A M ä eni TWfic aaaK MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the "rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years M ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. J (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL XLVIL ASHLAND CLIMATE Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. | RAIN AND WIND DELAY FLIERS ANOTHER DAY 1 8 _____ I R REYKJAVIK, Iceland, 8 j I R Aug. 15. — Due to rain and 8 I IR wind, Lieutenants Smith and 8 1 ¡ 8 Nelson, American globe fli- 8 | j R era, postponed their flight 8 ' i 8 today to Angmagsalik, 8 i R Greenland. They plan to 8 j R hop off tomororow, w eather R ---------- i R perm itting. »j Ashes Of Men &l_d R a y A ll R There is still much ice at 8 , Endrocrinologist Says T h a t R emains of 4 Angmagsalik, but it is be- 8 1 Nothing’ Is Proved Barn Fire 8 lieved a landing can be *♦ 8 I ■ Glands -»r of Killers 8 made. R! HUMAN TOLL OF FIR E IS NOT KNOWN YATT DENIES World War Veteran ¡KLAMATH FINDINGS OF Gets His Wish To ¡M AK ES LARGE DEFENSEMEN I LIQUOR H A U L D E SIR E D SUDDEN DEATH H IT TH E TR AIL AND * That by Die With Boots On m m >i i Two Cars And Fifteen Kegs of Booze Seized by Dep­ uty Sheriff NO. 295 Cites Past Records In Accepting Nomination To Office VANCOUVER, B. C„ Aug. 15. R R R R 8 R 8 R R 8 R 8 8 1 ATTORNEYS IN FIGHT — Fate gave Thomas W alters, 60, of Vancouver, B. C„ his wish of DISCOVERED BY LUCK ' -------- ----------— I ---------- YVaa H aven for Itin eran ts; A gon­ Darrow and Crowe Near B low s as sudden death. A Canadian World D ietsch W as on S tage W hen H e ' ized Scream s S trik e Ter­ Tension o f Trial Snaps; W ar veteran, after tw enty years’ Noticed Cars; B ootleggers ror bo W itnesses Court is Suspended service in the British Army, W al­ D isguised as T ourists ters visited the post-war m ilitary KNIGHTS LANDING, Calif., CHICAGO, Aug. 15.— W ith the doctor owing to a slight indisposi­ KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 15.— Aug. 15.— Curious crowds from most engaging frankness of any tion. A fter examination he was August 13 proved an unlucky day various parts of Yolo County to­ of the myriad of experts who have informed th at he would live to for A. Bolla, of San Jose, Califor­ day continued to visit the scene testified in the trial of N athan ' eighty. I don’t w ant to ,” he told nia, and L. Mariano, of Santa of the disastrous fire here Mon­ Leopold and Richard Loeb for a friend afterw ard. “ I want to MAN KILLED WHEN W ASHINGTON, Aug. 15. _ Cruz, who were arrested here on day nighgt in which the River the m urder of Bobby Franks, D e . die with my boots on.” TR AP IS EXPLODED Speaking to a large crowd which that day in one of the biggest Farm s Company’s Mound barn Rollin Wood Vatt, endrocrinolog­ Five days later W alters, who R —------- a last night packed the Memorial liquor hauls ever made by the was destroyed with a loss of life ist, today declaied th at the whole was employed as a z6o attendant R GOLD BEACH. Aug. 15. 8 continental hall of the Daughters estim ated variously at from eight Agricultural Committee Is­ science of glands and th eir re­ a t Stanley Park, Vancouver, was Sheriff’s office. Day and Night Guard Is ? George Maysonaze, of this 8 of the American Revolution, in Fifteen bright new kegs of or ten to tw enty or more itin er­ lation to the human mind and in a shed preparing his lunch. sues Prospectus for Placed Outside Cell of R city, died last night of 8 W ashington, President Coolidge, moonshine, containing 110 gal­ an t workers. , conduct is yet so unexplored that He had a teapot in his hand when of the Year Kid McCoy R wounds received when a trap 8 in accepting the Republican nom­ lons, worth about 51,500 on the W here once the lofty barn no one can say accurately what a 17-pound rock, dislodged R gun set for bear was dis- 8 ination for the Presidency of the retail m arket, a Chevrolet road­ stood, there now rem ains but a MEETINGS BLOODY AXE IS FOUND PLANNED the glands consist of, or-w hether through a blast set off 136 feet ster 8 charged when he stumbled 8 United States, indicated that he and a big seven-passenger atill smoking space, approxim ate­ or not they have any effect on away, hurtled through the air, i» it ** into tbe sPr Gig. jj Studebaker were seized when the 1 d ic e Disprove Suicide Theory R B. Bryant, who set the trap 8 will conduct his fight for reelec­ ly 100 by 50 feet, covered with M em bers W ill K eep in Touch ih e conduct of the individual. striking the attendant and bring­ tion on the basic issues of tax prisoners were arrested. The ashes. It is the ashes th at are Advanced by Accused Man; W ith Various D istricts of This testim ony was in direct ing instant death. R was today released under R reduction, and economy. He an­ seizure was made 'th ro u g h the the center of interest, for con­ Are investigating the State contradiction to the statem ents R 5500 bail to aw ait action of R nounced his intention of calling alertness of deputy George tained among the debris from of defense alienists, who attem pt­ R the Grand Ju ry on a charge R another world conference for the Dietsch who is given sole credit the 500 tons of baled hay and LOS ANGELES, Aug. The Oregon B ankers’ Associa­ ed to prove th a t Loeb’s glandular _ 15. — ' 8 °f involuntary m anslaughter. R further lim itation of arm am ents, for the haul. articles of farm equipment sto r­ tion has issued a prospectus of activity was such th a t he was ear ul, in view of startlin g new The accident happened at R Dietsch, who was returning developments in the case, that he j « Wilds, jn Curry county, near 8 and promised to appoint a special ed in the barn, are also the ashes tb,e A gricultural committee for irresponsible. commission to report to Congress from Ashland on the stage with may attem pt to com m it suicide, *« the California line. of human beings. the ensuing year, giving an out 8 Says Roys Normal the needs of the agricultural in­ H arry Hamilton, alleged bad authorities today ordered two Speculate on “B unkies” Fate line of the objects of the com Dr. Wood Yatt said the re­ R R 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 terests. check artist, noticed two cars special day and night guards plac­ Among those who stand sol­ niittee and plans contem plated to sults of various blood tests, urine Coolidge’s address was quiet emnly beside the fire site are hay aid the ag ricultural interests of tests and the like conducted by Ashland O ffice Asked to H unt for driving close together, and ta k ­ ed outside tile cell of Kid McKoy, and dignified, and follows in part: “Light Com plected Man W ith ing the bumps with caution. The hands, who gather in little groups the state. boxer, accused of the m urder of defense alienists of Leopold and U seless M ustache” deputy ordered the stage driver and converse quietly while they his sw eetheart, Mrs. Teresa Mors. Relative to the purposes of the Loeb were those of normal per­ Mr. Chairman, Members of the to trail them, and when the cars speculate as to w hether “ bunk­ committee, the prospectus says: sons. No alarm ing, abnormal Meanwhile, the police launch­ Committee, Ladies and Gentle­ Who is the man with the use­ turned out of the road to let the ed an investigation, which result­ ies” who worked with them in the (a) To fu rth er the welfare of symptoms were revealed, he sta t­ men : less mustache? stage by, Dietsch jumped out, dis­ fields of the River Farm s Com­ the agricultural, horticultural and ed. ed in finding a blood-covered ax You bring form a^ notice, Mr. covered the kegs, and clapped Who lost the Saratoga chips? pany or the Sutter Basin Com­ livestock interests of the State of in tile Mors car, driven severa He said th at the blood jwes- Chairman, of a nomination f ir handcuffs on each driver. These two weighty problems pany last week were numbered Oregon. times by McCoy before the death W hile Barrister» Maul Each O th­ sure of the defendants is lower President of t h e United States. T aken To Jail am ong the victims. (b) To act as the medium for th a n ’ ordinary, but added that today confronted the Ashland po­ er Fair P rison er Makes of the woman, according to police Our system of nominations is not The bad-check a rtist was plac­ A lbert Mors, husband of the dead In the chaotic mass of rum ors carrying out the plans of the Ag­ normal, healthy persons had a low lice departm ent. A dispatch from Escape the outcome of chance. It is the ed in charge of the Chevrolet W oodland, California, asked the and speculations as to the probab­ ricultural Commission of the blood pressure, which might be woman, is scheduled to appear product of experience. Very while Dietscli took the other ma­ local officers to Be on the look­ le num ber of men who lost their American Bankers Association so ROSEBURG, Aug. 15. — Two today to answer charges of bur­ varried by emotion or nervous­ early in their search for a sound chine. W ith Bolla in the big out for the man with the useless lives in the fire, but one fact far as they appear applicable to ness. glarizing the antique shop which lawyers engaged in a fist fight method of self-government the mustache, and an Ashland resi­ car were his wife and two small he and Mrs. Mors conducted. stands out prominently. That is Oregon. an automobile held for security The tension th a t has marked American people discovered that The liquor was cov­ the exact num ber of those who (c) To render to the member the medic-legal battle suddenly dent turned over to the police a children. has disappeared, and the defend­ Axe is Mystery the only practical way to secure ered with bedding, and looked quantity of Saratoga chips, evi­ perished in the seething flames bankers such service as may be snapped yesterday afternoon and W hat will develop from (hi ant in a crim inal and civil action responsible political action was like camping equipment. The dently lost by a delivery wagon. and dense clouds o f smoke will possible in program s of agricul­ brought the opposing attorneys finding of the bloed-covered ax has escaped from officers, follow­ by the formation of parties, men are now in the K lam ath The letter from Woodland never be known. tu ral betterm ent in the various face to face, brandishing their fists nolice Were reluctant to state. An ing the arrest of pretty Miss Paul­ really contains advance inform a­ County jail, awaiting trial. F ate N ever To Be Known communities. analysis is being made, to find ine Paris of Toronto, Canada, ac­ .vh’ch til» y adopted because rea­ under each o th er’s noses. State prohibition officers have tion, as it says th a t on August 29 A nother fact is th a t the m oth­ (d ) To cooperate with other w hether or not it is human blood cused of running her car into a son pronouncid it the most prom­ A ttorn eys Near B low s been quite active in raiding b o o t-: 1924, the man with the useless" ers and fathers, sisters and state organizations in the promo on the impliment. The theory milk cart driven by Joe Heiden- ising, ami continued because prac­ The flare-up came during the Gggers here, while w aiting to tice found it the most successful. mustache passed a num ber of bad brothers, daughters and sons of tion of sound development pro cross-examination or Dr. A rchi­ hat McCoy is guilty of brutally j reich. testify on raids made July 9 and Underneath and upholding checks, and the 29th is still two those who so perished never will grains. A fter hitting the cart and spili­ m urdering someone with the ax bald Church, a distinguished weeks away. The letter in full 10 on bootleg and gambling joints and of hiding their body, is hard know the fate of their lost ones. M eetings Planned ng out the driver and scattering parties wa3, and i?, the enduring Chicago psychiatrist, and second follows: in this city. About one bootleg­ The bodies of those who died in A series of four general meet­ of the sta te ’s alienists to deny milk and cream about over the principle that i tru e citizen of a ly entertained by the police. ger a day is the record of the “On Aug. 29, 1924, a party the fire, with the exception of the ings are planned by the commit­ th at the F ranks slayers are men­ The bullet th at killed the wo­ landscape. Miss Paris drove the rea! Republic can not exist as a state men. passes bogus checks here under one body found Tuesday morning, tee for the year with a view to tally diseased. man, entered her temples without car occupied by her brother and segregated, unattached fragm ent , Since the officers arrived in the name of J. S. Brisbane, 920 but partially consumed, were com­ becoming closer acquainted with any accompanying powder burns mother north to Yoncalla where of selfishness, but must live as Clarence Darrow, chief of the Klam ath Falls, between 60 and W estern Ave., Los Angeles. Drove i constituent part of the whole pletely incinerated. the problems confronting agri­ defense counsel, was putting Dr. an exam ination today showed. Of­ she was arrested. f society, in which lie can secure A vivid story of the scene fol­ cultural interests and kindred Church through an extremely Cadillac roadster, 8 cylinder, 65 vendors of illicit liquor have ficers say that- it must have been During the trial which ensued been put out of business. About about year 16 or 17. This man nis own w elfare only as he secures lowing the outbreak of the fire lines; for obtaining the needs of caustic examination when the ex­ fired from a distance of over District A ttorney Cordon and A1 50 are still operating, it is the welfare of his fellow men. is typew riter expert and has good was told your representative farm ers, horticulturalists and hibition of tem per occured. He three feet. This, they declare, bert Abraham, attorney for the thought. looking lady companion. P er­ 1 arty means political coopera- by Joseph Brown, who has a livestock growers, and to extend had ju st confronted Dr. Church would elim inate the suicide the­ defense, came to blows. The girl ion, not as an end in itself, but camp in some trees close by the aH reasonable assistance in fu r­ with one of his own textbooks, sonal description, slender, 130 ory, which McCoy advanced. The was found guilty but as the ja i’ probably, light complected, wore i means, an instrum ent of govern­ destroyed barn. PRINEVILLE HOPES thering the agricultural program “Nervous and Mental Diseases,” alleged slayer, Albert Mors, di­ Is not equipped for women pris grey suit. Had useless mustache. | ment. If founded upon a great FOR TIMBER DEAL vorced husband of the dead wo- oners. Miss Paris was temporarily Haven F o r Itinerants and development of the various w ritten jointly by the Chicago PRINEVILLE, Aug. 15. — Ac-j slight kink in end. Any inform a­ Brown, a laborer himself, point­ districts. --"-i ma n , a nd vjrs j ennie Thomas freed and her automobile was moral principle and directed with alienist and Dr. Peterson, of tion will be appreciated by my­ companied by -’ „„e,. representatives of I McCoy’s &¡sUr tQ w,wni h? . ’ locked up. scrupulous legard for its integ­ ed to the fact th a t since there The initial meeting will be held New York. self. also the Sheriff’s office, j the United States fire service and I was but one rooming house in at Corvallis in connection with When the girl failed to appear rity, it can not fail to sweep on­ Dr Church said lie not ‘ I y ** ours sincerely, T urcu saia n© had naa not Earnest O rrick.” members of his owu company, R. "- siiiei to have confessed the slav- ‘ K nights Landing, with a limited the conference of the Oregon Ag­ w ritten V the mg, were brought face to face at the time appointed officers ward and upward, advancing al­ book, or even read i A. Booth of Eugene, president of num ber of rooms, itinerant work­ ricultural College and the Agri­ it. Darrow read from it th a t in by district A ttorney Keyes, in a found that the car. the fair de. ways steadily and surely, a ( the Ochoco Timber company, to­ ers num bering hundreds who pass­ cultural Commission of the examining mental patients, the triangular questioning, to reach fendant and her relatives had all mighty constructive force a glor- day was in the tim ber of Crook OREGON LOSES REP; 'ous hearer of progress ’ ed through K nights Landing daily American Bankers Association. staged a disappearance. the bottom of the mystery. examiners should always get facts l J t v a t . iS Whaf the Republican RAINFALL IS NIL county on a mission which may were forced to seek shelter else­ A nother meeting will be Held from relatives of the patients, C laim s S uicide * —. prove highly im portant to P rine­ l a i t y always has been and is ,O- where. at the tim e of the Pacific In ter­ and then asked Dr. Church if he According to McCoy, the woman PORTLAND, Aug. 15. — The ville and the surrounding coun­ ay. n full faith that ?uch it win “ For a year or m ore,” Brown national Livestock Exposition in had ever talked to any relatives committed suicide, then he ar- GOVERNMENT WILL old josh on Oregon’s clim ate and try. PROSECUTE WATTS ? theUb. ‘ k b P> dee P, y CO a 8C f 0“ « said, “ the barn had been used as Portland, possibly in conjunction of Loeb or Leopold. Dr. Church abundant rain needs revamping, j The party is investigating the (Continued on Page Four) the h'gh honor it confers and a ‘flerfoping’ place by hay hands with a like committee of th t adm itted th a t he had not. The last rainfall was .60 inches tim ber with a view to buying the PORTLAND, August 15— Upon Hie responsibility it imposes, I ac and ranch w orkers who came here. W ashington Bankers Association. “ You talked to the boys as on June 17-18, the only appre­ governm ent holdings request of Um atilla county au­ =«Pt it. nomination for President in the The num ber of men who slept in A nother m eeting will be held Crowe’s physicians, so you could ciable am ount since February. A thorities th at the government of the United States. Ochoco national forest, which ad­ the barn each night would vary in southern Oregon early in the give evidence to hang these boys” , light m ist began falling here joins those of the Ochoco Timber handle the case, complaint was «olvisi F in a n c ia l T rouble« from about th irty or forty to, year and a fourth meeting will said Darrow-. W ednesday m orning but the wea­ filed Tuesday by Assistant Unit­ It is easy to forget, but the company. If this deal is made it maybe, 175. On Monday night be held in central or Eastern Ore­ At this, Crowe leaped at the ther forecaster gave little hope means the milling of the tim ber ed States A ttorney Stearns impression which the condition of the barn was filled with men.” gon at some convenient date dur opposing attorney. W ith the for anything more in the nature aga'nst George W atts, 26, charg­ our country in March, 19J1 made a»it th e establishm ent at Prine- F it* In Panic ing the coming spring. court in an uproar, the session of a real rain. “Goose bone” ville of a"*yellow pine plant equal ed with transporting a 15 year old upon the people was so deep, so Brown said he awakened Just Committee Enlarged was suspended for five minutes. forecasters say there is a “ feel J in m agnitude to the best in the Value of A n im als and Property girl from her home in College vivid, so alarm ing, that it will a fte r the fire was first discover­ Dam aged Included; 1 0 6,703 In order to keep in touch with of rain ” in the air. 1-state. Place, Wash., to Milton, Or. ed by an engineer of a pumping conditions in every part of the not soon pass away. Over two Head Are Slain The complaint alleged th a t In years after the arm istice we were plant on the river bank about a state and initiate program s of June the young man, a student still technically in a of Wflr block away from the baru. ’ agricultural development, the per-, SACRAMENTO, Aug. 15.— The at Walla Walla college at College We J,ad no diplomatic relations “ The whole thing seemed en­ sonnel of the agricultural com­ latest report of the state depart­ veloped in flam es," he said, “and m ittee has been enlarged and in­ ment of agriculture shows that Place, lured the girl from her I with Turkey. Greece '¡¡« ¿ s T fc o ? men were rushing from the blaz­ cludes a member from every dis- the« appraised value of all live­ home and took her in an automo- umbia, or Mexico and ‘he F-.r ing structure in a panic. But j trcit. stock destroyed to date in the hie to the Oregon town. Short- East was causing ¿rave a^prehen- the num ber I saw leaving the j W. H Gore, president of the Itinerant U ses A utom obile Crank TOKIO HAS EARTHQUAKE campaign to control the foot and y after that he was apprehended sions. In raisillK an