ricu ltu ral section, only in th a t we do not believe in week met an accidental death to ­ sions. thousands of the American Legion heard yes­ ed and studied Civic Club, conducted visitors played in Ashland for the first President Bude) said, and the eating meat. We believe it is day when a large rock from a "She was a wonderful friend". terday from the lips of patients glands, at home and abroad, for about the rooms, explaining time the following evening. Pos­ large cities of the East have made wrong to kill any living thing. bunker at the county rock crush­ Schapp said when questioned ct at United States V eterans’ hos­ a score of years, hut they are something of the work. sibly th e song, coupled with the rapid strides in catching up with We do not use whiskey or tobac­ er near Foster dropped onto the a hospital where he is recovering pital No. 77 in the course of an still a mystery to him, he said. He Punch was served by gracious fact th at the last rain fell.-on an th eir building program. Now a cos.” head of John W. Nye, road sup­ from gunshot wounds allegedly added th a t they are still a mys­ hostesses from a table in the din­ investigation by the legion look­ unlucky day, has something to sim ilar opportunity has come to The organization of which Ver­ ervisor. The skull was fractured inflicted by McCoy. ing toward the removal of Dr. tery to all other experts as well. ing room. do wi,th the continued dry spell. the W est, and real prosperity is igan is head operates -large lumber and death was almost instantan­ “ I would not have hesitated to Dr. Yatt described at length Frank N. Gordon, superintendent, P lan s For Next Year call her darling.” expected. mills, has a large packing plant eous. Members of the crew at and Dr. C. M. Tinney, receiving what physical condition a patient The faculty has announced that The letter in question, whlen the rock crusher witnessed the and owns extensive farm lands. officer. should be in to get the mos-t acur- the school will be continued next Is in the possession of the police, accident. The company colonized in Canadi DAM WIPES OUT All of these things have been ate estim ate of his crim inal ten­ SENATOR M’NARY summer in the event sixty pupils was addressed “ Darling Theresa," Mr. Nye was horn at Sweet dencies. MOSQUITO PEST IS LOCAL VISITOR 30 years- ago, and jva; financed can be enrolled, and in view of reported, to Dr Gordon as super­ and was signed ‘Ram.” by the Quakers. The Doulthobor: Ilome, Linn county, March 25, the fact th at an enrollm ent of 30 intendent, but no action has been LA PINE, Ore., Aug. 16. ___ Schapp came here from New Chas. A. McNary, United States came originally from Russia 1 866, ajid had lived in th at vicin­ was obtained this, the first year, taken, the disabled veterans said. Yory several days ago with bis Construction two years ago of the ity all his life, excepting a few Their legal name is “The Christ senator from Oregon, paid Ash­ there seems little doubt but that Time and again, they said, m at­ dam at Crescent lake for irriga­ wife and with Mrs. Schapp spent years !n eastern Oregon. He is ian Community of ITniversa land a brief visit yesterday a fte r­ th e school will become a perm an­ ters had been called to the atten ­ tion purposes practically hafr ex most of Monday and Tuesday with survived by liis widow and three noon, having accompanied R. N. B rotherhood.” e n t fixture, making Ashland the tion of the superintendent, who Mrs. Mors, he said. term inated i.i this district th a - Price from C rater Lake to this minor children, Orville, Melvin prom'sed to investigtae, but no leading a rt center of the Pacific one-time pest, the sting-weilding city. and Ju an ita Nye, all at home. Si»«* E xpresses F ear results are obtained. coast. lum p-raising mosquito. Senator and Mrs. McNary arriv ­ “ We talked most of the time The splendid attendance at the P rior to erection of the dam, ed at C rater Lake this w'eek and about Mrs. Mors' breaking off B oa Seat Sale Opens BcptembeT exhibit indicates th a t Ashland FARM RESIDENCE SOUND SPANKING the bottoms along the Little Des plan on spending several days with McCoy,” Schapp said. “ Fin­ 3, at Mudford; Mail Orders BURNED TO GROUND people as a whole are deeply in­ BRINGS OUT TRUTH ally she agreed to broak with him, chutes river were filled during there enjoying a vacation and to be R eceived terested in the work and the many spring freshets, and later in thf while the form er inspects the road MEDFORD, August 15— Fire HALFWAY, Or., August 16— but she expressed the fear th at favorable comments elicited by season stagnant pools, perfec S tate ( bainber O fficial Organ D e­ McCoy would kill her.” of C rater Lake National Park. There are an unusual numbet Judicious and efficient applica­ the exhibit proves the success of of undeterm ined origin last night breeding places for mosquitos v o tes A ugust Issue to Var­ McNary is the republican nom­ Schapp’s brief statem ent was tion of a piece of hoard, wield,ed the work th a t is being perform ed. destroyed the large barn, a ware­ of inquiries as to when the sale would remain. The new structur« ious O rganizations inee for reelection, having de­ considered by investigators as the house and hennery and th eir con­ of reserved box seats will open by Fred Makinson, irate farm er, day's most im portant develop­ tents at the ranch home of C. J. for the horse races at the Jack so regulates the flow of th cisively defeated K. K. Kubli and upon the anatom y of Otis Perry, The August issue of Oregor stream th a t the stagnant w a ter Mayor Geo. L. Baker, of Portland, ment in the case. It furnished, son county fair. The early an- McQ’ay, between Medford and captured automobile tire thief, Business, official publication of PORTLAND SIGHTS have been elim inated, and thi for the nomination. they said, a motive for the m ur­ Central Point. Thirty tons of hay j "ouncem ent of the entries of 100 the Oregon State Chamber ol obtained from Perry a confession der — something that has been THRILL OLD TIMER were destroyed and two horses a i tro tters and pacers, and the prob- season the mosquito is a rare to< Commerce, is dedicated to Oregon in which he implicated an accom­ missing in any satisfactory form few calves and hogs and 250 i able entry of between 30 and 40 to fishermen and children. 5ONVICT ALLOWED plice, W yl’e Foster. Perry was PORTLAND, Aug. 16.— W. B. hospitality (booster) clubs. chickens were burned to death. running horses is responsible, ac­ TO SEE SICK WIFE sentenced to serve 60 days in the — and confirmed their belief th at Carey yesterday for the first time The Ashland Lithians get due cording to fair officials, as this Two cars and a tra c to r were .par­ county jail and Foster was tu rn ­ McCoy shot because of jealousy. M’DERITT’S DEATH saw the glories of the city and recognition. There appears a SALEM, Aug. 15. — Following No new developments have tially destroyed. The loss is es­ will be the best and largest rac­ ed over to juvenile, authorities at LAID TO ALCOHOL the beauties of Irvington, Rost photograph of the Lithians and protests received here recently been announced in connection tim ated at $4000 with $1200 in­ ing meet ever held in this sec­ Baker. City P ark, Lents, Portland surance. from Corvallis th a t Lester Beach an excellent history of the or tion. with the finding of a blood-stain­ Makinson, seeing the two steal PORTLAND, Aug. 16. — An; Heights and the Peninsula. -onvict in the state penitentiary ganization, in which is also de­ his tire, chased and caught Perry ed axe hadle. The regular box seats sale will intentions which au th o rities ma On the previous day 40 acres “ By gosh!" he exclaimed, ar tailed its achievements of the past of tim ber land in the rear of the open at the Medford Chamber of have had to charge Mrs. Nelli had visited th at city on several his eye wandered over the pan­ three years. The article was pre­ as he was scaling a fehce. Intel­ occasions during the past few McCay barn was burned. The Commerce on W ednesday m orn­ Proeasco, member of the part ligent use of the board and the oram a of hills, river, homes and veeks, penitentiary officials to pared by J. H. Fuller, the chief ef confession followed. MANY ATTENDED tim ber was ow’ned by J. W. ing, September 3, at nine o’clock. which ended shortly before th industrial sections, “ I think P o rt­ lay adm itted th at Beach had been fervescer, of the Lithians. Mail orders will be received from death of Thomas B. McDevitt Jr. W akefield of Medford. DAIRY PICNIC land would be a durn fine place The hospitality clubs repre­ now on, and will be filled in or­ Saturday night, with manslaugb allowed to visit with his wife, for an old fellow like me to live DEATH CAR DRIVER der of th eir receipt. Box seats ter, were dropped Wednesday vho had been seriously ill a t the sented in the num ber include thf DEMAND FOR GOOD About 25 dairymen from Ash­ in.” Lava Bears, Bend; Lithians, Ash­ TO STAND TRIAL sell for one dollar each, and all when an autopsy showed acute Benton county city. HORSES VERY SLOW land and the surrounding dis­ It was Mr. Carey’s first view In the absence of W arden Dal­ land; Berrians, Newberg; Cave­ mail orders m ust be accompanied alcoholism to have been the chief trict attended the Jackson County of a city, despite 60 years' resid­ G rants Pass; Umpqua CANYON CITY, Or., August 16 by a check and a stam ped retu rn rymple, prison officials were un­ men, CHEHALIS, Wash., Aug. 16.— Dairymens’ picnic at the E .ks’ cause of death. ence in Oregon. Since 1864 he — Dick Linholm is held here un­ able to say w hether Beach had Chiefs, Roseburg; Craters, Med­ Fifteen head cf d raft horses picnic ground on Rogue River envelope. Instructions as to Mrs. Procasco, who was held b> has lived in the Camas valley der $4000 bond for a prelim inary ford; Pirates, M arshfield; Cher- brought here by Paul Patrick w hat day or days the seats are police on a charge of possessioi been accompanied by a guard. country, between Roseburg ana hearing charged with involuntary rians, Salem; Rosarians, P o rt­ Ephrata, W ash., breeder, were yesterday according to Ralph Beach was sent to the peniten­ desired should be explicit. There of narcotics, will not be charger Billings. the sea. and in all those years m anslaughter. land; Gobblers, Oakland: Bathing sold at auction at the southwest He was driving are ten seats in each box. tiary from Benton county. There were over 100 in attend­ with m anslaughter, according t< he has never seen nor ridden in the automobile on the John Day Beauties, Bandon; Radiators, Eu W ashington fair grounds Wed Thursday has been designated Deputy D istrict A ttorney Kirk ance, from all points in the coun­ DR. LYTLE GOES EAST gene. a street car or elevator, never highway near John Day last week nesday. For a span of fine road ty. J. D. Mickle, state dairy and as “Ashland Day” at the fair, and who was handling the case. SALEM, August 16— Dr. W. H. viewed a m ajestic office building when Miss Bernice McCool was W ednesday is “ Medford Day.” Special articles are devoted tc geldings, 5 years of age, weigh­ food commissioner, and M. C. “ Because of the fact th a t I was Lytle, state veterinarian anr sec­ a num ber of the clubs, while all or an equally m ajestic traffic po­ killed and Mrs. Annie Ince severe­ ing 3100 pounds, $200 was paid. Jamieson, of O. A. C. were the Form erly, Thursday has been unable to get doctors to agree retary of the state livestock san­ licem an. F or 60 years he has ly injured. ‘Medford Day” , and Friday th a t the morphine was the cause itary board left last night for are represented in a g e n e ra l.a r­ Prices on other anim als offered, speakers, and dealt with the been tucked away in Camas val­ ticle prepared by A. N. Pierce, The state will contend th a t he “ Ashland Day” , but the associa­ of McDevitt’s death, I have de­ Des Moines, la., where he will at­ King Bing of the Cherrians and some of them in the aged class, necessity of cooperation and ley; then friends induced him to was speeding when the accident ranged from $5 each up to $97.50. tion believed the new arrange­ cided to charge th e woman with tend a national convention of m ake a trip to Portland. occurred. president of the united hospital­ A good saddle pony, 7 years old, standardization of products, Ap- ment to be more convenient. I the unlawful adm inistration of a livestock sanitary board officials. ity clubs of the state. proved methods of dairying were brought $15. also discussed. HOLD W EOGETHER’ TALE HARVEST TO CITY OF ASHLAND. RELEASE BILLIONS AI HORSE RACES