Two ÀSHtÀîffc Î>ÂÎLŸ M Ô ÎW ASH LAN D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Wednesday, August ö, lf t U PURELY PERSONAL MAN CHOKES WILDCAT pear and make objection thereto SNARED IN W IRE b fere the Common Council a t the j t (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) C’ty Hall, a t 8:30 o’clock P. M .J To San Francisco — P u b lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. Tuesday, the 19tli day of August, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. H artm an AuS- 5-— Yictor Douglas, miner, 1924. T H E A S H L A N D P R IN T IN G CO. and George Pettigrew , of the was driving with a companion in t Bert R. Greer ............................................................. iiiui E ditor .H u rtm an ^Syndicate, left yesterday • •A f B eat hero yesterday when GERTRUDE Ma^ °V' G eorge Madden Green ....................................................... ^.Business Manager | for San Francisco on a business a wildcat crossed fhe road in Recorder. Date of first publication, August OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R .................................. .......................Telephone SB, trip. They intend to retu rn in a fro n t of them and climbed on a G, 1924. 287— 2 Entered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffic e a s Second C lass Mail M atter week or ten days. , ledge of a cliff above the road. Douglas snared the beast with a Subscription P rice, D elivered bi City Rubber aprons, McNair Broe. long stick and some baling wire. One M o n th ___________ $ .*5 Three Months ................................... — —— ——---------- J The enraged cat sprang, but 1.9$ Six M e n th s.................. .................................. “......................... X’Zr a o P o rtlan d 1 Douglas was able to keep out of o“' ................. ' ' " " ..................d i Mrs. A1 Lowe, of Los Angeles,*'“ 8 Whl' G hiS companion tied By Mail and R ural Konten and Mra. Ton, G arrett, from B ly'i ™ V “1 the ''L " ,he c ar- One M o n th ..................................................... $ .65 - - tarougn A sn u u d He then drove off, pulling the dlVMonths h.S. 2........................... .................................................... o 'tn i pas8ed u nlay ou j b ea st from tfae c P ff &nd chokj 3.50 Í th eir way to P oruand One Year ................ _..........._.............. *»nere thej i d eath 6.50 ....... wm spend ten days visiting Mrs. j "____ _________ „ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: u u si i^diund. Loth Mrs. Lowe TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY single insertion, per inch ..................................... I .30 u..u axis. G arrett have many — ------------------------------------------- . , Yearly C ontracts: friends in Ashland, whom th e y ' FOR 8AJbE— Reed baby cart in One insertion a week 27H Two insertions a week .............................. io vioi. u , a few m inutes good condition, 733 Oak, call 25 ¡ 427-Y. Dally insertion ......................................... 287— tf 20 * - * - » » ...................♦ ♦ Guns Am m unition for thé H unting R ates for L egal and M isc e lla n e o u sA d v er tisin g r irst insertion, per 8 point line ........................ Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line Card of T h a n k s ____ ,_______ ______ ______ O bituaries, per line....................... - " H A T CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ~ $ in . .05 1.00 .02 H L eft Sunday-— Mia. in e ie sa Lowe and son Ronald left Sunday for Portland, where they will spend a week vis ltiug Mrs. Clyde Dean. rniidwH«« *u5u r® events, where an admission charge is made or s collection taken in Advertising. S e llin g H uckleberries— No discount will be allowed Religions or Benevolent orders. E. Shay, resident of Klam ath M DONATIONS " Falls, was in Ashland yesterday No donations to charities or otherw ise will me m ade in advortis- disposing of huckleberries to lo­ ** printing— contributions will be in cash. cal residents. He secured the AUGUST 0 j luscious berries in the C rater Lake BETTER IS A 1RY MORSEL, AND QUIETNESS THERE-1 region, but reports the crop ex W ITH. THAN A HO 'E FULL OF SACRIFICES WITH ST R IFE.__ ceptionally short. He had plann Proverbs 17:1. ed on spending two months pick ing berries and selling them in T H E H A R D -S H E L L H A B IT various towns of the district, but ‘‘Too frequently,” said the president of a large in­ owing to the scarcity spent only dustrial establishment in a recent interview, “ I have wit­ two weeks in quest of them. He nessed business men making wrong decisions that are readily disposed of the limited brought here at $2.00 ased on antiquated facts.” He followed up his statement supply gallon. FO R RENT— Modern 2 room apartm ent, kitchennette and bath, adults only, Vista A partm ents, Phone 122. 287— tf FO R RENT- -Piano, phone 40 ' 287— tf I or 432-Y. FOR SA LE:— W hite Leghorn Pululéis and yearling hens. Mrs. W. D. Booth. Phone 257Y. 287-2t N O T IC E Of F ilin g o f R eport of A ssess­ m en ts o f Special B en efits in th e M atter o f th e C onstruction Famous Korex Co., McNair o f a Sew er in Sew er D istrict Bros. No. 2 2 , in th e City o f A shland, O regon. W ent to K lam ath— R ecorder’s O ffice, Mrs. Louis Schwein and daugh A shland, Oregon, ter. Miss Romona Wise, went to A u gust 6, 1924. by asserting that the increase in sales made bv any busi­ ness corporation was usually due to some deviation from normal custom, or to some department from habit based on tacts accepted, in all probability, so long ago that they had become out-of-date. The habit does not confine itself to business firms. Too many people base their decisions on opinions formed K lam ath Falls Sunday, to visit and held long after the basis for their existence has be­ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. B arker. Mr, come obsolete. These hard-shelled conservatives wonder B arker is Mrs. Schwein’s brother. why success always passes them by, when those whom Rosalind Wise and W anda Sch­ who have been visiting the the) consider rash and even unbalanced grow increasing­ wein, Barkers for the past three weeks, ly prosperous. returned with Mrs. Schwein, The company president’s remedy for this weak­ while MiBs Ram ona rem ained for ness is simple. It consists merely in getting into touch a visit of two weeks. with people. Once a month it is his custom to set out V isited A t K erby— in his roadster for some nearby destination, with the Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Flagg, ostensible purpose of getting into conversation with of Santa Monica, have been visit­ chance people along the way. He finds out what a hotel ing Mr. and Mrs. Jam es A rchi­ owner, who also carries the agency for Fords, thinks bald at Kerby. They left Friday about the surrounding market for farm equipment. He for Portland, where they will visit friends before retu rn in g South falls into converse with two druggists who can tell him again. of demand in retail materials. Even the man at the gas station can tell him much of the automobile situation in At The Lake — his county. A party consisting of Mr. and The way to keep out of the rut is to k<#p in touch Mrs. Ross, of G ranite street, th eir with live men and women, to get their point of view, and daughter. Ju an ita, and Miss Con­ stance MacWllliams, drove out to keep green the growing point of opinion. to the Lake of th e Woods on Sat­ urday. They will retu rn to Ash­ land next Sunday. L O N G E V IT Y Figures issued by the census bureau as to the average From G rants P ass— length of life in the I nited States offers some interesting Mrs. Marie Wood motored up fromo G rants Pass Saturday a fte r­ material for speculation. Women live longer than men. The average life of an American man is given as 55.23 noon to visit with Mrs. W. H. Paul of 4th street, for a time. years, that of a woman as 57.41 years. Why is this? One unacquainted with the ’facts might have sup­ One o f Them — posed that women were the shorter lived of the two sexes. Although a Ford car seen on They are traditionally the “ weaker sex.” Their physical the Ashland streets recently can­ organization is more delicately balanced than that of men, not boast of being “ No. 10,000,- and is more easily thrown out of “ kelter.” They take 000,“ which is expected here to­ the driver has found a risks of death or disibility which the other sex is not re­ morrow, way to share in the glory. On the quired to take. Probably it is the fact *that they lead back of the machine, in gold let­ more shelared lives than men which gives them the ad­ ters, is painted, ‘ One of the Ten vantage so great that it more than counterbalances the Million” . physical disadvantages of their sex. H as Recovered— Color is given to this view by the disparity between Mrs. W. L. Moore, of the Bell­ the increases in the average lengths of life of men and view district, who has been ill, women in the ten years front 1910 to 1920. The former has now recovered. added 3.75 years w tile the gain of the latter was only 2.71 vears. But durinj that decade there was an exodus of Rack in Hospital— P a rr yesterday returned women from the snelter of the home. More are engaged to Roy the Community Hospital to r e s t { in business, in office work or factory work than ever be­ for a few days. Since July 3, | fore. Perhaps if this change had not occurred woman’s he has undergone two am puta­ average length of life would have increased as much as tions of the left arm , and the man’s. stum p is not healing properly. It would be interesting to know why people live M any R egister— longer in Kansas than in any other state, and why the 191 out-of-state perm its were average expectation of life for a man living in Washing­ granted m otorists yesterday at the ton is greater than that ot Pittsburgher. If the answers local bureau. This is slightly to these questions are determinable, they should be ascer- above the average. ained, so that the people in states and cities low in the P ortland— list may if possible, remedy the conditions responsible for From Clark Simmons, vice-president j their disadvantageous position. of the carbonic gas company, is) an Ashland visitor from P o rtlan d / today. S T IF F C O M PE T IT IO N Nearly every morning after the completing my daily S h ale C i t y __ dozen exercises, writes Fred Kelly in The Nation’s Busi­ From Mr. and Mrs. W right Fairfowl ness. I devote a few minutes to being thankful that I am were Ashland visitors yesterday not in business competition with Henry Ford. I should from Shale City. greatly dislike to have to depend for my living on guess­ ing wliat Henry is likely to do. Several manufacturers is m— Miss Loraine Brookm iller has of ti actors went into bankruptcy a time ago, because been ill th e past few days, and they were unable to cope with the problem of anticipa­ according to reports. Is not 1m- tion of Henry’s canny moves. According to the story ’ provlhg. here is what happened. ’ Henry determined that a clever way to introduce his On Vacation— tractor during one year would be to sell it at a big loss The Rev. and Mrs. J. C. M ergler and children left today on a thre? and checked this loss against his income tax. In that way row on a three week’s trip to the he would be no worse off than if he made a profit on the coast. tractors and turned part of the profits over to the govern­ ment to be wasted by an incompetent Congress. The plan To Copper— worked nicely for Henry, but it was rough on his com­ Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Orres, and Edna, drove to Copper, petitors, not financially able to operate at a big loss, i daughter, Ca.-ifornia, to visit friends over But here was the surprising thing: By selling his Sunday. They report fairly good tractors at a loss Henry was able to achieve quantity roads the entire distnace. production on a scale that would have taken several saiem-T n w -------------- years of ordinary selling methods. In consequence, he I opera,or, ’"¿.’X " was soon able to establish economies by which he could • nouncement th at he w ith some still maintain about the same price but no longer at a loss otber interested parties, has fur- I repeat that I should shrink from entering into too nished the funds for tak,ng of an spirited competition with a fellow like that ° option on m achinery for a linen • mill in Salem. Season FOR SALE— Household furni- tu re ’ 1 F ° rd c ar’ A_1 condIt5on - 1 Chest of carPenter tools a11 kinds, about "**''” * 10 ’ n tier hard wood " and g ar­ den tools. F. Sowash, Talent. Ore. 287— 3* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th a t the Board of Viewers ap­ pointed to determ ine and assess the special benefits in the m at­ te r of the construction of a sewer on Beach Street, In Sewer Dis­ trict No. 22, hav© filed th eir re­ port with th e City Recorder for the inspection of any person in­ terested, and any person or p er­ sons aggrieved thereby may ap- Simpson’s Hardware An Egyptian Mausoleum, Reminding us of the Vyramds of Egypt Winchester Store . T-he Mausoleum combines the following- special features and advantages. F razier & S on The Structure possesses legal land rights and cannot be moved insuring- the greatest sanitary protection. ’ in5unnS Feed and Groceries We are selling -Flour at the old price, $2.00 for 49 lbs, every sack guaran­ teed. The best alfalfa hav at $23.00 per ton. We have mill-run bran, wheat shorts, whole corn, crushed corn, whole oats, roll oats and roll barlev. •F razier & S on Appeals to people of tender, loving thoughts who wish to make a r,?r™ nent record for themselves and loved ones th a ; they tad on£™ en active among their brothers and friends. The co-operative plan of financing and management makes it the « economical and permanent interment method. t. The erection of the building is progressing rapidly. T' “\ St r n X IIS V ! ," 0?’ 1>eing i" 1' 1 ,llOKl' " ''a >»'•« net's,.,.,, .......... struction of the biggest, little buidllng In .Southern Oregon sh„„l,I make a v,s,t to Mountain View cemetery after working hour, ' , spect the most modem and sanitary meth„f Intern,e ’ „d, as are practiced ,n Europe and all larger cities of the I „¡ted Smtes there being more than 2,000 of these mausoleums ' Phone 214— SUS E. Main St. O DD P IE C E S O F F U R N IT U R E Very few homes ar© w ithout the need of -a dresser, an extra chair, another bed or some other piece of furniture. Now is the tim e to add this extra piece cf fu rn itu re, and we will be glad to show you our stock of w hatever you need m th e fu rn itu re line. .JS Swenson & Feebler B ig g est H o m e F urn ish ers in A s h la n d going away t-G I^OrtlaUi 4 $13.75 to p ort; Zojy Toundtrip feres r.f Satureia $16.50 urn, sold on Fridays, ys. Return limit 16days. to P orth return, so ld any day. Return : .onths, not to exceed Octobc: -, Stop over anywhere. T hese fz « represent lower cost trans­ portation ti an any other form which is comparable in convenience and comfort. A»k agent for full information Southern Pacific G. N. Kramer, Local Agent. Phone 14 or 43 Along The Road E are all travelers along life’s cions ¡ 1 I Whether you plan to buy a whole Ham—a few slices for frying or broiling—a butt for baking or a shank for boiling you will always get the greatest satisfaction by always asking fo r Frye’s “Deli­ cious’’ Brand. Frye’s “Delicious’’ Ham is tender and juicy because it is prepared exclusively from the choicest young grain-fed porkers and the exclusive Frye cu rin g process preserves and enhances all the original flavor and deli­ cate texture. All Frye’s “Delicious” Hams are prepared under the most scrupu­ lously sanitary conditions and the Brand Name “Delicious” burnt right into the rind and appearing on the parchment wrapper is your safe-guard of quality and purity. A nd F r y e s D e lic io u s ’ Brand Bacon is equally as good as the Ham. It bears the sam e nam e because it is selected and prepared w ith the sam e exacting care and the high quality in these H am s and Bacons NEVER VA RIES. F ry e s Meat Guide will be found invaluable in any kitchen. A c o l l e c t i o n of original recipes and a prac­ tical guide for the cutting and preparing of all meats. Send 2c for postage to Frye & Co., Seattle, and receive your copy by return. road. Debt is the burden that rides you. The savings account is something for you to ride on. D The Citizens Bank of Ashland A sh lan d , O regon B u y H am s and B acon b y th is B rand N a m e — y ou w ill find them “ E V E R Y T H IN G T H E N A M E IM P L IE S” 2 4 -2 0