Fimi m uet ÀsfiWrb D aîlÿ TtntkäH Classified Column 1- OR SALE — Anacona cock*1 * rels. Fine ones. Call Phone 4F12. 285-3* 5. 1024 S O C IE T Y P ile Sufferers « - ~ - - - seek 3u&tIce a t his own hands; the proposed survev. Mrs. Crowson’s sister Mrs. Good-1 nevertheless, then e is much spec­ Cl« Mined Colnmn Rates Prom inent harbor and highway FOR SALE — Used bicycle, in man to the Plaza for dainty re ulation as to w hat will eventually MRS. GRÂCE E. ANDREWS, Editor One cent the word each good shape. A bargain. See it suporpters in Ashland, Gold freshmentB. Phone Items to her at 345-R, between lo a . M. and Î P. M i come out of the com m ander’s pro- Beach, G iants Pass, Klamath time. 520 Elizabeth. Phone 359L. v • • • and evenings. ' cedure. _____ _____ , , Falls, Marshfield, Medford and To run every Issue for one 284-3* — • « » < Doctor discovers real remedy ♦ > «- Open House— r-i V , V While Hawley was an Ameri- KP°?ntS i SVe announced th ey ' that 'ac'tuaHy ^ ¡ s " pr ^ and month or more, the word The Civic Club is holding open can, he ws CALENDAR OP THE W EEK FOR SALE— Thorobred Airdale divided into p arts: ’•Time” ; Tal­ *’as employed by a British " i-l be here for the August 16th sorbs them each time. never to return. This firm, and thus the British des- puppies, now on display at John-i Tuesday, August 5. Open House, e n t” : and “ Money” were each house as planned today. ing. An effort is being made No man or woman need suffer feature of the sum m er’s plan is troyer had an interest in the mat Civic Club, Three P. M. considered. - . son’s pool hall. Females >5; - r a c e ’ll ? e attPndanee of 8ev- another hour from any pain, sore- Males ten to twenty five. H. M. I Friday, A ugust 8. Home Mis­ FOR RENT The devotionals, scripture read­ proving quite a popular one and ter. As soon as the news reach * knoun public officials, ness or d stress arising from Hem- many are taking advantage of ' taKin« advantage of td the American Consul at Chung, Painter, 233 G ranite St. 285-6* sionary Society of the M. E. ing, prayer and song, preceded I .be regular program . ! ‘he >° visit the club king. Mr. Clarence J. Splker Jm- FOR R E N T — Four-room fu r­ ~ , orrlioids or Piles now that til's —----------- -------------------------------| Church, 2:30 P. M. Meets at Mrs. IO R SALE — Good leant and; W heeler’s, N. Main Street. nished bungalow on Upper Gran­ Mrs. Cooper read a poem. " T h e ! J.?."3e.i.a.?„ the SOClal hour mediately went aboaid the U. SAVES BABIES, h e lp s grow n- wonderful prescription known as I M - -- S. their friends. ite. Call 440J. 285-2t harness. On Moore place in Bell- ! Friday, August 8. All day m eet­ Discontented Cypher” , which was with SUPPOSITORIES can be Tr A Monocacy and stalled for Wanh ups, c o m fo rts eld erly p e o p le. view district, L. E. Tracy. 285-3* ing of the Ladies Aid. Junior Hostesses are always present sien. The incident was finished For cholera infantum, summer com- of)tained for a moderate price at very much to the point. Mrs. FOR RENT— Large airy, well plaint, weakening diarrhoea—use any first-class drug store on the to receive and to show the stran- however, when he got there, but Ed K ilgore gave “ W here Love is K )R SALE — Two milk cows room, Presbyterian church. furnished front room, >10 p e r' ger the Club House of which all Saturday, A ugust 9. G. A. R. God is”, and Mrs. Floyd Pittman he was assured by the Szechuan C H A M B E R L A IN ’S money back is dissatisfied plan. at 1150 Oak St. 284-3* month. 62 Fourth St. Armory, Afternoon. You’ll be amazed to see how j read “ Does is Pay— this Tithing are justly proud. officials that Americans would be C O L I C a n d D I A R R H O E A • • • REM EDY quickly it acts. Blessed re l’ef of­ Wednesday, August 20 Upper j Business” and the burden of proof FOR REN T:— Furnished 2- FOR SALE — Dry w’ood, pine. properly protected in the future. Take in a little sweetened water. A ttend In stitu te -— ten comes in an hour; even in room apartm ent, Blackstone Ho- i O ak- laurel and m anzanita. P h o n e' Va,,ey Community Club. Never fails. j seemed to indicate it does. One of the group of ladies a t ­ cases pf long standing with pro­ tel, 349 E. Main. 283-6tf 341-J - 284-tf ! “ W here ^Religion Speaks for tending the Home M akers’ Insti­ fuse bleeding, really wonderful Itself” , was a resume of the wprk FOR SALE Cheap— 1917 Ford S u ,Prise P a r t y - FOR RENT — Fine new s.uits tute at G rants Pass from Bell­ results have been accomplished. A very complete surprise was* in Mexico, told by Mrs. F rank view was inadvertently omitted with sleeping porches in Lithia touring car. Inquire Park Gar­ Remember the name, MOAVA Shaffer. A partm ents, half block from En­ age- 284-3t planned by the members of the in speaking of the attendance last SUPPOSITORIES, and be sure to “ Hidden Answers” , which cov­ School Board for Superintendent week. ders store— get your selection follow the simple directions that FOR SALF— 1921 Ford to u r­ and Mrs. G. A. Briscoe last F ri­ ered the missionary field of the now, Four-Site Realty Agency. ■ Those there were, Mrs. C. A. come in each box. East Side P har­ church was led by Miss May Bene­ ing with starter. Priced low. Park day evening. Medford, or see Beaver Realty Brown, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. J. E. macy will supply you. Mail orders Garage. 2S4-3t They were expecting Mr. and dict. The responses were given Gowland, Mrs. A. C. Joy and Mrs. Co. 284-tf accepted. by Mrs. K atherine Morrison, Mrd Mrs. II. C. Galey to call, bu t im­ W right. WANTEDtCook for Blair Gran­ R. L. Burdic, Mrs. Jeanie Putm an FOR RENT — A partm ents, 3- There were a num ber from Val­ ite Co. Rt. 1, Box 129. 283-3* agine their surprise when very and Mrs. W illiam Hedrick. rooms, bath room and pantry, PORT ORFORD, Ore. Aug. 6. shortly the personnel of the Board ley View attending, some for the The local church was asked to completely furnished for house­ FOR SALE— R. I. Red fryers with th eir wives arrived all b ear­ (Special) Plans for a meeting entire week. keeping except bedding and lin­ milk fed, crate fattened, Maxe- i ing "joke gifts” , which occas­ prepare a box to send to Salem, by of^the Southern Highway Tì eSejlaÌ Ì ! 8_WÌ,L 8ÌVe a repOrt ! Association here Oregon on en ideal location, 5 m inutes walk don3, 977 B St. 271— 2mo* ioned .a great deal of m errim ent for th a t church to forw ard to the of the different phases of the Saturday, The Universal Electric front business center. Phone —— ————------------- ------- -----' and fun when unwrapped by the m issionary, Miss H attie Mitchell, work th a t was carried on under August 16th, are being made by for use in her work. FOR RENT — Will consider recipient, 445-R. 284-tf President G. A. G ardner of Jack ­ Range , leasing New Lithia A partm ents j However, the gifts were not all Mrs. Cooper has charge of this com petent instructors at the In­ sonville and Secretary Frank De- stitute. FOR SALE F o L Zn n ’. u °r Part~ ’ for fu n . fo r- an expression of work and w hatever is sent, is to - Btii-s Medinin Ivory Sold by The next m eeting of the Upper Souza of Medford, the gathering n P 6a agency’ Me<*- I the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs«. be brought to her and she will Valley Community Club will be to be in connection with the Pio­ FOR SALE — Oat Hay, 314 ¡»Bars !’.&({. While Soap Rea' ty B" « « e »ve held they were pre. forw ard to Salem. The church is neer Re-union at this harbor on Garfield. 285-4 - packages I hipso C om pa,li’ 284" ' " eented with a very lovely gift from also to raise a fund sufficient to held the th ird W ednesday of the August 14. 15 and 16. month, August 20th. The hostess 1 10-gal. Galvanized Pail cover the duty on things sent. Since the organization of the FOR HALE — Good team and the Board as a whole. will be announced later. The Missionary Society is plan­ Chat and fun sped the hours, association here on September 29, w agon;insilage cutter, sweet corn, TPHE Ashland Total Value $1.30 ning a picnic for the second week but before bidding host and hos­ 1923, supporters of the improve­ brood sows. Leaving. Bryan one Engagement Announced— Electric Supply in August. The ladies of the Special This Week ment of the local harbor and the and half miles west of Talent. tess goodnight, th e beautiful new ‘W hat will come as an in ter­ PHYSICIANS church are to be invited to the 240 East Main St. building of a highway from in­ 284-3t* home came tn for adm iring in- supper which will be at six esting bit of news to Ashland land Oregon to Port Orford have --------- — ---- ---------------------— — i spection and delicious refresh- friends is the announcem ent of DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ FOR SALE:— Universal ra n g e ,' ments were served as a pleasant o’clock, in th e Park. the engagem ent of Miss Glenna turned their efforts toward the dence and office, 108 Pioneer in good condition, w ater coil, coal k l’Uit jars, jelly glasses The leader, Miss Benedict ap­ finale to an especially happy m aking of surveys necessary to avenue. Telephone 28. Office grates. Call 606 Allison street. evening; preciates very much th e splendid C hildreth of Long Beach, Califor­ determ ine the most feasible route and all trimmings. nia and Mr. Chester Irish of Nor­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 response in the program carried 282-6* Those who enjoyed this pleas­ for the highway from some point walk, C alifornia.” p. m. only. out at this meeting. ant surprise with Mr. and Mrs. near Grants Pass to the ocean. The Childreths were form er FOR SALE or TRADE— Twen- „ • • • ty acres near Central Point for ! Brlscoe were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Assurances have recently been DR. ERNEST A. WOODS-^Pyac- residents of Ashland and many Has two distinct advan­ McNair, Mrs. H. C. Galey, given by the State Highway Com­ W. C. T. U.— tlce limited to eye, ear, nose and Ashland property residence or i H. A. Stearns will be interested in this announ­ tages 01 N. M ain mission th a t if sufficient funds Inquire a t The Tidings, Mr’ and Mr8, V’ N’ Sm ith» Mr- The W. C. T. U.-was announced cement. throat— X-ray Including teeth. other ! l>respnts a better appear- are raised to meet the expense of 280-6t* aDd Mrs- Homer Billings, and Mr. for today through a m istake in Office hours. 10 to 12 and 2 tc office. am-e. and Mrs. Fred Engle. , a survey, the Commission will counting Tuesdays. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. * • • » I t in c re a se s th e v a lu e of place engineers in the field to run The meeting will be held next Ore. MISCELIaANEOUS th e p ro p e rty , j the lines. Dinner Parties— Tuesday instead with the same A very delightful dinner party program th a t was announced for Specialist Guarantees Relief DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic President Gardner states that FOUND— Ladies w rist watch. i the purpose of the meeting here and Electro-Therapy. Office Loser can have same by proving with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. R obert­ today. tre U m 1 *, i ? ' 'VP r r , ' ‘' y'' ’ «<•..» —a n e w tn te e n o i Ute«1«..'! * “ ll lJS -it : in w m in - August 16th is to consider wavs phone 48; residence 142. First property. Call at 204 W eightman son as host and hostess occurred The reports from the different U K fla n d IS p w r i’.ii.t. ( t/ 1 ) b r ill» f u ll re lie f F u lle r P a in ts a n d V arn ish es from c liro n ie A sthiaa in hours, o r i t cnnln street. W. N. Cole. 3t Sunday. National Bank building. departm ent heads will be made younothinc. Sol H o l. I n iit is t s s u c h n , Those enjoying th e ir hospitality then and it is expected th at there McNair Bros. WANTED— Children to care for were Mrs. Page and tw o-children, DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings will be a good attendance to hear by responsible girl, by day or Hugh and Elizabeth, Miss Amy office. Phone 91. these interesting reviews of the week. Phone 478-J. 279-3* Ramsey and Mr. Tom Hudson. PEKING, Aug. 4. — When work accomplished. DR. C. W. HANSON Chinese junkm en of the Yantze O ur expert doctors and surgeons, The afternoon was spent in the Do not forget the date, Tues­ Dentist excellent food, and quiet surroundings River beat Edwin C. Hawley, of SPECIAL.. REALTY ..OFFER pleasant visit of old friends. day August the 12th. • bring you real health, u Special attention given to pyor-1 We have a ten room house, Leonia, New Jersey, so badly that * * * • • • »•Si PINE STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver especially well built, ideal lo­ he died after being taken on board The P atricks Fin te r tain— Gathering of Friend»— cation, close in, unusually well Block. Phone 178-J. 23S-tf. the B ritish Destroyer Cockchafer, Mr. and Mrs. P atrick were host adapted for four apartm ents. There was a large gathering of For the hunter, trapiMjr, angler, pros...... W ith four sightly outside en­ and hostess Thursday evening at friends qnd relatives in the Park they did not reckon with the MONUMENTS W. L. DOUGLAS trances, exclusive for each >1 01 mountaineer, or for any hiker who wishes a very attraettv e dinner with Mr. last Sunday when the Nichols Hery character of the comman- apartm ento. Large beautiful det of that vessel. to carry a pack, it is (he ideal outfit and offers Shoes F. G. McWilliams and Miss F ran ­ ASHLAND GRANITE family from down the valley to grounds. The foundat’on and Hawley died on the 17th of ces McWilliams as complimented the num ber of thirty-tw o assemb­ .i eomiort in packing which cannot he secured MONUMENTS general condition of the house For Men Who Want July, and before his body had guests. is good and solid and by doing Oregon Granite Co. with any other type of pack. led for a reunion th at is an annual been in the ground a few hours • * * a very slight am ount of chang­ 8 . PENNISTON, Salesman. event in their family. Quality ing inside, decorating and the heads of two of the officials Guests at th e B urdlc’s— SEE THEM AT THE Res. 470 Laurel Phone 444-Y painting, we can guarantee a The wonderful dinner provided, of the Ju n k m eu ’s Guild were roll­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stannard, who was the chief feature of the day, rental of >130.00 per month are visiting here, were compli­ with the visit of friend and rela­ ing along the river bank. Still or with garages >150.00 per PLANING MILL mented guests at a very lovely tive during the afternoon as a more galling than that to the month. We offer this place for proud m ilitarists, was the demand JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET a limited period at >3500.00. dinner Friday evening at the very pleasant afterm ath. Biggest Little Store in Ashland • • • • • will doubtless have a decidedly) - WORKS, Cor. Helman and home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. the Shale Oil produc­ Burdic, on High street. that the two foremost officers fol­ Van Ness. 194H tion W ith Picnic Groups nt Shale City well over the top and as­ low the coffin of Hawley on foot * * * Sunday— sured a big future, a refinery TRANSFER AND EXPRESS to the cemetery. When a demand I- Trip to Crater Lake— to be built at the out-skirts of There were a num ber of picnic Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. town, the Carbonic Bottling A num ber of the faculty and parties visited Shale City Sunday. of this kind is backed by a threat for SERVICE. W orks at Pompadore Springs to bombard the city from the some of the students of the Ash­ Mr. and Mrs. Mark True with Experienced movers and pack­ well financed, now putting out vessel which has its guns already land School of A rt left Sunday Mrs. Jesse Neil of Bellview and car load shipm ents and ap­ I Pointed, it is likely to be obeyed ? ers of household goods. Deal­ proaching tr a !n load ship­ morning for C rater Lake. Mr. Robert Morris was one of the I «long the Yangtze. I ers in coal and wood. Phone ments, and many other things The first night was spent at I group. 117. in the way of improving Ash- Prospect. From there, they went They spent the day with a d e -• ma C(v tT'e that thC dead lund, all of which you know Office 89 Oak St. near Parked for assassination on to C rater Lake Monday. They lightful picnic dinner as an in te r-! as about, there is money to be Hotel Ashland will retu rn to Ashland Tuesday. esting feature. The plant was in-1 X n “ s J T * s *™™’ ° ther H made in buying Real E state in Those who made up the party spected and the various points ofi j nnkm Ashland now. 1O. ian afou* of these T. It, POWELL—-General Trans­ - - - | junkm en. As dastardly and r e - 1 were Mr. Eugen Peterson, his interest visited THREE ROOM HOUSE, City fer— Good team and motor gretable as the business is, it is aunt. Mrs. Loesch, Miss Belle O ther parties were the Fred w ater and lights, sewer paid trucks. G tod service at a rea- Cady \\ hite, the Misses Chapman Neil and Loosley families, the but a phase of the industrial re- tor, half acre of ground, close souab?e price. Phone 83. and Miss Stabtm iller. The last Herseys; Judge G ardner’s o( X s t o T a 'n T “? ? ' “ ' 11 ChlM ls in, very scenic location. Price A a num ber of! X sb n ilX e' h ° >1200; >150 down, balance, three named are a rt students. Jacksonville, and a number FEHIGE-ROACH >10 per month. The trip was made in leisurly others who mode the visit to th e ; tooI< Dla. . . ut on which Transfer — Express — Storage fashion th at opportunity might be holdings an outing with the picnic apo e est a century i CALL ON THE MAN WHO Hauling — Dray work of all given to obtain ADVERTISES view and feature. kinds. Quick motor service. Dry Resist Foreigners Ashland, Ore. -ketche« m aterial for these th a t both have done in their even the Chinese are less and less THE PARK STORE and quick service go C rater Lake pictures is very won­ . n d m o s t k ^ o f f i ^ e s U i n g h T S l n i n“ 6™ 0“ to the Shell Barber W HITE HOUSE GROCERY likely to apply sum m ary justice my own new building, ; be^ore Publication, WOLCOTT’S GROCERY derful. 'Shop. Ladies and to th eir own people as was their a * • adjoining my hotel, where pad- • * * H. B. PLUMMER enta are assured o f the utm utmost — ----------- ost wont in tim es past. • children get your hair i Missionary Meeting— care and com fort. Mrs. CrOwson Entertain»— W rite today for m y FREE It is tru e th a t the Oriental ap­ bobbed and maroel« The Missionary meeting at the illustrated book. F. E. DETRICK Mrs. Clarence Crowson en ter­ preciates justice which he can see led. Talent, Oregon C hristian church last Friday wa9 tained a few friends at a pleasant and which a head used to swing DEAN, M.D. Inc STEARNS GROCERY well attended and every one on afternoon last week. W. A. SHELL, Prop. H IL L ’S MERC. Co. by the queue over the city gatf. INO. OREGON j the Program was present and well The time passed happily in con -) it made a lasting impression Thus >532 A. St. Ashland, Ore 20TH CENTURY STORE prepared ■ versation and fancy work and at the execution of the tw o inn k m «n TALENT TRADING CO. he subject “Stewardship” was the close of the afternoon’s v isit,; on the beach In full sight of all Get Quick Relief MEET AUGUST 14 BETTER COOKING ELECTICALLY BIG PAIL SO A P SA LE PROFESSIONAL A Painted House J- O. RIGG Plaza M arket ASTHMA OF JERSEY SAILOR mórtoi rÄ « HOSPITAL TRAPPER NELSON’S INDIAN PACK BOARDS OVERLAND Shoe Shop Army Goods Store LOOK For One Week Only Aug. 2 to Aug. 9 BIG PAIL SOAP SALE Hall’s Catarrh Me«Ucinei of Proctor & Gambles FAMOUS SOAPS and we don't mean maybe 2 med. bars Ivory 9 b a rsP & G White Soap 2 pkgs. Chipso 1 10-Qt. Galvanized Pail Totai Value $1.30 E FOR 98c