t*a»e Two A shland A SH LA N D D A ILY T ID IN G S (Established in 187«) Published Every Evening Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Bert R. Greer ...... ......... ........................................... ............................ E ditor George Madden G re e n .................................................. ..Business Manager OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ...................................... ...... ”..........Telephone 39 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter p A ttf m tM M Tuesday, August 5, 1024 often accepted belief, the farm er is digging him self out of speaking of the m atter this m o rn ­ W ant a reliable kidney remedy? jtlle llole- He is doing this, largely thro u g h his own efforts, ing Riddle said: Don’t have to look far. Use “ It is tru e th a t I refused to re ­ w hat Ashland people recommend. and will continue to do it even if it “ takes all sum m er.” sign my position because in so do­ Every street in Ashland has its] ■The N a tio n ’s Business. ing I would acknowledge th at I had done something wrong, which iUUUj> u n iv n iv em iu bered u v ic u g graves r a v e s a are re Think how m any unrem filled is not the case. However, I am w ith men who once were called im p o rtan t citizens. re»dv to surrender the m anage­ ment of the home to my succes­ sor and assist in any way pos­ P o v erty has its com pensations. A poor m an can run sible.” on a tire fo r a m onth th a t w ouldn’t la st a rich m an five W illiam H endershott, prom in­ miles. ent in G. A. R. circles in Oregon and a resident of Portland, was named successor to Riddle. The quickest w ay to win a m a n ’s respect is to let him THE JOHNSON MOTOR case«. H ere's one Ashland m an’s ex-| perience. Let E. Carlon, 159 Helman St., tell it.. He says: “ I used Doan's I Pills for attacks of kidney trouble. ) Subscription Price, Delivered in City My back was so weak and lame i One M o n th ....... I could hardly stoop to lift any- j Three Months thing and I felt dull and run Six M onths....... One Year ....... .. down. The action of my kidneys By Mail and Rural Routes: was irregular, too, but Doan's One Month I .65 know you thin k he is a wonder. P i’.ls soon fixed me up in good C lassified ads bring resalís. Three M&nths .........................................................................’__1.95 shape. The aches and pains left Six Months 3.50 and I felt better In every way.’’ ! CARELESSNESS IS BLAMED One Year 6.50 Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t FOR KLAMATH FIRES Every S treet In Ashland Has is DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Sharp, of the Proof T hat simply ask for kidney remedy — ' KLAMATH FLALLS, August 4 Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ | .80 Kidney Sufferers Seek get Doan’s Pills— the same that I — Two squads of fire-fighters sent Yearly Contracts: Backache? Kidneys weak? One insertion a week ..................................................................... .27 Mr. Carlon had. Forter-M ilburn COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 4.— De­ from here at noon W ednesday Two insertions a week ......................... ............. ........................... ,25 Distressed w ith urinary ills? Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. finite signs of returning confi­ have failed to check the fierce Bally insertion ..........................................................................................20 dence of industrial leaders In the b aze on the slopes of Aspen Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising near fu tu re is to be seen in Ohio M ountain in proxim ity to heavy F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................ _.............................. 3 .10 steel and iron centers now th a t stands of yellow pine. Each subsequent Insertion, 8 point line..................................... .05 Card of T h a n k s ___—_______ ... __r. , __’ both m ajor political conventions A fire startin g at noon T hurs­ 1.00 Obituaries, per line....... _ ......................................... ..... .02% J aQd their clouds of uncertainty day destroyed a house and other are out of the way. buildings on the McCornack WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING Im m ediately after the Demo­ here, and last night was burning “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken in Advertising. cratic N ational Convention a t New beyond control in heavy timber. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. York adjourned the announce­ Cam pers’ carlessness is blamed ment was made th a t the Labelle fo r” both blazes. DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertls- Iron W orks, a t Steubenville, idle I X s r ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. for several weeks, would resume ACCUSED SALVATION operations. Besides the positive ARMY MAN GETS BAIL AUGUST 5 effect the reopening of this huge KLAMATH FALLS, August 4 i IS NOT THIS THE FAST th a t I have chosen? to loose th e bauds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed plant had on the industry itself, — Captain A lbert E. Hill, local ' several thousand men were given Salvation Army commandant, is go free, and th a t ye break every yoke?— Isaiah 58:6. employment. 1 a t liberty under $1,000 bail pend­ W ith three big mills in the ing his hearing in the justice ‘PROGRESS” IS THE WATCHWORD Stenbenville district alone busy, court on a statu to ry charge. He As the m onths of 1924 roll by and are review ed it the industrial leaders of the area was arrested W ednesday in Ash­ is ap p aren t th a t the y ear will prove the most eventful are unanimous in adm itting th a t land. in A shland4 s histo ry from the stan d p o in t of achievem ent the situation has taken on an and advancem ent. So fa r the y ea r has been fra u g h t w ith encouraging aspect. RIDDLE DECLINES TO Reports from Youngstown and QUIT ROSEBURG POST events th a t m ake for rap id grow th and advancem ent and vicinity are equally as optimistic i a t the close of the tw elve-m onth period we will be able A large independent Youngstown 1 ROSEBURG, Aug. 4. — Corn- to look back and designate the y e a r as one in which steel concern, which had been in m ander G. W. Riddle of the Ore- “ p ro g re ss” was tru ly th e w atchw ord. the m arket for only enough raw gon s ta te Soldiers’ home here re­ Two events of significance occurred early in the m aterials to barely keep the plant moved from office, effective Aug- y ea r and both were disposed of w ith a view to placing ln operation, announced a few U8t 10, stated today th a t he had days after the Democrats named ; refused to resign as requested by A shland in the v an g u ard of the progressive com m unities their Presidential nominee, th at of Oregon. The T idings refers to the voting of the bond buying on a much larger scale the state board of control. In issue prov id in g "fo r $10,000 w orth of im provem ents in would be started a t once. Certainly thiB particular con­ beautiful L itliia j irk and the to u rist auto cam p. The issue was carried y a decisive vote and as a resu lt the cern is not alone In the return to heavier purchasing. Advancing cam p is m aintainii its p restige as the “ best in the w est.” prices of raw m aterials used in The second e1 n t th a t m eans extensive developm ent the treatm ent and m anufacture of and expansion in trad e was th a t of the city n eg o tiatin g a iron and steel bear m ute evidence ty tlie\ co n tract w ith the T alent irrig atio n d istric t fo r the p u r­ that active buying again is in pro- j chase of 600 acre feet of w ater annually fo r use w ithin the gress over a wide area. Dealers in scrap, ore, spelter, I city lim its, and which m ade possible the developm ent and ferro-m anganese and numerous construction of the E m ig ran t creek u n it and the reclaim ­ other ingredients essential to steel B C R N A R .fi ing of the lands in Bellview d istrict. The bringing of and Iron making, confirm reports M ACFADOEN k w ate r to Bellview m eans the ad d itio n of 2000 acres of of increased sales activity. The scrap m arket, regarded a , the finest ag ricu ltu ral and fru it lands in the N orthw est good indicator of the tone of the! iUF°the ThUd ° f ^ e^P’ Wins Race! Sunday, at The Lake of the Woods, the row- boat equipped with a Johnson motor easily defeated the other rowboats, equipped with different motors in an exciting race. This race demonstrated the Johnson’s superior pulling power. OS LETTER WHY ROW W h ere Y ou W a n t to G o? The new lightweight Johnson Twin Cylinder Motor for Rowboats is al­ most as easy to carry as a pair of oars. A boy or girl can handleit easily. Quick Safes of Your Surplus Articles WEIGHS O S ? ONLY FOUNDS tZM CZJ Complete 2 Cylinder»- 2 H ortupow er S ' ‘ Take» yon any­ where a Boat will Float” J Takes apart a t one Joint fo r carrying in hanoy case. Drives any rowboat or canoe. Attached in one minute. T ilts automatieal'y. Real float feed carburetor. Quick Action Mnuneto. Con­ trol like auto. Wideapeed range Huns quietly and without vibration. L e t us g iv j you a free demonstration. for Rowboatt LET US SHOW YOU THIS MOTOR Is the wood-shed cluttered up with equipment which has a value to A. C. Nininger, Sport Goods somebody, but is worthless to you? Corner Main and Pioneer, Ashland. Is the store-room or attic filled with articles which are not in use? T tílh 'Hints Father of Physical C uïture to our resources. Then followed the hotel project, which w ithin less Mian a y ear will provide A shland w ith a m odem , to u rist hotel th a t will stan d as a m onum ent to the progressive­ ness of the men and women of the com m unity, and which will place the city in an advantageous position as the to u rist center of southern Oregon. To accom plish this, the citizens of A shland subscribed the en tire sum re­ quired to build the stru ctu re. Follow ing close upon the successful cam paign to f i­ nance the new hotel, came the box facto ry project, and let it be said to the credit of the progressive men and women of the com m unity th a t again they proved th eir real w orth and revealed th e ir fa ith in th e ir com m unity and its fu tu re when they subscribed $20,000 of stock to insure th a t industry. The possibilities tor be opened up by the com ing of the box facto ry are alm ost w ithout lim it, and bring assurance th a t the tim ber resources trib u ta ry here will be developed and m anufactured into lum ber products a t local plants. The developm ent of the shale oil fields by the H a rt­ m an Syndicate has attain ed wide proportions and gives excellent prom ise of developing into an immense industry. The B lair G ranite Com pany is constantly expanding and c a rry in g on developm net w ork in opening up m arble q u arries th a t give prom ise of equalling, if not excelling, th e finest in the world. F u rth e r developm ent has been recorded in our L ith ia springs and th ere is prom ise th a t these will be tu rn ­ to an asset of g reat value to the com m unity. The w ork of developing the B arron m ine is under way, w ith indications of renew ed m ining activ ity all over the d istrict, and it is a fact th a t ev erything to w hich A sh­ land has turned a hand th is y ear has been solved in telli­ gently and successfully and the various projects are com­ bining into a pow erful force in d riv in g the city and com­ m unity ahead. A m omentum has been gained th a t p re ­ cludes a h a lt in the m arch of progress. A shland men and women m ay well feel secure in th eir belief th a t A shland is en terin g the m ost prosperous era in history. . . . . I Make a quick disposal of these sur­ plus articles by using a classified advertisement in E veryday M ilk ? ¡¿UR. » A Engine Euan ;d Gasket Enamel Gear Grease pure as a snow-flake sweet with, creamy richness z It’s Nestles ALPINE rim Auto Enamel Anti-Squeak Spring Com­ pound Repair Enamel Neats Foot Oil Auto Soap iblii-Ditni i f 'Q fy Cushion Dressing Radiator Stop Leak Let all Business Men Think for You! tyO U R Banker, dealing with every variety of business, crystalizes the experience of those various commercial interests and their f nancial problems. Auto Body Polish Gear Grease Gun Therefore, we insure our depositors the sum -total of this practical experience in help­ ing them solve th eir problems. We invite you to make this your bank and prof t through broader knowledge! this A L L “WIIIZ” PRODUCTS — AUTO TIME SAVERS AND NECESSITIES First National Bank M * * * * *‘ * * I Leedoin’s Tire House t 1 M I I t t t I I I | | | | | ) Tent Theatre Tonight Jerry Gibson, who last Corvallis — Farm ers of Ben­ ton county to ship 3 carloads cat­ tle to California. Valve Grinding Compound Anti-slip Brake Wafers Patch Outfits Cup Grease I ♦ M GOLD HILL BOYS STEAL WATERMELONS; IN JAIL This week Gold Hill boys tried some of the stunts they had heard ‘.heir fathers tell of, and landed ’n th e county jail for th e ir ad ­ year purchased a home near here, had a thriving patch of w ater­ melons, but one morning he found th at not only had some been swiped, bu t those not fit to eat had been torn up. The sheriff was notified, and landed several of the most prom­ inent boys in Gold Hill in jail. After they were arrested, it was found th a t some larger boys had visited the patch later the same night. The little boys confessed they had taken some melons, but said they did not te a r up the patch.— Gold Hill News. Radiator Stop Leak Top Patch Outfits The Tidings ed venture. Whizzes! child m bed unless it d e­ steel industry because of the im -1 sires to remain there. When a portant p art th a t product plays in child wants to be up and about steel m anufacture, has been ad­ he is probably well enough to be and even when ill he will us­ vancing w ithin the last week or up, ually recover far more quickly if so, after experiencing a dull per­ he is allowed to follow his in­ stincts. iod of three months. The allopathic idea of keeping Heavy scrap buying by steel a child in bed whenever it is ili producers within the last fort- is absolutely against natural ~ — • J *tQ pond quickly to th e p ro p er tre a t- day rest and play th a t will be coi m en t if given a chance. T h e re ­ sistent with proper observance of fore, give no m edicines; learn to h a n d s off fo r th e g re a te r p a rt the Sabbath and yet m eet the keep of th e tim e; allow no unnecessary needs of the masses of the people. ag g ra v a tio n s to h a ra ss th e really When its work is completed, the sick child, such as needless passing com m ittee’s recommendations will th ro u g h o r d istu rb in g of th e room , etc. U sually all visiting be subm itted to all P rotestant noises, should be taboo. churches in the State for appro­ W a te r should alw ays be con­ val, with the idea of these relig­ venient, fo r a sick child should The ious institutions getting togetli- d rin k considerable w ater. m o u th should er on on certain certain rorms forms or of physical Dhvsical ' fully each snouia be and cleansed care er mornlng evonlug and m ental Sunday recreation. N ever neglect th e bowels d u rin g Golf, tennis and baseball may illness, o r a t a n y o th e r tim e. B edclothing should be ch anged be approved as not im proper Sun­ freq u en tly , b u t w ith o u t d istu rb in g day recreational games, according th e p atien t. Always have open to indications. w indow s, a n d see th a t th e re is a Leaders of the movement admit cleansing d ra ft of a ir. E x te rn a l’ there will be much controversy h e a t is fre q u e n tly called for, an d this m ay be applied by m eans of HELPING THEMSELVES before the problem finally is Iron­ h o t w ater bottles, by sa lt bags or W hile Congress was m aking its gestures to b rin g re­ ed out, but they are hopeful a by bricks, irons, plates o r stove lids. lief to A m erican fa' Tiers, A. E. Nelson, of Gonvick, M inne­ “progressive plan” will resu lt sota, set about to ncrease bis h erd of d airy cattle and from th eir efforts. w ith the help of hit good wife increased the m onthly milk check from less th an $100 to $308.80. H enry H ogem an of m at C ounty, I om a, was not satisfied in follow ing the pace set by his neighbors, so he sta rte d raisin g beets. L a st season beets gave him $120 an acre on 30 acres. W il liam Molison, an o th er Iow a farm er living a t Malcolm, form erly fed cattle and raised some w heat, hogs and corn. H e got out of the beaten path, increased his p o u ltry flock 500 p er cent, now produces tim othy seed, raises some po­ tatoes, and has been m aking a p ro fit by going ag ain st the tid e set by his neighbors. Jo h n D. B rad er, of Oswego, K ansas, rented out th ree-q u arters of his land in 1921 and has since. He is giving his tim e to d airy cattle and p oultry on a sm aller area. R etu rn s last season above feed fo r 17 cows and 350 hens were approxim ately $2,600. Two chil­ dren are in high school, his farm is p aid fo r w here fifteen y ears ago he was a renter, and he is president of a bank. “ The cow, the sow and the hen did i t . ” W h a t can be said of these fan n ers, could easily be said of scores of others, both in the surveyed area and in every county w here common sense d ictates th a t changes in crop p ro g ram s should he made. A g ricu ltu re is sick; th a t is conceded. B ut co n trary to the ill-advised and too They Are All A Brand New Version Of The Famous Play “The T rail Of The L onesom e P in e ” J. BURT BURTON Whether You Have Read the Book or Not, See the Play Another Real Piay With Lots of Comedy EVELYN KINCAID